How to Train Your Brain with Math


14 July 2017



We are always using our brain for the most part of our life, but we don’t do much to keep it in good shape. Your brains need a lot of training and stimulation. There are a lot of things you can do to improve your working memory. But many people are not focused on taking the time to train their brain.

There are a lot of great apps, games, and exercises that you can use to improve your brain performance and math skills at the same time. This type of memory training can lead to improvement in mathematical capacities and even help you with your college homework. For accellerated math students, K-12, most turn to math summer camps to stay sharp and avoid the summer slide.

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Here are seven steps to help you improve your brain’s function with math

  • Visualise the problem and practice a lot

To improve your memory, practice visualisation skills to support visual-spatial working memory. This is very important if want to be good in math. When you visualise what you hear, you boost weak verbal working memory. Create a picture in mind to represent the information you just heard or read. Then draw that picture and explain it. The idea is to describe the picture you have in mind. It will give you the chance to create a mental image of who, where, what, when, size, colour, shape, texture, and mood.

Also, repeated practice can help reduce the strain that may be involved in working memory capacity. Strategies such as memorising multiplication tables help to improve your working memory and math skills. Over-learning or memorising a certain task allows individuals to work something out, which enables them to free up some memory space. During this process, make sure you take breaks to regain focus and not drift away from the main task. Repeated practice help an individual to retain information, and even stretch their memory capacities.

  • Use playing cards

There are so many games I can play that involves math to improve my brain performance and help do my homework. Games such as Crazy Eights, Concentration, Uno, and Memory require memory and use of sets, numbers and mathematical concepts. When you play these game, you get to learn to hold information when making any decision. Simple card games such as Go Fish require the players to recall what cards are likely to be in the opponent’s hands. Other complex cards such as Pinochle require good memory skills that involve counting and estimation to win. Playing complex games will help train your brain to be better.

  • Paper writing service

Mathematics is one of the most challenging subjects in school. If you don’t know the formula to a certain problem, there is no answer, and this can feel like a punishment. This is more common in Geometry, a branch of mathematics which is a quite complex and require special skills and knowledge to solve problems.

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If you feel frustrated in solving the math problems at hand, you can seek Geometry homework help from a paper writing service like They can help you understand curves, visualize dimensions, calculate angles, determine congruence, and much more.

  • Multiply numbers without a calculator

If you’re doing simple math like addition and subtraction at the grocery, avoid using a calculator and do some quick mental math. Start by multiplying two numbers at a time, then work your way up to three, and so on. Remember, math is a skill that can be easily forgotten if not done frequently. This will improve your organizational memory, visualization, and problem-solving skills with time. If you get stuck, you can seek math homework help from writing services.

  • Complete puzzles and play video games

Mental challenging puzzles such as Sudoku, Crossword puzzles, and other word puzzles are perfect ways to train your brain. Your brain needs to be subjected to challenges to make progress. When the brain realizes that it’s good at something, it stops putting in the effort. So completing puzzles will help the brain remain active and you will not talk of homework help math again.

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Puzzles are available online. It’s not like a couple of years ago where you could only find Crossword puzzles in magazines or newspapers. Even more, you get to choose from hundreds and thousands of puzzles on the internet. These games will increase your ability to recognize patterns and process thoughts and ideas quickly.

Also, some people say that video games can make your brain mush. But not all video games are like that. Many games are designed to engage your mind, improve your memory, boost mental speed, develop logic, and boost creativity.  Look for entertaining brain games such as chess, word games, memory games, and many others and keep the mind engaged.

  • Write often instead of typing

Many people love keyboards because they’re much more efficient to get the words on the page than using hand to write something. But if you want to acquire new knowledge, you may want to ditch the laptop and practice typing what you want by hand. This is important because, the reticular activating system (RAS), which is the brain’s filtering system processes what you’re focusing on at the moment. When you write, the RAS becomes active and you alert the brain that it’s time to pay attention to the task at hand. It is an effective way to train your brain especially when solving math problems.

Intelligence is not achieved overnight. But, it can be achieved by training your brain and helping it function at a more efficient level. The secret is to change your daily activities and take new challenges to help stimulate your brain. Solving math problems is a challenge that can help you do that

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Preparing Your Child for Future is Not Just About Education Anymore

Parents play a crucial role in the growth and development of their child. Children learn from their parents by simply observing them from a young age. Children are really inquisitive and ask tons of questions about everything. Though your child is growing up fast, the world is moving faster. This is the time to understand that preparing your child for the future is not limited to education any longer. You need to prepare your child for a global world, and this means you need to go farther than education. As a smart parent, you need to teach wise money management skills to your children. Children observe you deal with money matters in your home and learn from your actions. If you are a spendthrift, your children will consider it okay to spend money on unnecessary items. However, if you carefully plan your finances and build a budget, your children will learn to do the same. Every parent wants to ensure that their child is financially responsible, and this can be achieved through simple but consistent steps. Here is how you can prepare your child for being financially independent and responsible. 1. Set an Example : Young children watch you and learn. If they constantly see you use plastic money, they will notice that it is easy to swipe the card and when you argue with your partner about money, they will notice it too. You need to set an example for them in order to ensure that they understand and follow the same as they grow up. 2. Practically Explain the Importance of Money : Children need to understand that it is not easy to earn money. To do this, you need to physically hand them money and accompany them to a store, ask them to pick up a few items and make the payment for the same. This will work better than a ten-minute lecture on the importance of money.  3. Stay Away from Impulse Buys : In order to set a healthy example, you need to stay away from making impulse buys. You need to restrain yourself from using money without thinking over it. If your children ask you to buy them something every time you are at the store, you need to avoid it and encourage your children to wait for at least a day before making the purchase. Ask them to think over it and consider if they really want to spend the money on the purchase. 4. Build A Budget : If your child is a teenager, it is the right time to introduce the importance of the budget to them. Set a simple budget and ask your child to stick to it. This will help your teen understand financial discipline and to stick to a limited budget through the week or the month. As your child grows, you can ask him or her to make their own budget within the specified amount and to follow the same.  5. Teach Children to Stay Away from Loans : It seems extremely simple to apply for a loan and borrow money. But it does not come for free; there is a responsibility of making payments within the due time. Before your teen starts college or applies for the first job, you need to explain to him/her that it is best to steer clear of the loans. Talk through alternatives and encourage the habit of saving. It is best to spend the money within your limits instead of getting under a pile of debt. 6. Enroll them For Financial Certification Exams : There are various certification exams conducted by NSE, BSE, etc. Ask your child to enroll for the same. These examinations will help them learn about the investment domain. There are various modules to select, like mutual funds, derivatives, banking fundamentals, financial markets, etc. As you prepare your child for their bright future, you must also fulfill your responsibility towards securing their future. What this means is financial planning for their higher education and career. The best way to do so is by investing in the child education plan. If you have got time on your side, you can put your funds in child education plans such as SIPs in equity-oriented funds. Equities are the best option available to create wealth in the long term. However, considering the volatility involved indirectly investing in stocks, the SIP route of mutual fund investing provides a better option for parents who are looking to create a considerable corpus for their child’s future. Moreover, your investment in child education plan is managed by professionals who have expertise in cherry-picking stocks. Thus, you have a highly diversified portfolio which can provide considerable returns over the long run (*mutual funds returns vary according to on-going market conditions). Conclusion: Financial freedom is only valuable if it is accompanied by financial responsibility. Teaching children about finances at a young age will help them in getting future-ready.  

Korean Verbs List

Learn How to Express Action with This Korean Verbs List

Verbs are words that describe actions. They're also used to convey an occurrence or state of being. In the Korean language, it is usually listed with the symbol -다. A Korean verb is considered the most vital part of the sentence. It's so crucial that you can use it on its own. So if you're looking to polish your grammar and vocabulary, you should refer to this complete Korean verbs list. List of Regular Korean Verbs These 규칙동사 or regular verbs only need to follow simple conjugation. This will help it 'agree' with the other words in the sentence. To do so, you need to get rid of the 다 from the word's verb stem or dictionary form. As for the pattern, it varies according to tense. Here are some common Korean verbs that have been conjugated. Make sure to practice speaking them: 가요 = 가다 - to go 봐요 = 보다 - to see 먹어요 = 먹다 - to eat 만나요 = 만나다 - to meet 배워요 = 배우다 - to learn 공부해요 =공부하다 - to study List of Irregular Korean Verbs Compared to the former, these irregular verbs—otherwise known as 불규칙 동사—get modified following conjugation. They follow special rules, such as the ones you need to do when using adjectives. These words have 받침 or batchim, which is used to classify the word. Despite this feature, not all irregular verbs have batchims in them. Here are some of the words you should exercise speaking: 1. Korean Words With ㄷ Batchim 걷다 - geotda - to walk 싣다 - sitda - to load 듣다 - deutda - to listen 묻다- mutda - to ask 깨닫다- kkaedatda - to realize 2. Korean Verbs Withㄹ Batchim 만들다- mandeulda - to make 알다 - alda - to know 살다 - salda - to live 들다 - deulda - to carry 놀다 - nolda - to play 울다 - ulda - to cry 팔다 - palda - to sell 3. Korean Words With ㅂ Batchim 돕다 - dopda - to help 밉다 - mipda - to hate 부럽다 - bureopda - to envy 4. Korean Verbs With 르 Batchim 고르다 - goreuda - to choose 기르다 - gireuda - to bring up 나르다 - nareuda - to carry 자르다 - jareuda - to cut 서두르다 - seodureuda - to hurry 부르다 - bureuda - to call 바르다 - bareuda - to put on or apply 5. Korean Words With ㅅ Batchim 낫다 - natda- to recover 짓다 - jitda - to build/construct 긋다 - geutda - to rule 잇다 - itda- - to join or connect something 6. Korean Words With 으 Batchim 애쓰다 - aesseuda - to try 끄다 - kkeuda - to close 뜨다 - tteuda - to rise 모으다 - moeuda - to gather 7. Korean Verbs With ㅎ Batchim 그렇다 - geureota - to be that way 어떻다 - eotteota - to be a certain way Passive Verbs When you learn Korean, another verb you'll encounter is the passive verb or 피동사. It makes use of suffixes 되/돼, 이, 히, 리, or 기. 되/돼 are added to words ending with 하다 to make them passive. As you see, the passive version of 사용하다 (to use) is 사용되다 (to be used). The passive word for 비교하다 (to compare) is 비교되다 (to be compared). 이, 히, 리, and 기, on the other hand, are used with non-하다 words. For example, instead of writing 열다 (to open), you can write 열다 – 열리다 (to be opened). Get in touch with: Never Forget French: 7 Ways To Memorize Vocabulary Quickly! List of 하다 Korean Words 하다 (hada) is a regular verb that means 'to do' in the Korean language. It is added to nouns to create a verb. For example, the word 걱정 (worry) - with 하다 becomes geokjeonghada or 걱정하다 (to worry). Other examples include: 대답하다 - daedapada - to answer 말하다 - malhada - to speak 사랑하다 - saranghada - to love 공부하다 - gongbuhada - to study Korean Adjectives Adjectives or 형용사 are also known as descriptive verbs. These words originate from verbs, though they can never be used as action verbs. 기쁘다 - gippeuda - to be glad, happy 화나다 - hwanada - to be angry 슬프다 - seulpeuda - to be sad 아프다 - apeuda - to be sick Learning Korean Tenses Just like the English language, the Korean language has three basic tenses: Past Tense: 과거 시제 or gwageo sije Present Tense: 현재 시제 or hyeonjae sije Future Tense: 미래 시제 or mirae sije Here are two more tenses used in the Korean vocabulary: Progressive: 진행 시제 or jinhaeng sije Perfect: 완료 시제 or wallyo sije As with most verbs, these categories are formed through conjugation. More Korean Words to Practice If you want to perfect the way you talk Korean, then you need to use these verbs in your sentences: 고르다 - goreuda - to choose or select 닫다 - datda - to close 오다 - oda - to come 결정하다 - gyeoljeonghada - to decide 들어오다 - deureooda - to enter 경험하다 - gyeongheomhada - to experience 끝나다 - keutnada - to finish 주다 - juda - to give 가다 - gada - to go 가지다 - gajida - to have 공부하다 - gongbuhada - to study 기다리다 - gidarida - to wait 걷다 - geotda - to walk As you see in this list, you need to learn these Korean words to improve your grammar. So whenever you find yourself in a rut, all you need to do is search this comprehensive Korean verbs list. Read Also: 5 Golden Rules of Children Language Learning 6 Creative Skills You Can Use During Your Essay Writing Process

Business Management Diploma Best Practices

Unlocking Success: Business Management Diploma Best Practices

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, a solid foundation in business management is crucial for professionals aiming to climb the ladder of success. As industries become more competitive and complex, individuals must equip themselves with the right skills and knowledge to navigate challenges and seize opportunities. One effective way to do so is by pursuing a Business Management Diploma. This blog will discuss the best practices for unlocking success through a Business Management Diploma. So, make sure you stay connected. Beginning With A Business Management Diploma…  To start with, the curriculum of the advanced course on the Business Management Diploma is a comprehensive introduction to the business sector. It covers a range of domains like finance, marketing, strategic management, operations as well as human resources. Such breadth ensures that a student can gain an overall insight into the multifaceted business landscape.  The advanced program on strategic management discovers the depth of strategic thinking. It offers participants with tools and frameworks that help them to analyze complicated business environments. By examining real-case scenarios, a student gains a broader perspective and might leverage these lessons in their day-to-day activities.  What Are The Best Practices For Business Management Diploma?  The Internet is literally flooded with guidelines for best business management diploma practices. And it is fairly easy to lose your mind. Hence, to give you a clear idea, here are some of the most efficient practices needed to excel in a business management diploma. Check them out here: Setting Clear Goals Before embarking on any educational journey, it's essential to define your goals. Are you looking to enhance your job performance, switch industries, or even start your own business? A clear understanding of your objectives will help you tailor your diploma program to meet your specific needs. This ultimately ensures that you acquire relevant skills and knowledge. Goals are important so that you do not regret anything once your course has reached its initial stage. If you are clueless about what to choose, seek help from professionals.  Selecting The Right Program With several diploma programs available, it’s crucial to choose one that aligns with your goals and interests. Research and compare different programs, considering factors such as curriculum, faculty reputation, and program duration.  Opt for a program that offers a well-rounded education covering vital aspects of business management like finance, marketing, operations, and leadership. Programs act as educational aids when your course becomes difficult at some point in time.  Time Management Balancing work, personal life, and studies can be difficult. Effective time management is a skill you’ll need to master throughout your diploma program. Create a study schedule that accommodates your commitments, and stick to it.  Prioritize tasks, break them into manageable chunks, and tackle them systematically. By mastering time management, you’ll ensure you’re able to fully absorb the knowledge and skills being imparted. Because toppers are not made overnight, they have to excel in qualities like time management.  Active Participation Passive learning rarely leads to optimal results. Actively engage with your course materials. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and seek clarification as required. Real-world applications of theories are often better understood through discussions and group projects.  This fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter. As a part of your educational curriculum, participation in co-curricular activities is needed.  Networking Opportunities One of the most valuable aspects of pursuing a diploma is the networking opportunities it offers. Interact with fellow students, faculty members, and guest speakers. Through educational programs, you get the chance to interact with people all over the world.  Exchange ideas, experiences, and insights that can expand your horizons. Your career prospects can be significantly improved by networking since it can lead to collaborations, job opportunities, and mentorship.  Practical Application Theoretical knowledge is only as valuable as its practical application. Seek opportunities to use what you’ve learned in real-world situations. Many diploma programs offer internships, case studies, or projects that simulate business challenges.  Embrace these opportunities to gain hands-on experience and develop problem-solving skills. You never know when these programs can land you your dream job! Continuous Learning Completing a Business Management Diploma doesn’t mark the end of your learning journey but simply the beginning. The business world is dynamic, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments is essential. Engage in ongoing learning by attending workshops, webinars, and industry conferences. Increase your chance of getting a higher-paying job by taking a project management diploma online on top of your business degree. Consider pursuing advanced certifications to further specialize in areas of interest. Continuous learning is important when it comes to gaining success with a master-level program like a business management diploma. Adaptability And Resilience Success in business management requires adaptability and resilience. The strategies and techniques you learn today may need to be adjusted tomorrow due to changing market dynamics. Embrace change and adopt a flexible mindset.  Challenges will arise, but viewing them as opportunities for growth will set you apart as a capable and determined professional. And you always have a backup of your teachers, professors, and mentors- so there is nothing to worry about! Seek Feedback Constructive feedback is a powerful tool for improvement. Seek feedback from professors, peers, and mentors throughout the diploma program. Constructive criticism can help you refine your skills and approach.  By addressing areas of improvement, you’ll ensure that you’re constantly evolving and enhancing your capabilities. In the professional field, success is measured by your willingness to improve yourself. Conclusion The Advanced Diploma Degree in Business Management is more than just a regular educational program. It has a lot more to offer. Individuals get the ability of knowledge and skill implementation, which makes them even brighter for upcoming challenges. Follow these best practices, and you’ll be on your way to unlocking your full potential in the business management realm. So, that’s a wrap on this comprehensive guide. I hope you achieved an overall idea of why this course can be a great addition to your scholar life. But there’s more to it! Consider adding a few comments below and communicate your ideas to us. Until then, keep learning and keep growing! Read Also: Why Is Mentoring Important In Leadership? Five Essential Qualities That Define Great Leadership Develop Your Organizational Leadership Skills with an Associates of Science Degree