Tag: reading


Good Literacy is Good Literacy: Improving Reading and Writing

Sometimes some students often say, "Please do my homework" without reading it before. However, extreme reading has strengthened in the classroom: there are still students who read a lot, but at the same time, there are more and more students who have difficulty reading even short texts. The new challenge is creating a reading routine because reading can only be done by reading word for word. Then why do young people read less? Reading competes with many other things for middle school students. For example, if you have hard training at night, it's understandable that reading by yourself is not a good idea. Besides, social media offers direct enjoyment and opportunities to build relationships far more directly than literature. In a text editor, some text can be read in small parts. Many things must be done to strengthen students' interest in reading and lower their reading threshold. The task book should contain reading assignments that can be done in small parts, and there are questions among the elements that can be answered in the previous text. In these assignments, the main task of students is to identify issues raised in the text, which helps them to understand the text better. This eliminates the need to internalize the whole short story, and refinement questions help focus attention on the main aspects of the text. The field of content handled in mother tongue and literature has developed in recent years. Also, text skills have played a central role in teaching. As society becomes more complex, texts become more diverse and more demanding. This is also evident in mother tongue classes: in the past, most pages of content were written by title - now, besides essays, there is a need to master things like criticism, stories, and magazines. Different types of texts must be read consciously to learn how to analyze the features of different kinds of documents and learn how to produce them. The text has also been taken as a starting point for dealing with linguistic problems: parts of the language have dealt with various types of texts. Every teacher should always model new or challenging types of text in class: Schools often have to produce texts that are too self-written and demanding. In class, it might be a good idea first to write a text about the type of text you are learning, such as a report or review. When students are genuinely ripe to write through various activities, it is easier for them to produce independent texts based on text samples.  A meaningful reading experience encourages you to continue reading: Textual artists have carefully selected samples of literary texts that are of interest to high school students, from which young people can also draw deeper - for example, to build their worldviews and ethical reflection. The teacher must try to choose texts that are meaningful to students, which, of course, are not always easy and may not work. Above all, it is essential for documents to discover new things through practice and to be able to understand them more deeply and comprehensively. Middle school students are sensitive to whether they accomplish something or achieve.  Tips: 1. Make sure you read carefully all the texts you read, so students know what type of text to read. Always read a book, at least the back cover together. 2. Read books together in a short trailer. After each section of the text, the assignment is created, or the text is discussed. 3. Pay attention to text selection. It must be fluent in writing and be interesting for students. Students are clear about whether the text is well written and what it feels like. 4. Give various literary treatments and make sure they also have something new and surprising. For some students writing and reading are the most difficult things to do in their native language so in addition to writing, including a variety of dramatic exercises related to character, plot, or theme. At best, practice brings new meaning and interpretation to the text. Read Also: 5 Communication Tips For Introverts In College 5 Tips On How To Research For An Essay 10 Top-Notch Tools To Improve Your Business Writing Skills

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A Guaranteed Approach to Raising a Little Genius

There are many forms of success: social happiness, financial success, work success, being loved, and satisfied with life, but one thing is certain – all parents want their kids to achieve success. In order for our children to achieve this bliss in life, they need to be smart. And like many children, there are, there as many ways of being smart, but parents can be the essential factor in raising a little genius. So, if you are seeking ways of ensuring a great life for your child, you need to seek ways of challenging their brain. Raising an Open Mind In order to become smart children need to learn and experience new things. Keeping an open mind about the world allows them to intake new knowledge which increases their intelligence and overall capacities. From an early age, allow your kids to discover the world around them, and take in everything. Raising an open-minded and tolerant child will ultimately result in familiarity with learning, where children are not afraid to experience new and interesting things. Catering to Your Child’s Unique Learning Style Each child also learns its own way, and there are three main learning methods: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Each targets a different sensory system and finding your child’s main preference, as well as refining all three ensures a smart and individualized approach to learning. Creative arts and crafts projects, pictures, and coloring all tend to the needs of a visual learner. image source: unsplash.com Reading out loud, repetition, speaking out information out loud, or learning through song can be a sure-fire way to satisfy the auditory preferences. On the other hand, dancing, learning through movement, or as part of a game can improve their kinesthetic learning. A Fun Approach to Learning Using play as a way to teach kids has enormous potential of developing a healthy attitude towards learning. Young kids use playing games and toys as a way to make sense of the world and is therefore only natural to use it to improve their intellect. Toys play a major impact on skill development and problem-solving games like puzzles and Lego’s target logical thinking, problem-solving skills, but also improves creativity. On the other hand, kids adore their video games, and incorporating math, language, and science by providing free video games to kids, such as Poptropica, can improve their skills, and overall cognitive stage development. The Value of Reading Incorporating reading into your child’s upbringing, not only expands existing mental abilities but also teaches them to make it part of their lives. During the early years, reading to children stimulates their language acquisition, and positively affect their imagination and creativity. Later, when kids learn to read, and reading becomes a habit, and providing them the best children’s books is a must.                                                    image source: pixabay.com By reading people are able to use their senses and emotions, in order to understand the material. This, in turn, sparks imagination, inspiring and motivating children to create stories, as a way to resolve problems and accept any challenge that comes their way. Increasing a Brain’s Physical Properties Since a healthy mind requires a healthy body and brain food to grow and expand, kids need exercise and diet that can make them smarter. Eating regularly and incorporating Omega-3 essential fats into their diet, helps increase brain mass, improving synaptic connections. This is seen through heightened concentration and ability to intake information. On the other hand, regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can increase lung capacity and regulate healthy sleep patterns. That also allows brain matter to store data and increase thinking rate. In the end, it is important to remember that all kids have the ability to become smart, but in order to create a little genius, kids need a little nudge. By providing them with a healthy environment in which they can grow, you, the parent, are helping them raise their intellect, and ultimately paving their path to success.