Using Feng Shui in Your Bathroom Design


05 September 2016

Home & Garden


The ancient Chinese firmly believed that there is a spiritual connection between our fates and inanimate objects that surround us. According to them, everything in our surrounding radiates a certain kind of energy, so your furniture and equipment pieces in combination or in a certain position can affect almost any aspect of your life. One of the easiest places where you can follow feng shui principles is your bathroom. Why? Well, in the bathroom, it is quite easy to combine four natural elements and, this way, clear your entire place of the negative chi.

Feng Shui and Our Mindset

Setting your chi right may improve your finances, help you make up for lost opportunities and even act favorably towards your health. Sure, some may be skeptical about this, but even modern psychology recognizes a certain value behind this ancient decoration art form. Namely, our mindsets are influenced by everything in our vicinity.

Sometimes a cabinet, a flower pot or even a floor mat may seem out of place. As soon as we wake up, we go to the bathroom, so if the first thing you see is a thing out of place, it’s not unreasonable to believe your day may start on a wrong foot. This perfect positioning has found its appliance in all spheres of our life, including the business world. This, more science-backed version of the feng shui most commonly goes under the name office ergonomics.

The Position of the Bathroom

When first buying a house, you might want to make sure that the very position of the bathroom is in agreement with the rest of your home. What you want to avoid is having a bathroom that is in the center of your home. Other things you should try to avert are that your bathroom is near or facing the front door or that it’s in the same position regarding your kitchen. You want your bathroom out of your relationship and money feng shui areas.

Bathroom redesign

Making Your Bathroom into a Money Area

However, when it comes to money, you can easily make your bathroom into a money area. With the right use of wood, water and earth colors, a bowl of multicolor crystals and 8 stalks of lucky bamboo, you are bound to improve your wealth situation. On top of it all, this kind of layout can be extremely aesthetically pleasing. This may help you achieve that spa-like feeling you planned for our bathroom in the first place.


Turning Elements to Your Advantage

Finally, you can try and turn the natural elements to your own advantage with just a few simple tricks. For example, seeing how the toilet flushes water in a downward spiral, it is easy to see how energy may leave your bathroom in the same manner. This is why people sometimes decide to separate it from the rest of the bathroom with a door of its own, or at least, a curtain. Experts dealing in bathroom renovations claim that this unorthodox design practice is rapidly gaining on its popularity. Furthermore, the influx of sunlight and fresh air improve the energy flow, and starting your day in a bathroom like this is bound to invigorate you from the very morning.

While most of these feng shui improvements aren’t that difficult to make, they have the potential to turn your life around. Paying just a bit more of attention can turn your home’s most hazardous area into your greatest asset. To make the long story short, organizing your bathroom with the use of feng shui is bound to bring your good luck or prosperity. For all those who still have some small dosage of suspicion in their mind, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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Deadheading Petunias

Interesting Facts about Celery and Deadheading Petunias

How long does celery last? Do you know about Deadheading Petunias? Celery lasts for as long as any other quick expiring ingredient in the recipe. Many individuals consume celery stalks, but the leaves are also beneficial and edible. They make an excellent addition to soups and stir-fries. You can find celery seeds either in extract form, whole seed form, or ground up, with its impressive health benefits. In many parts of the universe, people grow this plant because of its beneficial seeds. When you crash them, you can use the seeds as a spice because it contains a unique oily compound called apiol. The spice is good for providing flavor and also has medicinal benefits. Celery facts: Celery has a cholesterol-lowering power that makes it useful for maintaining heart health. The seeds contain a unique compound called BuPh that has lipid-lowering properties. However, researchers believe that this plant contains many other beneficial compounds that are still under research. In a recent study, rats feeding on celery continuously for eight weeks recorded lower lipid levels in their blood compared to those that did not feed on celery. This group of rats also experienced reduced serum cholesterol, triglyceride concentrations, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Celery also contains polysaccharides and antioxidants that act as anti-inflammatories, especially polyphenol and flavonoid antioxidants. They support the overall health of individuals as they age by fighting free radical damage that causes inflammation. Inflammation causes chronic diseases like heart disease, arthritis, cancer, and much more. Researchers have come up with several antioxidant types from celery which is beneficial like ferulic acid, caffeic acid, and phenolic acid, as well as flavors like quercetin. These acids make celery the right solution for treating inflammatory conditions like joint pain, liver and kidney infection, gout, irritable bowel syndrome, skin disorders, and urinary tract infection. When you consume celery, and you have high blood pressure, the risk of high blood pressure reduces. These seeds help in controlling the chronic levels of blood pressure. The seeds contain aqueous ethanolic, methanolic, and hexane extracts that lower inflammation improves blood circulation, and help in controlling blood pressure. These seeds also help in reducing bloating and boosting digestion with the aid of the NBP oily compound that contributes to detoxifying the body. The digestive benefits result from its diuretic effect. If you want to lose weight, consuming celery is vital because it has vital nutrients that help in regulating lipid metabolism. How do you prune Deadheading petunias blooms? Many garden tips will guide you on how to deadhead petunia. You need to allow your flowers to start blooming. You need to wait until the plant spends about six hours in the sun and are full of blooms. Once the flower starts dying, it is the right time to deadhead. You will also have to get a sharp pair of scissors and pruning shears. Give the plant a sharp cut when you use scissors. You will then have to pick the petunia stem gently with many blooms. You need to aim at the area that contains the most spent blooms and cut with your shears. Even though you need to cut back healthy sections of the plant to encourage new growth of Deadheading Petunias, pruning your plant extends your season of growth and helps produce more blooms. It is recommended that you prune one stem per week on a small plant and eight stems for the large hanging basket. Regular pruning will help you avoid pruning the whole plant at once. On some occasions, you will have to prune a healthy-looking bloom so that the plant looks healthy for an extended period. If you cannot do it on a weekly basis, it is advisable to wait for the mid-summer season to make it bloom for long. You need to keep fertilizing Deadheading Petunias every two weeks. Read also: Smart Fun Gardening: How To Take Care Of A Money Tree 5 Good Luck Plants That Deserves A Place In Your Home

Rug Layering

Tasteful Or Messy? How To Nail The Rug Layering Trend In Your Home

Rug layering, a trend that has gained popularity in interior design, can be perceived as both artsy and deliberate or, alternatively, as a bit sloppy, depending on the execution and context. When done with care and a discerning eye, rug layering can add depth, texture, and visual interest to a space, elevating it to a more eclectic and personalized level.  The key to artful layers Artful layering involves combining rugs of varying patterns, textures, or sizes in a way that complements the overall design scheme, creating a harmonious and intentional aesthetic. Starting with a Large selection of stylish rugs is the best way to move forward in a stylish and purposeful way by allowing for a dynamic interplay of colors and materials, contributing to a space that feels curated and thoughtfully designed. While a good rug collection is the best way to nail this trend, some thought and artistic design is still required in the process. If not executed thoughtfully, rug layering runs the risk of appearing haphazard or messy. The key to avoiding a sloppy look lies in keeping a sense of cohesion and balance. It's essential to consider the color palette, scale, and patterns of the layered rugs, making sure they work together rather than clash.  Proper placement is also crucial; overlapping rugs in a purposeful manner can create zones within a room, defining different functional areas and enhancing the overall design. Without this intentional approach, however, rug layering may come across as disorganized and lacking in visual harmony.  If you would like to add additional warmth to your home, and perhaps find a way to tie your rooms and decor together, then blankets are a great way to do that. They blend in easily and provide both aesthetic and practical value. Why add warmth with rugs and blankets?  Rugs and blankets play crucial roles in enhancing the comfort, aesthetics, and functionality of a home. Rugs, with their diverse textures and patterns, serve as versatile decor elements that can tie together various design elements within a room. They not only add warmth to hard flooring surfaces but also define and delineate living spaces. Whether it's a luxurious Persian rug in the living room or a cozy sheepskin rug in the bedroom, these floor coverings contribute to the overall ambiance of a home. Similarly, blankets are multifunctional essentials that go beyond providing warmth. They introduce layers to interior design, allowing homeowners to infuse colors and textures that complement their style. Blankets draped over sofas or neatly folded beds serve as both decorative and functional accessories. In addition to their aesthetic value, blankets offer a sense of coziness, inviting individuals to snuggle up during chilly evenings. Together, rugs and blankets contribute to a home's atmosphere, creating a welcoming and personalized space where style meets comfort. Ultimately, the method of rug layering chosen is really dependent on individual taste. For those who appreciate a more eclectic and bohemian look, carefully layered rugs may be considered artsy and avant-garde. The key here is to strike a balance that aligns with the overall design vision and the desired atmosphere of the space. Read Also: Home Decoration At Its Best: 7 Key Ideas To Recreate Your Home Top Home Remedies To Make A Floor Non-Slip Ideas for Modern Flooring Designs for Home Improvement Plans

Evacuation Plan

Why You Need A Cold Weather Evacuation Plan

Whether you already have an evacuation plan or are just starting to think about making one, it’s necessary to have different plans for different scenarios. Think about it: does your evacuation plan assume that there will be blue skies and warm temperatures during an evacuation for a fire? A thorough evacuation plan takes many different situations into account. You should be aware of the different types of evacuations that occur, from natural disasters such as forest fires, landslides, tornados, and house fires. And yet, often, people forget to plan for adverse weather conditions, like having to wait in a safety zone in frigid temperatures, pouring rain, or a snowstorm or having to leave through emergency exits with heaps of snow or ice obstructing the way. Checkout Three Prime Reasons You Need A Cold Weather Evacuation Plan: If you already have an evacuation plan and are prepared with emergency tools like the Evacuscape evacuation chair, you’re already ahead of the game, and winterizing your plan won’t require too many tweaks. If you don’t yet have any evacuation plan in place, you can make your cold weather plan at the same time as your warm weather plan. Here are some of the key reasons why it’s essential that you plan for cold weather evacuations. 1. Higher Risk of Fires Between fireplaces, candles, and increased use of heating systems, there’s much more opportunity for fires in the home to occur. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) says that house fires occur more often in winter than in any other season. The increased risk must be taken into account during emergency planning for everyone’s safety. Plus, you can take the opportunity to ensure your practice has good fire safety tips. 2. Increased Chance for Severe Weather Natural weather-related disasters come at all times of the year. Winter brings freezing cold temperatures and all sorts of precipitation – from snowstorms to ice storms. Storms can last for days, and power outages often occur, leading to further safety issues. It’s essential to know the different scenarios that can occur. For some, it may be safer to stay put indoors, whereas, for others, you may need to leave your home. You May Also Check: All The Colors You Should Wear This Winter 3. Provides More Opportunities for Safety Planning Considering different conditions allows you to prepare accordingly. From simple and easy things like keeping a warm coat or jacket available to quickly grab on your way out to keep you warm while waiting outside to advance planning, like making sure exits are clear of snow and ice and making sure windows that might be used are easily opened when the cold and ice start happening. The whole point of emergency evacuation planning is to ensure people know how to evacuate safely and are familiar with the plan enough that they can remember it in the event of an emergency when feelings of panic are likely to occur. One thing you will probably never hear someone say is that they regretted taking safety precautions like planning an evacuation plan for their family and going over it every once in a while, to ensure everyone is familiar with it. Making another evacuation plan for cold weather allows you the opportunity to go over your plan, talk to your family about it, and keep it fresh in everyone’s minds to keep your family safe and protected this winter. Read Also: How to Maintain a Bright and Beautiful Garden During WinterPrepping Your Vehicle For Winter Weather Driving7 Daring Party Drinks to Try This Winter