10 Essential Tips for Preventing Railroad Crossing Accidents


03 October 2024


Essential Tips for Preventing Railroad Crossing Accidents

Railroad crossings are designed to prevent accidents. The United States has over 200,000 miles of track, so drivers must know the potential hazards of these crossings. With the right safety precautions, you can avoid accidents on or near railroads.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported 1,500 collisions between vehicles and trains in 2021, which injured and killed hundreds of individuals. Never race across the railroad tracks when there is an oncoming train. People must realize that the cost of speeding to beat a train can be extremely high. 

In this article, you will learn about tips on how to avoid railroad crossing accidents. Moreover, this article will describe how to implement those tips properly to ensure safety. Furthermore, you will learn about how to stay aware of railroads. Hence, to learn more, read on to the end of the article.

Tips to Avoid Railroad Crossing Accidents

Keep the following tips in mind when approaching a railway crossing:

1. Obey Warning Signs

All railroad crossings have warning signs and signals. This helps to let drivers and pedestrians know they are approaching an area where trains may be present. Generally, you will find flashing red lights and gates in those areas. 

For instance, when the gate is coming down or is already down, you must stay away from the crossing. Basically, you need to ensure that you are at a safe distance. Also, don’t try to drive around or through the gate. 

In short, obey all warning signals because they indicate a train is coming. 

2. Look Both Ways

Before crossing a street, everyone looks both ways to check whether a vehicle is coming or not. In fact, you must do the same when you drive through railroad crossings. 

Generally, trains go both ways on tracks. So, you must check both sides before continuing over the tracks. Moreover, you must take extra care when the visibility is low, such as at night or when the weather is bad. This way, you can prevent accidents. 

3. Never Stop a Car on the Tracks or Try to Move It Away

When you are passing through railroad tracks, you must never stop on them. However, if your car accidentally stalls, get out of it as quickly as possible and move away from the vehicle. Also, you must avoid pushing the car to try to move it. 

Generally, a train cannot stop quickly since it is really heavy. Also, the engineer controlling the train will not know that a vehicle is in its path until it is too late to take action. 

4. Avoid Walking on Railroad Tracks

It is illegal for pedestrians to walk on railroad tracks. Moreover, it is extremely dangerous to do so. Hence, you must always walk through pedestrian crossing areas and obey warning signals. 

Additionally, railroad tracks are often slippery, and the surface isn’t even, increasing the likelihood of pedestrians falling. They may not be able to get out of the path of a train quickly if they fall. 

5. Remain Behind Crossing Gates

Driving around a crossing gate may be tempting, especially when a train is not visible. Avoid doing so, as the crossing gate is a safety measure designed to keep people from harm. 

However, if you really need to cross, wait for the gate to rise and then proceed across the tracks. This way, you can ensure safety.

6. Stay a Safe Distance From the Tracks

Always stay a safe distance from the tracks. For instance, many cars can be between the engine and the caboose. Hence, you must never drive or walk close to the tracks. 

7. Don’t Assume a Train Will Stop

Trains aren’t required to stop at railroad crossings, so drivers cannot assume they will. Obey the warning signals and wait patiently until the train stops. Basically, trains are heavy and fast. Hence, they need a lot of track to stop. 

Therefore, you must provide trains with the right of way to avoid a big accident. 

8. Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

Also, be aware of your surroundings when you approach a railroad crossing. Moreover, you must look for anything unusual or suspicious. Also, point out to authorities if you see something out of place. 

For instance, if you find out something that doesn’t belong on the tracks, you must report it to the appropriate authorities. 

9. Maintain Vehicles

You must maintain your vehicles to reduce the risk of your car stalling on the tracks. However, if the car still stalls, exit the vehicle immediately. Then, move to a safe distance from the tracks to avoid being hit by debris if a train collides with it. 

10. Train Children to Be Aware of Railroad Crossings

Teach children railroad safety from a young age. Tell them about the dangers of playing on or around railroad tracks. Have them learn the warning signals and what they mean to keep them safe. Hence, you can ensure their safety when they somehow come near a railroad crossing.

How to Ensure Safety near a Railroad Crossing?

The following are the steps you must follow if you want to ensure safety at a railroad crossing:

  1. Always expect trains to come on the railroad. Hence, when you cross the railroad, do it quickly or avoid it. This is because trains are fast and heavy. So you will not get enough time to react.
  2. If the light at the crossing is red and the gates are lowered, avoid crossing the railroad. Also, check for the flagman to look for signals.
  3. Look at both sides when you are crossing a railroad. Never assume that trains are coming from only one direction.
  4. After a train passes, wait for the signal to go green and the gates to go up fully. Then, you can cross the railroad.

Railroad Crossing Safety: The Way Forward

Every person must know the basics of railroad crossing safety, and accidents and fatalities can easily be avoided with this knowledge. Learn more today to protect yourself and your loved ones from accidents and injuries, as health is one of the most important things a person can have.

Do you have more suggestions on how to avoid railroad crossing accidents? Please share your ideas and opinions in the comments below.

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Deepanwita is a seasoned practitioner of ‘jumping the ship’. She started out her journey with literature and now holds a double graduation degree, one of which is in psychology. As a result, she is now using this skill to help confused job seekers to pick a direction. Given her academic background, her writing is laden with analytical analogies and deep research. As one of Content Rally’s most regular contributors, readers can find a sense of confidence in her writing.

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