Answering 4 Common Questions About Tire Rotation: Is Yours Due Soon?

Published on: 11 February 2020 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
Tire Rotation

Just about every driver on the road realizes how important it is to provide routine maintenance like checking fluids and changing oil and filters. Surprisingly few of them consider how important it is to maintain their vehicles’ tires, though. Just like oil changes protect the vehicle’s engine and decrease costs of ownership over time, tire rotation protects the vehicle’s tires, so it’s important that drivers understand what tire rotations are and what schedule to follow. Read on to find answers to four frequently asked questions to get the search for knowledge started off on the right foot.

Answering 4 Common Questions About Tire Rotation:

Why Are Tire Rotations Necessary?

Tires aren’t cheap, but periodic tire rotations can help to extend the lifespan of tires by ensuring they all wear evenly, helping drivers make the most of their investments. Even tire wear also increases gas mileage and decreases the chances of a blowout. Along with other essential tire services, rotations can not only extend the lifespan of the car’s tires but also help prevent potential safety risks on the road.

How Often Do Tires Need to Be Rotated?

There’s actually no clear answer to this question. Some vehicles and tires need more frequent maintenance and rotation than others. For example, all-wheel-drive (AWD) vehicles need more frequent tire rotations because uneven wear can throw off the entire driving system.

Driving habits also impact how often tires need to be changed. Aggressive drivers or those who drive long distances every day typically require rotations more often.

The type and brand of the tire can also impact how often drivers need a rotation. New tires that are still under warranty typically need to be rotated by a professional at prescribed intervals to avoid voiding the warranty. Some warranties require rotations as frequently as every 4,000 miles, so make sure to check the manufacturer’s specifications.

For most drivers, getting the tires rotated every 5,000 to 7,500 miles is a good rule of thumb. Get the tires rotated with each oil change to avoid missing an appointment and creating uneven wear patterns.

Can Drivers Rotate Their Own Tires?

Tire rotations require specialized tools, including multiple jack stands, floor jacks, and a torque wrench. Unless drivers have everything needed to remove multiple tires safely and replace them securely, it’s never a good idea to attempt a DIY tire rotation. Failing to get documentation from an automotive or tire shop can also void the warranty on new tires.

Feel like the quote on a tire rotation offered by the dealership is excessively high? The best solution is to head to an independent shop, not to attempt a home rotation. Some shops perform rotations as part of other routine maintenance services, while others include inspections at no additional cost, so it’s worth the money.

What About the Spare?

Most vehicles’ spare tires are smaller than ordinary tires. Known as “donuts,” these tires should only be used in emergencies. Unless the vehicle has a full-sized spare, it should never be included in the tire rotation.

The Bottom Line

Tire rotations are essential for prolonging the lifespan of tires and vehicles. This affordable form of automotive maintenance is a necessity, not a luxury, so don’t put it off. If it’s been a while since the last tire rotation, schedule an appointment with a local tire shop as soon as possible.

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Car Accident

Dos and Don’ts After a Car Crash

The modern world sees most of us rushing from one commute to another. The mass ownership of the automobile is brilliant for getting us from A to B – but is it all it’s cracked up to be after you have a car crash? We put together this shortlist of dos and don’ts for after a car accident to help guide you through the process. Being in a fender bender is bad enough, but if it’s your first time then you need some guidance. Let’s look more closely at what you should, and what you shouldn’t, do when you have a car crash. Crashing your Car: What you Should Know If you have been in a vehicular accident, then there are a few things you should make sure you do. Immediately after the Accident If the car crash has just happened then stop the car, pull over, and switch on your hazard lights as soon as it is safe to do so. You are legally obliged to stop and may be taken to court if you do not. Exchange details with other drivers and witnesses only after you make sure yourself and others are safe. Emergency services should also be called. Do: ensure the safety of yourself and others. Do: contact the emergency services if needed. Do: get the contact details of everyone involved. But… Don’t: admit responsibility (as this Portland car accident lawyer will tell you). Don’t: have lengthy conversations with other parties involved. These conversations can be used against you by defense lawyers and insurance companies. The Balance Small Business has a good article listing which specific details you should get from which parties. In the Days Following a Car Accident You should report to the local police station if you have not already been in touch with the law to report the accident. You should also get in touch with your lawyer or car accident attorney. They can file a car accident claim on your behalf and talk you through all the necessary legislation. If you are the offending party, then they will advise you on how best to proceed. It is likely that there will be a monetary cost to the accident, and they can negotiate a fair rate of pay on your behalf. It is advised that your role in the accident is to hand over the facts and let your attorney deal with it. Car accidents can become legally complex matters that you should not try to handle alone. Do: Seek out the police if required. Do: inform your insurance firm for the accident. Do: seek out a car accident lawyer. But… Don’t: try to negotiate any deals by yourself. Don’t: contact anyone involved in the crash after the affair. Car Crashes cost the US economy more than 230 billion USD annually, so you are not alone in crashing. However, if you follow these guidelines your car crash lawyer in Portland can assist you to get the best outcome from an already dire situation. Whether this is a monetary award for your medical bills or distress, or whether this is a reduced fine or minimal jail time. When you crash your car you probably need an attorney – and that is the moral of the story. Read also: Florida Car Accident Lawyer: The Ultimate Approach to Winning Car Accident Cases 4 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

MOT Certificate

You Can Now Print Your Own MOT Certificate

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) recently implemented a new system that allows drivers to print their own MOT certificates at home. If you consider that more than 630,000 MOT certificates were issues last year, at the cost of £10 each, the new system is set to save UK drivers an estimated £6 million a year. This new system will allow owners of cars, vans, and motorcycles to view, save and print MOT certificates issued after 20th May 2018. The printing of the MOT Certificate by drivers can help save them from a number of bureaucratic hurdles and ease efficiency. The Ministry of Transport is already burdened with a number of problems. Saving them from such a process will help them concentrate on some other important area of business. In terms of the drivers, it is important, as it will help save them from running around with paperwork at all times. A great number of drivers in the UK, misplace their MOT certificates routinely. The process of getting a new one is problematic and time-consuming. By enabling drivers to print their own MOT certificates, the Ministry of Transport is contributing to citizen welfare and promoting citizen responsibility. The new system was only initially available for cars and vans, but it was made available for motorcycles and will soon become available for buses, Lorries, and coaches. All drivers who wish to use this service only need the vehicle’s registration number and the 11-digit reference number found on its VC5 logbook. How to Get Your Free MOT Certificate: Here’s how to get your free MOT certificate brought to you by Plateman Show Plates. Considering that you need to show the MOT certificate if you need to tax the vehicle at the post office or change the vehicle’s tax class, this new and easy way of getting the MOT certificate may prove invaluable to some users. If you are not able to get the MOT certificate online and print it yourself, you can still get a certificate from MOT centers at £10. According to Neil Barlow, the Head of Vehicle Engineering at the DVSA, this move was aimed at making it easier for motorists to have the “information they need to keep their vehicle safe.” It is also easy to argue that the government seeks to reduce the need for you to visit a government office for most of the documents you need. The move is a welcome one since it means that you don’t have to spend money on an MOT certificate, but also because you are able to get one at your own time and in your own way. It is also a good way to get a replacement MOT if you happen to lose yours. According to the DVSA website, you can use this service to replace a lost or damaged MOT certificate. The service is also very easy to use and with the right documentation, you can print out your MOT in a matter of minutes. This free service is however not available for heavy goods vehicle, trailers of public service vehicles. Owners of these vehicles have to visit an MOT center if they want an MOT certificate. An MOT certificate verifies that your vehicle is safe and roadworthy and given that it also tests the emissions your car produces, it is a vital document to have. Now you can get it more easily which leaves no excuse for not having one. Read Also: Road Ready: 5 Essential Things To Keep In Your Car Things To Consider Before Buying Your First Motorcycle


What to Do if You’re in an Accident with a Placarded Truck in Tampa

An accident involving any kind of vehicle or vehicles has the potential to cause great harm for a number of reasons. In addition to the collision of metal, glass, and rubber, the combustion of either vehicle’s fuel tank is a significant factor with which to contend. If one of those vehicles is a placarded truck however, the dangers multiply over and over again. What is a Placarded Truck in Tampa, Florida? Trucks are required, by law, to place specially designed placards on their vehicles when carrying hazardous materials. The type of hazards the materials possess, the amounts being transported, and whether or not these materials will be carried between or within state lines, all determine what colors and numbers the placards have. The transport of these chemicals and substances is quite a dangerous task, which is why placarded trucks are so highly regulated by the Federal government. Hazardous Materials Transported by Placarded Trucks Hazardous materials are categorized into classes based on toxicity, chemical makeup, solid/ liquid/ gaseous state, and how they are generally used. These designations were established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, a section of the United States Department of Transportation. They include the following categories: Class 1:  Explosives Class 2: Gases Class 3: Flammable and Combustible Liquid Class 4:  Flammable Solids, Spontaneously Combustible, and Dangerous When Wet Class 5: Oxidizer and Organic Peroxide Class 6: Poison and Poison Inhalation Hazard Class 7: Radioactive Class 8: Corrosive Class 9: Miscellaneous What to Do if You Are in an Accident with a Truck Carrying Placarded Material in Tampa, Florida Given the inherent dangers involved with the materials listed above, it is important that you take extra measures to ensure your safety if you are ever in a crash with a placarded truck. Move as Far Out of the Area as Possible It is critical that you move as far away from the scene of the accident as possible. Seconds, milliseconds even, count far more than you may understand, even in the absence of a crisis. Call 911 Because combustion is very likely and because the risk of fatalities, injuries, long lasting trauma, and property damage are so high, the police, firemen, and additional first responders must be contacted. It is crucial that the departments contacted through 911 be notified that hazardous materials are involved. It is up to the truck driver and the company for whom they work to inform the police and other agencies of the exact nature of the materials being carried in their truck. Accept Medical Support from Emergency Medical Crews The list of possible injuries from an accident of this magnitude is long and painful. Burns, broken limbs, facial fractures, head injuries from flying debris and blunt force, poisoning, and respiratory distress are only a few of the conditions for which you and other survivors will have to be evaluated. We urge you to follow medical orders at the scene of the accident as well as the hospital to which you will be transported. Contact a car accident lawyer in Tampa, Florida If you are ever in accident of this nature, it is best that you contact a car accident lawyer in Tampa, Florida  as soon as possible  While you will need to recover, recoup, and refresh, your Tampa, Florida car accident lawyer will guide you through every step of the legal process that is  sure to unfold.