Top 5 Life Hacks of Dealing with the Symptoms of Menopause

Symptoms of Menopause

It is every woman’s dream to dwell in her youthful years forever. Unfortunately, life is a wheel that keeps turning and change is inevitable. Just because you’re now entering the menopause stage doesn’t mean that your life is over. There always is a perk to every stage of life and focusing on the negatives only blurs your sight of the good things. Truth be said, menopause strings along troublesome effects. It may seem like the end of the world when you’re experiencing hot flashes or mood swings. However, you can stay ahead of the game the natural way.

1. Hot Flashes

This is the most complained about symptom in regards to menopause. The random changes from sweaty to chilly temperatures are disturbing. However, just because it’s normal doesn’t mean that you should sit around waiting for it to disrupt your life. You can gain control over it ahead of time by avoiding situations such as; hot tubs, hot drinks, spicy foods, alcohol, stress, hot showers, intense exercise, white sugar, caffeine and hot weather.

Although there aren’t many studies backing this up, soy products are also thought to help control the irritating hot flashes. In addition to these, you may also want to give Black Cohosh a try. These are available as health supplements in health stores. Black Cohosh is believed to regulate night sweats, hot flashes, and mood changes.

2. Unreliable Mood Changes

Our bodies have a mind of their own and we sometimes can’t control what happens whether we like it or not. Another con symptom to expect during menopause is unstable mood swings. Just because you can’t get hold of the burning urge to sob five minutes after sharing a hearty laughter with your friends doesn’t mean that you should settle for it. There is scientific evidence proving that Omega 3 Fatty Acids supplements are highly effective in the treatment of menopause-related mental health problems. These include distress and mild depression. For better results, you may need to pair this up with exercise, ample rest and a healthy diet.

3. Vaginal Dryness

Menopause does not necessarily mean the end of a healthy sex life. You may notice increased bouts of vaginal dryness during intercourse but nothing that a good tube of lube won’t fix. Since there are many products out in the market, you may want to consult your doctor before settling for a particular one. There are special lubricating gels that are specially designed for menopausal women hence feel a bit more comfortable for you.

4. Weight Gain

Noticed the numbers going up on your scale? Well, this is common during menopause. Unlike the common teachings that fats are to be avoided to prevent weight gain, you should actually incorporate then in your diet now. Yes, they may have more calories than proteins and carbs. However, fats are vital for hormone production, increased metabolism and lowering inflammation levels which are all key to effective weight loss. Always go for healthy fats such as unrefined oils which are rich in Vitamin E. This is effective in regulating estrogen production. You may also want to invest in flaxseed oil, coconut oil, palm oil, and extra-virgin olive oil. You may also find healthy oils in coconut milk, nuts, avocado, wild seafood, and seeds. You may be pardoned for considering a laxative for weight loss. However, this is highly discouraged as it only leads to water loss which is quickly gained back thereafter. Stick to healthy weight loss choices.

5. Disturbed Sleep

Are the tossing and turning driving you nuts? Worry not, there’s a natural curb to it. The first step is getting your sleep routines in check. Go to bed at a particular time and stay there whether you’re sleepy or not. With time, your body will sense bedtime ahead and start the shutting down process. You will notice yourself feeling drowsy whenever it’s close to your bedtime. Avoid vigorous activities such as workouts and keep off caffeinated drinks in the afternoon. Sipping on some warm milk and herbal drinks may help you sleep better. Move the television, laptop, and phone from your bedroom as they are easy distractions.

Menopause may be a challenging stage of life but it doesn’t last forever. Stick to these routines even when you wish they results would kick in much faster. Avoid harmful practices such as consuming a laxative for weight loss in the attempt of speeding up the results. This will only lead to water loss which is quickly gained back thereafter. Besides this, laxatives may lead to internal damage which is definitely not worth it. There are a lot of benefits to reap from nature if you only give it a chance.

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Back Pain

Can a Mattress Cause Back Pain?

Unfortunately, back pain is common that we start treating it as a normal part of our daily life. However, back pain, as well as any other pain, should not be tolerated or ignored. Many people have problems with back pain at night or in the morning after they wake. What’s the cause of this? Is it your sleep position? Or maybe your mattress? Is Your Mattress The Cause of Your Back Pain? The first step in treating back pain is to identify its source. However, that’s not always as easy as it sounds. The pain can be caused or aggravated by multiple factors. Typically, factors that contribute to back pain the most are age, old injuries flaring up and an inactive lifestyle. Sometimes, jumping into a new exercise or activity can also cause back pain. In most cases, we are all aware of the factors mentioned above. However, there are also some factors that many people ignore or just overlook. For example, if you wake up every morning in pain, there is a huge possibility your mattress causes the pain. Sleep experts and mattress specialists, in fact, say that your bed should be your first suspect if you can’t sleep comfortably at night. After all, since we spend approximately one-third of our lives sleeping, we should be aware that mattresses wear off over time and require replacement. Also, your sleep habits change as you age, and what worked for you when you were young, may not suit your sleeping needs today. However, the good news is that if your mattress is at the root of the problem, you can quickly address it by getting a new one. With so many models out there, it may be rather hard to select a new bed. Fortunately, Counting Sheep can help you! Counting Sheep’s experts have spent years of researching different mattress types and people’s sleeping needs and created an unbiased mattress guide that will definitely help you make any mattress related decision with quickly and with ease. With their guide, you won’t have to worry about mattress related back pain anymore, and you will wake up every morning feeling refreshed and pain-free. How to Determine if My Mattress is Causing My Back Pain? Use the following checklist to determine whether your mattress is most likely the source of your pain and discomfort. Take notes where and when the pain appears: If it’s mattress related, it is generally muscular. Your bed is the one to blame if you wake up in the morning stiff and achy, but feel better as the day goes on. The pain is also relieved by stretching, yoga or light exercising. Symptoms are typically present to the middle back or lower back. Consider the age factor: If your mattress is more than seven years old, it will most likely cause back pain. Years of usage lead to wear and tear, and your body will definitely feel it. Also, keep in mind that your body changes as you age and that now you may have different sleep needs or preferences. Look for sagging spots: If your mattress is sagging, your spine won’t be properly aligned during sleep which will cause back pain. Your spine has to be in a neutral position, and not curving down. Listen to your body: If you feel lumps or springs poking you when lying down, there is a good chance your bed is contributing to your back pain. Check your bed after vacation: When you sleep somewhere else than your bed, you recognize right away if the mattress is saggy, lumpy or simply too hard. Since most of us keep our bed longer than we should, we are used to sleeping on a less-than-optimal surface. After a vacation, your mattress will feel a little less familiar than before, and this is the perfect time to conduct another evaluation test. Read Also: 12 Secret Methods Of Chi Machines Domination Bed Time Yoga To Sleep Well


As the Years Go By: Top 3 Challenges Faced by the Aging Population

The baby boomers were born in an era of wealth and opportunity. The embers of the Second World War were cooling, the national employment rate was high as Europe set about rebuilding, driving demand through the roof. But those days have gone. Now, as the baby boomers are retiring, they face tough challenges, caused by a fluttering economy and deteriorating health. These are the fiercest challenges currently facing the aging population. Long-Term Care As the aging population comes up against age-related illnesses and diseases, many are entering long-term care facilities. This long-term care throws up a host of financial and logistical challenges. Firstly, the aging population are having to consider this care in their saving plans for their retirement. The average couple now has to spend around $275,000 on healthcare. This will have to come from somewhere, be it insurance plans, retirement funds, or personal savings. Additionally, the number of baby boomers requiring long term care will slowly overtake the supply of care facilities. On a macro-level, the government will need to take measures to ensure there are adequate long-term care facilities with trained staff to offer a high-level of round-the-clock care. Asset Protection As we approach old age, one of the single biggest concerns is how to protect our assets. As mentioned, healthcare can be a real drain on finances. Couple this with the cost of probate and inheritance tax, and a sizeable portion of our assets will be taken away from our children. Baby boomers can take steps to protect their assets at any stage of their life. It doesn’t have to happen in retirement. offers information on how you can protect your assets in the probate courts and ensure you best interests are protected. Being Able to Afford Retirement Although baby boomers were the most prosperous generation in history, rising living costs and inflation has left many with insufficient savings to maintain their standard of living into retirement. Nearly 50% of all Americans over the age of 50 have $25,000 or less saved for retirement. This means many will be forced to work past the age of 65. Only 23% of baby boomers believed they had enough saved for their retirement. With social security falling and federal safety nets being dismantled, many Americans now face the difficult question of how they will support themselves when they are no longer able to work. Working longer is one option, but many jobs are unsuitable for someone entering their 70s. They may be physically demanding or, as automation increases, require new technical skills that may not be easily learnt in aging citizens. These challenges will drastically alter the way Americans think about aging in the next generations. As millennials grow up watching their parents grapple with these challenges, perhaps they will develop solutions. Either way, the national workforce and healthcare industries are on the cusp of major changes as the population ages. These woes and problems are not going away. We are just going to have to learn to deal with them as a nation.

Hemp Oil

Hemp Oil Can Save Lives

Marijuana Moods and Mexico Do you know why marijuana and hemp derived products are illegal in the United States of America? The only reason for this is the combination of race, drugs, and drug policy that has propelled all of the drug scheduling in the United States of America that is done in a disproportionate, and problematic way. Unfortunately, everything wrong with America can be linked back to the racist history of this country and there is quite literally always a racist reason for whatever ails this ridiculous place, consistently. The only reason that marijuana is illegal in the United States is due to Mexican immigrants in the 1930s. The United States of America instituted a policy of strict segregation that placed whites atop society in the 1880s, after ten years of allowing African-Americans to be members of the legislative bodies that controlled this country. Sadly, white Americans have consistently found ways to exclude others and have created drug laws to match up with the prejudices they want to exist in society. The drug scheduling program was created to help states and citizens assess the relative danger of a drug. Sadly, marijuana is scheduled as a Class 1 drug, which means that until very recently, marijuana was argued by the United States government to be just as dangerous as heroin. Does that make any sort of sense to you whatsoever? It probably should not, because it is absolutely untrue that a synthesized drug created by the Bayer company is the same level of danger as marijuana. Sadly, in order to try to curb Mexican immigration due to white people being threatened by the high quality of work that Mexicans were doing, marijuana was made illegal to try to target the Mexican community and was buttressed by propagandist films full of racist garbage and lies like Reefer Madness. Cannabis Classifications Does this sound familiar to you? It should be because this is the exact same system that was used to exclude Asian-Americans as a result of the Chinese Exclusion Act, which was by that point the first racist immigration law that the United States enacted. The decision to make hemp and marijuana illegal was a direct response to that legislation that kept Mexican immigration to America legal on paper but targeted Mexicans with surgical precision, the same way that Asian-American immigrants were targeted despite the fact that Asian Americans almost singlehandedly built California. They were pigeonholed and lied about in the news media as people who were bringing and exploiting locals with opium, and thus, racism reared its ugly head again. The exact same technique was used to target Mexicans and Mexican-Americans. Therefore nowadays when you purchase hemp products online, you are walking in a tradition of reclaiming the unfairness that has been doled out to numerous communities in America: simply put, if you are not white and you are out-working white people, they will find a way to call you lazy via the drugs and alcohol you use and will find a way to focus on an essentialist notion of who you are in order to lessen your social and economic threats to white people. Just like they used Asian-Americans and Asian immigrants to build their railroads and the Western states, only to discard these people when it was no longer convenient, Mexicans were treated the same way. Marijuana was thus used as a pawn in the battle to keep the United States of America as white as possible. Do you see the connections between how these people were treated in the past and how non-white people are treated in America today? People are quick to say horrible things about Mexicans to this day, and in 2015 when our 44th President declared his intention to run for the presidency, he used racist imagery and commentary about Mexicans in order to bolster his road to the nomination, knowing that it would likely be incredibly successful. One of the few ways you can influence American voters is to invoke some sort of racist notion, and it will help white voters to coalesce around that specific idea in order to create a problematic and scary voting bloc. Iconic Indica Indications Hemp oil is actually good for you and can be a great alternative to more addictive items that can be used as painkillers. Just as we rely on many hard drugs to get us through more painful episodes in life, hemp-derived products like hemp oils and hemp creams are now being used to help people through pain. There are even hemp creams and lotions that can be used by women to combat menstrual cramps, and many women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis have found that hemp and marijuana-related products have been instrumental in helping them combat the pain of their condition while also getting and keeping their pregnancies. In this way, hemp can truly change your life if you allow it to, and it is really important that you do so while knowing that our ancestors were discriminated against for no good reason other than typical American racism. Instead, nowadays we learn more about different cultures and the importance of hemp products to give us a new lease on life. There are probably other substances and items that could be really helpful to us that have been made illegal by Americans whose hubris and racism superseded their ability to recognize the importance of working together to make the world a better place. Read Also: The Nutritional Value of Hemp Oil for PetsWhy Hemp Products Are Becoming A New TrendHow To Choose The Right CBD Capsules For Your Needs