Tag: Gum disease

Dental Care Procedures to Improve Your Smile

Important Routine Dental Care Procedures to Improve Your Smile

Going to the dentist requires that you take an active role in your dental health care and maintenance. Although professionals are trained to look out for dental issues and to clean your mouth to meet standards of optimal health, you should still pay attention to the specific dental procedures your dentist or dental hygienist recommends and performs during your appointment. In this article, we discuss the routine dental care that should commence during your routine visits. Here are three routine dental care procedures for a brighter, healthy smile. 1. Consistent Teeth Cleanings: While you should already be brushing your teeth at least twice a day, when you go to the dentist, make sure that you’re given professional teeth cleaning. The devices that dentists use to remove plaque and build-up in the mouth are much more effective than your daily brushing. For this reason, you must make sure that a teeth cleaning is performed at each of your visits. Without this routine cleaning, you are more susceptible to gum disease, and issues like gum disease and cavities. 2. Ask For a Deep Cleaning: In addition to your routine teeth cleaning, you should also ask your dentist to perform deep cleaning at one of your yearly appointments. The purpose behind deep cleanings is to ensure that the area beneath the gums stays healthy. The focus is to target the buildup that has accumulated underneath the gums. In doing so, you will further reduce your risk of gum disease, teeth whitening, and other dental complications that could compromise your health. 3. Teeth Whitening and Strengthening Services: If you are interested in preserving the appearance of your teeth, you might also consider asking your dentist to perform a routine teeth whitening service at one of your appointments. Choose teeth whitening for a cost-effective way to maintain a brighter smile. Your provider might be willing to perform the teeth whitening themselves or will offer you at-home professional-grade products that you can use to complete the teeth whitening yourself. You can expect to pay around $50 for a professional teeth whitening by your dentist. In addition to routine brushing and flossing, you can reduce acid buildup with regular fluoride treatments. Fluoride makes it easier for your teeth to resist acidity. Your enamel becomes more deeply protected and less likely to dissolve. Many kinds of toothpaste contain fluoride, which is part of the reason dentists recommend brushing twice a day. The more you work to build up your resistance to dentin decay, the healthier your teeth will remain. Fluoride treatments only take a few minutes to complete, so be sure to inform your dental provider that you are interested in a quick fluoride treatment when it is time for your regular visit. The Bottom Line: It is wise to trust your dental professional, but that does not mean you should not keep track of your dental health on your own. Check off these routine treatments as you go about your yearly checkups for the best dental health possible. Read Also: The Process of Invisalign How To Get a Better Smile Whatever Your Budget What Is A Good Alternative To Wearing Dentures?

Gum Disease

7 Ways To Avoid Gum Disease

Gum disease is a degenerative condition of the gums and soft tissues in the mouth. It may start undetected, but once gum disease has taken hold of tissues in your mouth, it can quickly become a condition that adversely affects the entire body. Symptoms of gum disease: Symptoms of gum disease generally don't pop up until the advanced stage of the disease is in place. Signs that you need to seek dental intervention for gum disease include: Red, bleeding, or inflamed gums Bleeding while brushing, flossing, or eating hard foods Receding Gums Loose or separating teeth Persistent pain in the mouth Noticeable bad breath Pus in and around the gumline Open sores near the gumline If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms it is essential that you contact your dentist to seek treatment for gum disease and to stop any further progression. Knowing what signs to look for and what to do to prevent gum disease from taking hold will be essential in improving and treating your mouth, teeth, and gums. Here are some things you can do to treat and even prevent gum disease: Brush those teeth! It seems like such a simple thing to do, but it is fundamental to good oral health. Brush at least twice daily with a soft-bristle brush and fluoride toothpaste. Hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against both teeth and gums, and move back and forth in a circular motion. Clean all surfaces of the tooth, and give attention to soft tissues in the mouth as well like gums, insides of cheeks, and the tongue. Bacteria can lurk anywhere in the mouth, and brushing is the best way to clear it all out. Use the right toothpaste: Not all kinds of toothpaste are created equal---when choosing a toothpaste, look for one that addresses your individual needs as well as provides additional protection against cavity formation. Look for the American Dental Association seal of approval, and make sure it contains cavity-fighting fluoride to keep teeth and gums healthy. Floss, floss, floss! While you may be an excellent brusher, there are just some places that brushes cannot go to clean teeth. This is where flossing comes in; flossing removes debris in and around the gumline and in between teeth, providing you with the most comprehensive clean possible. It is important to floss daily to keep teeth and gums at their healthiest. Establish a routine where flossing is a normal part of dental care; your mouth will thank you. Rinse with care: Many people rinse their mouths out after brushing, thinking that they are removing additional debris that may still be present. However, when you rinse with water, you end up removing valuable fluoride that is left over from brushing. Oral rinses should complement brushing practices; look for a rinse that contains fluoride and other protective elements that will strengthen teeth. Choose the right mouthwash: Choosing a mouthwash that contains therapeutic ingredients will help to protect surfaces of teeth as well as soft tissues of the mouth. A therapeutic mouthwash can reduce plaque and tartar buildup, reduce the likelihood of infections, and keep your breath fresh and inviting for hours. Mouthwash should never be a replacement for brushing and flossing, but rather a compliment that rounds out your oral care routine. Look for one that is ADA approved, and you'll be good to go. Get regular dental checkups: Professional cleanings are the best way to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth. In addition, your dentist can proactively diagnose and treat any dental issues that come up before they rob you of your overall health. With regular visits, a dentist can identify early symptoms of gum disease and gingivitis, making these conditions much more treatable. Make a commitment to yourself and your health by scheduling professional dental cleanings at your Burbank Dentist at least twice a year. Lay off the bad habits: Drinking and smoking are habits that adversely affect your health as well as your mouth. Studies show that the use of tobacco and alcohol are more at risk of developing gum disease, gingivitis, and even oral cancers. Replacing these habits with some more health-conscious ones will ensure that you avoid the effects that these substances have on your mouth. Another factor in the treatment and prevention of gum disease and gingivitis is nutrition. What a person chooses to eat and drink can directly affect the health of the mouth. Some food to include that promote oral health include: High fiber, water-rich fruits, and vegetables Black and green teas, which are known to reduce bacteria Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt Foods that contain fluorides, such as sea vegetables and water Sugar-free gum, which can promote saliva production It is generally a good idea to avoid the following food and drink to promote good oral health: Carbonated sodas and sugary juices Alcohol Sticky and sugary candies and foods Starchy foods that can get stuck in teeth Acidic foods that can wear away the enamel on teeth If your gums are red, inflamed, or bleeding, it is time to visit your dentist to get a professional assessment of your dental condition. Following these simple tips for proactive dental care will ensure that you achieve optimal dental health. Here's to your brightest, healthiest smile! 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Oral Health

The Relationship Between Oral Health and General Health

Dentists have been stressing the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene habits for decades as well as the use of braces, in some cases. If you're interested in getting a feel on braces and their average prices, click here. We are all well aware that following the proper daily routines can help to prevent conditions such as cavities, gingivitis, dental emergencies,  gum disease, and bad breath. However, were you aware that there is a very real connection between oral health and the overall state of your body? Let us take a look at this principle in a bit more detail, for what you learn may indeed be quite surprising. Read also: 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health The Mouth as Your Health "Barometer" The first thing that we need to appreciate is the notion that the mouth is a very powerful indicator of what may be happening within our bodies. Why is this the case? Many practitioners will point to the saliva that we naturally secrete minute by minute. There are numerous chemicals contained within this fluid and specific concentrations can hint that there may be metabolic imbalances that would otherwise go unnoticed. Cancer markers, specific types of proteins, and hormones such as cortisol can all be measured by taking a sample of saliva. If the levels of these and other substances are determined to be abnormal, this may very well be the symptom of a more endemic problem. Oral Health and Inflammatory Response Were you aware that the condition of your mouth can also hint at the presence of potentially serious conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes? Gum disease can sometimes be a precursor to such health risks. Gum disease is an inflammatory response due to poor oral hygiene and the build-up of other harmful substances within the mouth. While inflammation is one of the ways in which the body naturally protects itself, studies have found that this very same inflammation can spread to other areas; particularly to the bloodstream. Many now theorize that this can contribute to the breakdown of blood vessels and other circulatory tissues over time. As a result, certain individuals could be at a potentially higher risk of developing other serious ailments. The brain itself could even be affected (a stroke is an example here). The Risk of Infections Not only is the mouth intended to begin the digestion process, but it is also a very important barrier against harmful infections. Unfortunately, this biological "firewall" can often be compromised if the proper levels of hygiene are not practiced. For example, gingivitis can lead to periodontal disease and there may be instances when harmful bacteria will enter into the circulatory system. Although this might not necessarily be a problem for healthy individuals, those whose immune response is already compromised could become quite ill. And for those that are pregnant, oral health is an important part of prenatal care because poor oral health during pregnancy can affect the baby - and everyone wants a HEALTHY BABY. Read also: The Disturbing Trend Of Multiple Chronic Medical Conditions These are some of the surprising relationships between oral health and overall health. Unfortunately, millions of individuals do not practice proper habits in order to protect their mouths. This can lead to more profound problems over time. As we gain a further understanding of how multiple systems of the body are connected, it is likely that oral hygiene will have an even greater impact. For information regarding oral health, please visit the dentist in Cardiff.