Do You Know How to Take Care of The Eye?

Published on: 19 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019

It is very important to protect the eyes from external factors such as solar radiation as well as take care of our food.

The sense of sight and the state of our eyes is very important and is that half of the information we receive from the environment comes through them. It is the most valuable sense and the one whose loss would be more serious. However, more than half of the population does not aware how eyes can be taken care of.

The eyes are one of the smallest organs, but more delicate, of our body. They work in coordination with the brain to interpret the size, shape, colour, and texture of the objects that surround us, as well as the distance they are at or the speed at which they move. To raise awareness among the population about the importance of taking care of the sight there are some notches to look after.

1. Take care of the food:

You have to make an effort to consume foods rich in vitamin A, which is essential for sight. In addition to carrots, they contain asparagus, apricots, nectarines, and milk. If, in addition, you are diabetic, hypertensive or have cholesterol, taking care of food is especially important.

2. Keep the eyes hydrated:

Especially when working in front of the computer, it is advisable to blink often. You also have to ventilate the room and, if necessary, use humidifiers. If you still suffer from dry eyes, you can resort to individual solutions of artificial tears. And, of course, drink lots of water throughout the day.

3. Monitor the lighting:

When working, reading or doing any other visual effort at close range, make sure you have enough light in order to prevent eye fatigue. It is also advisable to take brief breaks so that the view rests.

4. Watch television at a distance:

For example, a 32-inch device should be about two meters away, and one of 46, about two and a half meters away. It is also not advisable to see too many hours a day or allow your children to do so.

5. Protect yourself from the computer:

In order to avoid visual fatigue, you must have the computer at a distance of at least fifty centimeters from the eyes and forming a ninety-degree angle. Also, it is important to use a filter or screen protector and adjust the brightness of the monitor to lower its intensity.

6. Wear glasses when driving:

If so instructed by the ophthalmologist, always wear the glasses when driving. In addition to avoiding eyestrain, you will increase your safety and that of others, especially at night. Make sure you also bring spare glasses in the glove compartment. It is best to visit an eye specialist near you to have a power test after 40 years though you might think that your eyes are ok.

7. Bring sunglasses:

Solar radiation can be very harmful to the eyes, so we must protect them with approved sunglasses that have a filter for ultraviolet rays. It will also protect you from other aggressive environmental agents for the eyes such as wind or smoke. Wear your sunglasses also when you practice outdoor sports or go on a motorcycle.

8. Take care of the hygiene of the lenses:

Store the contact lenses in a clean, bacteria-free case and follow the daily cleaning instructions to the letter. Nor should you allow the remains of makeup to dirty the lenses or the case in which you keep them.

9. Learn to relax the view:

Massages performed with slight pressure around the eyes or on them are very useful to reduce the tension that accumulates in the eyes and the muscles that surround them. Also, the practice of exercises of change of focus or of muscular relaxation allows alleviating the visual fatigue.

10. See the ophthalmologist regularly:

Many eye problems do not present symptoms, so you should go to the eye care specialist at least once a year to perform an examination of your eyes and the state of your vision. If you are already correcting refraction problems with glasses or contact lenses, it is very important that you regularly check your graduation.

In modern-day technology become so advanced that everything is in your grasp. Almost anything can be searched on Google or any other search engine today. Like in this topic if you are new to a place or don’t know which ophthalmologist is good near you to have to just type “eye clinic near me” or “eye specialist near me” and click on the search button or press the enter button. Within less than a second you get all the eye specialist details in your area.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Traumatic Brain Injury

Ways To Protect Against A Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury, or commonly referred to as a TBI, is a serious brain condition usually caused by a hard impact to the head and neck. When a TBI happens, and if it is a severe case, it can cause damage to the brain as well as dysfunction to the brain. However, there are ways to prevent a traumatic brain injury. Keep reading to learn the different ways you can prevent a TBI from happening to you or someone you love. There might be instances where you or someone you love can be in an accident whose fallout can be a TBI. In such an instance, you need to hire the best legal experts that can help you get to fight your personal injury lawsuit. If you are going up against someone that is hell-bent on proving their innocence when in fact, they are guilty, you need to get legal experts from Butler Law Firm. Their best attorneys will be able to gather the evidence that is required to prove negligence and help you build a solid personal injury case. Wear Your Seat Belt: This should be common sense for everyone. Putting your seatbelt on when getting into any type of vehicle should always be the first thing you do when sitting down in the seat. Wearing a seatbelt can prevent TBI's and other injuries by 50%, according to The Shepherd Center. Always put a seatbelt on as soon as you get into the vehicle to prevent any type of injury in case of an auto accident. You should also make sure to place your child in a car seat or booster seat, depending on their age and height, and buckle it up. Don't Drive Under The Influence Of Anything: Whether you are drinking, taking drugs, or even under the influence of prescription medication, such as pain medication, you shouldn't be driving, period. Alcohol, drugs, and prescription medications can all impair your ability to do anything, and this includes driving. They can cloud your judgment making them unsafe to consume if you are going to get behind the wheel of a car. Don't Use A Cell Phone While Driving: Using a cell phone, whether talking on one or texting on one, is the main distraction while driving. Although many people do this on a daily basis, it is not safe at all. The reason for this is because using a cell phone makes you distracted and when you are distracted while driving, you are not putting all of your attention on the car or the road you are driving on. Just to be safe, no texting or talking on a cell phone while driving so you can prevent a serious injury, such as a traumatic brain injury. Wear A Helmet: You don't have to wear one while driving a vehicle but if you are operating a motorcycle, you will need to wear a helmet. In some states, it is a requirement to wear a helmet when operating a motorcycle. Whether it is required in your state or not, you should always wear a helmet to ensure you are safe from a TBI. Any of the tips above can help prevent you from suffering from a traumatic brain injury. You will want to do whatever it takes to prevent one from happening because they can cause serious problems and damage to your brain, causing you to not be able to do hardly anything for yourself anymore.No one wants to live like that so keep the above tips in mind when operating any type of vehicle or motorcycle. Read Also: 5 Things To Look For In A Personal Injury Lawyer The Effects Of Drinking And Driving Under The Legal Age Of 21

Dark Chocolate

8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is the world’s favorite sweet indulgence. In fact, the average person will consume about 12 pounds of chocolate each year. Chocolate is often considered a treat or a dessert, but did you know that chocolate actually provides great health benefits too? Some of this has to do with the amount of lecithin in chocolate. Chocolate truly brings together the best of both worlds: a yummy treat that is also good for you in moderation. Checkout 8 Awesome Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate: Let’s take a look at some of the ways chocolate can actually help you stay healthy. Not All Chocolate Is Created Equal It is important to remember that not all chocolate is created equal. Dark chocolate is actually the only form of chocolate that can really benefit your health. The reason for this is that dark chocolate does not have tons of added sugar. In fact, the darker the chocolate the less sugar is added. So, if you want to really reap the health benefits, always choose dark chocolate. 1. Antioxidant Within our bodies are chemicals and compounds referred to as free radicals. These chemicals and compounds are created by cellular processes. You can think of them as waste products that are created as our body processes toxins and other invaders. These free radicals can have a negative impact on our health over time. To fight free radicals, you need antioxidants present in your body. Antioxidants are compounds that kill off the free radicals and keep your body clean. Dark chocolate is a wonderful source of antioxidants. A regular dose of dark chocolate will help keep free radicals down in your body. 2. Cancer Prevention Cancer research scientists have a growing body of research that supports the existence of cancer-fighting properties in dark chocolate. This is due to the presence of antioxidants and flavonoids found in the chocolate. Tests have shown that these compounds successfully reduce the number of colon cancer cells in rats. 3. Heart Health The flavonoids found in dark chocolate are primarily of the type called flavonols. These compounds have a powerful effect on heart health, including blood pressure reduction and improving blood flow to the heart. Some tests also show that flavanols can also improve blood flow to the brain as well, which could improve cognitive function. 4. Improves Cholesterol Cholesterol levels can have a significant impact on heart health and overall well-being. The cocoa butter that is found in chocolate contains healthy fats and polyphenols. These both work together to improve the lipid profile of the body. This means that it can help to decrease bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Cholesterol profiles can affect how well the heart can pump blood throughout the body. High cholesterol levels can greatly increase the risk of heart disease and heart attack. 5. Improved Cognitive Function Dark chocolate has a powerful impact on how blood can move through the body. This includes increasing blood flow to the brain. When the brain does not have sufficient blood flow, it will start to impact cognitive function. This can include memory, task management, time management, mood, and more. Improving blood flow to the brain is one of the best ways to improve cognitive function. Doctors have tested Alzheimer’s patients who were given flavonoid-rich foods to see if the increase in these compounds in the diet could improve cognitive function factors. Positive results have been recorded in these tests. Because dark chocolate is considered a flavonoid-rich food, it can be added to a flavonoid-rich diet to help with cognitive function. 6. Blood Pressure Blood pressure issues can be a huge contributor to the risk of heart disease. There are medications that can be used to control blood pressure problems, but there are also natural ways to help blood pressure as well. Adding dark chocolate to your diet has been shown to reduce blood pressure levels. However, you should note that if you are being treated for blood pressure issues under a doctor’s care, you should follow all instructions from your doctor. Talk with your doctor about natural ways to improve blood pressure. 7. Improves Vision Vitamins and nutrients found in dark chocolate have also been shown to help improve vision. Although natural methods of vision improvement, such as diet modifications, cannot cure all vision problems, it is good to know which food products you can add to your diet to boost vision. 8. Improves Skin The rich flavanol content of dark chocolate may also be able to improve your skin. When flavanols are rich in the body, they can help to protect your skin from sun damage. Sun damage is a leading cause of skin cancer. Flavanol can also help to improve skin smoothness as well. Some Final Considerations If you decide to start adding more dark chocolate to your diet, be sure to remember that dark chocolate should be added in moderation. You should choose chocolate that has very little added sugar. The darker the better. The many health benefits of dark chocolate can be primarily attributed to a large amount of flavonoid content. If you are interested in more health benefits, you can research other flavonoid rich foods. Adding these foods into your diet can increase these health benefits. It is important to note that you should always consult your doctor concerning current treatments and not make sudden changes to your treatments without consulting your doctor. Read Also: Essential Health Benefits Of Coconut OilThe Health Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee6 Delicious Cakes That You Must Try This Winter

private cardiologist

How Can A Cardiologist Save Your Life?

Heart disease is still one of the UK’s biggest killers and so it is incredibly important to be aware of cardiac risks and how best to take care of your heart health. There are over 30,000 cardiac arrests each year outside of hospitals each year in the UK and shockingly few of the people who suffer these arrests survive to go home from the hospital. Current figures show less than 1 in 10 people who go into cardiac arrest outside of a hospital survive, despite the best efforts of paramedics and hospital doctors. Read also: The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health Can seeking the help and advice of a private cardiologist reduce your risk of becoming just another statistic? Keeping on top of your heart health With such low survival rates for cardiac arrests across the UK, it is advisable to keep yourself as healthy as possible to avoid a heart attack in the first place. You may choose to visit a private cardiologist for regular check-ups to ensure that your heart is as healthy as possible and working at optimum levels. Regular check-ups will not only give you the peace of mind that your body’s most important muscle is working to the best of its ability but it will also give your cardiologist to spot any changes should they occur. Spotting any changes to your heart’s normal rhythm can indicate problems and early diagnosis and treatment could prevent future cardiac arrests and ultimately save your life. Treating symptoms early Changes in your heart’s health can cause you to experience symptoms which a cardiologist will want to hear about. Symptoms of heart disease can be obvious, such as palpitations, pain, and discomfort, but they can also be subtle changes which increase over time. Subtle changes in your heart’s health can be as simple as feeling breathless after physical activity. Many of us might put this down to aging and not being as fit as we once were. However, if there is a problem with your heart, causing your lungs to struggle too, then you will end up becoming breathless after simple tasks such as walking up the stairs. Breathlessness, pain, and palpitations should always be investigated and a private cardiologist will often be your quickest route to a diagnosis and treatment. With such an important organ as the heart, time is of the essence. If you are suffering early symptoms of heart disease or other cardiac problems then the likelihood is that it will not improve by itself- you are going to need medical intervention. The earlier any problem is diagnosed then the more chance you have of making a recovery or receiving the treatment you need to prevent further damage to the muscles of your heart. Avoiding Waiting Lists While we are all very grateful that we have our fantastic NHS in the UK, often getting to see a specialist can involve a long wait on a list of possibly hundreds of other patients. This wait, while unintentional, can have disastrous consequences for your heart’s health. Choosing to go to a private clinic can have you in front of a cardiac specialist within a fraction of the time that you may have to wait with the NHS. If your initial consultation ends in you requiring further tests then these will also be conducted quicker than with the NHS and you should receive your results much quicker. From there, treatment plans can be put in place to ensure that you don’t end up with further damage to your heart and a higher risk of cardiac arrest. A private cardiologist can literally save your life before you get to the point that medical intervention is critical in keeping you alive. Early diagnosis and treatment are to avoiding serious cardiac problems in the future. Read also: 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health