Get Help With Your Addiction In Boulder

Published on: 04 May 2022 Last Updated on: 18 February 2025

Addiction doesn’t just affect you. Addiction can affect your friends, family, and everyone else around you. Addiction can make it difficult for bystanders to be around you. You may find that you’re pushing the people you love away even if that’s not your goal.

If you’re afraid of how addiction is hurting you and those you care about, then consider this a sign that you should reach out for help. Places like the Addiction Center of America or the Sunshine Behavioral Health in Boulder are great resources for you to explore. If you want to know how you can seek help for your addiction, then keep reading.

Know that you have a problem

Admitting to addiction can be really difficult for someone to do. It’s a brave thing to look within yourself and understand that you are a human being with flaws and are coping with a debilitating disease. No one wants to admit that they’re sick.

But understanding that you suffer from substance abuse disorder can help you overcome your addiction. It’s the first step you take when you want to regain control over your life.

See the signs within yourself

If you suspect you have a problem with addiction, there are lots of resources to look at that will give you insights into the signs of substance abuse. You can’t admit that you have a problem if you aren’t aware of all the signs of alcohol or drug addiction. Some of the signs are

  • You’re choosing drugs or alcohol over activities you used to love to do. These can include hobbies, social gatherings, or work events.
  • You’re not taking care of yourself because you’re too high or drunk to
  • You’re missing work due to substance abuse
  • Your friends and family members have expressed concern over your symptoms
  • You’re hiding things from those you love so they don’t see you using.
  • You can’t stop using

Talk to your friends or family about your addiction

talk with friends

Opening up to those you trust most will help you air your concerns. While it may be embarrassing to talk about at first, expressing your desire to get help will give them notice too. They’ll be able to give you moral support by offering you encouragement or accompanying you to your program. It might make you feel better to clear the air and talk about your problem openly.

Friends and loved ones can also hold you accountable for your actions. They can help monitor your journey to sobriety and offer an outside perspective you can’t see. You’ll grow closer during this process and hopefully come out stronger than ever.

If you need help talking about addiction with your loved ones, click here. You might find it helpful to understand the best practices for starting the conversation.

Reach out to your doctor

Calling your doctor to talk about your addiction is another great way to find help here in Boulder. Your doctor will have the medical knowledge and resources to get you treatment as soon as possible. They’ll be able to get the ball rolling to heal your addiction.

They’ll be able to assess whether or not you need inpatient care or detox. Detoxing from drugs and alcohol can be extremely dangerous when not under doctor supervision so please don’t try it alone. Call your doctor for help.

If you don’t have a doctor, here are some quick tips for you to follow to find one.

Know your options

A lot of people think rehab centers demonize the disease or will get you in trouble. That’s not true at all. A rehab center practices confidentiality, so you don’t have to be afraid of others knowing about your addiction if you don’t want them to. And they have a lot of different treatment options for you to choose from.

Some will give you the option of outpatient treatment. This isn’t always a good option for everyone but if it is for you, then you’ll be allowed to freely leave the center whenever you wish. This gives the patients the most control over their lives and allows for them to continue living normally while they seek treatment.

There are also inpatient options, which a lot of doctors recommend if you’ve been addicted to something for a while or need to detox. This will ensure that you are safe and can’t go out and do drugs or alcohol too soon after treatment. While you aren’t allowed to leave on your own, this does allow you to shock your body out of its addictive patterns. It’s a very effective method for becoming sober.

You can also seek therapy, go to group sessions, and practice religious exploration to combat your addiction. The most important thing to remember when choosing from your wide range of options is to pick something that is best for you.

Understand how you can afford treatment

Unfortunately, it’s true that drug or alcohol treatment centers can be extremely expensive. If you don’t have a plan in place before you enter one, you might find that you can’t even afford to continue. You need to know what options are available to you when it comes to paying for treatment.

Most rehab centers, including the ones in Boulder, will take insurance to pay for treatment and most insurance companies provide plans that cover some or all of the cost of addiction treatment.

If you don’t have insurance, government health has plans that cover some of the cost of treatment as well. In the event that you’re still finding it hard to come up with the pay, then don’t lose hope. Many rehab centers are flexible and will work with you to find a payment plan that works for your budget. There are also private and government-funded charities that will help cover the cost.

There’s a lot you can do before you give up.

Don’t give up!

Addiction can be difficult to manage and everyone will have some sort of setback in the process. Just don’t give up! No matter the circumstances, you still deserve to be treated for your drug addiction and you still deserve to have a normal life.

Research, talk to friends and family, and seek help. You’re not alone on this journey and there are thousands of people out there who have had success beating their addiction.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Temperature & Sleep

The Relationship between Temperature & Sleep

Summer 2019 is in full swing, which means hot days and warm nights. Temperature & Sleep has a close relationship with one another. While a nice sunny day is something that can be easily enjoyed in the shade and under an umbrella, sleeping in a room that is too hot at night is extremely uncomfortable and may affect your sleep! Below is some interesting information about how temperature affects your sleep. Assuming you’re a living, breathing human like me, your body temperature is higher during the day and then declines at night. The innate ability of your body to control internal temperature is through a process called “thermoregulation.” As you get ready to sleep, your body starts to cool down through this process. The process of cooling starts around 2:00 PM to prepare you for sleep and around 5:00 AM is the lowest body temperature your body will reach. Temperature & Sleep has a close relationship with one another. A cooler temperature is associated with sleep, while a higher temperature is wakefulness. This is super counterintuitive but even though you may feel like a slug in a warm environment, you could be able to actually get to sleep better in a cooler environment because our bodies cool down during the dream state. Keeping your body’s internal temperature lower while sleeping has been shown to support a longer and deeper quality of sleep. Cool temperature & sleep are co-related with one another. Your body starts to work overtime to cool itself when it becomes too hot. This is because the body associates heat with activity. Increased body temperature will alert your internal clock to be more awake and alert which disrupts all stages of REM sleep. Oppositely, cold comfort may deliver a better sleep. This is due to the fact that your body will be able to lower its internal temperature early in the sleep cycle. So you may want to think twice before you load up with all those comfy and fluffy blankets that we all love so much! Research shows that 60 to 65 degrees is the ideal sleeping temperature and anything higher or lower than this ideal range can make it more difficult to fall and stay asleep. Additionally, varying temperatures outside of the ideal sleeping temperature seem to cause our bodies to struggle to reach the ideal body temperature for sleep. A Dutch study from 2008 evaluated this phenomenon by hooking up participants to thermostats and found that very small changes in temperature could prove useful to manage disturbed sleeping patterns. The benefits of sleeping in a cool room include falling asleep quickly, promoting anti-aging, and reducing stress levels. Cold bedrooms can promote the increase in melatonin, which regulates all of the body and governs many of the body’s immune, cardiovascular, microbiome, metabolic, psychological, and detox functions. In order to catch the best and most restful snooze, you might need to send the right messages to your body that it’s time to go to sleep by keeping a cool environment in the hours that lead up to sleep. Try out some of the following simple solutions to prepare yourself for a nice night’s sleep: Try to allow your body time to adjust and prepare for sleep. Make sure you give your body two to three hours before bed to start to cool down. A hot shower seems to be ideal when taken two to three hours before bed. Make a good investment in your bed, fur blanket, and be sure to keep it clean. Natural materials are best and are most likely to keep you comfortable. Make sure you keep your hands and feet warm. Keep your bedroom at roughly 65 degrees. In addition, there are several wonderful sleep gadgets out there to help make sure your bedroom is an oasis and you’re ready for sleep. Check out this article to learn more about various sleep gadgets that may be able to help regulate your bed temperature. Gadgets could be a great way to start improving other aspects of your sleep that you may be experiencing trouble with! So all in all, Summer 2019 might be about catching some rays and working up a sweat on the beach, but once you get back inside starting to cool off for the rest of the night might be your best bet to feel refreshed and energized for the next day. It seems as though the temperature has an important effect on sleep. Try to take a look back at your most recent sleeping patterns and see if your rest is being disturbed by the temperature of your room. Perhaps start a Temperature & sleep journal to keep track by writing a blog entry about your last sleep in the morning. We all could use a better-shut eye at the end of the day! Read Also: How To Sleep Better When You Have Cancer Ways To Sleep Well At Night As You Age 3 Health Advantages Of Good Night’s Sleep

World Trade Center Health Program

What is the World Trade Center Health Program?

The country recently recognized the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. The anniversary brought up many emotions for many people who were directly and indirectly affected on that day. There are also political issues that were brought to the forefront again. For example, Congress is currently working to maintain funding for the World Trade Center Health Program, facing a significant funding gap. There’s a newly proposed bill working its way through Congress that would put an additional $7.3 billion into the fund, keeping it operational for another ten years. After that, the bill calls for a further annual 5% increase. So what is this program, and what should you know? Program Basics The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 authorized both the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program and something called the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF). Both are intended to serve the survivor and 9/11 responder communities. Each program has its own eligibility criteria, mission, and process for enrollment. The WTC Health Program provides medical monitoring and treatment for health conditions related to 9/11 for survivors and first responders. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), oversees the program, as does the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The WTC Health program serves responders at the World Trade Center and related sites in New York City, as well as responders to the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania sites. To be covered, a condition has to be certified through the WTC Health Program. A program-affiliated health care provider must treat the condition. Categories of conditions that may be covered include acute and traumatic injuries, airway and digestive disorders, cancers, mental health conditions, and musculoskeletal conditions. Covered Conditions Touched on above were the broad categories of covered conditions. Specifically, conditions include: Acute traumatic injuries: These are physical damage to your body. Examples include burns, eye injuries, and head trauma. Airway and digestive disorders: These affect your sinuses or lungs or portions of your upper digestive tract. Examples include asthma, chronic respiratory disorder, interstitial lung disease, and reactive airway dysfunction syndrome. Cancers: This program includes blood and lymphoid tissue cancers, like lymphoma and leukemia, digestive system cancers, head and neck cancer, and mesothelioma. Mental health conditions: Examples of conditions covered under the WTC program are major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, panic disorder, and substance use disorder. Musculoskeletal disorders: This category only applies to WTC responders, and it includes low back pain and conditions caused by repetitive joint strain. Who’s Eligible? The qualify for the WTC Health Program, you have to be in one of the following categories: An FDNY responder: You have to be a member of the Fire Department of New York City who was participating at a minimum of one day in recovery and rescue efforts at any World Trade Center site. General responder: This includes volunteers and workers who provided a variety of services following the 9/11 attacks but were not affiliated with the FDNY. New York City survivor: You may qualify for the program if you’re someone who was present in the disaster area in New York City following the attacks because of your work, where you lived, child care, adult day care, or school attendance. Pentagon and PA responders: for recovery and cleanup workers, volunteers, and emergency responders who were directly involved in the attacks on the Pentagon and near Shanksville, there may be program eligibility. What Does the Program Provide? Program participants receive treatment for all certified conditions, and prescription medications are included as part of that. You have to receive health care services through a WTC Health Program-affiliated provider. You can receive benefits without paying deductibles or copays. Also included are annual health screenings. You can use the qualification of your medical conditions under this program to file a claim for compensation through the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund, which is also federally funded. In 2015, the program was reauthorized for funding. In 2019, both the WTC Health Program and the Victim Compensation Fund received permanent authorization until October 2090. Again, as was mentioned above, currently, Congress is hammering out details to make sure the program has the money it needs for the foreseeable future, and experts say that its ending is not an immediate threat. If you could be eligible, it’s essential to look into the requirements and potentially speak to an attorney who can guide you through the process. Read Also: 6 Reasons To Prefer Patient-Centered Care For Older Adults 6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

School Stress

5 Ways College Students Can Minimize Back to School Stress

Now that school is back in session, you can look forward to seeing your college friends, attending frat parties and stressing out about your workload. It’s all a part of the college experience, but that doesn’t mean you have to let stress get you down. You may not be able to eliminate it completely, but you can definitely minimize your back to school stress with the right techniques. Here are five ways college students can minimize stress. 1. Prepare in advance : If possible, read the syllabus for each class before it starts. In this document, you should find out exactly what's expected of you throughout the semester. Put important dates and deadlines on your calendar so that you can plan the rest of your classes and social life around them. If you know anyone who has taken the same class before, ask them how it was. Another student can give you insight that you won’t get on an outline. He or she may even be able to tell you how to get on the professor’s good side, which is a priceless nugget of information. 2. Meditate : Meditation is a proven way to help combat stress by reducing cortisol levels. This doesn’t have to be a religious experience. Simply try to start each day with a quiet 5 or 10-minute meditation. This will help you focus better in class, prioritize your assignments and remain calm when it’s crunch time. To get started with meditation, you may want to try a guided meditation or some simple breathing exercises. Sit in a quiet area, relax your body and mind, and focus on your breaths in and out. Don’t worry if it seems haphazard at first. You’ll get better with practice. 3. Keep partying to a minimum : Drugs and alcohol seem like a part of college life for many students, but they can get in the way of your education if you let them. These things can have a negative impact on your memory and cognitive abilities, and they can increase your anxiety an stress levels. It’s okay to drink in moderation, but don’t drink so much that you have to start worrying about alcohol addiction. 4. Exercise regularly : Exercise is a natural stress-busting activity, so you should try to make it a regular part of your routine. Try to fit at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise into each day, if not more. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are responsible for that great post-workout euphoria. Endorphins are a natural antidote to the cortisol that courses through your body during midterms and finals. 5. Build a support network : College can be a fun time, but it can also be a stressful and difficult time. Make sure you have a good support system to help you through. Even just one or two good friends can help you get through the hard times. It can help to talk about your thoughts and feelings, but it’s especially beneficial to have someone to laugh with. Just like exercise, laughter causes the body to release feel-good endorphins. You may have a long year ahead with lots of work, but don’t let stress get the better of you. You’re stronger than you know. Read Also :  How Can Stress During Studies Affect The Health Of Your Children? 10 Tips On How To Ditch The Stress And Start Living A Peaceful Life 5 Things You Should Do To Reduce Stress