How does it Feel Like Riding a Bike as your Passenger?


23 October 2018



Motorcycles first appeared in 1894, Hildebrand & Wolfmuller was the first company to produce these machines on a bigger scale. First bikes weren’t as impressive as you might think, so before you overemphasize and let yourself get carried away, I will shatter any false visions. Imagine a large bicycle with a small, cylindrical engine and fuel tank – don’t forget two simply looking handlebars! And that is it! A pretty ordinary looking machine. Thankfully the 19th and 20th century were the eras of constant advancements, motorcycles included. Ever since 2014 Honda, Yamaha and Hero MotoCorp are graded to be the largest global producers of the little, steel ponies. Some even prefer them to cars!

The feelings:

I want you to think about, how you feel when you get on your bike. What thoughts run through your head when the engine comes to life and purrs ever so softly? Do you feel the excitement? And then your body vibrates, in sync with the power coming from the insides on your machine. As you pick up speed, your life has a whole new rhythm and the wind in your hair reminds you, that now you and your shining pony are one. And there is nothing in this world, that could stop you! But hey, what about your riding buddy in the back? And I don’t mean your best friend with hands full of beer from the local liquor store. I’ve prepared a true treat for those, who wonder what do woman feel like when they get on a bike. Surely being the female passenger must feel different.

Daniela and this really good looking guy:

I knew Daniela had a very interesting summer in Brazil, somewhere in the suburbs of Rio, to be more specific – that’s why I decided to ask her about her experience with motorcycles. I guess I was a thrill seeker for a little while. I got bored of my dull life and duties of a daughter, sister, and a student. My aunt and uncle have a chain of souvenir stores in Rio de Janeiro. They promised to take me in for a few months, so I’d see more of the world or something. God knows how she ended up on the streets of Rio, with a bunch of strangers and about to participate in a street motorcycle race. Daniela couldn’t really process what was going on, somebody gave her a leather belt and she was told to let her blond curls loose from her ponytail. I chose to ride with this really a good looking guy, with raven black hair and ice blue, pinning look in his eyes. He shouted something over his shoulder and approached his bike. Maybe he offered her his name. Daniela wasn’t certain what would make her feel more comfortable and not so out of place. The bikes made their way to the race line and she hurryingly grabbed a cool looking helmet from an unattended pile of those safety features. They had no female motorcycle helmets and once I put men’s on, I could barely see a thing. So I took it off and mindlessly placed it on my hip. Her biker finally stopped playing around with his machine and gave her a funny look – ‘You know we need to sit back to back, si?’ I was excited and utterly terrified at the same time -she recalls as we sit in my living room with warm socks on our feet and large mugs of hot cocoa. And the wind outside picks up, we can hear it howl somewhere in the attic. It’s warm in the house but for some odd reason we both shiver – probably for two distant reasons.

Illegal street racing:

When the time came, Daniela wrapped the belt around herself and offered the side with the buckle to the handsome guy. Some viewer, a small girl with red stockings and a pair of heavy looking boots – surely no older the Daniela – ran it their direction pointing at whatever my dear friend had with her. Once Red Stockings got closer, she shouted something in Spanish. Darn, I should have paid attention in class! At that moment I had no idea what to say. Before my friend started panicking about her inability to speak Spanish, the girl pointed at the helmet and said ‘Casco, no.’ – and took it from her hands with a toothy grin. And then they unexpectedly took off. All Daniela could hear was her own screams, she shut her eyelids closed and as they picked up speed the chilly night air hit her face. I swear, all I could hear was the roaring engine and the cheering crowds. She has never ridden a motorcycle, let alone back to back in a most likely illegal street race! Daniela squeezed her hands tighter around the guy’s waist and waited for it to end. There were 5 labs in the opening race and she remained in that uncomfortable position. We got off the bikes for a ten-minute break, I was shaking like crazy and blood pulsed in my ears. But something made me go again, and again, and again. Daniela was a passenger on a street race motorcycle every week, for a few months during her time in Brazil.

The Need for Speed:

What attracts these people to do such crazy things? I will never know because speed makes me nervous. I enjoyed Daniela’s story and hopefully, you did too! But remember, we are only people – really fragile beings and sometimes we do before we think. So don’t go experimenting with motorcycles and speed in a street race the first time you try. If your a biker with greater experience, please remember that there is something like adrenaline addiction – and this is a dangerous thing to be hooked on. Helmets up, speedometers down and be careful! If you really want to woo your girl with the help of your steel pony take her for a ride, not a race – stargazing and dinner recommended.

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Quad Bike

Are You Thinking About Buying Quad Bike For Your Kid?

Every child's wish is to have one at some point in his childhood. Can you blame them? Just as you look at them, you will realize how exciting they look for us adults let alone that fun that kids imagine having on them. The million-dollar question that haunts most parents is- are they safe as they are impressive? What specifications do you need to know before getting this best birthday gift for your child? Let us give a brief overview of everything regarding these thrilling vehicles. If you are a parent that is concerned about giving your children high-performance machines, you can start with the smaller 49cc quad bike. They are safer and will ensure that your kids get a hang of riding these machines before progressing to bigger and higher displacement machines. Quad bikes for children need to be fun, exciting as well as ensure the maximum amount of security. If the quad bike is satisfying all those parameters, as parents, you need not be worried about them getting injured riding one. Here Is What You Need To Know Before Purchase: In recent years, children's quads have been increasingly successful. A 4 wheeler for 6-year-old will be one of the most memorable things from his childhood regardless of any present that you gave him. These four-wheel vehicles are the passion for motor enthusiasts and outdoor adventures, in any type of terrain. These vehicles are also very beautiful from the aesthetic point of view and we do not find any compromises in terms of design or functionality even though they are produced for children. The manufacturers of vehicles for children have immediately launched many models to amaze our children and their parents. From their earliest age, they have the opportunity to imitate the maneuvers that their father or uncle is able to do with the real quad. We need to take careful consideration of the fact that these machines are very close to being or are identical to the real quad-bikes. There are even models with internal combustion engines, but they are dedicated to older children. Nevertheless, what you are probably interested in are four-wheelers with an electric motor ranging from 6V for smaller kids to 12V models that are able to reach speeds a little higher than every 10-year-old child would give everything to have. Many models follow the lines of the already famous quad bike models. Others replicate the design of automobiles and cars, and there are even models that have designs and colors dedicated only to the girls, while still others have a futuristic look and seem to come out of one of those post-apocalyptic films. In terms of engineering, the smaller quad vehicles come with low-pressure tires, and steering the quad is enabled through manual handlebars. In engineering terms, the smaller quads are quite a marvel in terms of design and handling capabilities. Most of the vehicles on the market for children can be enjoyed and operated by one person only (they are equipped with one seat). However, there are a few optional extras and models where customers can have the extra seat option available. If we are to compare the smaller quads, which have specifically been built for children to enjoy with the quads of their adult counterparts, we find that in addition to enjoying them for adventure sports, adults often use the practical machines for farm use. If you are wondering about how efficient these quad machines are and are somehow concerned about their energy consumption, we would be happy to point out that unlike similar machines for adults, manufacturers engineer the smaller quads in a way, that they consume significantly lesser energy on account of their smaller engines (lesser cubic capacities). The Best “Toy” That Your Child Will Ever Have: Children who are new to the field of riding are usually between 4 and 7 years old, while children with more experience are usually between 8 and 12 years old. While these age groups are merely a consideration, consider your child's experience and level of maturity when driving a vehicle before committing to purchase one. Electric quads maintain a lower throttle and speed limit, with a better driving experience. It is also advisable to check the reliability of the electric brakes, the high-speed locking options, and the padded handlebar, especially for the amateurs. Many kids are more geared towards exploration and adventure than others are. Some of them are even daring enough to take these vehicles out at night to explore newer terrains, and experiences. For such adventurers, manufacturers have armed the machines with nightlights and reflectors that end up guaranteeing not only a more satisfying experience but more importantly, they ensure a far superior level of security. Other important safety features to consider are speed limiters, controlled access through a key ignition, remote control, or switches. Depending on your needs, there are specific models that allow additional add-ons such as an extra seat for the passenger or additional storage space. In the end, I know very well what you might be thinking right now. Since that there is no reason not to buy such an amazing gift for your child if you can afford it, the only worry that you might have is the overall safety of your child while on the road. However, we would like you to remember, that with such safety measures with only one click the bike can be turned off and everything that has been done to improve these machines in the present is oriented to their safety. The most important thing for a parent is to ensure the utmost security for their loved ones. With this in mind, we strongly suggest investing in added accessories and other safety add-ons like helmets, riding gloves, protection pads for the elbows and knees, and any other requirement that would be individually suited to your child. If you really want a child to feel special, a quad bike is definitely going to crown you undisputedly, as the coolest parent in the neighborhood. Read Also: Ways To Improve Children’s Parties How Does It Feel Like Riding A Bike As Your Passenger?


4 Things That You Must Be Aware Of In Your Car

Lights are one of the most important parts of the car. Lights keep us safe on dark roads, they also help us be sure of where the path is. Hence installing good lights is very important for various purposes discussed below. There are various lights available in the market but you have to be careful while buying them as some of them may be illegal or some of them may also not be good for the eyes of fellow drivers. Check out LED lights for cars for good quality lights at reasonable rates. For more tips, visit Vehicle Freak for more tips on buying a car. In This Article, You Will Know About 4 Things That You Must Be Aware Of, In Your Car. 1. Importance Of Good Quality Headlights In Car: Car headlights are important because they help you see the road clearly as you drive at night. Without good headlights, you can drive into oncoming traffic, crash into parked cars, be unable to see a vehicle ahead of you, or run into a pole or tree. However, some people are concerned that car headlights have been getting worse as time goes by. This is because the headlights may not be of good quality. 2. Different Lights Of Cars: There are various colors of car headlights available in the market, and it is a good idea to know about them before you decide to purchase one for your car. The headlights play an important role in the safety and security of your car and its passengers. There are various types of headlights available in the market, you need to be careful while purchasing the same. Plenty of research is currently being conducted on the benefits of having different types of headlights on a car. These research results have proven that it is much better to have more than one type of headlight so your car can see better in different conditions. 3. You Should Not Compromise On Safety: When it comes to safety, one must be determined and a firm believer of safety being the number one priority. You should never compromise on the safety aspect of things. When we talk about headlights, it is really important to have good headlights installed in your car. They are a source of light in the dark areas where danger can be present at any moment or step of the road. Hence, do not try to save money or try to install cheap headlights with little to zero visibility. Put in some money and try to get premium quality lights installed in your vehicle. 4. Do Not Spend A Lot Of Money Too: As important it is to not try to save money, it is also important to not overspend the money. If a similar kind of product with the same quality and looks is available cheaper but with different branding, consider buying it and saving a few bucks for something else. You can spend the money by investing it for your future or just save it so it may help you later. Read Also: Perfect ways to Earn from your Wonderful Car  

Car Washing

Washing Your Car: 7 Dos and Don’ts

There are many benefits to washing your car on your own. For one, it will save you money. For another, automatic car washes may actually cause some tiny damages to your car that you may not notice immediately; car wash employees may also not be as careful as you when washing your car. Washing your car on your own also allows you to give your vehicle a once-over that may reveal small problems, which you can then resolve ASAP. The problem with DIY car washing is that many people are used to some practices that may actually be damaging to your car. To help you become a car-washing pro, here are some do’s and don’ts that you have to keep in mind. Do A Pre-Wash Shower : This is an important step, since this dislodges stubborn dirt, mud, sand, and other debris, giving you an overall easier time washing. Loosening these particles will also prevent scratches on the paint job since you don’t have to “dig” before you can get them off. Do: Use the Right Soap : Dish detergents are formulated to strip grease from your plates and cookware. Laundry detergents are meant to loosen dirt and stains from fabrics. So why do some people think that it is okay to use these soaps on cars? The chemicals in these detergents are harsh enough to strip off the wax of your car and may even damage the paint. There are specially formulated car soaps/shampoos -- these are the ONLY things that you should use to lather up and wash your car. Do: Wipe with Microfiber Cloths : Sponges and other clothes are made of fabrics that may be too abrasive to your car’s paint. Make sure to use microfiber towels for your car for both soapings up and drying your car after a thorough rinse. Microfiber cloths are designed to lift dirt away from the surface, so they don’t scratch while you are scrubbing. They are also much more absorbent compared to other fabrics, so you will be able to dry your car much faster. Make sure to use separate cloths for washing and drying. Do: Dry Everything Completely : Make sure that you dry everything, down to the last nooks and crannies. These include door hinges and handles, windshield wipers, side mirrors, and the underside of the hood. Incomplete drying can cause condensation, rust, and gunk build-up, which can result in both superficial and mechanical damage to your car. You can use microfiber towels to dry many of these parts; for tight corners and spaces, there are squeeze blowers you can use to remove water. Don’t: Wash Under the Sun : Properly cleaning your car means keeping it wet throughout the process, drying it only when it has been rinsed completely. This won’t be possible if you wash your car under direct sunlight since it will heat up the metal and cause the water and soap to dry quickly and leave spots on the body, windshield, and windows. Wash your car in the shade or during the early evening to prevent this from happening. You should also wait for your car to cool down first before washing it. Don’t: Apply Products Directly : Don’t apply any kind of product directly onto your car. The rule is to always dilute first (if the instructions say so), then apply it onto a cloth, and only then should you're applying it on your car. Microfiber cloths are again ideal for this purpose. You should also use overlapping circular motions when applying wax or polish to make sure you cover every inch of the car. Don’t: Use Just One Bucket : Using just one bucket of water is like putting the dirt back on to your car, which ruins the purpose of cleaning it in the first place. Use two buckets: one for soapy water and the other for rinsing your washcloth before dipping it into the soapy water again. Following these tips will not only make washing your car a breeze, but you will also make sure that your car looks as good as new for as long as you can. Read Also : 5 Signs Your Car Needs A Tune-Up How To Choose The Best And Most Reliable Carpool Service