Tag: feeling comfortable and confident

feeling comfortable

6 tips for feeling comfortable and confident on a date without alcohol

Imagine: you’re up to your first date so you’ve already started getting prepared for it to shine and sparkle in the eyes of your crush. But. Everything seems to be falling out of your hands, problems began appearing at the speed of light – you don’t really know what to dress in, how to act, what to say to feel convenient. And at this moment you decide to take in some liquor willing to gain desired confidence. That is certainly a huge no-no! 6 tips for feeling comfortable and confident on a date without alcohol The first impression is always the strongest and of course, you don’t want to look and sound drunk on a first date. Naturally, you ask what you need to do to calm down your trembling hands. So today Vava Brides likes to present a top 6 tips to feel comfortable on a date staying 100% sober. 1. Get ready Blast up your favorite music, read some mantras or affirmations aloud (if you’re superstitious though), have a hot shower or bath or take a short nap to rest your mind. Wear clothes that describe you. Relax your body with a massage or other treatments just before the date. It may sound ridiculous, but you can also do exercises just to let go of some steam. Seriously, a jog in the park or a fast visit to the gym can help dispel nerves. And we all look better after some mild exercise – your skin shines and your eyes sparkle. 2. Plan up but be ready to go impromptu No doubt you can schedule everything step by step, but don’t be afraid of spontaneous decisions. Some people even make a list of potential topics they can “fall back to” just in case the conversation starts running out of steam faster than expected. It’s not actually a bad idea (if you won’t peep into the list during the date). 3. Remember your lover is a human too You can be absolutely sure your partner is as much nervous as you are. Most importantly, keep an ear on the language you use: words can be very powerful and affect the other person. Imagine hanging out with a person constantly using words like “anxious, depressed, frustrated, tired, down, lonely” in every other sentence. Spice up your conversation with “happy words” like “pleased, relaxed, comfortable, interesting, exciting, buzzing” and so on. You can’t possibly be aware of the subliminal effect these words have on our consciousness. Always try to maintain a positive flow of your talk, put all bad down, tell jokes or funny stories to keep your lover entertained. Notice: it’s not what you say, it is HOW you say”. Cheer up! 4. Try to convince yourself you’re just meeting an old friend Yeah, it may seem complicated, yet you’ll find yourself in a lot better state with the idea of knowing the person for your whole life. Act exactly the same way you do when your friends around. Do not fear being funny as well! 5. Explore the area for worth-visited places It will always be a plus for you if you suggest having a nice walk in a local park or visiting some interesting place near you after having a fancy dinner. Don’t let your partner grow bored! 6. Snap a photo What can possibly be more satisfying than taking a selfie with your crush at the end of a perfect date? It can tell your partner that you’ve really enjoyed the time spent together. And that he/she means a lot to you. Thus, you can see that alcohol is not a requirement to have a truly great time with a loved person. It can hardly make you feel confident. But what it CAN do for sure is to spoil such an important first impression and tell something about your personality you’d not like.