Symptoms and Treatments for Shingles

Published on: 19 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019

There are many painful illnesses that are not life-threatening in particular, and shingles are one of such illnesses. If you have ever had the chickenpox, even when you were a child, then you are at some risk of experiencing the discomfort of shingles. Shingle is an infection of the skin that is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. This is the same virus that causes chickenpox.

What Causes Shingles?

The varicella-zoster virus can remain dormant in a person’s body for years after they have had the chicken pox. The virus attaches itself to the nerve tissues that are located close to your brain and spinal cord. However, not everyone who has once had chicken pox will get shingles.

Although the reasons for the reactivation of this virus is not quite clear, it seems to have to do with a less effective immune system. Research has shown that most older adults who have weaker immune systems tend to get shingles. While some of them might have other health conditions that weaken their immune systems, the general weakening of the immune system as we get older seems to be the primary reason.

Symptoms of Shingles:

The most noticeable symptom of having shingles is a painful rash on the body. This rash is often limited to one small section of the body. Usually, it manifests as a rash that wraps around either the right or left side of the trunk or torso.

Most people find out they have shingles when they visit a dermatologist to find out why they have developed a rash. The rash itself might cause pain, itching, burning or a combination of all three. Sometimes the sensations can become very intense and hard to ignore. The rashes are often sensitive to the touch and produce puss-filled blisters that crack open. When these cracked blisters dry, the skin turns crusty.

Other symptoms of shingles might include a fever, tiredness, headaches and a sensitivity to bright light. Some people might experience an upset stomach and nausea as well.

Treatments for Shingles:

The only way to prevent shingles is with a vaccine, the same kinds that are used to prevent the chickenpox. The most popular and most used are Shingrix and Zostavax. While both of them have been effective, there are a few reasons to be wary of Zostavax. There have been many reports that Zostavax can actually cause chickenpox and shingles in many people, including children. There have also been published warning that this vaccine causes keratitis or inflammation of the cornea.

Antiviral medications are used to slow down the development of the shingles rash. However, it’s important to take these antiviral medications no more than about 72 hours after first experiencing symptoms. This is why a quick diagnosis is imperative. This means telling your doctor about any symptoms as soon as possible.

The pain and inflammation caused by shingles can be managed by over-the-counter pain medications like Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, and Naproxen. However, if the pain and discomfort are too extreme, your doctor might prescribe pain medications that are more powerful.

Sometimes, numbing medications like Lidocaine might be suggested by a doctor. Other times, Capsaicin cream might be used to reduce irritation and inflammation. It’s important to tell your doctor about any former skin conditions or serious illnesses you have had in the past. This can give your doctor a better idea of what kinds of medications and treatments will suit you best.

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effects of technology on the brain

12 Mind-Boggling Effects of Technology on the Brain

The effects of technology on the brain are very real, and very polarizing. Many people love the potential value that technology can have on our ability to function in the world. Others have the idea that the effects are negative and limit us in many ways. The reality is probably that there are good and bad effects. In any case, side-effects of technology on our minds are worth looking into so we can be aware of them and notice ourselves being affected. Here are a few interesting ways that technology is affecting human minds. The Effects of Technology on the Brain: We'll touch on a few of the negative and positive effects to give you a well-rounded idea of where we are at in relation to technology. There's no doubting the value of unlimited information, but it's difficult to deny the addiction and change in social behavior that technology can bring. Let's get started. 1. Our Taste Buds Can Respond Differently to Food: Once upon a time, the dinner we prepared for ourselves was a welcome meal that we took for what it was. Research has shown that people who scroll through images of meals on Instagram and Pinterest before they eat actually enjoy their meal less. The idea is that the perceived value of the food online diminishes how you feel about your own food by comparison. 2. We Can Relax About the Small Details: Our ability to access unlimited practical information at a moment's notice frees up a lot of time for us to relax and enjoy what we're doing. Things like directions, hours of a store, and more are all things that we would sweat once upon a time. Those details are now guaranteed to be available at all times, so we don't need to think about them until we need them. 3. Our Memory Could Be Diminishing: Our brains are complicated and adaptable to the way things are changing. When we notice an area where we can free up more room to think about other things, we do so. What we're talking about is the need for us to remember trivial information. Little things like directions, phone numbers, historical facts, actors' names, and more are all things that our brains know we can look up on our phones. That means we don't have to set space aside to remember those things, so, more and more often, we don't remember them. We just pull out our phones and look the information up. 4. Social Development: The overwhelming presence and use of social media is a brand new thing in the scheme of human development. Within the last decade, children have gone through adolescence with benefit and harm of social media on their lives. The self-consciousness of a virtual self is a new thing, and we have yet to fully grasp how it will change people in the long-run. 5. Lesser Concern for Safety: One of the overwhelming benefits of technology on our brains is that we are now more comfortable with our safety. As technology advances, our physical and financial safety improves. Studies have shown that the absence of this kind of stress is greatly beneficial to the health of our brains. 6. Sleep Disruptions: A lot of evidence suggests that the light emitted from our laptops, smartphones, and tablets sends conflicting signals to our bodies. Our circadian rhythms are thrown off, with our bodies taking light as a message to stay awake. You may have noticed that it's difficult to get to sleep after a long night of using the computer or extended cell phone use. 7. Attention Span: Information comes to us quickly and we can consume it fast, too. There aren't a lot of pieces of the modern technology puzzle that require people to sit and think, focus, or pay attention anymore. Seeing as we are regularly using technology, it means that we are regularly not developing longer attention spans. 8. New Forms of Identity: One interesting change that technology has brought is the ability to construct an identity through the technology you possess. One clear example of this is the split between Mac and PC users. Things like Nixon watches and other items can help a person to express how they feel as a person. 9. Self Help: Interestingly, the problems or stressors that are sometimes caused by technology can be solved by it too. Take anxiety, for example. The anxiety related to excessive social media use could be partially treated by applications or information found online that is intended to treat anxiety. 10. Improved Decision Making: While parents everywhere are concerned about the impact of first-person shooters and similar games on their kids' brains, evidence suggests that such games could have benefits on cognition. Vision and decision making skills are improved in some cases when individuals spend a lot of time playing games like first-person shooters. 11. Memory Formation: The use of phones in situations that previously were absent from technology has a potential effect on our formation of memories. While we're swiping away, life goes on around us. Our concentration is situated on the screen, distracting us from the sensory information that converges to form concrete memories. 12. Interconnectedness: Subcultures and groups of like-minded people have the ability to connect on levels that were never thought possible in the past. One group of people who like a specific film can have hours and hours of discussion with a similar group across the world. Not only that, but those groups can expand outward, recruit new members, form friendships, and that group will create subgroups. The point is, people are interconnected to others in the world who share their interests and beliefs. Jump Onboard and Be Mindful: The effects of technology on the brain are very real, and sometimes it's difficult to tell what is helping and what's hurting. In most cases, the value of an effect will depend on the person. Technology is here to stay, though. Everything from interviews to paychecks is handled online, and we have the information to keep you informed and on top of things. Read Also: 6 Ways To Promote Healthy Brain Top Bad Habits That Hurt Your Brain Power 3 Reasons Why Online Degrees Are Better

Lose Belly Fat

Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Lose Belly Fat

Are you tired of belly fat? Belly fat is more than a nuisance, it is more harmful than many people realize. It not only makes your clothes feel tight but may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, and heart problems. Losing belly fat is extremely difficult, but it can be much harder if you are doing it wrong. There are many things that you do for losing weight that can actually increase your belly fat. In this article, we have listed the most common mistakes you should avoid. Have a look! Not Getting Enough Sleep: The most common mistake is staying awake at night. Whether you are having late-night coffee or scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. When you don’t get 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night, you will feel tired the next morning. You will not have the energy to keep up with everyday chores. Additionally, this will have an adverse effect on your weight. Instead of losing weight, you will be gaining weight. This is because when we are sleep deprived, the hormones are not balanced. It has a direct impact on our hunger. The hormones that affect our hunger levels are leptin and ghrelin. Ghrelin makes us hungry while leptin promotes the feeling of fullness. When we have a lack of sleep, ghrelin levels increase and leptin level decreases. It indicates that when we are awake, we will be eating more and feeling less satisfied. This is why you should go to sleep early and keep your hormones balanced. Eating Too Much Sugar: Losing weight becomes challenging when your diet includes a lot of sugar content. When you are trying to lose belly fat, you must keep a check on the calories and sugar you are intaking. You must avoid drinking sugar-sweetened drinks, sports drink, and other sugary foods. Though many people tend to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables when losing weight, it is not a great approach. This is because fruits and vegetables havea high content of natural sugar. Many people even consume low-fat foods, such food also have high sugar content. So, it is advised to check the food label before using them. Doing Crash-Dieting: Though crash diets can help you lose weight in the start, it will not help keep the weight off. You need to keep in mind that intaking few calories can do more harm than good. This is because when you have low-calorie intake, your body will enter starvation mode. It will slow down the metabolism that makes it harder to lose weight. You must try and keep the intake of carbohydrates to a minimum. When you will reduce the carbohydrates intake, you will be able to reduce your belly fat. If you want to make healthy changes in your eating habits, this menu will tell you what you should eat to lose weight. Therefore, these are common mistakes made by people when trying to lose belly fat. You should gradually make changes to your lifestyle and habits to starting losing weight effectively. Read Also: Follow These 5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat Crucial Tips To Getting A Flat Stomach

Healthy Brain

6 Ways to Promote Healthy Brain

While taking the necessary steps to keep our body toned and in shape, we often neglect the importance of mental health. There are many factors that leave both positive and negative impacts on the mind. Knowing these factors is necessary if you want to promote the health of your brain. Plus, this way you will be able to eradicate those factors from your life that adversely impact the brain and adopt the habits that improve the overall mental health in the long run. Here are some of the effective ways to promote a healthy brain: Keep Your Mind Stimulated : Brain stimulation is necessary for maintaining mental health. You can stimulate your mind by playing games that require mental focus, memory, and activity. Solve mathematical problems, puzzles, and other similar quests. You can also engage in activities that require a lot of focus and imagination like a painting. Develop Relations : Connecting with people is essential for strengthening emotional wellbeing and overall mental health. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with your loved ones and engaging with new people helps you stay composed. Plus, communicating with people with different perspectives help your mind to stimulate and strengthen up. Cut Down on Smoking : As per the latest research, smoking nicotine does not only adversely affect the lungs but also causes a decline in memory. Therefore, if you want to retain your memory in the long run and do not want to end up with dementia, cut down on smoking. Either it is topnotch cannabis or plain cigarettes, avoid their use as much as possible for better mental health. Keep a Positive Approach : Training your mind to be positive and take out a positive stance from every situation helps keep your brain at peace and improves overall physical and mental health. Moreover, staying happy has a very positive impact on the mind itself. When you are happy and positive, the brain releases a hormone called endorphin that promotes mental and physical health and wellbeing. Meditate : Meditation involves steps like breathing techniques that do not only relax the mind but also improve mental focus and memory. It is greatly renowned for its benefits of relieving stress and other mental issues like depression. Learn Something New : If you believe that education is only up to the level of the university, you are probably mistaken. Educating yourself each day is essential for opening up the mind and expanding it. Read a thick book that you have been avoiding lately or learn a language that you think is tough. Test your limits and challenge your mind each day. It will help stimulate your brain and strengthen the nerves inside it. Engage in activities that involve using the brain. Our brain is just like a machine; the more we use it, the better it works without getting rusted. Read More : 1. 5 Mental Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy That You Must Know 2. Health Tips For Hard Working Men 3. Unhealthy And Healthy Solutions For Coping With Stress