How To Encourage Your Teen Daughter To Seek Eating Disorder Treatment?


02 October 2018

Health & Fitness

Eating Disorder Treatment

Over half of teen girls use behaviors to control their weight; according to  NEDA, these behaviors can be risk factors for the development of an eating disorder. Eating disorders among young girls are quite common. If you are the parent of a teenage daughter who may have an eating disorder and feel she needs help, it can be a lonely experience. Teenagers who fear gaining weight can be adamant about not seeking the treatment they need. There are a few ways you, as a parent, can encourage your daughter to seek the best eating disorder treatment without forcing her into an uncomfortable situation.

Different Ways To Conduct Eating Disorder Treatment

There are multiple ways you can opt for eating the disorder treatment in your favor Work out the plans that can work well for you. Do not make your choices in grey that can have the potential to grow your appetite in the right direction. Identify the ways that can work well in your favor.

1. Approach Her Privately First

Those who struggle with an eating disorder often feel shame and guilt about the issue. When beginning the conversation, one or both parents can speak to their daughter privately about the issue and why eating disorder treatment could be a positive step to recovery.

2. Let Her Know She’s Not Alone

Even though eating disorders are common among young ladies, many adolescents can feel alone in their eating disorders. states 95 percent of those with an eating disorder are between the ages of 12 and 25. By showing your teen daughter statistical information about how many teens have dealt with eating disorders, sought eating disorder treatment, and recovered, she may feel encouraged to move forward in her recovery.

3. Try To Avoid Simplifying The Issue:

If not fully understood, it can be easy to simplify the issue and tell a teen daughter to simply stop doing what they are doing or to feel as if treatment should be a simple process. Approaching a struggling teenager in this manner downplays the issue, which in turn can make a child feel even more shameful and guilty about the behavior they cannot control.

The best eating disorder treatment programs approach adolescents using a multi-faceted therapeutic approach. It is important to convey to your child that recovery can be something only a professional eating disorder therapist can help them with. By letting them know how seriously you take the problem, they may begin to understand, or even mirror your concerns.

4. Accept A Potential Negative Reaction:

The first few times you approach your teen daughter about her eating disorder, she may deny the issue or react in an angry or negative fashion. In order to understand these reactions, it is imperative to understand what your child is feeling about treatment. Many of the negative reactions and anger stem from fear of what will happen during eating disorder treatment.

As difficult as it can be, it is critical to be accepting of these negative reactions. Acceptance and understanding do not mean you give up on encouraging treatment; it means you validate their concerns while maintaining your own. Meet any negativity with the reiteration of your concerns about the eating disorder, her health, and the importance of getting help. Continue to keep the dialogue.

With proper therapy and treatment, 60 percent of people with an eating disorder achieve recovery. If you are struggling to talk to your teenage daughter about her eating disorder, reach out to us at Monte Nido. We are a multi-faceted treatment provider with multiple facilities dedicated to helping patients overcome eating disorders.

Final Take Away

Hence, these are some of the core factors that can work well in your favor and you have to make sure you do not fall back in your prices. Try to achieve your objectives in the best possible manner that can work well in your favor and in the best possible ways. Make your choices in the right direction before making the right decisions from all angles. Work out the plans that can help you to lead a steady life.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Alzheimer's Disease

Benefits Of Early Detection And Treatment Of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer's disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, is notorious for its impact on memory and cognitive functions. As the population ages, the prevalence of Alzheimer's is expected to rise, making its early detection and treatment increasingly important. This article delves into the critical benefits of early intervention in Alzheimer's disease, emphasizing how early diagnosis and management can significantly improve the quality of life for those affected and their caregivers. Early Detection: A Pathway to Better Outcomes Early detection of Alzheimer's disease is pivotal for several reasons. Firstly, it allows for a more accurate diagnosis, distinguishing Alzheimer's from other forms of dementia and conditions with similar symptoms. Timely diagnosis is crucial for planning and managing the disease effectively. The Alzheimer's Association,, offers comprehensive resources and support to individuals and families navigating an Alzheimer's diagnosis, emphasizing the importance of early detection. Furthermore, early detection opens the door to treatment options that can slow the progression of the disease. While there is currently no cure for Alzheimer's, certain medications and therapies are more effective when administered early in the disease's course. These treatments can help manage symptoms, improve quality of life, and prolong independence. The Role of Lifestyle and Support Systems Upon early detection, individuals can also make lifestyle changes that may help slow the progression of Alzheimer's. Regular physical activity, a healthy diet, cognitive stimulation, and social engagement have been shown to have positive effects on brain health. Early intervention allows individuals more time to adopt these beneficial habits. Moreover, early diagnosis provides an opportunity for patients and their families to build robust support systems. This includes connecting with healthcare professionals, joining support groups, and planning for future care needs. Early involvement in such networks can greatly reduce the emotional and financial strain often associated with later stages of the disease. Advancements in Research and Treatment Options The early detection of Alzheimer's is also crucial for research. Participants in the early stages of the disease are invaluable for clinical trials, helping scientists to understand the disease better and develop new treatments. This research not only benefits current patients but also has the potential to impact future generations. In addition, early diagnosis allows healthcare providers to prescribe the most up-to-date treatments. As research progresses, new medications and therapies become available, offering hope and improved outcomes for those diagnosed in the early stages of Alzheimer's. Planning for the Future with Early Detection An early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease enables individuals and their families to plan for the future. This includes legal and financial planning, discussing care preferences, and making arrangements for long-term care if needed. These preparations can be less overwhelming when done early, providing peace of mind for everyone involved. This planning also allows for more meaningful engagement with loved ones. With an early diagnosis, families have more time to create lasting memories, communicate openly about the illness, and cherish their time together. Embracing a Life with Dignity Ultimately, the early detection and treatment of Alzheimer's disease are about preserving dignity and quality of life. With early intervention, individuals can maintain their independence for longer and engage in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment. It also provides a valuable opportunity for loved ones to understand the disease better and learn how to provide the most effective support. In conclusion, the benefits of early detection and treatment of Alzheimer's disease cannot be overstated. It paves the way for better management of symptoms, slows disease progression, and allows for more meaningful engagement in life's activities. As we continue to understand Alzheimer's better, the importance of early intervention becomes ever clearer. It offers a beacon of hope, guiding patients and their families toward a path of empowerment and resilience in the face of this challenging disease. Read Also: Senior Friendly Exercise Routines: An Ultimate Guide To Enhance Quality Of Life Discover The Transformative Power Of Treadmill Ownership: Beyond Exercise Sunshine And Games: 5 Outdoor Activities For Family Fun


10 Weird Facts About Antidepressants

People are working longer hours, have less time with family, and are constantly battling stressful situations. In addition, being constantly inundated with the news through social media can make anyone depressed. There's not enough time for daily yoga and meditation. As a result, many of us are turning to antidepressants to get us through these stressful times. But antidepressants come at a cost, and it's important to know all the facts. Some of these facts aren't common knowledge, and often your doctor won't even discuss them before prescribing antidepressants. Here are 10 weird facts about antidepressants that will surprise you. 1. We Don't Know How Antidepressants Work: Antidepressants have been around for a long time, and yet, we still don't know exactly how they work. And since everybody's depression is different, we don't know how well they work for varying degrees of depression or if they sufficiently treat depression at al. In fact, we don't even know if they're safe for long-term use. 13% of Americans take antidepressants, some for other illnesses like anxiety and fibromyalgia. Yet studies -- mostly paid for by pharmaceutical companies -- include only a few thousand people. Many of us have been told that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, but we don't really know if that's true either. What most studies look at is our brain's level of serotonin. However, neither lowering nor increasing the level of serotonin in the brain reduces the symptoms of depression. If low levels of serotonin were the cause of depression, then antidepressants wouldn't take several weeks to work. They would work immediately, or at least within a few days, once the levels of serotonin increase. But they don't. Another interesting fact about antidepressants is that some don't even increase serotonin and still work as well as any other antidepressant. 2. All Antidepressants Are Equally Effective: It's a known fact about antidepressants that pharmaceutical companies spend a lot of money pushing one pill over another. Doctors aren't pharmacists and tend to push whatever antidepressants they're most familiar with. At times, they're buddies with the pharmaceutical sales rep. A fact about antidepressants is that there's no evidence that one antidepressant is more effective at treating depression than another. What a person needs to weigh is the cost and side effects, which can vary greatly from one person to another. There are over 30 different kinds of antidepressants available. They all work on different parts of the brain, inhibiting or increasing receptors of certain hormones. They have different side effects, and they all are equally effective. Sometimes they work, and sometimes they don't. 3. They Don't Work Immediately: All antidepressants take several weeks before they're fully effective. It can take anywhere from two weeks to a month before you know if it's the right antidepressant for you. One unfortunate fact about antidepressants is that many people have to cycle through several kinds of antidepressants, suffering from a variety of side effects before they find the right one. That's a long time for trial and error. And eventually, the effectiveness wears off over time. Many people build up a tolerance, and signs of depression return. Then you need to try a different antidepressant, and the trial and error process begins again. This could make anyone depressed. Fortunately, there are other treatments like TMS which don't require you to take any medication at all. 4. Dosage Makes No Difference Either: Many doctors start their patients off with a low dose and then gradually increase over time. There's no evidence that this is necessary or that higher dosages are more effective. Since this is the case, you're better off taking a low dose and having less negative side effects. It's a myth that a person will get better quicker if they are on a higher dosage of an antidepressant. 5. Antidepressants Can Help Your Sex Life: It is a pretty well-documented fact about antidepressants that one side effect is a lowered sex drive. That said, depression itself can lower your sex drive too. Interestingly, this low-libido side effect can have its benefits by helping men with premature ejaculation. Antidepressants can delay ejaculation, and for men who suffer from premature ejaculation, the delay can be a big help. One study found that men who took an SSRI a couple of hours before intercourse had longer ejaculation times compared to the placebo group. 6. Animals Get Depressed Too: Americans spend an estimated $15 million a year on medication for their depressed cats and dogs. Depression symptoms for animals aren't too different than those for people, so it's fairly easy to detect. However, it's difficult to treat animals with therapy. Instead, some veterinarians are treating pets with antidepressants. Zoo animals are on antidepressants too. They are being used to treat everything from aggression to obsessive-compulsive disorder. 7. You'll Feel Worse at First: Not only do antidepressants take a while to kick in, but your symptoms may be exacerbated. It's not uncommon for you to feel more tired, less hungry, less ambitious, and sadder. Things will get better. It just takes a while. In addition, the side effects don't help either. This is why doctors usually start a person off with a low dose, to reduce the intensity of side effects, before they find the right medication and dose. 8. Antidepressants Can Be Harmful: Antidepressants come with a long list of side effects, many of which mirror the symptoms of depression, lethargy, insomnia, nausea, anger, violence, and even suicidal thoughts. The side effects can sometimes be more debilitating than the illness it's treating. A person needs to seriously weigh the pros and cons. Often a person can mistake a side effect of the medication as a symptom of depression. Since we don't know how the drugs work, it's hard to know. Another fact about antidepressants is that once you start, it's not safe to quit cold turkey. A person should wean off of them slowly, and many aren't willing to do this. Quitting antidepressants quickly can be dangerous. 9. You Can Overdose on Antidepressants: Too much of a good thing can be too much. As mentioned, more isn't always better, but often people have prescribed higher doses of antidepressants anyway. You can overdose on antidepressants, and the symptoms of overdosing on them aren't always obvious. Zoloft overdose symptoms can include lethargy and nausea, which may be confused with ordinary side effects. Other, less obvious overdose symptoms include high blood pressure or inflammation of the pancreas, which can be mistaken for a cold or flu. However, if a person seems agitated, confused, or is vomiting, that's not normal. If someone taking antidepressants has these symptoms or becomes incoherent or unresponsive, call a doctor immediately A Zoloft overdose also can lead to a life-threatening condition called serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome can occur when dangerously high levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin build up in the brain. 10. Antidepressants Can Interact with Other Drugs: It's very important to tell the doctor prescribing antidepressants if you're taking other drugs. It's also essential that you're honest about your use of recreational drugs and alcohol. All of these can have harmful interactions with antidepressants. Don't ever share your medication with anyone, especially if you don't know what other medications they might be taking or if they are using recreational drugs. Interactions can be deadly. Facts About Antidepressants Revealed Now that you know more about antidepressants, you can make a well-informed decision about taking them. Depression is debilitating, and some people battle with the disease their whole lives. For some, antidepressants are a last resort, and for others, they're hoping for a temporary solution that will give them an opportunity to have a better perspective. No matter the reason, there is no shame in being depressed or needing treatment. However, there are other methods of treating depression that can be used in conjunction with medication, such as therapy, exercise, diet, and natural remedies. Many of these have been proven to be equally effective. For more great articles about staying healthy, visit our blog. Read Also : 3 Ways To Connect With Nature And Quiet Your Mind Your Guide To HRT For Men All That You Need To Know About Dandy-Walker Syndrome

Weightlifting Ladies

Six Supplement-Free Gym Performance Enhancers for Weightlifting Ladies

In the current times full of hyped marketing claims of what works and brings the results that you so badly desire, you may not be sure of what really works and what does not. Many products promise to help you achieve toned muscles, lose weight and excel in games and competitions, but most of the time those are just marketing gimmicks. A properly balanced diet, regular exercise, and enough sleep are the most important things in achieving fitness goals. In addition, some doses of great steroids, like Clenbuterol, can work to hasten the achievement of these goals. So what are some supplement-free gym performance boosters that ladies who lift can put to use? Read on for a look at the boosters. Sleep Sleep is a great performance booster for ladies who lift, and for other people who work out. In fact, sleep is a crucial part of the training regimen. Sleep performs a crucial role in the recovery of damaged tissues and brings about a healthy immune system, which is very important for people who exercise regularly since working out temporarily weakens immune functions. An adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to sufficiently recover and to boost their performance. Also, the production of growth hormones happens while one is sleeping, so good sleep boosts muscle development. Hydration Water consumption is vital for people who are training, as they lose lots of water through sweating. It is ideal to drink water throughout the day and not to wait until one feels thirsty. Women who weightlift get a performance boost by drinking enough water. Drinking sufficient amounts of water is vital in increasing blood volume, cooling the body, thinning the blood, and reducing the heart rate. Being properly hydrated will enable ladies who lift to feel that the workout is easier, hence allowing them to work more intensely and for a longer duration. After-workout snacks, meals, and drinks In the same way as water, post-workout snacks, meals, and drinks are crucial in cases where the participants are working out for more than an hour and at moderate to high intensity. Post-workout meals perform two major functions: They replenish the exhausted glycogen in readiness for the next session or game, and they provide some proteins to aid with muscle repair. Weightlifting women need post-workout meals to boost their performance. Foam rolling This is like another form of stretching. It reduces muscle soreness, thus the participant is able to attend the next session and deliver at other events, such as sports. Group motivation Performing tasks as groups help to raise motivation and thus may boost performance for women weightlifters. They should have their friends and relatives working with them so they can all motivate each other. Setting realistic goals Working toward a goal that has been well defined can help you to continue doing the workouts, even when tired. Lady weightlifters intend to gain throughout the whole season. Read Also :  8 Home Gym Systems You’ll Want To Try Out How To Avoid Getting Bored At The Gym Resistance Bands: The Best Tool For Your Home Gym 5 Common Weightlifting Mistakes Women Should Avoid