Tag: GRE


Top Tips for Conquering Your GRE Prep

Preparing for the GRE always comes with a set of challenges. While it is important to have the right information, one of the most common pitfalls during this process arises because of a sense of laxity. In essence, as you prepare for the GRE, knowing what you need to do is as important as knowing what you need to avoid. In this article, we are going to discuss some important tips that will help you in conquering your GRE. Get a GRE guide: Since there are various guides on the market, you should consider getting one. GRE guides provide one with actual practice sets that you can use, and they are super easy to get through a certified GRE tutor. You need to be familiar with various types of questions as a way of ensuring that you get the right frame of mind before sitting for the exam. The most effective way of preparing for the GRE is practice. Setting aside time to intentionally practice increases the likelihood of improving your scores. Be diligent: Faced with an array of demands, getting time to prepare for the GRE can be quite difficult. As such, it is highly recommended that you develop a plan and strive to stick to it. This calls for a high level of diligence. You can also consider seeking the services of a GRE tutor to help keep you on track and set up a study schedule that fits your needs. Read widely: Reading through the dictionary can be quite tedious if not outright boring. As such, if you are looking for ways that you can apply to improve your vocabulary consider expanding the subjects and genres you normally read. Reading many books helps the reader develop new ways of thinking. Studies reveal reading material from different sources boosts memory and enhances a person's ability to learn new vocabulary. This is an easy and convenient way of learning new words compared to trying to cram new words in before the exam. It is also important to avoid focusing on only one subject. Focusing on only one subject can be dangerous since you are not sure what will be examined. For this reason, it is advisable to make sure that you prepare adequately to avoid surprises. Sign up for a prep course: Though expensive, prep courses have qualified GRE tutors who teach various areas. While some students opt to learn on their own, the reality is this denies you the opportunity to have a well-balanced interaction with the material. Taking a prep course gives you an opportunity to interact with instructors and ask all manner of questions. In the end, it is an easy and effective way to eliminate false or wrong answers during the exam day. Do not let stress overwhelm you: Even though this exam is critical when it comes to getting into the right graduate school, it is possible to take it several times. Furthermore, most of the graduate schools focus on the grades you got along with your GPA. However, this does not mean that you should not study. Keep in mind that you paid for it and therefore you should strive to excel. What we are saying is that you are more likely to pass this exam if you get your strategy right and work within a well-constructed study framework. Read Also: Online Services To Help Student How To Crack Civil Service Exam In One Attempt 10 Tips To Memorize All Necessary Information Before Exams MAT Registration For February Session Started; Here Is The Complete Exam Schedule


Are You Ready for the GRE?

The GRE may be one of the most important tests that you take in your life. You have put in countless hours studying and taking practice tests, but the question is whether you are truly ready to take the test. As with any major exam, typically you have a strong idea of whether and when you are prepared and ready for the exam. Here are some signs that you are ready for the big day. Your Practice Scores Exceed Your Goals: Every test taker has a score in mind that is their target for the exam. Given that the best way to take the exam involves taking numerous practice exams, you should have an idea of where you are before the exam. It is a fact that the conditions of the actual exam may cause you to not perform as well as you would otherwise hope. This could be due to the pressure or the unfamiliarity of the setting. Therefore, you should have your practice scores slightly above your target. When these metrics exceed your target score, you have a good indication that you are ready for the exam. You Start Feeling Confident: When you are preparing for a clutch exam, you spend many hours in a state of panic. As you begin to get a handle on what you are doing, panic starts to be replaced with other emotions. This does not happen overnight. Instead, it takes countless long study sessions and a gradual process. It is unrealistic to expect a test taker to simply snap their fingers and change their mindset. This comes through hard work. After the extensive effort, fear gives way to confidence. When you actually believe that you can beat the exam, it comes after you have put in the necessary hard work and it means that you are prepared. Study Material Seems Rote: When studying for an exam, test takers should usually cover everything more than once. The first time that they read through the material, it seems new and there it will take some effort to gain familiarity and mastery over the material. As you begin to become more familiar with the material, it will come easier to you on each review. At a certain point, the material should be drilled into your head. At that point, when you read the material, you will have a strong sense of Deja vu. Then, you will know that the material has become second nature to you, and you are good to go to take the test. You Have Taken a Practice Course: GRE prep courses are a great way of preparing you to take the big exam, but like everything else, they cost money. When you take one of these classes, you gain the benefit of instruction and tips from experienced test takers. These classes follow and track the exams, and they will be able to tell you about recent trends with the exam. While some test-takers are certainly able to prepare themselves with a few practice exams and a study book, many people find that more is necessary. One option to accomplish this is free online GRE prep. This can save you money and give you the help you need for the exam. Read Also: 3 Amazing Online Resources For GMAT Prep 10 Tips To Memorize All Necessary Information Before Exams