Should You Consider Drinking Cbd Water?

Published on: 19 August 2019 Last Updated on: 06 June 2021

The health benefits of cannabis have been creating ripples in the health and wellness industry for some time now. Many people have raised concerns about the legality of buying Cannabis-based products containing Cannabidiol or CBD, as an oil or as a powder.

It is important to state that CBD products are legal and are not rigorously scrutinized by the FDA, just like dietary supplements. Others are having issues separating consuming CBD products from merely getting ‘high’ with marijuana.

Experts can answer this by saying that what causes a ‘high’ feeling and altered state of mind is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is also an extract from the cannabis plant. It changes the mind when heated and ingested.

You may be aware of the above facts but may not have heard about CBD water. We will also address your concerns.

CBD water is another chemical extract obtained from the cannabis plant. Because CBD is not a psychoactive chemical like THC, it does not alter the mind or create a ‘high’ sensation.

Water-soluble CBD is useful for the treatment of depression, acne, inflammations, and pain relief. It is also beneficial for reducing artery blockage, reducing the effects of psychosis, preventing the growth of bacteria, curing insomnia, checking blood sugar, reducing nausea and vomiting. It also helps in the treatment of nervous degeneration, muscular spasms, psoriasis, promoting bone growth, and stimulating a healthy appetite.

Should You Drink It?

The manufacturers of water-soluble CBD say it is totally safe to drink. It well recommended that drinking it is one of the best ways of taking the daily dose of this beneficial natural supplement.

However, there are concerns by researchers such as those from Healthline, that CBD water contains insignificant levels of CBD. Most brands are said to carry just about 2 to 5 milligrams of CBD instead of the daily recommended dose of 15 milligrams daily.

Most manufacturers, on their part, have defended their product claims by saying that their products contain the right amount of CBD. This goes to say that the use of nanotechnology is responsible for the claimed reduction but that it only reduces the particle size to enhance absorption by the body.

Given that CBD is an unstable compound, it needs exposure to light and air to preserve its potency. In reality, this causes a slight breakdown in its potential health benefits.

Potential buyers suspect that CBD Water is less potent than CBD oils because of the clear packaging of the former.

What Are The Side Effects Of Drinking It?

Drinking CBD water does not have such side effects as is associated with most other medications. The side effects of other medications include paralysis, liver damage, or hallucination.

The only identified side effects are a dry mouth and the possible inability of the liver to metabolize some other medications properly.

In conclusion, you are advised to use CBD water strictly under the supervision of qualified medical personnel because it is still a new medical solution. Even experts are awaiting the results of extensive research.

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Are X-Rays Dangerous?

Typically, as a patient who needs an X-ray, you don’t have much say in the matter. It’s a necessary tool to diagnose things like broken bones or other internal issues. And refusing to allow the X-ray could have serious consequences for the state of your care. But it’s still good to know what potential risks you are facing in any procedure. What is an X-ray? An X-ray is an imaging procedure that uses electromagnetic energy to produce light rays to produce images visible to the naked eye. Basically, an X-ray allows hard matter like bone tissue to show up white in an image. And it shows softer matter like skin in shades of black or gray. This is why it is an effective tool for checking for broken bones. But this emission of energy is called radiation, and it does come with some potential risks. What are the risks of X-rays? Any medical procedure or medication is not without some type of risk, and X-rays are no exception. The potential harm from X-rays comes from the exposure to radiation. And, according to the US Food and Drug Administration, the main risk is the increased possibility of cancer. However, the risk is thought to be very small with normal exposure. In other words, receiving routine X-rays from a procedure will probably never result in any harmful side effects. But the risks, of course, could increase with continued exposure. What procedures expose you to radiation? X-rays may be used for various conditions besides just broken bones. Doctors also use them to check for things like breast tumors, blocked blood vessels, lung conditions, arthritis and infections. Dentists use them to check for tooth decay and misalignments. Several other types of procedures produce X-ray images. Radiography, for example, uses the smallest amount of radiation and is common for bones. A Computed tomography, or CT scan, produces a 3D image that can be taken in sections. CT scans are common for brain injuries or suspected tumors. And fluoroscopy is used to get real-time images of internal workings. It’s most commonly used to view heart functions. What precautions can you take to limit exposure? Because the risk of side effects for X-rays is so minimal, most patients do not require additional protection. But in some cases, a technician may place some sort of protection over certain areas. This is usually only necessary when a patient has already had cancer or has been identified as someone at risk. For example, an X-ray technician might place a lead thyroid shield over a patient’s neck to keep from exposing a thyroid to radiation. This might be done if the patient has or had thyroid cancer. Or they might place a lead apron over areas such as the ovaries or gonads if they will be conducting numerous X-rays on them. The real risk of radiation exposure is to the personnel continually performing the procedures. X-ray technicians usually perform a number of X-rays every day and are exposed to the rays for many hours. This is why they wear protective gear. Specially designed lead aprons and lead glasses are examples of some of the gear they might use on a daily basis. The X-ray rooms may also be designed with at least one wall containing lead that a technician may stand behind when he or she activates the machine. All in all, the benefits associated with X-rays far outweighs any potential risk. After all, a physician may be able to save your life by detecting a tumor. And the risk of a tumor being fatal is much greater than the risk of an adverse radiation effect.

Tooth Pain

6 Ways to Relieve From Tooth Pain and Sensitivity Naturally

When we take a bite, eat or chew our favourite ice cream, hot soup or juice we sometimes feel discomfort, or pain in our gums and teeth, this is called sensitivity. If you ever felt this pain into your teeth, then you're not alone. Sensitivity is now become very common almost every 6 people out of 10 are suffering from the same. It may start with the sudden temporary pain in the enamel when experience hot and cold temperature by the time it may turn into a chronic problem when it's treated. This can be caused due to many reasons but understanding the potential causes of sensitive teeth can help to cure it quickly. Ignoring it or left it untreated can worsen; as a result, it can affect your overall oral health. Here is the list of some causes of tooth sensitivity, where you can find your reason for the same: Tooth decay Using hard bristle toothbrush for brushing your teeth Consumption of Acidic and foods Tooth grinding and scrunching while you're asleep Gum diseases The habit of overeating cold and hot foods Extensive use of whitening toothpaste Dental surgery How to Take Care of Your Teeth Naturally to Avoid Sensitivity: Getting healthier, firm, white teeth is not an easy task, it takes years to achieve healthy oral health. Some of us never care about oral health, but oral health is as important as our other body organs. It's important to take the right step and follow the proper procedure to achieve excellent results. Taking care of teeth is hardly took 10-15 minutes daily. You can follow these simple steps every day to get rid of tooth pain and sensitivity naturally: 1. Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day: Brushing your teeth twice a day is a healthy habit to get healthy teeth. Using soft bristle toothbrush that fits into your mouth will help you to clean your teeth better than a large hard bristle toothbrush. Brushing your teeth after having dinner and before going to bed is very important. It prevents our teeth from the germ and avoids depositing it on the outer layer of our teeth overnight. Wash your toothbrush with water properly and replace it every three or four months. 2. Desensitising Toothpaste: Using a good quality toothbrush that contains salt, clove and mint can be a good option for brushing your teeth. Using teeth whitening toothpaste or powder contains harmful chemicals like chlorine, and fluoride can affect the outer layer of your teeth which results in causing sensitivity. You can also opt desensitising toothpaste which contains compounds potassium nitrate that blocks pains signals travelling from the nerve to our brain. 3. Opt Green Tea Instead of Coffee or Tea: Consume green tea instead of taking having tea or coffee. It plays a significant role in treating sensitivity. Green tea has many health benefits it is known for its antioxidant effects and anti-inflammatory properties which also affects our oral health. You can use green tea as a mouthwash twice a day to strengthen your teeth, reduce sensitivity and inflammation. 4. Clove & Clove Oil: People have been using clove and clove oil to cure tooth problem of thousands of years. It is a perfect ingredient used to add flavours and colour in baking muffins, and curries. It is also known for its medicinal properties. It contains a chemical called eugenol which has an anaesthetic and antiseptic propertiest that helps to prevent our teeth from infections and cure oral problems like sensitivity, gum problems, cavities etc. 5. Mouthwash: Racks in the markets are full of verities of mouthwashes it shows that mouthwashes are highly in demand these days due to its positive effects. Mouthwash is now as crucial as brushing for good oral health, but many of us skip them because we find that they don't work. But it really not the actual truth mouthwash reduce the amount of acid in the mouth, maintains the pH level of our mouth, clean the corners or the mouth where the brush can't reach, re-mineralises the teeth and gums. It also protects the outer layer of our teeth and prevents our teeth from sensitivity. It is scientifically proven that mouthwash really works for achieving good oral health. Prescription mouthwash is also available in the markets. 6. Visit your Local Dentist Twice or Thrice a Year: Our teeth are a very significant part of our body, brushing your teeth every day and taking care of overall oral health is a healthy habit. Still, it's essential to visit your local dentist for at least cleansing or just for a regular checkup will help you to know more about your oral health. A well-experienced dentist removes calculus and look for cavities and also offer you more treatment solutions to achieve good oral health.  You can easily find a local dentist on Google or you can consult your neighbors for better assistance. Read Also: 5 Ways To Prevent Severe Dental Problems The Differences Between A Dentist And An Orthodontist

Sleep deprivation

Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits

Sleep deprivation has an important effect on your skin health, heart health, brain and blood pressure level. Without 8 hours of solid sleep, your body and mind won’t be fit at all. Additionally, lacking sleep is a great cause of skin problem. Have you ever noticed, your skin looks tired after a sleepless night? Not only tired skin, but you also get paler skin trend, dark circles & redder and puffier eyes too. That’s why proper sleep is too important to all of us. So, we all need to know the causes of sleep deprivation so that we can have good sleeping habits to prevent this problem. Causes of Sleep Deprivation: You may have sleep deprivation for various reasons. Some of the main reasons are given below- Insomnia Voluntary Behavior Sleeping Habits Sleeping Environment Study or Work Commitments Sleep Apnea Psychiatric Issues Stimulant Medications Concurrent Medical Conditions Neurotransmitter Imbalances Anxiety Short-Term Illness Effects of Sleep Deprivation: As we said before, sleep deprivation has many effects on skin problem. Let’s have a short look at what it does for your skin.   1. Acceleration of Skin Aging: The main and most annoying thing is it accelerates the skin aging which makes you look aged. Poor sleeping slows down the cell repairing process and damaged cells can’t be repaired. As a result, you get an aged-looking skin.   2. Decreases Collagen Production: The body system runs the collagen function in the body while sleeping. And the collagen keeps the skin health softer and younger-looking. If you have lack of sleeping, the function gets damage and your skin starts losing the softness and youth.   3. Impairs Skin Barrier Function: Without enough sleep (at least 6-8 hours), the skin barrier system of the body gets hurt and the skin cells become weaker. As a result, the skin tone starts fading away. Sleep deprivation affects other natural body functions too.   4. Increases of Dark Circles & Puffy Eyes Appearance: If you don’t have proper sleep at night, it seems to be an appearance of puffy eye spots and dark circle on the skin. So, to get rid of this, good sleep is the must. Good Sleeping Habits: So, you know the importance of proper sleep. You need to sleep well for your healthy skin. Are you ready? Here, we have included some tips for good sleep. Hope, they will help you out. Let’s try…   1. Put Electronic Devices Away: In this modern era, we all use smart-phone or tablet. But you know what, the blue ray of the electronic device screen prevents the release of “Melatonin” hormone. Melatonin tells your brain that it’s time to sleep. But if you use electronic devices for a long time before bedtime, you won’t get sleep easily. So, turn off the devices before a couple of hours before going to bed.   2. No More Alcohol: If you take alcohol and have poor sleep, then we would like to recommend you to reduce alcohol intake. Alcohol decreases the Melatonin release you get sleep problem. So, if you want to take any liquid food to relax at night, we suggest you take a cup of chamomile tea instead.   3. Manage Your Stress: Sleep goes out first when you are in a stressed mood. So, always try to control it. For better result, you may spend some time outdoors or meditate.   4. Exercise Regularly: Regular exercise is a great way to keep the mind and body fresh. And with fresh body and mind, sleep problem won’t touch you at all. So, it’s a great idea to exercise regularly. Read More : 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness. Why is sleeping well so important for job performance?