How To Live Stress-Free

Live Stress-Free

Life is full of challenges and it is your responsibility as an individual to make it work to your advantage. It is not that easy to balance between meeting your daily bills and living your dream. That is why you see everybody working very hard just trying to make ends meet. Sometimes life can be somehow unfair to you especially if you are the kind of person who is going through a financial or social crisis. Such frustrations in life are common and those who are affected are full of thoughts, thinking of how they can turn things around. That results in stress and if the stress levels are not well managed the situation might get worse and you end up suffering from depression.

When you are stressed, the body releases more of the cortisol hormone, which ends up causing a lot of damage to the skin. That is why you get to complain about dry and itching skin when you are stressed. When your skin gets damaged by the stress-related hormones, wrinkles (parallel lines) appear on your face. The wrinkles make you look much older than your age and reflect your sufferings. They make you feel uncomfortable and the look is not that appealing.

To ensure that your body is not exposed to such unbearable conditions, there are a few things you need to do to avoid living in hell and start living a healthy life.

Give your body ample rest:

Remember that when you overwork the body, the mind also becomes tired. You need to give your body ample rest so that the mind can relax too. You are supposed to sleep for not less than six hours a day so that the mind and body can have enough time to repair any damage from the day. When you go to sleep, ensure that your head is resting on a wrinkle prevention pillow. This is because in most cases when you are sleeping, the turns and twists may result in sleep wrinkles. A wrinkle prevention pillow reduces and prevents those sleep lines drastically and you wake up looking absolutely flawless.

Eat food and drinks rich in antioxidants:

Make sure that you eat food with high fiber content, low in saturated fats and rich in vitamins too. The leafy green veggies are a good source of fiber, while fruits provide vitamins. Nuts and berries are also useful together with foods rich in Omega-3 such as wild salmon. Try drinking herbal tea as it will help to calm your mind. Water is also very important as it helps to hydrate the skin and to detox the body.

Go out and have fun:

Many people work extremely hard and they forget to give themselves time to have fun. You need to set aside time for having fun! If you know what makes you happy, don’t sit back and wait. Go out there and have some fun. When you are having a good time with family or friends, you forget about the worries and stress at least for a moment. Life is too short, so stay happy always.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Amber Teething Necklace

Health Benefits Of The Amber Teething Necklace

Having a baby is the greatest gift any couple or parent can ever wish for, but as they grow and start to teeth, the problems start. Teething is tough on both mom and baby, and like all the different stages that babies go through, they come, and well, they go. However, teething can cause your baby, sleepless nights and have you so confused that you are willing to try anything to ease your baby’s pain and ache caused by sore and itchy gums. If you have been searching for an organic and natural method to ease your baby’s pain, you are in luck. The Amber teething necklace at first glance looks like any other necklace, and not like your teething necklace. They are made out of real amber and parents that have tried it, swear that not only did it ease their baby’s distress, but they slept soundly, and were easier to be controlled. This unconventional method is being resented by many as being unsafe for the babies. Health Benefit of the Amber Teething Necklace Myth or miracle, the Amber teething necklace does more than relieve your baby of their teething problems. Other confirmed benefits of the necklace include: Controlling pains due to rheumatism Arthritis Joints and muscle pain Inflammation and general body pain Reduces stress and calm anxious nerves Relieve fatigue and tiredness Some users of the amber teething necklace also claim that it balances their emotion, balances the yin and yang, and even offers spiritual protection against negative energy. Furthermore, doctors recommend using amber as a remedy for heart diseases, convulsion, ulcers, diseases of the lungs and kidneys, cough, joint stiffness, and prevents hyperpigmentation too. The Origin of the Baltic Amber and its Qualities The Amber that used in making the necklace come from fossilized resin of conifer trees that grow in the cold regions of the Baltic and is claimed to have pain-relieving properties and remedy for centuries. The amber contains a chemical called Succinic acid and is believed to create a tingly sensation that alleviates the teething pain in babies. What is Succinic Acid? This is a naturally existing compound that is found in the human body and has an alkaline pH like lemon. Although it is alkalinizing, it doesn’t add to the body’s acidity level. In fact, a study shows that it actually lowers it. The compound is also approved by the US food and drug administration as a dietary supplement and food additive. So the Amber teething necklace is really pieces of amber resin that are strung together and placed on a baby. They serve two purposes – beautify your baby and ease their teething problems. Does the Amber Teething Necklace work and how Throughout history, the medicinal property of amber as a natural remedy for reducing pain and inflammation has given it the status of an organic teething item for babies. When worn on the body, the body heat causes the amber to releases soothing oil that calms and relaxes the body. Customers have used the Baltic amber as an alternative treatment for headaches, arthritis, pain resulting from inflammation and general body pain. Can my baby chew on it? Even though it is certified safe by the FDA, the amber teething necklace is not meant to be chewed or nibbled on by the child or anyone else. When can I start using the Amber Teething Necklace for my baby? The amber teething necklace can be worn for babies from the ages of 2 months until three years. It is a living thing and will continue to release its soothing property with proper care. How is the Amber Teething Necklace used? The strung beads fastened around the baby’s neck. It shouldn’t be too loose for the baby to put it in their mouth or too tight to cause strangulation or choking. Some babies don’t bother about it if your baby can’t seem to let go; just allow them to get used to it gradually with proper supervision For safety, remove the necklace at bedtime Unless your child is grown and understands the importance of the necklace, never leave a kid unsupervised with the amber teething necklace on Allow the amber to release its magical powers and ease your babies teething problems. How to recognize Real Amber Teething Necklace? To enjoy the medicinal property of the Baltic amber, make sure that you purchase the raw, unprocessed, and genuine amber. To ascertain if you have purchased the real Baltic amber, try these tests. Put a piece of amber near a hot surface or flame. If you smell a hint of pine from the releases oils, it is real Rub the amber teething necklace against a piece of cloth; it generates enough static electricity to pick up a piece of paper. You have surely gotten high-quality, original Baltic amber. Drop a piece of amber into a solution of one part salt and two-part water; real amber floats while a fake one sinks. How to care for the Amber Teething Necklace Gently wash the necklace with mild soap and cloth, dry under the sun for the heat to reactivate the oils. Your child can bathe with the necklace, but the jewelry should be kept from chlorinated water as it changes the ionic qualities of the resins. Where can I buy the Amber Teething Necklace? This piece of jewelry is available online and even so in Europe and New Zealand. However, you can check on most online baby stores and on Amazon. Is the Amber Teething Necklace Safe for Babies? Though it helps babies get over their teething pains, child experts don't think it is not the right tool to help teething babies. Parents can use plastics or teething toys or a natural method like frozen teething toys or prescribed drugs. Whatever your beliefs regarding the amber teething necklace are, it is worth trying to break the myths, or you can buy them because they are the perfect necklace, and they look cute on your baby. Moreover, the amber jewels are also suitable for adults too with their anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and other health properties. Read Also :  7 Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil 8 Newborn Baby Care Tips For First-Time Parents

Cancer Prominent

5 Types of Cancer Prominent in Women

Lifestyle, family, eating habits, surroundings – everything contributes to cancer possibilities in a person. Sometimes, late detection can be cured with substantial radiation and yet, sometimes early detection cannot be controlled. AMRI Hospital, a Kolkata-based hospital chain, suggests 5 types of cancer that have a higher possibility of manifestation in women than men. There are certain cancer prominent among the woman that can result in the substantial loss of life and body organs. Different Types of Cancer Prominent In Woman  There are several types of cancer that are prominent in women while you want to get the best treatment in AMRI hospital. Lung Cancer : It is a pre-conceived notion that only regular smokers suffer from Lung Cancer. However, this is a false assumption. An oncology expert at the best hospital in Kolkata, AMRI Hospital, said “It is true that long-term smokers are more susceptible to Lung Cancer, but that’s not the usual case with women. In more than half of the cases we have come across, the patient does not have a smoking habit.” Some of the factors responsible for lung cancer are: Passive Smoking Air pollution Exposure to toxic gases Heredity Statistics reveal that Lung Cancer is responsible for one of the highest number of deaths. A few precautionary measures that can be employed to fight against this deadly disease are: Avoid passive smoking. Meet your friends later or just excuse yourself from the environment. Pollution masks are readily available with pharmacists. If your city’s air is in the red zone of air pollution, make sure you wear the mask, especially while traveling. Studies have revealed that reduced alcohol consumption decreases the risk of having lung cancer. Exercise regularly and improve your diet. Physical activity helps to recover your body from the exposure to smoke, and diet maintains the smooth the functioning of the systems. Breast Cancer : According to the National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), one out of every two women, newly diagnosed with breast cancer, dies in India. Generally, family history is one of the premier causes of breast cancer. If a person’s siblings, mother or daughter have the disease, the chances of suffering from the condition increase. There are a few factors that need to be considered in case of any suspicion about breast cancer:- Genetic Mutation of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Menopause after 55 or menstrual periods before the age of 11 No pregnancies or late first pregnancy (after the age of 30) Radiation treatment of chest for another cancer Medical studies have advanced to a level where controlling breast cancer is highly possible. However, there are some precautions to reduce the overall chances of the disease: Estrogen fuels breast cancer cells and it has been observed that loss of weight, especially if you are not aligned with BMI helps to fight the disease Avoid eating red meat. It is still under speculation but it’s better to be safe than sorry Quit drinking alcoholic beverages. Or at least minimize it to one drink per day. Thyroid Cancer : Although the chances of developing thyroid cancer are reasonably low, there are not many ways to prevent it either. Since potential tumors revealed via scans can be treated in early stages, it is pivotal to analyze the risk factors and focus on their control: Usually, this cancer develops in the 40s and 50s Family history RET gene mutation There are no such control measures for thyroid cancer, but some precautionary steps can be taken: Avoid radiation exposure Reduce the iodine content in your diet If there are any cases in family history, have regular check-ups for early diagnosis Uterine/Endometrial Cancer : Female reproductive organs are more prone to endometrial cancer. As the name suggests, it is cancer in the uterus lining. Similar to breast cancer, high estrogen feeds the cancer cells in this case. Never being pregnant, overweight and birth control pills are some of the premier causes of increased risk. Other factors include: Around the age of 60 Diabetes Family History Nutritionists at AMRI Hospital, Kolkata suggest, “Diet control is the best way to prevent uterine cancer. Since fat cells secrete estrogen, the level of the hormone increases and make a person more prone to the condition.” There are several facts that prove cancer is prominent among women. Colon Cancer : Women around the age of 70 are more susceptible to colon cancer. The abnormal cancer cells take almost 15 years to grow, so regular check-ups are an easy way for early diagnosis. Colonoscopy, blood tests or Cologuard (DNA stool test) are the best ways to diagnose colon cancer. Oncologist in Kolkata experts advises taking diets rich in calcium and fiber as precautionary measures. Read Also : Benefits Of E-Cigarettes Over Traditional Smoking Vaping In The Workplace: Legal Considerations How Does Smoking Weed Affect The Society  

sleep better

How to sleep better when you have cancer

Did you know that a poor sleeping schedule could increase your risk of cancer? It may be responsible for raising the risk of heart conditions, diabetes, and other major illnesses, as well as impair your immunity system. Experts have realized the importance of sleep in addressing these risks. They suggest that people should focus on improving the quality of their sleep to improve their lives. There are a large number of people who are already suffering from these conditions who may have trouble sleeping as a result. Do you have cancer? This guide can help you sleep better at night. How does cancer interfere with sleep? Cancer and cancer treatment can induce sleep problems even in people without a previous history of troubled sleep. You may be faced with excessive fatigue throughout the day from both your condition and treatment, which will impact your ability to get a full night's rest. Both could increase your risk of developing a sleep condition significantly. Sleep better for your better health habits during times of cancer. Cancer may cause both physical and emotional distress, which will affect your sleep. These can be very disruptive to your sleep patterns. The medication and treatment plans on offer for people with this condition will also cause sleep problems. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment will often carry side effects such as pain, night sweatband nausea, which will make it difficult to sleep at night.  There are many secondary conditions that may cause other sleep complications that could arise from treatment. You may also face trouble sleeping from anemia and hypothyroidism. The most common sleep disorder among cancer patients is hypersomnia, which increases the urge to sleep throughout the day. Some symptoms of hypersomnia include having trouble staying awake, sleeping for more than 9 hours at a time and experiencing persistent sleepiness despite actually getting recommended amounts of sleep. It is linked with certain types of cancer, but may also be a result of treatment. About one-third of cancer patients experience the reverse condition, insomnia. Some of the symptoms of this include difficulty falling and staying asleep, feeling unrefreshed after a full period of sleep and regular early mornings. Most insomnia in cancer patients arises from chronic pain, but may also result from treatment. Cancer also increases the risk of disruptive sleep apnea and sleep-disordered breathing problems. It may be symptomized by poor concentration and memory levels, headaches, excessive sleepiness, chronic snoring, dry mouth, and sore throat, and decreased libido. How to sleep better when you have cancer Cancer can cause chronic pain, which will affect your sleep. You may also have a poor sleep schedule because of the treatment options which can take a toll on your body and mind. It is important that you maintain a healthy sleep routine to maximize your ability to get recommended amounts of rest every night. These are a few tips to help you sleep better when you are living with cancer. Restore balance to your sleep/wake rhythm You will be less likely to sleep if your circadian rhythm is compromised. Since it is affected by exposure to light, you can control your sleep/wake cycle by regulating your exposure to light. During the day, you should take in as much natural light as possible. At night, you should limit the amount of light to improve your ability to fall asleep. If you are facing increased fatigue from your treatment, you could consider healthy and energetic food options, as well as exercise, to build up your energy levels. This will help you stay up during the day and restore your natural rhythm for a better night. Maintain a sleep schedule You should limit your sleep to about the same length every night for consistency. Even on the weekends, you should only allow yourself at most one more hour in bed. This will help your brain build a positive association with your sleep environment, which will enable you to sleep and wake up within your schedule. You will be better able to get a good night's rest if you have an orderly schedule to help you out. Try out essential oils Essential oils are great for addressing chronic pain and managing other effects of cancer. You should incorporate these oils into your lifestyle because they can alleviate some of the effects of both your condition and treatment. Essential oils such as lavender can be applied topically as a form of aromatherapy to induce sleep. Other oils such as peppermint and tea tree oil offer anti-inflammatory effects. The pain reduction and effect on snoring will help you sleep without any disruptions. Limit blue light Blue light exposure can confuse your brain into tanking that it is still day time. It is emitted by phones, computers and other devices with a screen. It could affect your ability to fall asleep. You should make sure to have all these devices off at least 90minutes before bed to help you sleep better. Create a good sleeping environment Cancer patients need an uninterrupted night. However, this can be difficult because of the pain and other effects of treatment. You can improve your ability to get a full night’s rest by improving the level of comfort in your sleep environment. You could consider getting new mattresses, sheets and pillows to elevate your level of comfort. Visit bear mattress for a great selection of comfortable options. Aside from having comfortable sheets, warm pillows and a great mattress, you may also need to limit your exposure t light and noise to help you get to sleep. Some music could help you sleep better, but care must be taken to ensure it is not disruptive and accompanies your night. You could also consider natural and patterned sounds to help you fall asleep. Final word Sleep is restorative and beneficial for your health. It has been linked with an increased likelihood of successful cancer treatment; with people who sleep better likely to go into remission. Having as little as 6 hours or as much as 10 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period could negatively affect your ability to beat cancer. You need to develop and commit to a great sleeping schedule to increase you odds of survival. Sleep quality and hygiene could be just as integral to your survival as a good diet and treatment plan. Read Also: Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Non-Alcoholic Spirits