Testosterone Replacement Therapy What To Expect


20 February 2019

Health & Fitness

Testosterone Therapy

Not many people are aware of testosterone therapy and this story is about how Testosterone therapy can change your life and make you confident like never before.

The other day I was sitting with my friends and one of the friends told us about how he was undergoing testosterone therapy. It immediately intrigued all of us when he told us about how he is feeling the change in him with the therapy. I wanted to know more about it, so I googled it and figured out a few articles about it with some relevant information about testosterone therapy.

What are the Symptoms of Low Testosterone?

Until that day I was not aware of the fact what implications of low testosterone are. I was ignorant of signs of low testosterone. It can adversely affect the mind and reduce self-confidence or make someone depressed, or one might find it difficult to concentrate or have disturbed sleep. There might be a case of declining muscle and bone mass or an increase in body fat, fatigue. One might also face lower sex drive, difficulty in sustaining erections, and fewer spontaneous erections. All this affect our day to day life and our sexual relationship, and our performance at work.

How to get Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

As per a urologist, Dr. Michael O’Leary at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital  “In most men the testosterone level is normal and one must not have the prescription without lab test on the basis of general fatigue and malaise.” Having hormonal supplements can trap you and vouch for it as once men began to take testosterone replacement because they tend to feel better and the body stops making testosterone. However, it can pose some risks.

What are the Side Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

The risks involved with testosterone therapy are relatively low. However, some men might face immediate side effects of testosterone supplements such as acne, swelling in the ankles, disturbed breathing while sleeping. Besides, some doctors also watch for the high blood cell counts that might trigger the risk of clotting. In addition to that, there can be a higher risk of developing heart attacks, strokes and it can be fatal due to cardiovascular diseases.


I figured out from my further readings that most doctors do not recommend testosterone therapy until and unless there are chances of not avoiding it. Men can maintain energy easily without vouching on dietary supplements or drugs by following a healthy lifestyle such as having fiber and protein in snacks, walk as much as they can, or pacing up yourselves.

One needs to be cautious and mindful before approaching testosterone therapy. One needs to have an accurate assessment. Be cautious of various side effects of gels, injections, and patches. Don’t feel shy or frustrated and try to diagnose your symptoms and be aware of them before having any testosterone therapy or supplements talk to your doctor openly and discuss your symptoms. A lab test is a must for measuring testosterone deficiency. One needs to follow up with the physician and must consult an endocrinologist.

I have come to the conclusion that one cannot go ahead with testosterone therapy until and unless one is not sure of the symptoms and lab test. Low deficiency of testosterone needs to have therapy but with caution and keeping in mind the various side effects and not expecting any miracle out of it.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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how many jobs are available in medical/dental instruments

How Many Jobs Are Available In Medical/Dental Instruments?

How many jobs are available in medical/dental instruments? If this is something that you are searching for, then you have come to the right place. If there is anything that a person looking for jobs wants to ensure before applying, then it is the number of vacancies in that field. It helps them to prepare for a particular job and gauge the competition. Keep reading this article till the end to learn more about the number of  jobs available in medical/dental instruments… What Is The Medical/Dental Instruments Industry? Before telling you how many jobs are available in medical/dental instruments, there is something that you need to know. And that is regarding what the medical/dental instruments sector. The medical/dental instruments industry is among the most popular sectors in the healthcare industry, which makes the related degree in regulatory affairs one of the most popular degrees in healthcare. It is a broad area that is associated with most of the things that are related to the manufacturing of instruments that are needed in the field of the dental and medical industries. Considering the fact that there are a lot of instruments that are used in the field of healthcare, there is no wonder that the medical/dental instruments industry is an ever growing industry. And that is yet another reason why a lot of people always ask, “is medical/dental instruments a good career path.” Answering The Question, “How Many Jobs Are Available In Medical/Dental Instruments?” Now coming to the most important part of the article. To answer the ultimate question of what is the number of jobs available in medical/dental instruments,  the shortest answer is many. At present, there are more than 100,000 jobs available in the medical/dental instruments industry. And this is in the United States alone. There are a number of jobs in this line. From dental technicians to sonographers, there are a huge number of posts and job roles available in the medical/dental instruments industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the United States, the number of job vacancies in this field is going to increase by a minimum of 6%. Here are some of the jobs available in the medical/dental instruments industry that you should know about: Job TitleNumber of jobs availableGrowth rateDental Assistant350,000+11%Dentist 111,000+7%Dental technician23,000+11%Dental Hygienist26,000+7%Orthodontic Assistant18,000+ 11%Orthodontist 5000+11%Oral Surgery Assistant8,000+11% Read More: Is Marine Transportation A Good Career Path? Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Now that you have already reached the end of this blog, I hope that you now know most of the things about the industry of medical/dental instruments and how many jobs are available there. Here are some of the most asked questions about how many jobs are available in medical/dental instruments. 1. What Is The Best Paying Job In The Line Of Medical/Dental Instruments? Ans: There are a number of jobs that are available in the medical/dental instruments industry. The best paid job in this line of work is that of a surgeon. A surgeon earns nearly $357,000 annually on an average. 2. What Are The Instruments That Are Needed In The Medical/Dental Instruments? Ans: There are a number of instruments that are required in the field of healthcare. Some of them are:➊ Forceps.➋ Scalpels.➌ Thermometers.➍ X-ray machine.➎ Blood pressure monitor. 3. What Skills Are Needed To Be A Part Of The Medical/Dental Instruments? Ans: In order to be a part of the medical/dental instrument industry, you need to have the following:➊ Good eyesight.➋ Technical knowledge.➌ Master's degree in the medical field.➍ Humanitarian skills and value.➎ Communication skills. Wrapping It Up! If you want to become a part of the healthcare industry without having to go through all the hard work of the same, there is a way in which you can do that. And the easiest of them is to become a part of the medical/dental instrument industry. At present, there are a total of 100,000 jobs that are available in the medical/dental instrument industry. And the number of vacancies is only going to increase in the future.In case you wanted the answer to how many jobs are available in medical/dental instruments, I really hope that this blog has been of help to you. If, however, there are other questions related to the same, kindly feel free to scroll down and write them in the comment box below. I will make sure to come up with the answers to all your queries. Read Also: Is Medical Assistant A Good Career Path? 5 Ways To Prevent Severe Dental Problems Important Routine Dental Care Procedures to Improve Your Smile Dental Implants, Teeth Whitening in Reasonable Price in a Professional Dental Centre

Best Hair Loss Treatment

Best Hair Loss Treatment: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting One

Losing hair is such a terrible thing to happen to anyone. Hair is an important part of your body, and losing it can hurt your self-esteem. It is, after all, your crowning glory. Your hair contributes to your overall look. You often use your hair to express your individuality through style, color, and length. Best Hair Loss Treatment: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting One What can you do when your hair starts thinning? A hair loss treatment might be the answer. However, before getting one, ask yourself these questions first: 1. Do you really need the treatment? Like plastic surgery, hair loss treatment is an elective procedure. It’s not like a medical emergency that is urgent. You get a hair loss treatment because you wanted to and not because your life is at risk if you don’t push through with it. Thinning hair is something a lot of people will experience when they grow older. It happens due to a lot of reasons, such as medications, illnesses, styling habits, and genetics. The most common cause is androgenic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness). It’s a condition where the hair follicles on your scalp can no longer produce hair. If your hair is starting to thin and you’re bothered by it, seek professional consultation. Most healthcare service clinics such as Vera Clinic offer free consultations so you know your options. 2. Why do you want to get a hair loss treatment? Well, obviously, because you want to have a head full of hair again. But, what’s the real reason why you absolutely need to have a hair loss treatment? Is hair loss disrupting your normal day-to-day activities? Is the thinning of your hair causing you to lose confidence in yourself? Will the loss of your hair cause your whole world to change or is it all in your imagination? Will a hair loss treatment help you function normally again? Take a deep breath and try to think things through. Sometimes, negative feelings could just be clouding you, or maybe you miss styling your hair. If you think that you have a good reason to undergo the treatment, then by all means proceed with it. 3. Can you afford it? Hair loss treatments can be affordable or expensive. It will depend on the kind of treatment you get and where you will get it. There are temporary treatments and permanent ones. There are over-the-counter drugs that are used for topical applications to slow down the thinning of hair or promote hair growth. Permanent treatments such as hair transplants are expensive; these are surgical procedures done in cosmetics clinics. Health insurance does not cover cosmetic procedures, including hair loss treatments. So, if you’re seeking to treat your problem, your funds have to come from your bank account. Consider your other expenses, too. Remember that your emergency funds are not for hair loss treatments. 4. Are you physically and mentally ready to receive a hair loss treatment? Consider your health whether you plan to use over-the-counter drugs, topical solutions, or transplants. Research the ingredients of the medicines, creams, or ointments. See if you are allergic to any of them. Additionally, you may not be eligible for a hair transplant if you have certain health conditions. You cannot undergo surgery if you have: Diabetes Hypertension Heart problems Skin or scalp disorders Psychological conditions Mental readiness is also crucial when getting a hair transplant. It doesn’t matter if your body is able; if your mind is not ready, you feel scared, or you’re unprepared for the outcome, don’t do it. Hair transplants can cause scars on your scalp, so you need to be able to live with it. Also, not everyone can have a hair transplant. Only those with thinning hair are eligible for the procedure. If you’re already completely bald, then maybe you can opt for topical solutions or drugs to regrow your hair. 5. Do you have the time for recovery? Hair transplants, like any other cosmetic surgeries, require some recovery time. It’s important to have the time for rest to lessen the risk of complications after getting the surgery. Your recovery period can affect your other daily activities, such as work and family time. It’s also another reason to consider whether you have the money for a significant procedure. Since you will require time off of work, then it means you won’t have a salary unless you have a passive source of income. If your hair starts thinning and you’re worried about being completely bald, there are many hair loss treatment options for you. Take the above things into consideration before getting one. Hair loss treatment should not be a decision to make out of the blue, you should always take time and consider all of your options stated Sydney PRP hair treatment clinic. Read Also: Proven Ways To Grow Hair Faster And Stronger 6 Proven Ways To Deal With Hair Loss For Women

Fat Burners

5 Best Stimulant-Free Fat Burners

Every year, millions of people start off with a resolution to lose weight and achieve the body that they have always dreamed of. However, by mid-year, a lot of people have already gone back to their usual less-than-healthy routine. With summer approaching though, some people start scrambling to get their body ready for the beach, and so they try fat burner supplements to complement their diet and exercise. It’s not easy to find one that works, and it’s even more difficult to find one that is free of side effects. There are two types of fat burners that you can choose from depending on their effects on your nervous system. The stimulant fat burners contain ingredients that can affect your heart rate and stimulate the nervous system. The non-stimulant fat burners do not have any effect on the nervous system and are usually free of those types of side effects. Read also: 5 Common Weightlifting Mistakes Women Should Avoid Many stimulant fat burners are reported to have negative effects on its users. This type of fat burners typically contains caffeine in large amounts. This ingredient can cause insomnia and anxiety when consumed in excess. Many popular fat burners also contain ephedrine, which is potentially dangerous in large amounts and can increase blood pressure and heart rate. Another side effect is the increased levels of cortisol that can eventually result in anxiety disorders and chronic stress. This is why non-stimulant fat burners can be a better option compared to stimulant based ones. To give you an overview of the benefits of non-stimulant fat burners, take a look at the ingredients usually found in them: Carnitine Carnitine is an amino acid that is usually called L-carnitine or acetyl l-carnitine. The body produces carnitine with the use of lysine and methionine to help in transferring fatty acids to the mitochondria. These fatty acids like triglycerides will undergo the process of oxidation to produce energy. It can also help in storing less fat and burning more calories. Some foods such as animal foods contain this amino acid but supplements have higher amounts of carnitine more beneficial for weight loss. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a natural fatty acid derived from omega-6 fatty acids and linoleic acid. It is commonly found in dairy products as well as meat. But the supplemental CLA is created from safflower or sunflower oil. Due to the presence of linoleic acid, CLA is an essential ingredient when it comes to suppressing the appetite, decreasing body fat mass, and preventing fat production. Sesamin Sesamin is also called lignin. It is a compound that is mostly found in sesame seed. Oats, flax, and other grain-based products are also good sources of sesamin. Lignin reduces fat storage by increasing the activities related to the metabolism of fat. It is also a known ingredient in many antioxidant supplements. Apart from that, it is also an estrogen receptor modulator that men can consume to maintain higher levels of testosterone. Seaweeds Seaweed may be one of the last things that you will think of when it comes to fat loss. It is not only an ingredient to the food that you eat such as sushi. The carotenoid siphonaxanthin is a xanthophyll present in green algae that can reduce fat. It controls adipogenesis, the process of cell differentiation. This stops fat development in tissues and can reduce appetite. Exogenous Ketones Exogenous Ketone is a nutritional supplement that contains ketones. This main ingredient is a compound that is naturally created by the body to produce energy for the mitochondria from fats. Ketones have a small molecular structure that is considered to be a more efficient fuel than glucose. Aside from fat reduction, some of its other benefits include lower heart rate, oxygen consumption and increased levels of cardiovascular endurance. Your choice in the type of fat burner you should use depends on your needs and preferences. You must look at the benefits and downsides of both types. Picking the wrong supplement could cause more problems than expected. Since the non-stimulant fat burners have more advantages than disadvantages for those who are sensitive to caffeine or those with anxiety disorders, it is recommended that you choose these if you have such problems. There is an effective fat burner for everyone! Read also: Tips To Lose Weight Naturally How To Lose Your Weight With Venus Factor 6 Imbalances In Body Hampering Weight Loss Efforts