Top 5 Best Types of Vape Juice

Vape Juice

Studies have shown that out of ten smokers, seven want to quit the habit. Quitting smoking is a good health decision, but it’s not easy, especially if you are an addict. E-cigarettes are said to help smokers quit smoking gradually.

Cigarettes contain nicotine and other harmful chemicals that can cause long-term health issues which can lead to death. The long-term health effects of e-cigarettes are not known yet, but vaping, in general, is considered to be less harmful than smoking.

Vape juice or e-liquids are the main components used in e-cigarettes. These liquids are put in the cartridge of the e-cigarette and are vaporized for the user to inhale. The cartridges today are re-fillable hence the infiltration of vape juice into the market. Nkd e juice flavors are mainly used by young consumers.

Although most e-liquids contain nicotine, some do not. The increasing popularity of vape juice Is because they are smokeless and flavored. Naked 100 has some of the most popular nkd e juice flavors such as apple, watermelon, menthol, and many others.

If you are a beginner in e-cigarette smoking, here are some common types of Vape juice that you should know.

1. Nicotine salt e-liquid

This type of vape juice is commonly used in pod mods. Nicotine salt e-liquids contain nicotine salt instead of the original nicotine from tobacco leaves. Nicotine salt e-juices contain equal measures of PG and VG. Also, nicotine salt vape juices are said to give the user more of a head rush than nicotine e juices without being harsh.

2. 70 PG / 30 VG vape juice

This is the standard vaping liquid for vapor devices with 1.0 ohms and above. If an e-liquid contains more of PG than VG, it means that the substance has a high nicotine level usually between 6mg to 24mg. Because of the high levels of nicotine, not so much or vapor is produced.

3. 50 PG / 50 VG E- juice

This type of vape juice is popular among all users. This is because this type of vape juice has more flavor. PG does not mix well with flavor, so e- juices that have a high percentage of it do not enjoy as much flavor. It is best used with pod mods of 1.0 – 1.8 ohms. The nicotine levels in this type of e-juice range from 6mg -24 mg.

4. 70 VG / 30 PG Vape Juice

This type of vape juice contains lower levels of nicotine from 1.5mg to 6mg. It is best used with vape devices with lower resistance from 0.5 to 0.9 ohms. Additionally, this type of vape juice produces more vapor because it has low nicotine levels.

5. 80 VG/ 20 PG E-Liquid

This type of vape juice gives the user the best of both worlds. There is just enough flavor and vapor. This e-liquid should be used with atomizers of less than 1.0 ohms.

Hopefully, this list will assist you in choosing the best ratio according to your nicotine needs.

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What Is Thinspo? | Impact On Physical And Mental Health

You're wrong if you believe being as slim as possible is the healthiest thing you can do. Such perceptions have led many anonymous online personas to share thinspo content promoting eating disorders like anorexia. Over the past few years, this type of content got consumed by kids and teenagers, leading to a surge in cases of anorexia. This race to attain the ideal body type - which is slimmer than my bones - is unhealthy. Learn more about this online phenomenon by reading this post till the end. What Is Thinspo Meaning? Image Source Anorexic "Thinspo" images and videos are a risky internet fad that supports anorexia. Such content encourages those with anorexia nervosa to maintain unhealthy routines or take on other destructive behaviors. This material may exacerbate the symptoms of eating disorders and harm a person's mental health, particularly their feeling of self-worth. What Are The Pro Ana And Pro Mia Websites? Image Source Anorexia and bulimia are accepted on websites that are pro-ana and pro-mia. Whether the attempts are overt or covert, their main objective is to unite and encourage like-minded individuals to validate their fights. Regrettably, most participants depend on posting and accepting thinspo content to stay committed to their problems rather than promoting recovery services. Although many website administrators and social media sites try to stop triggering remarks, sometimes their good intentions fall short. Unfortunately, all it takes to begin a new male thinspo craze is a new hashtag, website, or inspirational saying. As an illustration, once Instagram forbade "thinspiration" content, people started doing it more. In other words, as moderation increases, people become more inventive with their wordplay. Will Thinspo Content Be Harmful To You? Image Source Not all material that fits the definition of "thinspo" is explicitly or even purposefully inciting self-destructive behaviors. According to a 2019 report, some content producers who are battling eating disorders don't always bring up unhealthy eating habits or actively urge others to do so. However, the nature of their work, in which people are battling eating disorders, may draw attention to their thin bodies. People at risk for developing anorexia nervosa may observe and want to distance themselves. This raises the issue of whether people must thwart someone with an eating disorder from displaying one‘s body on the internet if that content may be thought to put other vulnerable people at risk. This highlights the conversation regarding what ought to be completed about this kind of material and raises the issue of whether people should prevent them from encouraging others to live unhealthy lifestyles. It's more evident that web admins should remove anything openly promoting self-destructive conduct, something many platforms purport to accomplish. Even still, there is frequent information that supports eating disorders on several well-known websites. Before And After Thinspo Effects On Mental Health Image Source Thinspo diet plans can harm people's mental health, especially susceptible populations like young girls. Many children fall into this perilous rabbit hole, which may significantly change how they view their idealised body type. Although this content doesn't often induce eating problems, research has shown that it may instead encourage them. It can also be more challenging for someone to recognize that they have a severe mental health issue, which might postpone receiving treatment. Individuals who suffer from eating disorders frequently engage in websites where other individuals with eating disorders promote disordered behavior and normalize harmful habits, creating an "echo chamber" for themselves. Also, those who struggle with eating disorders frequently adopt a competitive perspective, contrasting their bodies to those of others and striving to "outdo" them regarding calorie consumption and weight objectives. How To Reduce Risks Of Thinspo Content And Anorexia? Image Source Being conscious of yourself is crucial while attempting to lower your risk of anorexia. Recognize when you start to feel nervous about eating or have negative thoughts about your physique. Read only books on healthy eating supported by research, and pay attention to what medical professionals say is the ideal weight limit for a person with your body type. Speak with a mental health professional before you desire to adopt eating patterns different from what health professionals recommend or set weight goals below this range. It has been seen that the body positively lowers a person's chance of eating disorders, including anorexia. Many people, particularly women, are exposed to unrealistic body images through media like social networks and movies, which can harm their sense of self. Content that aims to dispel people's misconceptions about what a typical, healthy body looks like can lower a person's risk of developing an eating disorder. It's essential to "tend one's own garden" in this digital world by watching the stuff you're consuming. The more diverse the algorithms used to select the information you receive will provide similar content, the more of a particular type of content a person will typically consume. Therefore, it's best to be more conscious of what content you consume from the internet. Try your best to avoid content that makes you feel bad or simply not like it at all. In addition, distance yourself from content that requests you to harm yourself and do dangerous things. How To Get Help If I Suffer From Anorexia? Image Source The first important and most challenging step in the rehabilitation process is seeking treatment for anorexia. Recognizing your eating issue, be it anorexia or other disorders, is necessary before getting help from a mental health expert. The intensity of your symptoms will typically determine where you should start looking for treatment. If you're uncertain, contact a helpline for eating disorder treatment or talk to your doctor about your alternatives. Anorexia can be treated as a mental health issue, regardless of the approach used. Anorexics who get the right help and instruction can recover and lead fulfilling lives. The most important thing is to start the therapy process. Final Verdict: Is Thinspo Healthy? No, thinspo, or “thinspiration” is not healthy. Such online content promotes the picture of the ideal body type being super slim. However, if you look closely, this “ideal body type” is a bit too slim in an unhealthy way. Yet today's "woke" teenagers are now becoming entangled in this quagmire and developing anorexia nervosa. Read Also: 6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Psychedelic Therapy for Mental Health Conditions The Future Of Healthcare: Adapting To An Aging Society

rowing machine

5 Rowing Machine Workout Tips Every Fitness Person should know

A rowing machine is also referred to as an indoor rower. Rowing machines are capable of providing an intense workout to all the main muscle groups in the body. It is a great cardiovascular exercise and provides strength and shape to the body. Working out on rowing machines is quite similar to rowing a boat with the help of an oar. However, you must use low-impact and smooth rowing patterns in order to prevent injuries while rowing machine workouts. Workout is fun but if not done properly can cause injuries and pain in the body. 5 Rowing Machine Workout Tips Every Fitness Person should know Here we have listed some rowing machine workout tips that you must know. 1. Slow Down your Rowing Machine Strokes It is always observed that rowing machine is not used properly by most of the people. People usually tend to apply a greater force for pulling it too far as a result of which their strokes are very short and they try to move back and forth very fast. However, it is always advisable to make longer and slower strokes in order to achieve better precision and make the most out of your workout. Remember the slower the rowing strokes the better they are. 2. Focus more on Legs than from your Arms People usually hold a perception that rowing machine workouts are more about arm strength rather than the legs but this is not true. Rowing machine workouts are a leg- dominant exercise. We often try hard to pull the machine back with all our arm strength but when we have to come forward on the slide the very first movement must be made with our legs in order to apply all the power of the glutes. It can be even compared with a squat run where you have to use more of the movement of your legs and arms instead of your arm strength. 3. Check your Posture Posture is one of the main elements of rowing and sitting at a right posture during your rowing machine workouts can make the real difference. Therefore, you must keep in mind the following points in order to get the right posture. You must sit in a bolt upright position because you will have to make use of your back for strength during the workout. Do not lean too back or forth because this will result in loss of some power. You should aim for tall yet slight back sitting posture which will help you maximize your power during the workout and make most of it. 4. Concentrate on your Pulling Techniques Pulling techniques are the core to your rowing workouts. You might observe a number of pulling techniques used by people around you in the gym but there are several pulling techniques that will make your rowing workout sessions more effective. Whenever you pull the handle back with body, the stroke must finish just below your pecs and not somewhere near your sternum. Some people might go quite high up as it provides them better split on the screen but this is not a good technique and can result in injury. So, it important to get the right technique to avoid injuries while working out. 5. Make Proper Workout Plans Most of the people treat rowing workouts as their warm-up exercise and spend a shorter time on the rowing machine which means they try to complete it as fast as possible. However, if you need quick and better results then you must plan your rowing machine workouts properly. A regular workout of 20 minutes on the rowing machine will give you fair results. You will be able to note the difference and this will also improve your workout techniques. Make a proper workout plan like assigning the workout time, targeting for predetermined speed and distance to be covered within the desired time. This will definitely show quick results. Conclusion  Working out on rowing machines is quite productive and known for giving quick results if carried out regularly in a proper manner. So, the above-listed rowing machine workout tips will surely help you get quick results and benefits from your workouts. Every fitness person should know these tips. Read More: 7 Ways To Kick Off Your Fitness Routine Get Up And Workout! Things To Consider What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym?

World Trade Center Health Program

What is the World Trade Center Health Program?

The country recently recognized the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. The anniversary brought up many emotions for many people who were directly and indirectly affected on that day. There are also political issues that were brought to the forefront again. For example, Congress is currently working to maintain funding for the World Trade Center Health Program, facing a significant funding gap. There’s a newly proposed bill working its way through Congress that would put an additional $7.3 billion into the fund, keeping it operational for another ten years. After that, the bill calls for a further annual 5% increase. So what is this program, and what should you know? Program Basics The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 authorized both the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program and something called the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF). Both are intended to serve the survivor and 9/11 responder communities. Each program has its own eligibility criteria, mission, and process for enrollment. The WTC Health Program provides medical monitoring and treatment for health conditions related to 9/11 for survivors and first responders. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), oversees the program, as does the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The WTC Health program serves responders at the World Trade Center and related sites in New York City, as well as responders to the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania sites. To be covered, a condition has to be certified through the WTC Health Program. A program-affiliated health care provider must treat the condition. Categories of conditions that may be covered include acute and traumatic injuries, airway and digestive disorders, cancers, mental health conditions, and musculoskeletal conditions. Covered Conditions Touched on above were the broad categories of covered conditions. Specifically, conditions include: Acute traumatic injuries: These are physical damage to your body. Examples include burns, eye injuries, and head trauma. Airway and digestive disorders: These affect your sinuses or lungs or portions of your upper digestive tract. Examples include asthma, chronic respiratory disorder, interstitial lung disease, and reactive airway dysfunction syndrome. Cancers: This program includes blood and lymphoid tissue cancers, like lymphoma and leukemia, digestive system cancers, head and neck cancer, and mesothelioma. Mental health conditions: Examples of conditions covered under the WTC program are major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, panic disorder, and substance use disorder. Musculoskeletal disorders: This category only applies to WTC responders, and it includes low back pain and conditions caused by repetitive joint strain. Who’s Eligible? The qualify for the WTC Health Program, you have to be in one of the following categories: An FDNY responder: You have to be a member of the Fire Department of New York City who was participating at a minimum of one day in recovery and rescue efforts at any World Trade Center site. General responder: This includes volunteers and workers who provided a variety of services following the 9/11 attacks but were not affiliated with the FDNY. New York City survivor: You may qualify for the program if you’re someone who was present in the disaster area in New York City following the attacks because of your work, where you lived, child care, adult day care, or school attendance. Pentagon and PA responders: for recovery and cleanup workers, volunteers, and emergency responders who were directly involved in the attacks on the Pentagon and near Shanksville, there may be program eligibility. What Does the Program Provide? Program participants receive treatment for all certified conditions, and prescription medications are included as part of that. You have to receive health care services through a WTC Health Program-affiliated provider. You can receive benefits without paying deductibles or copays. Also included are annual health screenings. You can use the qualification of your medical conditions under this program to file a claim for compensation through the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund, which is also federally funded. In 2015, the program was reauthorized for funding. In 2019, both the WTC Health Program and the Victim Compensation Fund received permanent authorization until October 2090. Again, as was mentioned above, currently, Congress is hammering out details to make sure the program has the money it needs for the foreseeable future, and experts say that its ending is not an immediate threat. If you could be eligible, it’s essential to look into the requirements and potentially speak to an attorney who can guide you through the process. Read Also: 6 Reasons To Prefer Patient-Centered Care For Older Adults 6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health