Tag: anthelmintic medication


Niclosamide – An All-In-One Medication

Most of the medications available in your cabinet offer multiple benefits and there is every possibility that you have a few of them. Even though these medications are designed specifically for one ailment, they can also be used for other medical issues.  A typical example of this type of medication is Niclosamide. Before it was discovered to be effective in fighting Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and bacterial and viral infections, it was primarily an anthelmintic medication. Some research also indicated that niclosamide can also help fight against numerous cancers.  Niclosamide and the benefit it offers have been described below. What Is Niclosamide? Niclosamide is an antiparasitic medication that is used to fight parasites in many individuals globally. Antiparasitic medications like niclosamide can be used to expel worm infections from broad tapeworm, fish tapeworm, dwarf tapeworm, and beef tapeworm. However, it is powerless against other worm infections like pinworms and roundworms. Worms are parasitic in nature. They stick to the wall of tee intestines, grow and produce eggs. Even though they can be less severe, they can cause severe health complications particularly when they become more invasive which has been a serious health issue worldwide. In the world today, infections from soil-transmitted helminths (STH) have affected more than two billion individuals. Although this infection can be easily prevented, many individuals still end up enduring severe discomfort, pain and suffering from its infection. This is the primary use of an anthelmintic medication. The growth of niclosam for about five years now has been quite significant as a result of its antitumor properties and has since been approved by the FDA. Apart from its primary use, it is potent against other viral or bacterial infections, Parkinson’s disease, and diabetes. Studies also indicated that the medication is more effective than mebendazole and flubendazole which has made it the top choice for handling tapeworm infections. It is also the only option used for mass chemotherapy. The Effectiveness of Niclosamide Niclosamide is a medication that helps to fight infection from tapeworm. Dead tapeworms get expelled from the body whenever one goes to the toilet. While these can be visible to the eyes sometimes,  they might not be visible all the time as many of them are killed in the intestine. You can easily cure these infections by consuming the medication on an empty stomach 2 hours before or after every meal. Furthermore, it is recommended by doctors that the medication should be consumed after taking breakfast. The specific procedure used by the medication remains to be completely understood even though it is primarily used as an anthelmintic drug. However, for more than a decade, several studies have discovered the therapeutic ability of the medication in different signaling cascades. Read Also: Does medicine really help in treating Arthritis?Is It Worth Studying Medicine In The Caribbean Islands?Caribbean- The Most Exotic Destination To Study Medicine