How Can A Cardiologist Save Your Life?

Published on: 08 August 2017 Last Updated on: 16 August 2019
private cardiologist

Heart disease is still one of the UK’s biggest killers and so it is incredibly important to be aware of cardiac risks and how best to take care of your heart health.

There are over 30,000 cardiac arrests each year outside of hospitals each year in the UK and shockingly few of the people who suffer these arrests survive to go home from the hospital. Current figures show less than 1 in 10 people who go into cardiac arrest outside of a hospital survive, despite the best efforts of paramedics and hospital doctors.

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Can seeking the help and advice of a private cardiologist reduce your risk of becoming just another statistic?

Keeping on top of your heart health

With such low survival rates for cardiac arrests across the UK, it is advisable to keep yourself as healthy as possible to avoid a heart attack in the first place. You may choose to visit a private cardiologist for regular check-ups to ensure that your heart is as healthy as possible and working at optimum levels.

Regular check-ups will not only give you the peace of mind that your body’s most important muscle is working to the best of its ability but it will also give your cardiologist to spot any changes should they occur. Spotting any changes to your heart’s normal rhythm can indicate problems and early diagnosis and treatment could prevent future cardiac arrests and ultimately save your life.

Treating symptoms early

Changes in your heart’s health can cause you to experience symptoms which a cardiologist will want to hear about. Symptoms of heart disease can be obvious, such as palpitations, pain, and discomfort, but they can also be subtle changes which increase over time.

Subtle changes in your heart’s health can be as simple as feeling breathless after physical activity. Many of us might put this down to aging and not being as fit as we once were. However, if there is a problem with your heart, causing your lungs to struggle too, then you will end up becoming breathless after simple tasks such as walking up the stairs.

Breathlessness, pain, and palpitations should always be investigated and a private cardiologist will often be your quickest route to a diagnosis and treatment. With such an important organ as the heart, time is of the essence. If you are suffering early symptoms of heart disease or other cardiac problems then the likelihood is that it will not improve by itself- you are going to need medical intervention. The earlier any problem is diagnosed then the more chance you have of making a recovery or receiving the treatment you need to prevent further damage to the muscles of your heart.

Avoiding Waiting Lists

While we are all very grateful that we have our fantastic NHS in the UK, often getting to see a specialist can involve a long wait on a list of possibly hundreds of other patients. This wait, while unintentional, can have disastrous consequences for your heart’s health.

Choosing to go to a private clinic can have you in front of a cardiac specialist within a fraction of the time that you may have to wait with the NHS. If your initial consultation ends in you requiring further tests then these will also be conducted quicker than with the NHS and you should receive your results much quicker. From there, treatment plans can be put in place to ensure that you don’t end up with further damage to your heart and a higher risk of cardiac arrest.

A private cardiologist can literally save your life before you get to the point that medical intervention is critical in keeping you alive. Early diagnosis and treatment are to avoiding serious cardiac problems in the future.

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How Supplements Complement Your Daily Routine

There was a time when humanity could ingest every nutrient the body and mind required to function with peak performance. Health supplements, like Phytage Nerve Control Supplement, can be beneficial for you or may just be an unnecessary additive. Unfortunately, as technological advances moved societies from "hunter/gatherers" to the complexities of modern civilization, "progress" came with a cost. As a result, today's "average" citizen does not receive optimal nutrition from the primarily processed foods consumed. Even fresh produce grown in mega-agricultural farms does not contain maximum nutrients as the soils become depleted after successive plantings. In addition, many of the traditional soil reconditioners and weed and insect control farmers use to maximize crop output can be harmful. The detrimental effects only became apparent when there were adverse findings in consumers far down the production trail. There are routine news alerts about "organic" vegetable recalls due to toxic chemicals or infective contaminants like DDT, E. coli, or other chemicals or pathogens. Creatures Of Habit From the time we are infants learning to potty train, the concept of routine becomes ingrained. Throughout the educational system, instructors teach and enforce a rigid routine. People then carry those routine structures into their professional and personal life. Those that fail to conform or develop healthy routines often end up in institutions that force stricter rules and regulations, jails and psychiatric units, for example. The good news is that as creatures of free will, we can choose to change our routines to maximize health and well-being. We can eliminate behaviors that are counter-productive in the long run and add things to our habits that can enhance life experiences. Transcendentalists There was a movement in the mid-twentieth century that sought to reconnect consciousness to living the moment. It was a meditative approach to changing the routine. One of the teachings involved "rewriting your script." It purported that most people kept replaying a "script" or narrative they had ingrained into their lives. The movement sought to "reprogram" the negative messages that led to recurrent, predictable, less-than-optimal outcomes. Instead, it gave the individual control over what the recurrent patterns of thought and emotions had established. It gave hope for a different path and different outcomes. The process worked for many of those who put proper effort into it. However, considering how long people had programmed the negative input, many did not realize how long it would take to reprogram. Modern generations have become accustomed to "immediate gratification." Adding supplements to an augmented diet is a much simpler and easier practice to incorporate into a daily routine, and the results are more quickly evident. Due Diligence Some common complaints about supplements may have their roots in an underlying medical condition. Therefore, if you are not getting the results you expected or are experiencing unforeseen side effects, you may wish to have a medical professional evaluate you. Thyroid dysfunction, for example, can influence how supplements affect your body. Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormones) is a common condition that a medical professional can evaluate with a simple blood test. It can cause fatigue, weight gain, and depression. Therefore, screening for easily treated common conditions before adding supplements to your daily routine would be prudent. Another consideration is vitamin B12 deficiency. Most lay people do not realize that vitamin B12 requires an enzyme called intrinsic factor, produced by the gastrointestinal tract, to absorb B12. Often, B12 deficiency is not the last of B12 in the diet but a lack of intrinsic factor for absorption. Consequently, taking oral B12 will never improve serum B12 levels. Only B12 injections or sublingual (absorption through the blood vessels under the tongue) can resolve most cases of B12 deficiency. No One Pill Fixes All The first step in using supplements to complement your daily routine is deciding what you want to enhance or change. Of course, several things overlap, for example, energy and memory, but finding the correct supplements to address a specific issue is fundamental. The second step is understanding the dynamics behind a perceived deficiency. For example, excessive daytime sleepiness may be the result of inadequate rest during sleep. Taking natural stimulants to remain alert during the day may further interrupt healthy sleep patterns compounding the problem. A natural substance to enhance REM sleep may be the solution to obtaining more daytime alertness. Incorporating Supplements Into Your Daily Routine The easiest way to link a daily supplement to your daily routine is by attaching it to another daily habit, for example, when taking other prescribed medications. For example, adding a supplement to the morning medication is the easiest method to incorporate the supplement. If you do not currently take routine medications, attach the behavior to another everyday function, like brushing your teeth. Keep the supplement close to your toothbrush, and let the toothbrush serve as a visual cue. After several "reminders," the supplement use becomes ingrained. It becomes an automatic part of your new routine. Self  Reinforcement It has become commonplace for many to develop a sense of self-worth through external input. Unsolicited opinions from anyone in the environment subtly affects feelings of self-worth. And, many times there are hidden agendas in what views others offer. They may only sometimes be in your best interest. It is why a regular check-in with yourself is necessary to maintain emotional balance. When a self-preserving or reassuring behavior is applied routinely, it serves as a mental "pat on the back." It allows your internal compass a chance to realign. Fortifying a sense of self-worth through self-care is another means supplements complement your daily routine. The exact mechanism that reinforces your self-concept as combing your hair or wearing clean clothes that have become routine, adding supplements to feel your best, complements your daily routine. Be Your Best You How supplements complement your daily routine is multifaceted. It complements your health and well-being in addition to improving your self-esteem. Scientists have researched and well-documented the mind-body link. Feeling better physically and improving self-awareness and confidence are only a few of the benefits of supplementation. So, when is the best time to start supplements? Before you begin to exhibit symptoms that might necessitate them. Right now is the best time to consider supplements to complement your daily routine. Maintaining homeostasis is significantly preferable to treating the effects of stress, poor diet, and processed foods. Read Also: How To Stay Healthy And Fit Despite A Hectic Schedule A Little On The Side…Or Not? Your Guide To Supplemental Insurance What Are Virtual Reality Workouts And How Will They Affect Exercise?


Should You Consider Drinking Cbd Water?

The health benefits of cannabis have been creating ripples in the health and wellness industry for some time now. Many people have raised concerns about the legality of buying Cannabis-based products containing Cannabidiol or CBD, as an oil or as a powder. It is important to state that CBD products are legal and are not rigorously scrutinized by the FDA, just like dietary supplements. Others are having issues separating consuming CBD products from merely getting ‘high’ with marijuana. Experts can answer this by saying that what causes a ‘high’ feeling and altered state of mind is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is also an extract from the cannabis plant. It changes the mind when heated and ingested. You may be aware of the above facts but may not have heard about CBD water. We will also address your concerns. CBD water is another chemical extract obtained from the cannabis plant. Because CBD is not a psychoactive chemical like THC, it does not alter the mind or create a ‘high’ sensation. Water-soluble CBD is useful for the treatment of depression, acne, inflammations, and pain relief. It is also beneficial for reducing artery blockage, reducing the effects of psychosis, preventing the growth of bacteria, curing insomnia, checking blood sugar, reducing nausea and vomiting. It also helps in the treatment of nervous degeneration, muscular spasms, psoriasis, promoting bone growth, and stimulating a healthy appetite. Should You Drink It? The manufacturers of water-soluble CBD say it is totally safe to drink. It well recommended that drinking it is one of the best ways of taking the daily dose of this beneficial natural supplement. However, there are concerns by researchers such as those from Healthline, that CBD water contains insignificant levels of CBD. Most brands are said to carry just about 2 to 5 milligrams of CBD instead of the daily recommended dose of 15 milligrams daily. Most manufacturers, on their part, have defended their product claims by saying that their products contain the right amount of CBD. This goes to say that the use of nanotechnology is responsible for the claimed reduction but that it only reduces the particle size to enhance absorption by the body. Given that CBD is an unstable compound, it needs exposure to light and air to preserve its potency. In reality, this causes a slight breakdown in its potential health benefits. Potential buyers suspect that CBD Water is less potent than CBD oils because of the clear packaging of the former. What Are The Side Effects Of Drinking It? Drinking CBD water does not have such side effects as is associated with most other medications. The side effects of other medications include paralysis, liver damage, or hallucination. The only identified side effects are a dry mouth and the possible inability of the liver to metabolize some other medications properly. In conclusion, you are advised to use CBD water strictly under the supervision of qualified medical personnel because it is still a new medical solution. Even experts are awaiting the results of extensive research. Read Also: What Is The Ideal CBD Dosage For You? Choosing A Medical Marijuana Dispensary What Is Cannabis Oil And How Does CBD Oil Work?

sleep better

How to sleep better when you have cancer

Did you know that a poor sleeping schedule could increase your risk of cancer? It may be responsible for raising the risk of heart conditions, diabetes, and other major illnesses, as well as impair your immunity system. Experts have realized the importance of sleep in addressing these risks. They suggest that people should focus on improving the quality of their sleep to improve their lives. There are a large number of people who are already suffering from these conditions who may have trouble sleeping as a result. Do you have cancer? This guide can help you sleep better at night. How does cancer interfere with sleep? Cancer and cancer treatment can induce sleep problems even in people without a previous history of troubled sleep. You may be faced with excessive fatigue throughout the day from both your condition and treatment, which will impact your ability to get a full night's rest. Both could increase your risk of developing a sleep condition significantly. Sleep better for your better health habits during times of cancer. Cancer may cause both physical and emotional distress, which will affect your sleep. These can be very disruptive to your sleep patterns. The medication and treatment plans on offer for people with this condition will also cause sleep problems. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment will often carry side effects such as pain, night sweatband nausea, which will make it difficult to sleep at night.  There are many secondary conditions that may cause other sleep complications that could arise from treatment. You may also face trouble sleeping from anemia and hypothyroidism. The most common sleep disorder among cancer patients is hypersomnia, which increases the urge to sleep throughout the day. Some symptoms of hypersomnia include having trouble staying awake, sleeping for more than 9 hours at a time and experiencing persistent sleepiness despite actually getting recommended amounts of sleep. It is linked with certain types of cancer, but may also be a result of treatment. About one-third of cancer patients experience the reverse condition, insomnia. Some of the symptoms of this include difficulty falling and staying asleep, feeling unrefreshed after a full period of sleep and regular early mornings. Most insomnia in cancer patients arises from chronic pain, but may also result from treatment. Cancer also increases the risk of disruptive sleep apnea and sleep-disordered breathing problems. It may be symptomized by poor concentration and memory levels, headaches, excessive sleepiness, chronic snoring, dry mouth, and sore throat, and decreased libido. How to sleep better when you have cancer Cancer can cause chronic pain, which will affect your sleep. You may also have a poor sleep schedule because of the treatment options which can take a toll on your body and mind. It is important that you maintain a healthy sleep routine to maximize your ability to get recommended amounts of rest every night. These are a few tips to help you sleep better when you are living with cancer. Restore balance to your sleep/wake rhythm You will be less likely to sleep if your circadian rhythm is compromised. Since it is affected by exposure to light, you can control your sleep/wake cycle by regulating your exposure to light. During the day, you should take in as much natural light as possible. At night, you should limit the amount of light to improve your ability to fall asleep. If you are facing increased fatigue from your treatment, you could consider healthy and energetic food options, as well as exercise, to build up your energy levels. This will help you stay up during the day and restore your natural rhythm for a better night. Maintain a sleep schedule You should limit your sleep to about the same length every night for consistency. Even on the weekends, you should only allow yourself at most one more hour in bed. This will help your brain build a positive association with your sleep environment, which will enable you to sleep and wake up within your schedule. You will be better able to get a good night's rest if you have an orderly schedule to help you out. Try out essential oils Essential oils are great for addressing chronic pain and managing other effects of cancer. You should incorporate these oils into your lifestyle because they can alleviate some of the effects of both your condition and treatment. Essential oils such as lavender can be applied topically as a form of aromatherapy to induce sleep. Other oils such as peppermint and tea tree oil offer anti-inflammatory effects. The pain reduction and effect on snoring will help you sleep without any disruptions. Limit blue light Blue light exposure can confuse your brain into tanking that it is still day time. It is emitted by phones, computers and other devices with a screen. It could affect your ability to fall asleep. You should make sure to have all these devices off at least 90minutes before bed to help you sleep better. Create a good sleeping environment Cancer patients need an uninterrupted night. However, this can be difficult because of the pain and other effects of treatment. You can improve your ability to get a full night’s rest by improving the level of comfort in your sleep environment. You could consider getting new mattresses, sheets and pillows to elevate your level of comfort. Visit bear mattress for a great selection of comfortable options. Aside from having comfortable sheets, warm pillows and a great mattress, you may also need to limit your exposure t light and noise to help you get to sleep. Some music could help you sleep better, but care must be taken to ensure it is not disruptive and accompanies your night. You could also consider natural and patterned sounds to help you fall asleep. Final word Sleep is restorative and beneficial for your health. It has been linked with an increased likelihood of successful cancer treatment; with people who sleep better likely to go into remission. Having as little as 6 hours or as much as 10 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period could negatively affect your ability to beat cancer. You need to develop and commit to a great sleeping schedule to increase you odds of survival. Sleep quality and hygiene could be just as integral to your survival as a good diet and treatment plan. Read Also: Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Non-Alcoholic Spirits