Category: Pets & Animals

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Amazing Facts You Need To Know About Corgis

Dogs are excellent canine companions and one of the loyal animals man can ever have. There are many breeds of dogs today and corgis, is one of the best dog breeds; they are cute and adorable from the moment you set your eyes on them. There are two main types of corgis, namely Cardigan corgis and Pembroke corgis, which were distinctly differentiated in 1930. Today, with the vast knowledge available about corgis, it has become easier to separate the two. Corgi is a word derived from the Welsh language, which means a dwarf dog that is, cor for dwarf and gi for the dog. If you are a dog lover and are looking for a cute pet, then the corgi could be one of the best decisions you could ever make. Below are some of the amazing facts that you probably did not know about the corgis; 1. They are needy dogs: Corgis will always want your attention and will do everything to get it. They enjoy being taken for walks and being taken care of. Also, another outstanding fact about corgis is that they can be quite destructive if left in one place for a long time. More so, they get bored fast, which means that you always need to get them something to do. If possible, you could spare some time to play with them, buy them toys or even take them for some professional dog training lessons, which leads us to the next point, they are easy to train. 2. Easy to train: Another thing that you need to know when buying Pembroke Welsh corgi puppies for sale is that they are very easy to train. The fact that they are highly energetic and very bold makes them easy to train on almost everything. Signing them up for training classes is a great way to get started, especially when they are still young. 3. They nip a lot: As aforementioned, corgis are quite needy and love playing. Yes, they are very friendly to other animals that they are familiar with, but you need to be extra careful when they are around children. These dogs love to nip in the name of playing, and if not careful, they may end up hurting someone. 4. They are good watchdogs: One thing that you need to know about corgis is that they are very protective and loud. In cases where they identify anything that they are not used to, they will bark loud and for longer too. The fact that they are also vigilant meaning that they are very good watchdogs and you do not have to worry about any invasion in your home when you are away. 5. Easy to groom: Grooming a dog can be time-consuming, but with the Welsh Corgis, that is not the case. This means that you do not necessarily have to outsource dog cleaning services as you can do it yourself without too much effort. However, since they have a thick double coat, they shed a lot. This means that you have to be ready to have fur all over in your house, but brushing them regularly can help to minimize the shedding. Read Also: Ten Superfoods For Your Dog 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs A Dog

Service Dogs

4 Cool Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Service Dogs

Service dogs are the most adorable animals on this planet. It is amazing how these dogs can undertake tasks such as picking something that has fallen, save a child from drowning, help someone who has anxiety and even help people who experience seizures. However, the ability of a service dog to undertake these tasks is dependent on how well the service dog training school trained it. As such, it is essential to do your due diligence and find a dog training school that is well known and has a good track record too. Below are four cool things you probably never knew about service dogs; 1. Service dog training is an investment: Like any other service, you also need to pay for a service dog training course. The puppies are trained as young as two days old. And, the training might take quite some time before the dog is considered fit to undertake the tasks. However, the end goal should be what motivates you. Having a dog that can help you cope with life is rewarding. 2. All service dogs are unique: There is no specification of which dog can be a service dog; in fact, if not aware, it can be hard to identify one. Arguably, all dogs can be trained to become service dogs. They come in different breeds, colors, shapes, and sizes; the difference of their abilities comes in the tasks that a given dog can perform. Of course, you cannot expect a Chihuahua to perform heavy tasks such as pulling a wheelchair, but, it is possible for it to help someone with a seizure or PTSD. Therefore, the service dog training depends on the type of dog as well as the type of disability the dog is purposed to help with. 3. Service dogs are not pets: Often, when you see someone strolling with a dog, we consider them as a pet. But, service dogs are not necessarily pets but rather service animals that are trained to help people with disabilities. However, in as much as they aren’t pets, they still need tender love and care. Ensure that they are well fed, bathed, and even goof around with them from time and again. Also, do not forget to take them to the veterinary for regular checkups. 4. There is no specific dress code for service dogs: You might be thinking that since service dogs are not pets, there would be a uniform to make them distinct. However, that is not the case. Yes, some vests are designed to identify a dog as a service dog, but it is not necessarily a requirement. As the dog handler, however, it is advisable to purchase a vest for the dog in case you often access dog prohibited areas. The attire is simply an indication that the dog is not a pet but rather an assistant. Conclusion The points, as mentioned above, have at least given you an insight into what service dogs are. Remember, these dogs also need to be cared for. Read Also: Ten Superfoods For Your Dog 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Can Breathe Fast? Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? Get A New Leash On Life: 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have A Pet

Squid and Octopus

Are There any Differences Between Squid and Octopus?

People are often confused with octopus and squid, for most of the individual they are classified as cephalopods. They might resemble with one another, however, there is a difference between the two and unique hunting methods got used to catching them. So, what is the major difference between squid and octopus? It is clearly stated below in this article. Are There Any Differences Between Squid and Octopus? Yes there exists the difference between the Squid and Octopus that you need to know. Squid vs octopus: In order to assist you to understand octopuses and squid better, here we have described some of the similarities as well as the difference when it comes to anatomy, habitat, size, biological classification, and hunting behavior. Biological classification- both octopuses and squid are cephalopods, that means they have head-footed and it has no real feet or head as the most prominent feature. They are both mollusks and invertebrates and they contain eight arms. Unlike other mollusks, they neither have a shell. Anatomy: The octopuses and squids are built similarly and this is how one can tell they are entirely different creatures just by the appearance. The octopus might have eight arms and a round head that radiate like spokes of any wheel. The squid also contains eight arms and a triangular head with extra long tentacles. The body is long and it contains a bony plate known as a pen which is a vestigial remnant of its shell. You will notice that the squid also has two fins over their head however the octopus has none fins. The dumbo octopus has an ear like a fin over their head that might resemble as a large floppy ear of the elephant. Both octopus and squids have a sucker over their arms and it has two extra tentacles that got equipped with a special sucker ring and hooks with teeth attached. Interestingly, they both have a squirt copper and ink in their blood. The copper helps in oxygen transportation within the animal’s bodies. Size: Most of the people believe that squids are smaller kind however the squid normally grow under 60 cm to 20 meters long. However, the smallest squid species is just an inch long. On the other hand, octopuses grow anywhere under 1 centimeter – 9 meters. Lifespan- another key difference both squid and octopuses have is life expectancy. Both the species have a decent lifespan if their size is considered. The lifespan of squid is between nine months to five years however the octopuses can live anywhere between one to three years. Habitat- The squid can be easily found out in several areas of sea, even from a darker depth of the ocean to shallower water. On the other hand, the octopuses prefer to live under the seafloor level whether it could be deep water or shallow waters. In fact, it is said that octopuses live in rubbish that can be easily sunk to the bottom of the floor. Hunting behavior: Due to the anatomical differences, the hunting techniques might vary. The squid has a habit of swimming over the open ocean in small groups and it can make use of their extra tentacles along with sucker rings in order to give them extra reach. It helps them to catch shrimp and fish then it can be easily eaten up. On the other hand, the octopus stays over the seafloor and it eats bottom crustaceans because the soft bodies will make them vulnerable. They pierce, grab and inject poison into the body of prey and it will paralyze it. This then dissolves as well as loosens the prey through the usage of saliva before ripping it into parts. The observation on the octopuses demonstrates that it is a solitary creature. They don’t like to live in groups thus prefer a lifestyle as “hermit”. The squid species are solitary and they travel the ocean. The way the squids, as well as octopuses, eat and catch is different. The squid usually hunts for fish through swimming crustaceans like shrimp and it catches them with its tentacles. The prey is then consumed using the structure that is beak-like known as radula to cut into prey at their mouth. Multiple rows radula has in form of “teeth” that would help squid in grinding the prey before ingesting it. Most of the squid will hunt in coordinate and group their movement so as to maximize all the catches. The octopuses are solitary hunters and they catch the prey over the ocean floor along with arms. They inject venom into the prey that paralyzes it. Digestive enzymes also introduce catch which softens for ingestion by octopuses. How do squid and octopuses move? The squid and octopus can swim in any of the direction and it can easily alter the course quickly. The squids make use of the fins that are located over their head that can be used to propel themselves when it swims. It can move at low speeds.  The fins can easily stabilize and steer the squid when they move slowly and it wraps the body all around when it has to move quickly. Most of the octopuses don’t any fins. Do the squid and octopuses live in schools? Since solitary animals like octopuses, they live alone as den and squids live in schools. The young squids become more solitary in the future. Additional information: Taste- octopuses have more taste receptors over their body as much as ten to a thousand times in comparison to humans. Touch- the octopuses are sensitive to touch however you cannot discriminate between the light and heavy objects. Sight- the squid and octopuses have excellent vision however they might be color blind. It has 360-degree vision range with eyes Smell- the squid and octopuses can register smell in pits that are located over the beneath eyes. How they protect themselves? Coloration- they can create or change color in intricate patterns on bodies so as to blend with surroundings Ink- the squid and octopus can expel copper ink that is dark. This can be used to confuse the predators thus giving off octopuses and squid time to escape This is all about the major difference between the octopuses and squids, you can know additional information on the internet. Read Also: Forever Young: Natural Ways To Live A Longer Life Best Deer Hunting Trail Camera Tips For Scouting Wildlife

why everyone should have a pet

Get a New Leash on Life: 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Pet

Did you know pet owners spent over $69 billion on their pets in 2017? It’s no secret that so many people love having a furry companion in their lives. However, not even current pet-owners know all the reasons why an animal companion improves their quality of life. It is a proven fact that dogs know you love them because they can sense it. They reciprocate this love in many ways. Keep reading to learn science-based reasons why everyone should have a pet. 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Pet: There are so many benefits of owning a pet and a ton of reasons why everyone should have a pet. Owning a pet can literally change your life. 1. Less Stress: There have been studies done on people doing a stressful task. If they have their pets with them, they experience less stress. There are rehabilitation facilities that encourage their patients to get a pet and allow them to be at their facilities. Read more:  Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? 2. Fewer Allergies: When kids grow up in a house with pets, they are less likely to develop allergies as they get older. The dander that pets have on their hair is natural immunotherapy for kids. Keep in mind that getting a pet as an adult doesn't minimize allergies. 3. Less Lonely and Happier: Pets give people a sense of purpose. They have someone to care for and feed, which gives humans a self-esteem boost. Pets have certain needs that only humans can help them with. As a pet owner--whether you have a dog, a bird, or a rabbit--you have choices to make to give your pet the best life possible. If it's a rabbit, you have rabbit food choices you have to make to ensure your furry friend has all the nutrients he/she needs. Same with a dog or a cat. The choices you make for your pet will make you feel happier naturally because you'll have a sense of need. Your fur baby will also help you feel less lonely, especially if you are living on your own. Those who are clinically depressed are less likely to suffer from depressive episodes thanks to having a pet companion. 4. Lowers Blood Pressure: Some studies have shown that having a pet might lower blood pressure. Marty Becker, DVM, the author of Your Dog: The Owner's Manual, says that if you have a dog around, your blood pressure is lower. Petting your pet helps your body release a relaxation hormone and reduces stress hormone levels. 5. Stay More Active: People are more likely to walk up to 30 minutes in order to make sure their dog gets walked. Having a dog will help you get fit and make some new friends at the park or in your neighborhood. If you stay more active, it will help against rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, and osteoporosis. Other pets also keep their owners active, but dogs tend to require consistent walking and playing to avoid accidents in the home. 6. Lowers Cholesterol: People that own pets have lower cholesterol levels than those that don't have pets. It's not clear if the lower cholesterol is because of the pet's presence or the more active lifestyle from owning a pet. All they know is that those that have fur babies have lower cholesterol levels than those without fur babies. 7. Overcome Limitations: If you have a child at home with ADHD or one on the autism spectrum, they can benefit from having a pet in the house. If your child has ADHD, having a pet to care for helps them focus as they fulfill specific responsibilities to help care for their pets. The child will develop a bond with their pet that helps their self-esteem and also introduces the feeling of security. If your child has autism, a pet will help hold their attention. They can also help with sensory activities. Children with autism have certain sensory issues, and a pet will help alleviate these by getting them used to the way something feels against their skin. 8. Prevent Strokes: The same Dr. Becker mentioned above says that if you have a cat, you're 30% less likely to have a heart attack and 40% less likely to have a stroke. He also shares in his book that if someone has a heart attack and owns a dog, they're more likely to be alive a year later because of their dog alerts. 9. Help Children Develop: Kids that grow up with pets benefit in their emotional development. Children learn how to express themselves better, and they also learn to relate better when they're attached to a pet. 10. Change the Life of a Chronically Ill Person: Dogs have been known to detect cancer, warn about low blood sugar, and predict a seizure. This is because of their strong sense of smell. If you have diabetes, it's important to know that some dogs are able to alert a dangerous drop in blood glucose before it happens. Dogs have also been trained to help people who suffer from epilepsy. There are some dogs that lie next to a person that's having a seizure to help prevent them from getting injured. Others bark if someone is having a seizure or before a seizure occurs. There are dogs that are trained to be service dogs for people with fibromyalgia. People suffering can place their hurt limbs against the dog's body and get relief because the dog generates intense body heat. There are dogs trained to help people that suffer from Parkinson's disease. They can perform tasks such as open and close doors or turn lights on and off. They train them to touch a person's foot to let them keep walking when they sense they are freezing. So Much Good with Having a Fur Baby: With so many benefits and reasons why everyone should have a pet, how can you resist that cute little fur baby? The benefits that come with owning a pet are much higher than the major responsibility you have for your furry friend. Are you an animal lover? Check out our pets & animal section for a wealth of information and tips on different animal breeds. Read Also: Food Allergies in Dog and How You Can Prevent it? Can Dogs Make the Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs A Dog Dog Bites- Steps To Follow When A Dog Bites Your Kid

Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana Can Take New Dimensions in the Treatment of Pets

CBD is very famous in recent years. What is CBD? This is a substance that occurs both in the cannabis plant and in the human body. CBD and THC are the most famous and most important substances from the cannabis plant. The advantage of CBD is that this substance has no psychoactive effect. THC does have this, therefore you can get stoned or high from THC and not from CBD. It can, however, alleviate the effects of THC. The human body has an endocannabinoid system. This system consists of cannabinoid and cannabinoid receptors. The cannabinoid from this system corresponds to the cannabinoid from the cannabis plant. It is, therefore, a body substance which is also the reason why CBD is so well absorbed by the body. An imbalance in the endocannabinoid system: It is important that there is sufficient cannabinoid present in the body to keep the endocannabinoid system in balance. An imbalance can cause all kinds of different complaints and ailments such as fatigue, headache, dull skin, muscle pain and cognitive problems. By using CBD oil or CBD capsules, the cannabinoid in the body can be replenished, which may bring the system back into balance again. That is why many people choose to use these products preventively to support good health. CBD in US market: Medical marijuana is worth billions of dollars in the United States market. Many consumers turn to this form of 'therapy' for a variety of reasons. Legalized in 29 states of the country, the industry is focused on turning the focus to a new target: pets. For information, CBD oil for dogs has become popular among animal lovers. Did you know that many of our customers in the United States already treat their dogs and cats with Cannabidiol? That's because all mammals - and possibly all vertebrates - have an endocannabinoid system, which means that animals can benefit from CBD the same way you do. The benefits of cannabis are recognized: fighting pain, anxiety, inflammation and even side effects of cancer treatments. For all this, in recent years has been multiplying the companies dedicated to this new market, with dozens of products derived from cannabis for pets to appear every month. Cannabinoids interact with regulatory processes that occur naturally through the endocannabinoid system, responsible for maintaining the body's homeostasis, including regulation of immune responses, communication between cells, appetite, and metabolism. Due to this parallel between the systems of the human body and other mammals, some people have treated their pets with hemp products. According to the founder of Treat Well (California), Alison Ettle, it is possible for CBD products for pets, especially CBD for pet anxiety, to grow in this market about 20% every month. The company specializes in non-psychoactive cannabis products for both humans and animals and reveals that demand has continued to grow. They get between one and five patients with cancer per day and the results they are achieving are impressive. And while the substance continues to be considered illegal by the US federal authorities and the laws do not provide for its consumption by pets, more and more pet owners are getting prescriptions on their behalf to treat their animals later. The country's veterinarians have been widely consulted on the issue, since a recipe used incorrectly may not only help the animal but be harmful. According to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, since 2009, reports of animal exposure to cannabis use in the US have not stopped growing, estimating a 50% increase. These reports include cases of dogs and cats that were taken to clinics and veterinary hospitals in critical condition. In fact, veterinarians are still divided over the use of CBD, just as some doctors still have doubts about the use of cannabis in humans. Lack of research and clinical studies prevents organizations from endorsing the CBD for animals. But gradually this is changing as we have heard success stories directly from professionals in the field, especially in some cases related to separation anxiety. CBD oil for dog separation anxiety has been sold freely on the market. For all that, the association has strengthened its communication on the subject, noting that, despite the legalization trend in many US states, making cannabis more available in many households, it remains highly toxic to animals. Cinomose: One of the most common serious veterinary problems in the world is Cinomose, a viral disease that attacks the immune and nervous systems of canines, presenting a very high mortality rate. Recently we have been contacted by veterinarians intrigued by the results of clinical studies of cannabidiol in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases in humans, and by analogy, believe that cannabidiol may help in the treatment of dogs, but there is no regulation yet. The access to cannabidiol in the US was an achievement of the mothers and doctors in the country next to the regulatory agencies. Veterinarians and pet owners who choose to treat them with cannabis have preferred to use hemp products because it naturally has a high concentration of CBD, which avoids exposure to the psychoactive effects of THC, common when extracting the oil of marijuana. It can be concluded that the use of CBD has benefits for animals; even many experts predict that this substance might be used for several other animal diseases. Hopefully, this article can provide you with initial information about the prospect of cannabis in the form of CBD to deal with some diseases that attack pets. Read Also: CBD The Solution To Insomnia Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe For Pets – Dogs & Cats

Domestication of Horses

The Importance of the Domestication of Horses

Owning a pet horse to have adventures with is a common wish on every little girl’s mind. You can experience their wonder in popular classic novels like Black Beauty and in pop culture with the reboot of shows such as My Little Pony. Mythical creatures like unicorns and the pegasus can be found all over stores, bringing a bit of magic into playtime. And of course, no western is complete without the hero riding off into the sunset on his trusty equine companion. Whether they have wings, a horn, or even both, horses have found themselves at the top of well-loved pets and animals. But this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of their importance. Thanks to horses, we have found ourselves at the forefront of adaptation and evolution. The following discusses how and why the domestication of the horse has helped make us human. Why horses? There are a few songs you may recall describing wild horses in some way or another. Yet today in 2019, you couldn’t find many of these in the wild. The majority of horses now are domesticated either for sport, farm work or as the family pet. Over five thousand years ago, horses were domesticated for a variety of reasons. Horses were, and in some parts of the world still are, a food source. Before modern technology of cars, these animals were the fastest way people could travel over any distance. Horses were a common choice over other animals because they were better suited for colder weather. These animals also had the muscle to perform long and tireless tasks such as pulling heavy farm equipment. They can withstand weight up to twenty percent of their own body mass, making them the prime choice to haul people, carriages, and large wagons. Besides utilizing horses for everyday tasks, they have also become the main attraction in sports such as racing, polo, and horse shows. These competitions display a horse’s beauty and brawn, typically consisting of jumping, agility courses, and obstacle courses. Check out to know more about the origins of horses. Horses as pets and companions: Even though these creatures have a history of running wild, keeping horses requires lots of care. This care consists of lots of time, energy, and money. You can find a variety of resources online such as Finish Line horse products that give information for products and horse care. For example pain relief, hoof care, and supplements to give your horse the best quality of life. In fact, horses can be used as animal companions such as a seeing-eye dog, however, smaller horses are utilized in the same manner. Miniature horses show great intelligence and cognitive skills and respond greatly to verbal commands. When properly trained, they can help the blind avoid obstacles to keep their human counterpart safe. There is also no need to keep them outside like larger horses; this companion stands about 30 inches tall and can be housebroken. However, horse fencing enables the separation of horses when necessary, preventing conflicts or injuries in group settings. Helping us be human: The domestication of horses has been shown to have had a great impact on us humans. Horses have been used to help soldiers injured during the 5th century. Physical fitness has utilized riding horses to improve your muscles such as the core, legs, and back. You need to be mentally aware of your horse and respectful. They are larger and incredibly strong, so when riding one, you have to be aware of your surroundings and body. Thanks to this strength, horses helped us to carry heavy loads to build houses and other structures, in addition to carrying food across distances to keep people fed. People also rode horses to gain speed on their prey for hunting. These animals were also used in warfare, helping people create and maintain civilizations and populations. Read Also: How Your Pet Will Change Your Life Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress?


How Your Pet Will Change Your Life

All those who have watched “Marley and Me” know exactly what I am talking about when I mention pet parents and how a lot of couples think of being a pet parents before they become parents. Having a pet, whether you live with your family, with your spouse, or you live alone, can change your life in so many ways. Apart from the fact that your family has a new totally adorable and definitely the most photogenic member in your family that would make you want to shop for amenities and accessories from petsho, we have decided to work out ways in which having a pet can change your life and why you should definitely adopt one if you haven’t already. 1. For Practicing Parents: Having a pet is parenting a child for as long as your pet lives. No pet ever grows up, and this is especially true for dogs. They will most definitely grow old, and there will come a time when they wouldn’t be able to jump about like they did when they were younger, when their eyesights will grow weaker, but they will always be your little child, only bigger in size. It is not an easy job to be a parent to your pet for all the years that they live, but every pet parents will tell you without a doubt that those years will forever be the best years of their lives. From toilet training to training your pet for food, everything involves not only ample mistakes that will remind you of all the good times you shared with somebody who loved you selflessly. Apart from helping you learn to be patient till your child grows up, having pets also give your child a constant friend in every little thing they do. 2. Pets as Therapets: It is a well-known fact that pets have often been trained as therapy support for patients suffering from depression, autism, Alzheimer’s among the few issues people grapple with. They are known to not only help people de-stress, but also provide constant support and alert people if they are about to have a seizure. 3. Becoming More Active: Having a pet will completely change your daily routine. Your day will revolve around that furry little family member who is now a major part of your home. There will be someone who will love you right from the moment you step onto the threshold of your house, someone impatiently waiting for your return. Your priorities will begin to change and you won’t regret any of it, because this won’t be a responsibility anymore. The unconditional love that your pets will have for you will make you value them and their presence. It is also the best way to adopt a very healthy lifestyle owing to the ways you might have to adapt to keep your pet healthy and fit. Apart from being trained as therapists, pets, in general, improve your health by their mere presence and the infectious energy they carry with them. 4. A Boon for Introverts: Unlike those who are naturally outgoing and can easily socialize or often become the life of the party, having a pet can help you create a bond or a connection without the need for any verbal communication. It can also be a great way to socialize with people if you are naturally drawn to animals more than human beings, yet you want to hone your socializing skills. Having a pet makes it easier to begin any conversation. 5. Your Child’s Best Friend: As mentioned earlier, pets often become great company for your children. Often, pets react differently around a new family member, especially if it’s a baby, where most of the attention gets diverted and irrationally divided. However, this can be the best opportunity for you to help your pet befriend your child. Having a pet not only will help boost your child’s immune system but will also be their forever lifeguard helping them around or protecting them and communicating in their own forms of gibberish. 6. Your Trip Companion: This option comes with a lot of terms and conditions applied because unfortunately, not every place whether a cafe or a tourist spot is animal-friendly. However, there are a lot of locations and a lot of eateries that allow you to visit and spend some quality time with your loved ones and also introduce them to other people’s pets. A solo trip can often become a lot more fun, interesting and adventurous if you can take your pet along. Having said all of these, it is true how wonderful and how drastically your life will change once you adopt a pet. However, it is also important to remember that this is a responsibility. It is always a good idea to weigh out the odds against keeping a pet before you decide to adopt one. They look forward to being a part of your family and more often than not, these pets are traumatized once they are abandoned. Always choose adoption over the purchase of a pet. Read Also: What Are The Best Hamster Toys For Your Pet? Different Steps On How To Clean Pet Stains On Couch


Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe for Pets – Dogs & Cats

CBD oil is on the rise among individuals as well as pet owners. Learning about CBD and how it helps different ailments many people have got on board. Who can use CBD oil and what is CBD oil? What are the side effects of CBD oil the good ones and the bad ones? What is CBD oil? CBD oil is cannabidiol; which comes from hemp. Hemp produces chemicals that can be extracted for homeopathic remedies. CBD oil derived from hemp contains less THC than that of its relative to the marijuana plant; therefore you will not get your pet high from the amounts of THC in the CBD oil according to When CBD is used it affects the endocannabinoid system, which all mammals have. Researchers have found that phytocannabinoid cannabidiol is also responsive to the system as our bodies naturally produce certain cannabinoids. This research has claimed that cannabinoids such as CBD have been found useful in helping many ailments. How can CBD oil help pets? Many pets go through changes in their lives such as aging. When we as humans grow older we slowly develop conditions that cause inflammation, pains, digestive issues, cancers, and many other illnesses. Pets go through a lot of these same conditions.  Pets develop stress and anxiety that CBD oil can help with. CBD uses the endocannabinoid system to mimic our bodies’ natural receptors to help with pains, moods, and emotions. The natural ones our bodies make are more localize and don’t travel far. Side effects of CBD oil: The side effects of CBD oil in pets are considered minimal. Pets may get dry mouth from the use of CBD oils as CBD can decrease saliva production. Lowered blood pressure is another possible symptom of a temporary side effect. Pets may also experience bouts of drowsiness. These are the most common negative side effects of CBD oil found. The positive side effects of CBD oil include being more playful. This is because they have less pain and inflammation which are also side effects of using CBD oil. Pets may be able to handle noises and strangers better as CBD oil also helps calm their nerves; helping with stress and anxieties.  Pets may appear to be less grumpy due to CBD oil helping with pains and inflammations. Is CBD oil safe for pets? CBD is being tested by researchers to find what all it is capable of; they know that it aids in many benefits. CBD oil is safe for pets in small amounts; pet dosages are a lot less than human dosages as they don’t need as much to help with their illnesses. CBD oil can be given orally if the pet will take it but may need to be mixed in with food. The biggest answer to this question is to ask what medicines your pet is already on.  Are these medications safe, do they have a long list of possible side effects? What are those side effects in comparison to the CBD oil you can give your pet? Read Also: CBD The Solution To Insomnia How Does The Training Of Defence Dogs Look Like?

Dog Superfoods

Ten Superfoods for Your Dog

There are many superfoods that you can give your dog, and the list below will make it very easy for you to feed your dogs and keep them healthy.  There are many ways for you to get superfoods into your dog's diet, and all these things are listed below.  They span a very large range from the broccoli that you would be interested in eating yourself to the apricots that you might be cutting for a little midday snack. 1. Broccoli Can dogs eat broccoli? Yes.  Dogs can eat broccoli, but you should cut it up and take out the big and heavy stalks.  There are many people who will give their dogs little broccoli florets because that makes it easier on the dog's stomach. 2. Apricots You can give your dogs apricots, but you need to be sure that you have removed the pits. 3. Mango You need to peel the skin off the mango so that you can give this to your dogs without choking them.  This is a fun fruit, and they get excited about it because it is sweet. 4. Cranberries Dried cranberries are a very good place for you to start, and they can be given to your dogs in small doses because this is a fun treat for them to have in the middle of the day. 5. Apples Apples are perfect dogs, but you need to have cubed them and make sure that you found a variety that they like.  You must also remove apple seeds because they are not safe for anyone to eat at any time. 6. Pumpkin Pumpkin pulp can be given to dogs at any time, and you will find that the pumpkin could be given from a can if you want your dogs to have a little treat that might be mixed into their food.  This is also a very good thing to give dogs when you want them to eat what you are eating. 7. Cheese Dogs all like a little bit of cheese, but you should not give them too much cheese.  This could upset their stomach because they should not have too much milk. 8. Cauliflower Cauliflower is a fun alternative to broccoli, and it helps your dogs eat very well while also having something that you can eat on your own. 9. Carrots Carrots are very easy treats for your dogs because you can buy the small carrots to give to your dogs.  This is a good snack for you, and your dog will be excited that they can eat the same things you are eating at snack time. 10. Quinoa You need to cook up the quinoa, but this is a very good choice for you because it can help you make sure that you have something in their diet that is like a grain.  This could also be the thing you use to mix up their other foods. The foods that you give your dogs can come from your fridge for mealtime or snack time. Read Also: How Does The Training Of Defence Dogs Look Like? 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Can Breathe Fast? Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better?

Defence Dogs

How does the Training of Defence Dogs Look Like?

Defence dogs have special features that make them suitable for this purpose. Before the dog is admitted to defence training, he has to complete a course for a 1st degree companion dog. This gives confidence to the trainer that the dog understands the basic commands such as summoning, fetching, "sit", "go", and walking on a loose leash or even without a leash. In addition, defence dogs should be very disciplined. The first step is, of course, to choose the right breed. The breed that has an internal defense reflex which tells them when their owner is in an emergency situation. The most popular dog breeds for defence include:  Amstaff, Bullmastiff, Bulterier, Doberman, Boxer, German Dog, French Shepherd, and Caucasian Shepherd. Choosing a particular puppy can’t be a matter of chance. The animal should come from a registered kennel and preferably have a pedigree. The problem with these breeds is that they are prone to aggression, so it’s important to bring up such a dog using appropriate forms of training. A well promising defence dog shouldn’t show too much aggression. The training requires a lot of patience and commitment of the caregiver and starts only when the dog is taught obedience, walking by the owner's leg and self-control. The trainer takes part in the training together with is assistant. The dog is taught to attack when it hears the command "take". He cannot attack the assistant even if it’s against the owner's will. The only exception to this rule is the situation of a direct danger, for example when the assistant attacks the trainer, then the dog should throw itself at him. However when the assistant takes a defensive stance, the dog cannot attack him, but it has to guard him. Unfortunately, due to the natural aggression of these breeds, it’s sometimes really difficult to control them in such situations. Nevertheless, the defensive dog should stay loyal to his master, have sympathy, fidelity, and trust. The dog's behavior cannot be unpredictable, and that’s why dogs with a pedigree are chosen for this job because we can be sure that the animal will meet these criteria. Hidden aggression can never be directed towards the master. In addition, the dog must observe the surroundings and know for himself when the master is in an emergency situation and needs help.  In addition, the external appearance of the dog, which is often able to scare the attacker just with its silhouette, shouldn’t be insignificant. Unfortunately, the dogs performing such a role are often poisoned, so well-trained dogs should only eat food given to them by their master. For defence training, apart from the dog, we need an assistant. He should be dressed in a special suit or hand guard. The purpose of the first stage of training is to irritate the dog to the point when he can learn the skill of grabbing a sleeve or a teether. The success of this exercise depends on the behaviour of the master, who must hold the dog on a short leash and encourage it to attack. He can do it by running, shouting, or waving a baton. Meanwhile, the assistant tries to provoke the dog to attack him. At this stage of learning, we do not use coercion. If the dog behaves correctly, the master praises him, which encourages the dog to continue the exercises. If the dog succeeds the master should reward him for that immediately. After a few lessons the trainer is able to control the dogs aggressive behaviour. For example, he can successfully command the dog to stop attacking the target. When the dog has mastered the "take" and "let go" commands, the trainer can move on to more advanced exercises. How to train defence dogs? - A dog that goes by the foot of his master has no right to pull itself forward, bark or behave aggressively. Training a dog requires a lot of patience and determination. - During the training, the trainer cooperates with the assistant. If he tries to run from the dog and the trainer does not give a direct order to attack, the dog cannot pull himself out and throw behind him in pursuit. - The dog cannot attack the assistant when we show a defensive attitude. When the aggressor is still, the dog will proceed to guard him until the master arrives. How to stop the dog from attacking someone: In the case of training a dog with an innate tendency to aggression, surprises can happen. The most important thing is to know what your dog can do. Stopping such a trained dog from attacking someone randomly on the street is really difficult and often ends in the death of the dog. When it happens, you shouldn’t try to kick the dog with your legs, because it will only enrage it more. That’s why the owner should learn how a stun gun works. It’s the best way to effectively stop the dog from attacking someone with the smallest chance to kill it. Characteristics of a good defence dog: When we buy a pedigree puppy from a proven breeding, we can be sure that it has an innate tendency to perform the function of a defensive dog. We should anticipate the behavior of the dog by which we must be sure that the dog will not hurt us. How to take part in defence training if we can't judge whether the dog will not direct the aggression towards us? We have to teach obedience to the dog. The biggest difficulty is to learn how to walk by the leg and stay on a loose leash. The defence dog must be vigilant and it should inform us about the dangers ahead. Even when the aggressor is still, the animal cannot stop watching him. Perseverance in battle and stubbornness are the hallmarks of defence dogs. A defensive dog cannot be bribed. The attraction with treats and distraction are common methods used by aggressors. How much does a defence dog training cost? Dog training takes place at the time set by the training centre and usually lasts for about 40 hours. The price of the courses varies between 500-1000 Euros. Read Also: Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress?

Hunting Season

Safe Running During Hunting Season

The hunting season is approaching… What does it mean? A danger for animals? Certainly… However, if hunting season is approaching, firstly, it means a great danger for people! According to the gruesome statistics, on average the hunters kill more than 20 people every year. This is horrendous, but, unfortunately, this is an original figure! By the way, runners have such accidents more often than other people and it's easy to understand why… Most runners ignore safety aspects during this dangerous period of time without realizing that it may lead to death! To avoid the risk, as a runner, you need to know some tips to be safe during the hunting season. Safe Running During Hunting Season: Know when the season starts: When is the hunting season? You necessarily have to know the dates! Besides, be attentive because the hunting season for different animals may vary by the country, state or even the weapon permitted. Be sure that you know your state regulations for additional information on the hunting season in your area. Wear the outfit of appropriate colors: Remember, you shouldn't put on the natural- or animal-colored clothing if you`re going to run during the hunting period. Forget about green, brown, black and gray colors! Orange is the best option for you in this case… At least, you can dress a bright orange vest. It allows to stay visible for hunters and they never mix you up with an animal. One more important thing here. If you don't want to be a turkey for wild animals when running, you have to avoid red, blue and white pieces of clothing. Choose the right time and neutral pronation running shoes for running: Now you should think about when hunters like to hunt and what time they are most active? Of course, at dawn or dusk because it's the best time to see or watch wildlife. What does it mean?! Right you are! Never run at dawn and dusk when the risk to be shot by hunters too high. Pay attention to the signs: It's important for all runners to read the signs often placed at trailheads. This will enable to see what activities are allowed in the area where you like running. If you see the sign that allowed hunting and realize that it's hunting season now, it would be better to choose another trail for your hobby to avoid getting into trouble. Be loud: Hunting season is not a time when you can be quiet. If you plan to run and know that it's hunting season now, try to make some noise while running (choose the right running shoes. For example, you may sing your favorite song loudly, talk to your friends, whistle and so on… This noise can really save your life. Think of your dog: Some runners bring their dogs while jogging. Don`t forget to protect your dog during this dangerous period – hunting season. You should also wear an orange vest on your dog if you want to secure it. Be polite: You live in a society in which we are all equals and everyone has the right to the hobby. You like running and somebody loves to hunt. That's okay! Be respectful of the hunters! Remember, this land is our common land and we all have the right to enjoy it for different seasons. You just have to make the appropriate preparations and in case you accidentally meet the hunter, you will immediately see each other and go in opposite directions in order not to intrude with each other. Rural areas are one of the most favorite places to run. And that's great! But you should keep in mind that the end of the summer, fall, and winter is a high-risk time for runners because of the hunting season. Be ready for it and always follow running safety tips to save your life during this dangerous period. Read Aso :  7 Elk Hunting Tips To Follow Hunting Tips For Beginners


10 Reasons Why Your Dog Can Breathe Fast?

Dogs are active and energetic pets, who are always up to games and new experiences. So, it’s obvious that the dog can breathe fast from time to time. The question here is how to determine normal and abnormal breathing, and when the dog owners should worry about their furry friend. Fast breathing is a common situation for all dogs, regardless of their breed, age, and size. Fast breathing is a change in the breathing rate of the dog compared to its normal breathing. Dogs at rest have a normal respiration rate of 10 to 35 breaths per minute. The average dog at rest takes 24 breaths per minute. If you encounter such a problem as a dog respiration rate high, then it can be either a normal situation or a symptom of different health issues. Here is the information about the reasons for the dog’s high respiratory rate. 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Can Breathe Fast? 1. Overheating : Panting is one of the earliest and most common signs, so pay attention if your dog is panting excessively when the temperatures have soared. Breathing is usually fast and noisy. Other symptoms of overheating are sticky gums, abnormal thirst, a dark tongue, increased temperature and heartbeat, glazed eyes. This condition is extremely dangerous because if the body temperature exceeds 109°F (a dog’s normal body temperature is 100-102.5°F), heatstroke occurs. It leads to kidney damage, seizures, brain swelling. 2. Pain/Anxiety : Dog breathing heavily may indicate that the pet suffers from internal or external pain. In this case, make sure that your dog doesn’t have an injury – caress the dog from the neck, through the abdomen, and to the legs. Watch for a reaction. Besides, if the pet is stressed out, then panting may be a sign. There are various reasons for stress: punishment, a visit to the vet, inconsistent training, new experiences, changes in the environment. Some breeds are very sensitive and even minor changes can cause anxiety. 3. Poisoning : If your dog breathing heavily, it can signify poisoning. Dogs like trying new things and they shouldn’t necessarily be edible. Of course, this behavior can lead to poisoning. Check whether your dog can eat an obstruction (e.g. chicken bones), toxic foods (chocolate, fruit with seeds, nuts, onions), a toxic plant or household substance. If your pet has swallowed something, then an immediate visit to the vet is a must! 4. Different Health Issues : Dog breathing heavily can be a sign of many diseases such as heart disease, anemia (caused by a severe flea in puppies and young dogs). Along with this symptom, the dog can suffer from weakness and an increased heart rate. 5. Shock : Shock can be life-hazardous because in this case, the body systems don’t receive enough blood to work properly. There can be different types of shock. Thus, septic shock can be caused by different diseases such as heart failure. Another type of shock is caused by an allergy to food or insect bites. 6. Acid-Base Disorders : Some chronic problems cause certain changes in pH balance, and these changes can result in fast breathing. 7. Upper Airway Obstruction : Brachycephalic breeds or those breeds that have narrow airways, tend to snore. If these dogs suffer from illnesses, connected with inflammations and swelling, then it is difficult for them to get enough oxygen and they breathe faster. 8. Fluid in the Lungs : Dog breathing fast at rest is an everyday occurrence, and one of the reasons in the fluid in the lungs. Actually, some amount of fluid is always present in the dog’s lungs, but an excessive amount can be dangerous. Other signs are low body temperature, blue gums. 9. Cushing's Disease : A dog with adrenal glands, releasing too much cortisol, has Cushing’s disease. Cortisol is known as a hormone of stress, it results in high blood pressure and increased panting. However, this is not the only symptom. Other signs are weight gain, increased urination, hair loss, thinning skin. 10. Swollen Belly : If your dog has an unusual shape of the belly due to bloat or a buildup of fluid in the abdomen, then it can breathe fast. It puts pressure on the diaphragm and that is why the dog can’t take deep breaths. In this case, your dog needs veterinary attention. Thus, fast breathing is a common situation because it is needed for temperature regulation. However, in some cases, it can be a sign of any health problems. Pay attention to the general well-being of your furry companion, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, and if it is necessary, see the vet.  Read Also : Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs A Dog