What Do You Need To Change Car Rims?

Published on: 31 August 2018 Last Updated on: 13 September 2024
Car Rims

If you’re a regular car user, changing your car rims is something that you might only do if they either get scratched by a pavement, or they get completely worn out.  For car enthusiasts though, this is a completely different story. Car lovers are known to tweak certain things about their cars just to make things look, sound or even feel better. Most of them do it as a hobby and are even prepared to spend top dollar in their quest to alter or improve the condition of their cars. If you think that this is a hobby that you could easily take to, then one of the parts of your car that could be easier, to begin with, is your car rims.

For those that are completely clueless about cars, a rim is the cylindrical outer edge of a wheel that supports and holds the tire to it. They are definitely among the most noticeable parts of a car. For any true car enthusiast, having a set of rims that complement the car’s aesthetic appeal is very important. You might choose to have them off-the-shelf or get customized diamond-cut alloys. In fact, you can opt to design and personalize your own from scratch thanks to modern-day technology.

Wheels vary in size and style, and this can adversely affect the type of car rims. Bigger wheels are considered sportier and are ranked higher, but they also come with their fair share of cons. Be ready to experience a change in fuel consumption, steering performance, speedometer reading, and quick tire wear if this is what you’d like to go for.

A good rim is one that fits well in the tire. As it rotates around the tire nods, the contact that occurs produces friction that helps the wheel turn. You don’t want to have a set that interferes with your wheel turns, so it is advisable to seek help from a rim professional before purchasing any set. This will ensure that you get the most worthy set for your car. When it comes to types of rims, the steel rims are more affordable and are usually covered by a hubcap to make them more appealing. They are also heavier than other rim materials. The aluminum rims are stylish and durable, while the carbon-fibered ones are newer, durable and light-weighted. This helps a lot in the conservation of fuel.

Simple steps to guide you when replacing your car rims:

Installing new rims isn’t hard, but it requires careful execution and the right set of tools to make sure it’s done correctly. Be sure to follow these simple steps to guide you when replacing your car rims at home.

1. Select and buy New Rims

The whole rim replacement process begins by purchasing a new set. You can do this by visiting various local auto parts dealers in your area. You can also opt to check online from a well-known shop that offers stylish yet durable rims. You’ll also have to give a bit of thought into the color. Red rims tend to provide a more personalized look while chrome rims give your car a nice and noticeable shine. Black rims tend to be more popular within the younger generation as it gives the vehicle a darker curbside appeal. Don’t forget to check the weight of the rim as this affects your vehicle’s overall performance. Also, be sure to match your new rims to your current tires. The diameters of the new and old set should be equal. You’ll also need to check whether the bolt patterns and bore circle diameter are similar in order to perfectly fit. Collision might occur if the rims aren’t fitting.

2. Make sure the Vehicle is Stable.

Ensure you have a flat and level spot to park. For automatic cars, be sure that the car is in the park and the emergency brake is secured. We don’t want the car to accidentally roll forward or backward. Instances where the vehicle rolls are very common. This is especially when you end up rushing the process without paying much attention. This often happens to people who are removing a wheel for the very first time. You can use a piece of wood, a rock, brick or any other firm item that is a few inches high to support the wheel.

3. Lift the car and Remove the Wheel

You’ll need to start off by removing the hubcap using a screwdriver. Similar to changing a tire, look for notches or grooves under the car where you can safely place the car jack. Take the car jack and use it to slowly raise the wheel until a bit of the weight has been taken off the wheel. Slightly raising prevents the whole wheel from turning as you loosen up the nuts. Apply force while removing the lug nuts as they’re usually tightened up pretty good. Before you loosen the nuts all the way, pump the jack and completely lift the wheel off the ground, but do not overly suspend it in the air. Then, use a socket wrench to turn the nuts counterclockwise. Make sure not to lose the bolts as they will be used with the new rims. Remove the wheel and lay it flat on the ground.

4. Remove the Old Rim

Let the air out of the tire because it’s harder to remove the rim with all of it still in there as it will require more effort and take more time. Insert a tire lever on various points of the wheel; be careful not to damage the tube. Once done, go ahead and pry the old rim off the tire. You can also apply oil around the edges of the rim to make it easier for it to pop out. Make sure to do it evenly so as to prevent the rim from bending. Cheaper rims tend to bend easily and this makes them unable to be re-used once damaged.

5. Attach the New Rim

Be sure to remove any dust from the side tubes and tires by using a wire brush. This will provide a clean and even mounting surface. After attaching the new rim, re-inflate the tire by using an air compressor. Carefully place the tire back on the hub and align the rim with the car’s wheel bolts. You can use your hands to screw in the nuts before you pick up the torque wrench. It is important to note that each vehicle has different torque specifications that are set by the manufacturer. So before you purchase one, make sure you look for one that is compatible with your car. They are a bit pricey and if you want a quality wrench you might have to spend close to $100. The car jack is used to apply a specific force to a bolt and prevent over-tightening. They make sure the wheel nuts are neither too tight nor too loose. These torque wrenches come in four styles; dual beam, bending beam, digital beam, and the click style. For the clicker, you’ll hear a click sound from the wrench once the required torque is attained. After you’re done be sure to reset the wrench to zero. This will help keep it calibrated for longer, but in case you happen to damage it, you can get it repaired by taking it to your nearest auto dealer shop.

6. Carefully Lower the Car to the Ground

After you’re sure that everything is well in place, slowly lower the car to the ground until the tires have taken back the vehicle’s weight.  Afterward, proceed to gently remove the jack. Once done, attach the hubcap and repeat these steps on the rest of the wheels. When all the rims have been replaced, you’ll need to check the alignment of each wheel. You can do this through a test drive to be sure that the rims won’t pop off. Try and keep a low speed as you do so. In case the vehicle isn’t stable, you can go to your nearest shop and have a professional fix the issue.

For all automobiles, the right set of rims is important.  This is because they contribute towards whether your ride will be smooth or rough. Comfort and durability come first for many drivers.  As you might have seen from the outlined steps, replacing an old rim isn’t necessarily difficult. Yes, it might take time, but the final result will be worth it. Be careful not to damage the rims or puncture your tires during the whole process as this will end up costing you, instead of saving your coins. If you still feel like you can’t manage the rim change on your own, remember, asking for help is always an option. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance from people who are more familiar with such situations. It’s better to have it done well and ensure the durability of the car rims. Cars can say a lot about their owners. What does your car say about you?

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Driver CPC Certification

What is Driver CPC Certification and Who is Required to obtain it?

Every professional driver operating a bus, lorry, or a coach needs to get a driver CPC certification. The certification contains standards followed during driver training as well as continuing education for career professionals. The purpose of requiring drivers to undergo this certification is to ensure proficiency and competency on the job. What is the Primary training of drivers for CPC certification? CPC stands for Certificate of Professional Competence and to all domains of you can apply it. All professional drivers who fall in the category of  C or D license. If you are a new driver and live in Sheffield, and this is your first time to undergo CPC certification, you’ll need to find a course for Driver CPC in Sheffield providing initial training. The instruction includes sufficient preparation for testing theories and applying practical skills. If you don’t go through the initial qualification process, you won’t be able to proceed to obtain a commercial driver’s licence. Who is required to take periodic training? Once a driver completes initial CPC training, a card is presented confirming that all legal requirements were met. This card is valid for the next five years. Once the card is about to expire on its fifth year of validity, drivers have to undergo periodic training to renew certification. Periodic training is necessary for maintaining competency and development. Each recurrent training consists of 35 hours in the classroom administered by accredited training providers. Training providers typically customise the programmes to meet the needs of their clients. Some clients may require their drivers to have training on emergency procedures for road safety, while there are others that may require additional training on how to handle volatile products like petroleum. Who needs a driver CPC certification? The critical identifier that a driver CPC certification is necessary is when a driver is a professional driver. But there are some exceptions which typically involve non-professional drivers. Those who drive the following types of vehicles for a living need CPC certification: Heavy equipment used in construction Buses operating on local and regional routes Coaches Tipper trucks Bin lorries Articulated lorries Aside from the drivers, operators also need to obtain CPC certification. But the training for operators is different from that of drivers. Exceptions to CPC certification: The law has built-in guidelines on who is exempt from taking CPC certification. There are professional drivers and non-professional drivers who may be exempt according to these guidelines. Professional drivers exempt from obtaining a CPC certification are: Professional drivers driving vehicles in the armed forces, police, fire service, and civil defence. Professional bus drivers who don’t receive compensation for their service and the vehicle has less than 19 seating capacity. You are driving a qualified vehicle, but only doing so for personal purposes. Vehicles driven for rescue or emergency operations. These are only a few of the exemptions in the list of those required to get a CPC certification. It is essential that you review the complete list and guidelines to know if your driving activity will also need a driver CPC certification. Read Also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver? How Do Self-Driving Cars Really Compare To Human Drivers In Terms Of Safety?

Catalytic Converter Theft

How To Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft

The catalytic converter is an important part of the car that turns the pollutants made from the car into a harmless gas. The converter can take many harmful things like platinum, palladium, and rhodium and then turn them into different gases. While you might not think about this simple part of your car, it’s actually a target for thieves because they can sell it for a large amount of money. If you no longer need your catalytic converter for any reason, Core Masters buys catalytic converters. This guide will cover how to prevent catalytic converter theft as well as explain how to know if your converter has been stolen. How Do I Know If My Catalytic Converter Has Been Stolen? Most of the time, you cannot tell your converter was stolen just by looking at your car. You will probably be able to tell once you start the engine though as the car might make weird noises. When the converter has been removed from the car, the vehicle makes a constant loud roaring noise that becomes louder as you push on the gas pedal. If you drive the car, you will notice it cannot drive smoothly and it will make a weird sputtering noise. Here are some of the other things you can look for when it comes to driving without your converter: Loud roar as you start the car that becomes louder the more you accelerate More exhaust fumes than usual and weird exhaust smells You notice there are missing parts under the car especially the ones that lead to the muffler Acceleration that is sputtering or uneven The check engine light is on or your car fails an engine inspection Read Also: Simplify Parts Pricing With A Comprehensive Solution Why Do People Steal Catalytic Converters? There are many reasons why people choose to steal catalytic converters. While sometimes you can only get $50 for a converter, there are some that can be sold for thousands of dollars per ounce thanks to the precious metals that are found in them. People that are used to stealing converters can take them in just a few minutes making them easy to steal and get away. It’s an easy way to make quick cash for some people so they take every opportunity they can to ensure they take them. Catalytic Converters also cannot be tracked like other parts of the car. So people that steal it easily get away with it and the person who’s now missing it from their car has no way of getting it back. Are Certain Cars Targeted For Catalytic Converter Theft? Any car that is made after 1974 has a converter so there are many cars out on the road that thieves can target. Most of the time, thieves prefer to steal from taller cars like SUVs and trucks because they can easily go under the car and take the converter. Hybrid cars are also another target because the converters are made with more metal and more precious metals which means they can get a higher value for them when selling. The more precious metals there are in the converter, the more money the thief can get for it so they often go for cars they know that have converters best for selling. Ways To Protect Your Car Against Catalytic Converter Theft Worried about your car’s catalytic converter being stolen? There are plenty of ways you can ensure this doesn’t happen. Most are simple tricks that can be done for free. Know If You’re A Target As stated before, SUVs, trucks, and hybrid cars are all easy targets for catalytic converter theft. If you own one of these cars, you need to ensure you always follow all safety tips because you know your car’s converter can be stolen easier. Knowing that your target makes it easier to keep yourself safe and be aware of the signs that your converter has been stolen. Put Your VIN On The Converter There is no way to track a catalytic converter, so if yours is stolen it’s almost impossible to retrieve it back. This is why some people choose to put their VIN or their license plate number on their converter. This way if someone goes to sell it, the person buying it might check if the person trying to sell it to them is the original owner. If they are not, they can contact authorities and say they think the converter has been stolen. Park In Well Lit Areas Every time you park your car or go somewhere, make sure you park near the street lights. You should also try and park as close to the entrance of places as possible. If you park in an apartment complex, try to park in different areas every time so that people do not target your car as being in the same place. Install Cameras If you can, put cameras in your parking lot or outside your home. This allows people to know you have surveillance and they will be deterred from stealing the converter because they know they can be caught more easily. You can also install motion sensor lights so that every time someone walks by, the light turns on. This makes people feel like they are being watched and they will not want to get too close to your car. Paint Your Converter This often deters buyers because it makes the converter less valuable. Painting is also known as a common technique for avoiding theft so if a person tries to sell a painted converter, it looks more suspicious. Some police departments even let you go into their station and paint your converter for free. Catalytic Converters And Thieves Unfortunately, converters are easy to steal making them an easy target for those looking to make a quick buck. When your converter is stolen, you can even spend up to $3000 replacing it. This is why it’s very important to use the tips in this guide to prevent your converter from being stolen. You also need to ensure your car is insured against catalytic converter theft so that you are never stuck paying for a new out-of-pocket. Read Also: Selling Collectibles: A Guide to Selling Your Memorabilia at Auctions Here’s What Makes Package Units Better than the Other ACs

Electric Scooters

Electric Scooters 101: What to Look For When Buying One

With the world gradually shifting to electric, auto manufacturers have made several types of electric vehicles in the market, including scooters. These scooters range from budget scooters, which cost hundreds of dollars, to high-performing scooters that can cost thousands of dollars. These scooters also differ in functionality, design, and more. So, with so many options available, it may be best to know what to look for if you want to buy a scooter. To help narrow down your search for suitable electric scooters for sale, here are some of the features you should prioritize. 1. Safety Features Your electric scooter should have several safety features. These features will depend on the brand or model that you choose. When buying one, consider the following: a. Tires You have to choose between solid and pneumatic tires. The best tires are air-filled or pneumatic tires because they provide a more comfortable ride. These tires require more maintenance and are prone to punctures. However, they add more to your suspension, offering a safer, more comfortable ride experience. On the other hand, solid tires require no maintenance and do not puncture. However, they have no suspension and are slippery on wet roads. b. Speed The city's recommended safe speed for e-scooters is 14-15 km/h. Do not exceed this speed limit if you do not have experience riding a scooter. Make sure you follow the electric scooter laws in your state. c. Accessories While on the road, a scooter's light on the rear fender is invisible to cars; therefore, ensure the scooter you buy comes with a helmet. The deck should also provide you with a good grip between the scooter and your shoes. d. Brakes A scooter can have a foot, degenerative disk, or a motor brake. These brakes perform on different levels, and their functionality will depend on the scooter's response and speed. Consider test driving the different types of brakes and choose what suits you best. 2. The Design of the Scooter An electric scooter's basic design is a handle, two wheels, and a deck. The variations on these parts will depend on the brand. When choosing a design, consider the following: The folding mechanism Height Build Firmware Height Check for flimsy parts, the overall construction of the e-scooter, and ease of repair. The design you choose will also depend on your taste and needs. 3. How Much Range It Can Cover The range of an e-scooter is affected by it the weight it can carry, speed, terrain, and battery. Ensure you buy a scooter that can handle your weight and check the maximum distance it can cover before it runs out of battery. Rough terrain with steep hills and rocks will require more battery power and this also means that the scooter will not cover a long distance. Check to know the maximum weight capacity and battery life. 4. The Price of the Scooter While your budget is a crucial factor to consider, know if the e-scooter you are buying is worth the price. Though you may be on a budget, do not compromise functionality and efficiency. Choose a scooter that will serve its purpose and, in the long run, also save you some money. Choose the Right Scooter for You You must buy a scooter that will solve your transportation needs and be within your budget without compromising quality. Hopefully, the tips listed above should help you with an excellent place to start. Read Also: Will eBikes Save the Planet? Top 5 Hoverboards on Sale in 2017 Seven Great Reasons to Use a Car Transportation Company