Should You Consider Drinking Cbd Water?

Published on: 19 August 2019 Last Updated on: 06 June 2021

The health benefits of cannabis have been creating ripples in the health and wellness industry for some time now. Many people have raised concerns about the legality of buying Cannabis-based products containing Cannabidiol or CBD, as an oil or as a powder.

It is important to state that CBD products are legal and are not rigorously scrutinized by the FDA, just like dietary supplements. Others are having issues separating consuming CBD products from merely getting ‘high’ with marijuana.

Experts can answer this by saying that what causes a ‘high’ feeling and altered state of mind is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is also an extract from the cannabis plant. It changes the mind when heated and ingested.

You may be aware of the above facts but may not have heard about CBD water. We will also address your concerns.

CBD water is another chemical extract obtained from the cannabis plant. Because CBD is not a psychoactive chemical like THC, it does not alter the mind or create a ‘high’ sensation.

Water-soluble CBD is useful for the treatment of depression, acne, inflammations, and pain relief. It is also beneficial for reducing artery blockage, reducing the effects of psychosis, preventing the growth of bacteria, curing insomnia, checking blood sugar, reducing nausea and vomiting. It also helps in the treatment of nervous degeneration, muscular spasms, psoriasis, promoting bone growth, and stimulating a healthy appetite.

Should You Drink It?

The manufacturers of water-soluble CBD say it is totally safe to drink. It well recommended that drinking it is one of the best ways of taking the daily dose of this beneficial natural supplement.

However, there are concerns by researchers such as those from Healthline, that CBD water contains insignificant levels of CBD. Most brands are said to carry just about 2 to 5 milligrams of CBD instead of the daily recommended dose of 15 milligrams daily.

Most manufacturers, on their part, have defended their product claims by saying that their products contain the right amount of CBD. This goes to say that the use of nanotechnology is responsible for the claimed reduction but that it only reduces the particle size to enhance absorption by the body.

Given that CBD is an unstable compound, it needs exposure to light and air to preserve its potency. In reality, this causes a slight breakdown in its potential health benefits.

Potential buyers suspect that CBD Water is less potent than CBD oils because of the clear packaging of the former.

What Are The Side Effects Of Drinking It?

Drinking CBD water does not have such side effects as is associated with most other medications. The side effects of other medications include paralysis, liver damage, or hallucination.

The only identified side effects are a dry mouth and the possible inability of the liver to metabolize some other medications properly.

In conclusion, you are advised to use CBD water strictly under the supervision of qualified medical personnel because it is still a new medical solution. Even experts are awaiting the results of extensive research.

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Medical Billing Errors

Common Medical Billing Errors And How Software Fixes Them

An authentic stream of revenue is needed for your medical practice to be efficient and profitable. However, you may need optimized billing efforts to avoid some challenges. Some medical billing problems you may encounter include client complaints and delayed payments. Bear in mind that these problems are capable of hurting your medical practice. Your primary task should be getting rid of those medical billing errors by fixing them. Billing errors are now common, but there are ways to fix them. Various software has been developed to help with practice management and reduce the chances of running into a medical billing problem. This software provides a medical billing solution that makes practice easy and smooth. This article will focus on the common medical billing errors you might face in your medical practice and tell you how software fixes those errors. Medical billing: Explained Medical billing is important in the healthcare industry. It involves the processing and submitting of healthcare claims to insurance companies so that medical services offered to patients by providers can be reimbursed. Medical billing is a complicated process with many steps, like claims submission, denial management, coding payment posting, and charge capture. Medical billing ensures that healthcare providers get their payment timely and accurately for services provided, which is vital for financial stability. An understanding of billing regulations and medical coding is needed for medical billing to be effective. Effecting billing also requires the potential to find your way around complex insurance systems. Excellent problem-solving and communication skills are must-haves for medical billers. This will help them resolve issues that might arise in the billing process. Electronic medical records (EMRs), electronic health records (EHRs), and electronic billing systems have risen. These systems have reduced errors and streamlined the billing processes. In essence, medical billing is challenging and complex; the task requires expertise and specialized knowledge. Medical billing is a vital role that must be addressed in the healthcare industry. Healthcare providers must receive reimbursement for services rendered n a timely and accurate manner. Despite the priority given to this medical billing process, various issues are bound to occur. These issues can make cash flow slow, claims can be denied, and financial difficulties may arise. Medical billing errors Let us explore the most common medical billing errors. 1. Data entry errors This billing error is prevalent. It occurs when incorrect information is entered into the billing system. Some errors may include procedure codes, insurance information, and patient demographics. Data entry errors increase administrative costs, delayed payments, and claim denials. To prevent this error, healthcare providers should conduct regular audits to ensure accuracy and implement a double-entry system. 2. Coding errors When a medical service is assigned a wrong procedure code or the code is not specific, a coding error occurs. Coding errors lead to fraud allegations, delayed payments, and claim denials. With proper training of staff in medical coding, this error can be prevented. Healthcare providers should also ensure that they update their coding manuals regularly. 3. Upcoding and down coding Upcoding occurs when a healthcare provider bills for an expensive service than what was provided. Downloading occurs when a healthcare provider bills for a service that is less expensive than the provided one. Upcoding and down coding are fraudulent activities that can result in and attract legal actions and fines. Billing practices must be based on detailed and accurate documentation to prevent this error. 4. Duplicate billing Billing for the same service multiple times is duplicate billing, which occurs accidentally. Duplicate billing happens when a claim is resubmitted due to a technical error or intentionally as a fraudulent practice. Note that duplicate billing leads to legal actions, delayed payments, and claim denials. Implement a system to track and reconcile all claims to prevent duplicate billings. 5. Coordination of benefits errors This occurs when two or more insurance companies are responsible for a medical service payment, and a disagreement arises about who is responsible for the payment. Coordination of benefits errors can lead to increased administrative costs, delayed payments, and claim denials. Healthcare providers must ensure that their patient’s insurance information is updated and accurate. 6. Out-of-network errors Errors like this occur when the healthcare provider bills for services an out-of-network insurance provider provides. This comes up when a patient receives medical services from a provider outside their outlined insurance network. Out-of-network errors lead to increased administrative costs, delayed payments, and claim denials. Educate patients about insurance coverage and be sure that they obtain prior authorization for out-of-network services. How to fix them with software? Here are some ways software can be used to fix medical billing errors and improve the financial health of a healthcare practice. 1.   Automated claims management Automated claims management software is one of the best strategies to stop medical billing mistakes. Before submission to insurance companies, this software may automatically examine claims for mistakes and inconsistencies. Automated claims management software decreases the likelihood of claim denials and delayed payments, which may check for coding mistakes, duplicate billing, and other frequent problems. Eliminating the need for manual claims review and resubmission can save healthcare providers time and money. 2.   Electronic health records EHRs can improve medical billing efficiency by automating certain aspects of the process. For example, EHRs can automatically generate billing codes based on the services provided, reducing the risk of errors related to manual coding. The advancements in EHR software development have been pivotal in enabling these automations and ensuring the accuracy of medical billing and coding. EHRs can also facilitate submitting claims to insurance providers, reducing the time and resources needed to complete this task. Patient outcomes can be improved by healthcare providers by providing them with a complete picture of their patient's medical histories. By having access to comprehensive medical records, healthcare providers can make more informed decisions about patient care and avoid mistakes related to incorrect or incomplete information. 3.   Real-time eligibility verification Real-time eligibility verification software can help healthcare providers improve their revenue cycle management by reducing the time and resources needed to verify insurance information. By automating checking patient eligibility and coverage parameters, healthcare providers can free up staff resources and focus on delivering high-quality patient care. The software can also improve the accuracy of insurance information by reducing the risk of errors related to manual data entry. By automatically verifying insurance information in real-time, healthcare providers can ensure they have the most up-to-date and accurate information before providing medical services. 4.   Automated payment posting Automated payment posting software can help healthcare providers improve their revenue cycle management by reducing the time and resources needed to process payments. By automating the posting of payments from insurance companies, healthcare providers can free up staff resources and focus on delivering high-quality care to their patients. Automated payment posting software can also improve payment processing accuracy by reducing the risk of errors related to manual data entry. By automatically matching payments to the corresponding claims, healthcare providers can ensure that payments are processed accurately and promptly. 5.   Data analytics Data analytics tools can help healthcare providers track key performance indicators (KPIs) related to their revenue cycle, such as days in accounts receivable, collection rates, and net revenue. By monitoring these metrics, healthcare providers can identify areas of their revenue cycle that need improvement and implement strategies to optimize their financial performance. These tools help healthcare providers identify opportunities to streamline their operations and reduce costs. For example, by analyzing supply usage and waste data, healthcare providers can identify areas where they can reduce waste and save money. 6.   Automated denial management This software can help healthcare providers identify patterns in claim denials, allowing them to improve their billing processes to prevent future denials. By streamlining the appeals process and reducing the number of denied claims, healthcare providers can improve their revenue cycle management and ultimately increase their bottom line. Automated denial management software can provide real-time insights into claim status and help healthcare providers prioritize which claims to focus on. This can be especially helpful for practices that handle large claims or have limited staff resources. It is a valuable tool for healthcare providers looking to improve their revenue cycle management and reduce the time and resources spent on manual appeal procedures. 7.   Patient payment portals Patient payment portals can also improve patient satisfaction by offering a convenient and secure way to pay medical bills. Patients can access their payment history, view outstanding balances, and set up payment plans through the portal. This level of transparency and control can help reduce patient anxiety and promote trust between patients and healthcare providers. It also saves healthcare providers time and resources by automating payment processing and reducing the need for staff to handle payment transactions manually. This can allow healthcare providers to focus on delivering high-quality care and improving patient outcomes rather than on administrative tasks. Conclusion Medical billing errors are a significant problem that can lead to financial loss and legal action for healthcare providers and patients. Healthcare providers can improve their revenue cycle management by implementing effective strategies to prevent these errors and ensure high-quality patient care. Software programs help streamline billing practices to provide better care to patients. Try using software to fix your medical billing errors to experience swift medical billing processes. 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Facial Treatments

5 Most Exciting Facial Treatments For Smooth & Gorgeous Skin

How can I take the best possible care of my skin? What can I do to preserve the youthful looks of my skin for a good long while? These are age-old questions that have fuelled an industry worth millions of dollars. Companies are researching for and developing thousands of beauty products and facial treatments that line the shelves of pharmacies, supermarkets, and malls. Each claims to give you gorgeous, glowing skin that is free of blemishes like acne, pigmentation, and signs of aging. In the coming years, you can expect to see an even more mind-blowing array of creams, ointments, and salves. According to a report released on Reuters, the Global Cosmetics Products Market is projected to rise at a CAGR of 7.14% in the 5 years from 2018 to 20123 reaching a high of an unbelievable USD 805.61 billion. 5 Most Exciting Facial Treatments of 2018 - For Smooth, Gorgeous Skin Side by side is the growth in the salons and spas across the country with upmarket professionals offering you a range of specialty facial treatments; some that they have developed and perfected on their own. Each comes with a USP that promises to give you the skin you’ve always wanted. 2018 had its share of options, some gained more popularity than others while there are a few more that are still new on the block. Here’s a quick look at some of the most exciting beauty procedures you can try. 1. PRP Facials: PRP facial treatments, also known as Vampire facials first made waves a few years ago with Kim Kardashian being one of its first proponents. The procedure continues to hold the interest of celebrities and everyday folk has given that it is possibly one of the safest anti-aging options available today. In place of chemicals, the serum used in PRP therapy is extracted from a sample of your blood. This serum contains a concentration of healing elements such as platelets, growth factors, mesenchymal stem cells, and various others. Together, these components stimulate the rejuvenation of the layer of collagen and elastin under the skin. Over the next 3 to 4 weeks, the natural plumping up of the skin can erase flaws like fine lines and wrinkles, breakouts, pigmentation, dark circles, and even scars left behind by acne and injuries. 2. Laser Facials: Lasers have long been used extensively in the field of medicine to perform procedures with a minimum of scarring. You’ve probably also heard of laser liposuction for inch loss or low-level laser therapy that can reverse hair loss and promote the growth of hair. One of the newest facial treatments available today uses lasers to scrape away the damaged top layers of the skin so new cells can emerge. Like this feature on WebMD explains, the procedure is also called laser resurfacing and uses two different kinds of lasers. During the first part of the session, the dermatologist uses the YAG laser that cleans the skin of impurities at a deeper level. The second pass is done with the IPL laser at a low setting to stimulate the layer of collagen to start producing new cells. Most of these facial procedures are completed with 15 minutes and involve absolutely no downtime. You can go back to work or any other activities right after. 3. Cryotherapy Facials: You’ve probably heard about the Cryolipolysis treatment also called CoolSculpting that can help you get rid of excess inches. Cosmetologists have taken the technique a step further and now use it to help rejuvenate your skin. Cryotherapy facial treatments have several positives. Like, for instance, they can erase the signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles and help reverse the sagging brought on by advancing years. In case you’re looking for an effective cure for acne or eczema, the cryo procedure might just be able to help you. As Rebecca Norris reports on Allure, dermatologists use a cryo-probe or blast of vaporized liquid nitrogen to cool the skin to below freezing temperatures rapidly. This action results in the tightening of the tissues as the circulation drops. When the blood vessels and capillaries restore normal circulation, the rush of blood helps clear away toxins and other impurities while at the same time bringing in nutrients and fresh oxygen. This new infusion oxygenates and restores the layer of collagen under the skin to give it a youthful glow. 4. LED Light Facials: The LEL light facial treatments are another of the newest procedures that perform a range of functions to help restore the smooth, flawless beauty of your skin. The process begins with steaming to clean your face of all traces of makeup and open the pores, so they are more receptive to the action of the light. LED facials to make use of light at 4 different wavelengths each with a specific purpose. The red light lowers inflammation and boosts blood circulation in the skin The infrared speeds up the recovery of the skin The blue light acts on acne-causing bacteria to destroy it The amber light stimulates the growth of collagen and elastin cells in the skin Your skin is exposed to each one of the wavelengths for a few minutes at a time as you lie under a dome-like structure. After the light exposure, the cosmetologist clears the skin of blackheads and whiteheads, and then, uses a wand with high-frequency waves to remove any remaining bacteria. The final step involves a soothing face mask to nourish the skin. 5. The Gankin Massage: Like many women in today’s time with a busy career with personal and professional commitments, you may not have the time to visit the salon for a facial every 30 days as recommended. There is now a unique system that you learn to perform at home as outlined in Vogue magazine. Originally a Japanese concept, the facial treatment involves massaging your skin with the special SUQQU cream. The trick here is to stimulate the right pressure points to promote blood circulation and the drainage of lymph for clearer, more beautiful skin. This treatment can erase any swelling and sag for smoother and sharper facial contours. There you have 5 facial treatments that were highly popular in the year 2018. Suitable for all types of skin, ages, and genders, they promise to restore the flawless perfection of your skin. Sign up for the procedures or perform them at home and see the transformation in your looks. 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CBD: The understanding of its benefits

Miracle Medicine or Shark Scam? The substance cannabidiol, CBD, is gaining more attention and allegedly curing and alleviating a number of diseases and symptoms - but what exactly is it? According to a page named as the upcoming, CBD is one of the hundreds of so-called cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, and unlike the intoxicating and known substance THC, the CBD is not psychoactive and in itself does not cause intoxication.  However, both THC and CBD are pharmacologically interesting and there is a great potential for medical use - both individually and in different combinations between them. In some states, like Arkansas, it is now legal for people to use both THC and CBD medicinally. Getting a medical marijuana card in Arkansas to help alleviate certain ailments is now made easier with telehealth options emerging. Historically, the medicinal properties of the cannabis plant have been used for a number of ailments in much of the world. For example, to reduce pain or to relieve symptoms from rheumatism and epilepsy. Today, this palette of disease states that cannabis is said to alleviate and the cure has increased even more, although the scientific support for its medicinal effect is often weak or non-existent. CBD is removed from the list of prohibited substances A major problem, however, has been that the research on cannabis medical potential has been made more difficult by the drug classified as a heavy drug without medical potential, which among other things has meant that few large and well-made studies have been done in humans. The fact that it is difficult to patent natural substances is also a reason why pharmaceutical companies have not invested in cannabis medical studies. But much has happened in recent years and today we can see a more relaxed view of the CBD. For example, the anti-doping organization Wada will remove cannabidiol from its list of banned substances in 2018 - while cannabis and THC are still on the list. We can also see that the sales of high quality CBD products, often in the form of oil drops, have grown sharply in recent years. The CBD industry in the US: The CBD industry in the US is both large and profitable. But from the point of view of authority, the criticism has long been hard against the industry. The US FDA recently released a number of letters to a number of major CBD dealers in the United States. Message: Stop marketing your products with medical claims that are not backed by science. The authority is also critical of the fact that CBD oil is marketed as a dietary supplement, although according to the FDA it is obvious that the products are pharmaceuticals. A new study on CBD content in products in the US market also showed that 70 percent of the tested products contained more or less CBD than the table of contents declared. It should be pointed out that there are tons of CBD brands, which claim to be the best at what they do. Huge claims are made about the purity of the extraction process and how well they work when it comes to relieving muscle and joint pains, promoting sleep, and so on. However, closer examinations reveal that the majority of brands operating in the CBD industry are just trying to hitch on the popularity bandwagon. Experts state that apart from brands like, there are hardly others who can really claim to be creating great CBD products. Meanwhile in some countries: In some countries, it is difficult to obtain figures on how large the industry around CBD products is today, but that the growth is strong in recent years is clear. Many salesmen have long worked in a legal gray area and marketed their products as food and dietary supplements. This has meant that you have been in a more or less lawless country since you do not have to follow the Medicines Act and it is up to the manufacturers themselves to be responsible for ensuring that the products are safe. Specifically, this means that buyers can’t possibly know whether the amount of CBD in the product is actually what is claimed or if it contains heavy metals, other drugs, or toxic substances. You also have no responsibility to collect any side effects. Can CBD cure unusual diseases? In the United States, CBD passed on a broad front after a notable CNN report in 2013, where one had to meet the five-year-old girl Charlotte Figi who suffers from a very difficult and unusual form of childhood epilepsy, Dravet's syndrome. Charlotte was plagued by up to 300 heavy epileptic seizures a week and after existing drugs did not work, the parents tested her medication with CBD-rich cannabis oil, which drastically reduced the epileptic seizures. The girl suffers from the difficult and unusual epilepsy disease Dravet's syndrome and became an early symbol of the medical cannabis movement. Photo: TT And it is precisely to relieve and reduce seizures in difficult-to-treat and unusual epilepsy that CBD has shown the most promising results. In a review article from 2016, a number of researchers went through a number of studies on cannabidiol's medical effects and pointed out a number of areas where CBD drugs can be extra interesting, especially if combined with other substances, such as turmeric for example. To note, CBD and turmeric benefits are considered important by a lot of researchers. Epilepsy: Here, both early clinical data and anecdotal evidence indicate that CBD can be effective against epilepsy and then specifically difficult-to-treat forms that affect children, such as Dravet's syndrome and Lennox-Gastauut's syndrome. A British pharmaceutical company, GW Pharmaceuticals, is also in the final phase with a CBD-based drug that many people hope to be able to print soon to children suffering from severe epilepsy. A study from 2017 on 120 children and young adults with Dravet's syndrome also adds additional weight to CBD treatment in epilepsy. One could then show a statistically significant reduction in severe epilepsy cases in the group receiving cannabidiol. However, the CBD group also had more side effects than the placebo group. Schizophrenia and Psychosis Diseases: Today we know that cannabis use is one of several risk factors for suffering from schizophrenia and other psychosis diseases. And that one should be able to relieve and treat this with substances from the cannabis plant may sound strange, but cannabidiol antipsychotic properties are now being studied carefully. In the review article, the researchers stated that various studies have shown that it is possible to alleviate symptoms from schizophrenia with CBD. And among the more than 100 studies on cannabidiol that are currently registered, there are several whose future results can clarify the CBD's potential in psychosis disease. The same British drug companies that develop the CBD-based epilepsy drug have also, in a recently published and well-done study, shown that CBD can provide symptomatic relief in schizophrenia. Depending Disease: Another interesting area where CBD is predicted to have a medical field of application is dependency disease. Studies are currently underway in the treatment of problematic use of alcohol, cocaine, and opioids. There are also studies suggesting that CBD and turmeric capsules can reduce withdrawal symptoms in people trying to stop cannabis. And much more… From the information above, it can be concluded that CBD really has health benefits. But of course, it would be wiser if the use is consulted in advance with the doctor or related medical officer. Read Also: 4 Advantages Of Using CBD Oils Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe For Pets – Dogs & Cats Cannabis Can Help In The Fight Against Drug Addiction