11 Effective Ways To Improve Testosterone Levels In Your Body


Testosterone and how it affects our body:

We are generally aware of testosterone as the sex hormone responsible for ‘manhood’. This hormone is also known as “Human Growth Hormone” (HGH). It is entirely right that it is essential for playing a critical role in metabolism, stimulating sexual desire, increase libido, sexual arousal and satisfaction. Both men and women produce testosterone but females produce it in relatively lower quantity than men. Testosterone is secreted in testes and adrenal glands in men, whereas in women, it is produced in the adrenals and ovaries. This hormone peaks during the early twenties and then goes on to decrease by 10% in the successive decades of aging.

Besides all this, it is also required for maintaining healthy pain response, sufficient levels of RBC, regular sleep patterns, bone density, muscle mass, and high energy levels. As we grow, our testosterone levels start declining. Our lifestyle is also responsible for lowering of testosterone levels. Insufficient nutrition, low vitamin-D levels, weight gain, inadequate exercise and prescription drugs (statins) are some of the main reasons for the lowering of testosterone levels.

40% of men over 45 years are affected by low testosterone level. Visible symptoms of low levels are observed in decreased sexual drive, frequent mood-swings, difficulty in concentrating,

Good level of Testosterone Poor level of Testosterone
Sharper mind Fatigue
Happy Moods Risk of Alzheimer’s disease
High confidence levels Depressed
Healthy Heart Increased fat tissues
Healthy libido Erectile dysfunction and poor libido
Strong and healthy bones Risk of osteoporosis
Full of energy Short of memory


Naturally effective ways to increase Testosterone Levels in your body:

Boosting your testosterone level turns out to be a basic necessity to keep yourself healthy and effectively productive at all levels. It will improve your energy levels, confidence, and happy moods to tackle day to day problems of your life in a much more pleasant manner. It is always better to adopt a lifestyle which helps you in improving the T-levels so as to attain its numerous health benefits.

However, if nothing seems to work out to improve your testosterone levels, you should consider medical assistance from a reputed organization. Talking about which, professionals from Kingsberg Medical can help you with any doubts regarding your growth hormone therapy or current levels of testosterone in your body.

Get adequate and quality sleep:

Getting enough sleep at the right times of the day tends to be one of the most effective natural ways to raise testosterone levels. Most people require 6 to 7 hours of sleep during the night. The body resets itself every night and releases chemicals like cortisol, which contribute towards the balancing of overall hormone levels and prevent lowering of T-levels.

Some endocrinologists claim that one hour of sleep between 10 pm and 2 am has similar healing effects on your body which are resulted by two hours of sleep before or after this time. So ideally, one should go to bed around 10 pm and wake up at around 6 am for optimal hormone balance.

Stress reduction:

People with lower testosterone levels are often found to be struggling with frustration, unforgiveness and anger issues. This chronic stress kills your quality of life. You need to find ways to relieve your stress to keep your testosterone levels up.

To begin with, you can make a list of people you wish to forgive and then do so. Also, it is essential if you can turn to religious books or personal growth books. You can also seek the help of a personal counselor.

Take care of your emotional issues, resentment, unforgiveness, anger and frustration and you will find yourself much more relieved and stress-free. Ultimately, raising your testosterone levels naturally.

Fasting intermittently:

Intermittent fasting is one of the most natural testosterone boosters. It has been observed to increase the T-level by 200 % or even up to 400 %. A study conducted by a medical school found that growth hormone levels increased manifold in men who didn’t consume any calories for 24 hours and growth hormone levels are further correlated with testosterone.

Basically, intermittent fasting means that you skip your breakfast and eat your meals close together. You can eat three meals per day with three hours of an interval, starting at noon and ending by sunset. This paves the way to a relaxation routine of your organs, particularly liver which is known to be highly related to testosterone levels in your body.

Use of healthy fats:

Another natural way is to add a lot of healthy fats in your diet. If you have a dire habit of consuming junk food and too many carbohydrates, then you must get rid of those habits and add healthy fats to your food habits.

There are three categories of healthy fat. Firstly, healthy saturated fat is right for your health. It is generally found in coconut oil and raw fermented dairy products, like yogurt or milk cheese. Avoid conventional dairy products because it dampens your testosterone.

The other type of fat that your body needs is omega-3 fatty acids. You can readily consume chia seeds, Flaxseeds and walnuts to keep up the supply of vital omega-3s. Lastly, monounsaturated fats are also gainful in naturally hiking the level of testosterone.

Use of Vitamin-D and other vitamin supplements:

Another crucial nutrient to restore healthy testosterone levels is vitamin D3. In case of those suffering from vitamin D deficiency, it is absolutely necessary that you get out in the sun regularly in order to get your body detoxified and have the essential dose of Vitamin D.

Herbs like ginseng benefit healthy testosterone levels, making it yet another natural testosterone booster. The best way to increase your vitamin-D levels is sun exposure. You only need 20-30 minutes of exposure to a large amount of skin. If your skin isn’t conditioned to this exposure, start slow walking with 10 minutes a day and gradually work up to 20-30 minutes.

Figure out a Balanced Diet:

It’s apparent that having good eating habits is significantly essential when you need to keep your testosterone level rich and maintain your overall health. Low testosterone levels and overweight contributes to a variety of inflammatory conditions and impaired neurological function. Overeating and irregular dieting disrupt hormone levels. This effect is mostly observed in athletes and people who are very active.

The best diets are those that include mostly whole foods and offer a healthy balance of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. A healthy and nutritious diet keeps all hormones levels in the body balanced and promotes optimal long-term health.

Lower body fat and weight:

It has been observed that lower body fat and weight loss help increase testosterone levels naturally. When you consider the effects of insulin resistance and poor sleeping habits has on testosterone, it really makes sense that it is all closely interlinked with obesity. Obese males tend to have 50% fewer testosterone levels than those who are not overweight. So basically, you need to cut out on processed sugars from your diet, which has links to insomnia, obesity, diabetes and a number of other hormone disorders.

Heavy-weight Training:

If you want to boost your testosterone level naturally, then this one of the best ways to do so for those who are physically capable of exercising at a gym. Hitting the gym for least three days a week and lifting heavy weights can do the job for you. Strength training helps in providing T-levels in your body so that you can overcome the deficiency of the growth hormone.

Burst training not only boosts T-levels, but it also helps keeps your testosterone elevated and prevents its decline. Burst training involves exercising at 90–100 % of your maximum effort for a short interval in order to burn your body’s stored sugar (glycogen). Along with improving your T-levels, this way you can effectively burn between 3–9 times more fat, lower your resting heart rate, keep blood pressure in check and your brain young by increasing blood circulation.

Review medication and detox liver:

While prescription medications help manage a variety of health conditions, they are one of the most common reasons for low testosterone levels. Several medications used for lowering cholesterol may partially work by reducing testosterone. If you suspect your low testosterone is due to prescribed medications, you should bring these concerns to their doctor’s attention.

Your liver is very crucial to have effectively decent testosterone levels. An improperly functioning liver can take a severe hit on the amount of this hormone present in your body. Men with cirrhosis of the liver tend to lose testosterone level with the growing disease. So it is very vital that you have a healthy liver to keep up your testosterone level naturally.

Practice deep breathing:

Deep breathing helps in calming an overactive nervous system and relax the body. This lowers stress hormone and improves the production of sex hormones like testosterone that are needed for growth and repair. The best way to adopt this way is to do yoga exercises or carry out a simple exercise in a field involving deep breathing in and out for about thirty minutes a day.

It will improve your respiratory system and supply fresh oxygen to your brain cells to rejuvenate the processing of thinking and release hormones in your body balancing out the requirements of testosterone by your body at an optimal level.

Maintain Zinc and Magnesium levels:

Make sure to balance out your zinc and magnesium levels.  Both these nutrients are vital factors to testosterone production in your body. You can try out methods like using pumpkin seeds to deal with low levels of these elements in the body. Studies suggest that focusing on improving Magnesium level can have a significant impact on the net level of testosterone in a person. It has been observed that taking supplements for at least one month might increase testosterone in general.

You need to carry out various thoughtful dietary changes to boost your level of magnesium and zinc deficiency. This can be done by including items lime dark leafy greens vegetables and whole grains in your regular diet. Zinc is also an ingredient in dark green vegetables, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Creatine which occurs naturally in salmon, tuna, and beef has proved to be a reliable source of increasing testosterone.


Those who are concerned about their testosterone levels should see their doctor. In case, you need a therapy it is always better to adopt natural ways as well to improve it.

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Marijuana Urine

Passing A Marijuana Urine Drug Test- How To Pass Pee Narcotics Tests

Most people who have a job, have taken a drug test. Prior to the mid-80s, it was just about unheard of, employers believed more in lie detector tests for pre-employment. Since drugs have taken over society, it is imperative for companies to give drug tests. They aren’t only for pre-employment, but usually, companies test their employees randomly after being hired. Of course, there are employees that aren’t on any drugs unless they are prescribed to them. Then, some employees choose to quit the use of illegal drugs because they don’t want to take the chance of losing their jobs. Then, you have those employees that just don’t really care if they lose their job. If an employee is hurt on the job, they are immediately tested at the hospital. However, any other time that they are drug tested, they use one of the many ways that exist to pass the test. If they didn’t use one of these alternatives, they would literally burn a hole in the cup. Usually, the random tests are announced, that way everyone can be ready just in case their name is chosen to actually be tested. There are several different ways to do a drug test. The urine drug test is the most common. How long a drug can be detected in urine varies with each drug. Saliva tests are basically more recent drug use, it usually only detects the last few days. Blood tests determine drug use at that very moment. Then, the test that truly tells the tale is hair follicle tests. They tell which drugs have been used for up to 90 days. Honestly, with marijuana or cannabis, the question of how long it stays in your system depends on your usage. The THC in the drug stays in your system longer because of the way it stores itself in your body. One single use can show for three days, while a regular smoker can take up to 90 days to get out of your system. Cannabinoids that break down from the THC are lipids, which means they store in a person's fat cells, not blood. Hence, why they don’t show so easily in a blood test. They can excrete through urine, but since they are fatty molecules, they are usually cleared by stool. So, how do you pass a urine drug test after smoking marijuana? Well, common sense says that the best way is to not use marijuana in any way. However, if you insist on continuing use and needing to pass a test, there are several ways to do it. The next way to pass a urine drug test is to get someone who doesn’t use drugs to P for you and then try to sneak it in today testing facility. Remember, the urine has to be 98.6°F, which is a person's normal body temperature. This is the most effective way, but only if no one is watching you. Also, you can buy synthetic or fake pee. Make sure that it has Uric Acid in the ingredient when you buy it, some labs test for it, to make sure it is real. It usually comes with a heating pad so you can make sure it’s the right temperature. Since the THC is stored in fat cells, doing exercises that help burn fat can help get rid of the cannabinoids. Don’t do any of the exercises the day of the test. Green vegetables are full of iron and other vitamins and minerals. These can help to get that metabolism going, which will make it easier to burn fat. Be careful listening to your friends about how to pass a urine test. There are more stories than there are remedies and it would be horrible if you went through a bad experience and still failed the test. First of all, do not drink bleach, it can kill you easily. Don’t chew denture cleaner, pretty sure all you are going to do is puke! Other things that just aren’t going to help you pass a urine test for THC are cranberry juice, vinegar (you are NOT an Easter egg), creatine, zinc, Goldenseal, and Niacin (although this is nature’s best antibiotic). Drink lots of water for a few days before the test. This could possibly dilute the urine enough to get went to have a light level below the level that makes for a positive test. Be careful to not drink too much water, it will show diluted urine and send out red flags that you were trying to hide something. No matter which process you choose, be sure to stay hydrated, eat properly, exercise and don’t smoke anymore in there I want to chill after the test. Casual smokers are easier to detox or mask then heavy smokers. Another way to pass a urine drug test is Sure-Jell. It’s the easiest and cheapest when compared to other things that are ingesting to pass the test. Just makes a pack from the grocery store we had a 32-ounce bottle of Gatorade. Drink out of it three or four hours before test time. Be sure to P3 or four times before the test also. There’s a one day detox that comes with pills, liquid, and fiber. It has vitamins, and minerals and herbs, making it all natural. It dissolves in your system, get rid of the THC and can’t be traced in any way. The one specific for the person with a higher THC level comes with six capsules that are taking 12 to 24 hours before the test. They drink 20 ounces every two hours, it will take effect went to five hours later. Be careful because it wears off, so you have to time it just right. Learn More I will tell you what beats all of these concoctions, try delaying the test. Most drugs can’t be traced after a few hours in blood or saliva. So, if you could Delay it for just a day, your results could be different. When you think you've read, all you should get a home test and take it to check the results. This way, if your chores didn’t work, you’ve got time to try another way. Every person‘s chemistry is different, so it might work for your friend, but not work for you. Also, it couldn’t hurt to educate yourself. Eight minutes won’t get you anywhere, but knowledge might get you off the hook. Each state has different drug testing laws that dictate how both applicants and employees can be tested. Read Also: Marijuana Addiction Treatment: 5 Steps To Avoid Relapse How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe For Pets – Dogs & Cats

Are You Sick and Tired of Drugs

Are You Sick and Tired of Drugs?

The media has created a lot of awareness regarding addiction treatment. People who engage in such activities can find a way out from addictions. Every country has a lot of recovery centers that offer proper treatment. The experiences of individuals vary but mainly people go through four phases in every treatment center. The phases are: Admission with a complete care plan Detoxification Rehab Center Aftercare plan Every individual who gets admitted to the center goes through these four phases. These phases have many activities and treatments designed for addicts. Every phase is like a domain that covers series of activities and plans within it. The treatment journey aims to bring a clear-headed life. It takes time and is not a one-day process. It demands devotion, motivation, and assurance. Nothing can be achieved without hard work.  The journey of sobriety is tough to some extent but the professional assistance has helped a lot of people to work on their goals. A comprehensive evaluation takes place which is used for designing a customized plan. The decision of choosing and deciding on a rehab often causes stress. If you need some understanding about what is involved in the treatment of rehab then you’re in right place. Here we have a brief guide for you. Understanding of Phases: Let’s start with the first phase which involves the creation of an individually customized plan for treatment. When the intake process takes place, the person goes through series of assessments which help in making a tailor-made plan for the addict. In this phase, the addict and his family meet the team and discuss all the options for the treatment. The objective of this segment is to advance a plan which caters to social, physical, and emotional functioning. The medical team assesses the condition from a mental and physical aspect. This step decides the functioning of treatment, finance, and all the facilities decided for the entire cure journey. In the second phase, the team seeks to remove the effects of addictive substances from the body of an addict. The removal of the substance is carried out through the detox program. It has some dangerous and uncomfortable symptoms but the assistance of professionals ensures that the patient will remain safe and comfortable throughout the detox period. They know how to take care of unpleasant symptoms. In some cases, medication is added to the detox process to bring ease to the withdrawal symptoms. Medication depends on the type of drug used. Some people fear detox but without it, it is impossible to get rid of drug use. In the third phase, comes admission to a rehab center. At this point, the addiction of a person is over and he just needs counseling to stay stable in his upcoming life. After a successful detox, the patient is moved to rehab. This phase includes intensive sessions and therapies where one understands the underlying problems that lead him to the drug journey. For rehab, we have inpatient and outpatient or partial hospitalized treatment. This phase includes various therapies like behavioral, individual, group, and family therapy. Patients are given a lot of amenities like a private room, a comfortable place to live, a personalized chef, delicious meals, etc. For more info, visit Recovery Corps Los Angeles. The last and final phase is the aftercare plan which allows the person to continue the healing journey so he stays sober for a longer time. Aftercare is very important because it is a solid plan which guides the person his entire life. Off and on sessions and discussion with the team keeps the individual on the path of sobriety. Read Also: Cannabis can Help in the Fight Against Drug Addiction Marijuana Addiction Treatment: 5 Steps to Avoid Relapse 6 Healthy Habits That Will Change Your Life Are you aware of Belviq – a Weight-Loss Drug? 4 Tips to Find an Effective Drug Therapy

Gallstone Surgery

What You Need to Know When Having Gallstone Surgery

Having surgery can be an anxiety-filled experience. However, the worries can be minimized by being aware of some important details about the procedure. It's either you try to forget everything about the surgery or learn some things about it, so you can be prepared as you go on the table. It goes without saying that you have to choose the best hospital and surgeons to have your operation with. If you have your gallstone surgery in London, for example, take the time to scrutinize the doctors who will work on you as well as the facilities and location. It also helps to know the following. Preparing for the surgery: Before you undergo surgery, you will be made to do some preparatory activities; one of which is to have your intestines cleaned. For this, a prescription solution may be given to you to facilitate the flushing of your stools and remove any accumulation in your intestines. This means that you should not eat anything the night before your surgery. Additionally, it is important to stop any medication as well as food supplements before surgery. The doctor usually instructs patients about this. If you have a condition that entails the continued use of a medication, the surgery may have to be postponed until you are fully healed. The intake of certain substances or chemicals may increase bleeding or create complications. You will be unconscious: The surgery to remove gallstones is called a cholecystectomy, a process which requires the use of general anaesthesia. This means that you will be unconscious throughout the operation. The anaesthesia is administered through a vein in your arm. To help you breathe while you are fully numbed, the doctors will insert a tube into your throat. The surgery may be an open procedure or performed through laparoscopy. Preparing for recovery: It is important that you have a plan for your recovery after the surgery. A cholecystectomy only takes a few hours, and the doctor can allow you to go home on the same day. You may only have to stay one or a few nights in the hospital if there are complications or if the procedure requires a longer incision in your abdomen. The doctors cannot always ascertain the extent of the invasiveness of the surgery beforehand, so it’s best to plan for the worst possible scenario. It is advisable to have someone with you as you go home and recover. If nobody can assist you at home during your recuperation, it is better to stay in the hospital for a few days until you are sure that you are nearly fully healed, and the wound is about to close up. Gallstone surgery has a 95% success rate, with 90% of patients typically discharged within 24 hours. There’s no reason to be overly anxious about it. You just need to prepare yourself mentally and physically. Be sure to follow the doctor’s instructions, and you can expect everything to proceed without problems. Read Also: 7 Important Reasons For Breast Reduction Surgery How Can A Dallas Functional Medicine Doctor Help You?