Tag: Construction

commercial and residential construction

Commercial and Residential Construction: Key Differences

When it comes to construction, many business owners, who have faced residential projects before, are surprised at how different commercial projects are. The difference between commercial and residential construction approaches is big, starting from the volume of work and ending with regulations We’ve turned to the experts to list the key differences between commercial and residential construction. Knowing them is especially important when choosing general contractors and checking their portfolio, permits, and credentials. Commercial vs Residential Construction: Definition Before we go further, let’s define commercial and residential construction. When we are talking about commercial construction, we mean creating a building for commercial purposes. It could be a store, office, school, factory, storage facility, warehouse, and more. When it comes to residential construction, it involves building something for residential living, including houses, apartments, condominiums, etc. At first glance, it may seem as if the approaches to these two types of construction are similar. However, they vary substantially. There may be a certain crossover between the skills of commercial and residential construction experts. However, a company that focuses on commercial construction may not have what it takes to deal with residential projects and vice versa. Regulations and Permits According to construction experts from afsgeneralcontracting.com, the key differences between these two types of construction are codes, regulations, and permits. Any kind of construction project requires special permits to be completed. For commercial projects, the number of these permits and codes is much higher than for residential buildings. Safety codes pertaining to parking lots, elevators, fire safety, and more are different for commercial properties. General contractors must have extensive experience following these codes since failing to do so could result in the entire project being done in vain. Commercial buildings come with elaborate concerns for electricity, IT, and parking. That’s why the level of complexity for working with such properties is much higher. Building codes and standards don’t just vary from residential to construction projects. They can be different in each state or even city. That’s why it’s important to check whether the general contractor you’ve chosen has experience working in your area. Materials As soon as there is a building design in place, it’s important to identify materials needed for the construction project’s completion. Usually, materials required for commercial construction are drastically different from what you would purchase for a residential construction project. For example, an average residential building requires more wood since it uses a timber frame construction. Such an approach is considered to be cost-effective and well suited for buildings of smaller size. Even though some residential building owners prefer a steel frame for integrity, not too many agree. The reason is a much higher cost. Requirements for commercial construction project materials are stricter. The design is usually more complex than for residential needs. Timber framing often doesn’t cut it for large commercial buildings. Steel is the preferred material for companies building commercial properties. It’s resilient and allows for higher integrity and longevity of tall buildings. Obtaining large amounts of steel for framing requires an established relationship between a contractor and supplier. It may be easier for the residential owner to purchase timber directly from the vendor. However, in both cases, it’s better to rely on the contractor to find the right materials. Equipment and Training No matter how large and complex residential buildings can be, they are small and simple compared to some commercial projects. The large size of commercial buildings requires special equipment and workers’ experience. Operating tall cranes is different from working with aerial lifts. Meanwhile, the cost of such equipment, even if it’s rented, is much higher. Height-access equipment for commercial projects require specially trained operators. It’s also harder to find than aerial lifts for residential construction purposes. Some parts of residential construction projects are sometimes done by owners themselves or contractors using “How-to” videos. Even though it sounds questionable, these people often reach satisfactory results since the tasks aren’t hard. However, such an approach can never work for commercial projects. Mistakes that construction workers make with residential projects are much easier to fix than those occurring with commercial construction are. Meanwhile, commercial construction errors are likelier to result in a lawsuit. In most cases, residential construction workers need additional training to deal with commercial projects. Deadlines Commercial project deadlines are usually much stricter than their residential counterparts are. Higher construction costs and better-organized workflow usually mean that commercial construction tasks are executed much faster. For a company, a faster construction process means lower costs for labor and reduced financial investment. This motivates commercial construction workers to complete the project quicker. When it comes to residential projects, homeowners have a tougher time setting deadlines since they are prone to making changes. Meanwhile, some homeowners experience financial problems during the construction project, which may hinder deadlines. Residential construction projects require fewer workers than commercial construction does. This may also slow the process down. Costs The biggest difference between residential and commercial construction is cost. It doesn’t just stem from materials and compliance standards but depends on the costs of labor and equipment. The number of workers, as well as their experience and training, may reflect on the project costs tremendously. So can the use of specialized equipment, which is tougher to find and more expensive to rent. Residential projects require all of the above as well. However, due to their smaller scale, the costs go down proportionally. The approach to funding is different as well. For commercial projects, funding is found through bank financing, government agency or a wealthy owner/developer. Meanwhile, the homeowner usually funds a residential project through a loan. Final Thoughts Commercial and residential projects can be drastically different. The key differences between commercial and residential construction are materials, equipment, worker training, costs, and deadlines. When choosing a general contractor, the difference between the two is highly important since a company that deals with residential projects may not take up commercial construction tasks and vice versa. Read Also: Lifting and Rigging Equipment—Your Hardware Guide 3 New Age Engineering & Construction Technology All You Must Know About Construction Business Management Software

Construction Safety

Construction Safety – What you didn’t know!

No matter your business, there are a few topics no business plan should be without. Safety is one of them. Construction safety is of prime importance when you are investing your money in any real estate project. Even if your premises only consists of an office, your workers’ safety must be paramount. And it’s much more than simply keeping them out of harm’s way! Safe work environments prove your concern for employees and when workers feel respected, they’re happier. That means higher productivity overall. So it’s a win-win for all involved. And there are few environments where this is as important as the construction industry. With multiple factors influencing safety levels and work often taking place meters from the ground, safety measures are non-negotiable. In this article, we will touch on some aspects of a construction site that pertains to Occupational Health and Safety in today’s world. Know your facts so you can take extra good care of your team. This is how you keep them safe and build up a reputation as a preferred employer. Fall Protection Explained One important aspect to cover is falling protection. Fall protection refers to the implementation of systems that assure the Construction safety of workers. These systems are: Correctly built scaffolding structures, stable work surfaces. Guard Rails. Safety nets and/or covers. Restraint systems. Fall arrest systems such as structures with roof anchor points. Correctly equipped and educated workers. You can see it goes much further than the physical aspects of your work environment. Do you take it one step further in empowering your workers with knowledge too? Equipped, alludes to hard hats, steel toe boots, and reflective vests. But educated refers to training and onsite communication of safety regulations & best practice. If your team doesn’t know how to implement the equipment you invest in, you’re not really keeping them safe. What to Consider in Health and Construction Safety Measures Now that you’re up to speed, let’s discuss a few major safety aspects which according to the studies are leading causes of injuries and fatalities. Scaffolding For any construction work, the first point of concern is scaffolding. At first glance, scaffolding seems like thrown together bars and columns made of steel. But there is so much more that goes into the correct and safe erection & utilization of these structures. Vital points of consideration include: Scaffolding needs to be a rigid structure able to handle its own weight plus four times the intended load without compromising stability. The support structure can’t consist of movable objects such as bricks or barrels. The structure must not be moved, altered or manipulated without supervision or instruction of someone competent or qualified. Accessories on Scaffolding Each item you use on a scaffolding structure must be considered too: Guardrails and platforms must all be tightly bound with quality material. All equipment must be inspected before use and frequently thereafter. Braces, brackets, screws, nuts, and bolts or stairs & ladders cannot be compromised. Any weakened or damaged accessories need to be replaced or overhauled immediately. A golden rule is simply this: if there’s a chance that there’s increased the risk to people’s safety, review, repair or replace. Rigging It’s not only the infrastructure you create that’s important. Every object attached to workers affects their safety. So, lastly, rigging on scaffolding is integral in the safety of all working on site. Rigging refers to: Harnesses Ropes Equipment that prevents workers from falling These are some of the essential facts that you can consider for your construction safety. While much of these accessories prevent falls, they should also be designed to prevent someone from falling too far in the event of an accident. This matter closely relates to our first remark on ‘fall protection’. Fall Protection—What do You Need? Falling on construction sites is the single highest cause of fatalities within the construction industry. There are several causes of these incidents such as unstable work surfaces, the misuse or complete failure to utilize fall protection equipment at all and most commonly, human error. Can you prevent some of these risks? Thanks to innovation workers can enjoy more peace of mind than a few decades ago. Advances have been made to ensure the rate of error decreases drastically. The solution can be as simple as using: Guard rails Safety nets Restraint systems Roof anchor points. The latter is an especially popular option. Devices Explained Roof anchor points are multi-purpose stainless steel roof mounted anchors used for construction or maintenance. Typically, you’ll find a flat plate with a D-shaped ring mounted on the roof’s surface. The benefit is these anchors can work on many surfaces including asphalt, cement, steel or tiles. With an almost unlimited life span, this equipment provides comprehensive safety measures. But once again a warning about the responsibility that lies with all site managers: the roof anchor point, harness, and lanyards must be inspected by the manufacturer or competent Construction safety officer to ensure proficiency. Conclusion As innovations increase there is an increasing number of ways to safeguard your team. How up to date are you? And when last did you audit your equipment and your staff’s knowledge about using it? Quick review benefits all involved, makes everyone feel safe and buys you your team’s loyalty in the long run. Read Also: Construction Safeguards: What Are The Top 3 Leading Risks For Machine-Related Amputation? 3 New Age Engineering & Construction Technology Timber! 8 Facts About Log Cabin Construction You Should Know