Tag: Color Concrete

Color Concrete

A Simple Guide in Choosing the Right Color for Concrete

The success of any business stands on a strong foundation. The chances are that today on your way to the office, you have stepped on concrete floors and probably wondering why some have concrete color on them. Concrete is a strong foundation that also needs some pampering for it to keep holding the building and roads that stand on them. When you take a stroll and notice, some buildings have concrete showing some pigmentation. One natural concrete color that is common in the market today is the integral color concrete that is easy to use because you only add iron oxide to the concrete when simultaneously mixing in a mixing truck or by hand. Features Other still call it the concrete dye or concrete pigmentation. The infusion of the color gets inside materials to give a lasting and a fade resistant color. The ideal place to use it is on slabs that experience high levels of traffic. One notable thing about this concrete color is that you will not notice road chippings. Another good thing about this pigmentation is the background color and the power of contrasts using varying combinations Environment-Friendly Concrete colors are environment-friendly because you can mix the variety of colors and pour the pigments on any environment with a matching color. The packaging is in convenient bags that dissolve in water; therefore, no need to think about recycling. The colored concrete ensures that future chips do not explode due to abrasions or frictions from car tires. The finely ground iron oxide pigments are mixed with concrete before pouring on the ground. The blending of the available color varieties is loaded depending on the cement used on each yard. Loading Percentages In most cases, you will find the label reading 1 percent, 2 percent, 3 percent, and 4 percent. The 1 percent is what most people refer to as economy loading and is excellent for use in places that need soft colors and enough concrete color to remove the old paint. The 1 percent works well with dark and contrasting colors. The 2 percent produces strong colorations, and you can tell that what you are seeing is a color. Desirable for interior floor works and does not use any contrasting colors. The 3 and 4 percent are a solid color combination, and there is no doubt that they give a lasting impression. Not suitable for stamping because they do not have enough contrasts from their antique products. Concrete color packaging is done per yard so no need of taking your calculator because every bag you have represents a yard. When seeking to purchase concrete color, make sure you know how to estimate a yard that you can use to calculate the number of bags you need in relation to the yard estimation. It is important to note that the type of sealers affects color composition. Sealers that can dissolve will enhance and make the color darker and will closely match the color inside the package. The extraction of concrete color comes from the natural and synthetic metal oxides with no fillers or extenders. You can select a color of choice by combining bags to get a specific color mix. Read Also: 5 Factors To Consider In Choosing The Right Floor Colors 4 Tips For A Successful Home Renovation