5 Rowing Machine Workout Tips Every Fitness Person should know


24 February 2016

Health & Fitness

rowing machine

A rowing machine is also referred to as an indoor rower. Rowing machines are capable of providing an intense workout to all the main muscle groups in the body. It is a great cardiovascular exercise and provides strength and shape to the body. Working out on rowing machines is quite similar to rowing a boat with the help of an oar.

However, you must use low-impact and smooth rowing patterns in order to prevent injuries while rowing machine workouts. Workout is fun but if not done properly can cause injuries and pain in the body.

5 Rowing Machine Workout Tips Every Fitness Person should know

Here we have listed some rowing machine workout tips that you must know.

1. Slow Down your Rowing Machine Strokes

It is always observed that rowing machine is not used properly by most of the people. People usually tend to apply a greater force for pulling it too far as a result of which their strokes are very short and they try to move back and forth very fast. However, it is always advisable to make longer and slower strokes in order to achieve better precision and make the most out of your workout. Remember the slower the rowing strokes the better they are.

2. Focus more on Legs than from your Arms

People usually hold a perception that rowing machine workouts are more about arm strength rather than the legs but this is not true. Rowing machine workouts are a leg- dominant exercise. We often try hard to pull the machine back with all our arm strength but when we have to come forward on the slide the very first movement must be made with our legs in order to apply all the power of the glutes. It can be even compared with a squat run where you have to use more of the movement of your legs and arms instead of your arm strength.

3. Check your Posture

Posture is one of the main elements of rowing and sitting at a right posture during your rowing machine workouts can make the real difference. Therefore, you must keep in mind the following points in order to get the right posture.

  • You must sit in a bolt upright position because you will have to make use of your back for strength during the workout.
  • Do not lean too back or forth because this will result in loss of some power.
  • You should aim for tall yet slight back sitting posture which will help you maximize your power during the workout and make most of it.

4. Concentrate on your Pulling Techniques

Pulling techniques are the core to your rowing workouts. You might observe a number of pulling techniques used by people around you in the gym but there are several pulling techniques that will make your rowing workout sessions more effective.

  • Whenever you pull the handle back with body, the stroke must finish just below your pecs and not somewhere near your sternum.
  • Some people might go quite high up as it provides them better split on the screen but this is not a good technique and can result in injury. So, it important to get the right technique to avoid injuries while working out.

5. Make Proper Workout Plans

Most of the people treat rowing workouts as their warm-up exercise and spend a shorter time on the rowing machine which means they try to complete it as fast as possible. However, if you need quick and better results then you must plan your rowing machine workouts properly. A regular workout of 20 minutes on the rowing machine will give you fair results.

You will be able to note the difference and this will also improve your workout techniques. Make a proper workout plan like assigning the workout time, targeting for predetermined speed and distance to be covered within the desired time. This will definitely show quick results.


Working out on rowing machines is quite productive and known for giving quick results if carried out regularly in a proper manner. So, the above-listed rowing machine workout tips will surely help you get quick results and benefits from your workouts. Every fitness person should know these tips.

Read More:

  1. 7 Ways To Kick Off Your Fitness Routine
  2. Get Up And Workout! Things To Consider
  3. What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym?

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Doctor At Home

8 Advantages Of Calling Up A Doctor At Home

Medical technology has become quite advanced, and with it, the way doctors treat their patients has also changed. Today, there is no need to drop everything and run to the doctor’s office for any kind of emergency. Instead, you can call up and schedule a home visit from the doctor himself. In this fast-paced life, the opportunity to call upon a home doctor is truly a treasure. Many services even provide a full 24/7-doctor rooster that is available for a visit if you need them. Here are eight advantages of calling up a doctor at home that might make you rethink your visit to the clinic for the future. 8 Advantages Of Calling Up A Doctor At Home: 1. No Waiting Waiting at the doctor’s office for ages can be a real struggle. Sometimes you might even need to wait for your turn for more than four to five hours straight. That can visit your doctor seem dreadful and overwhelming. The good thing about calling a doctor home is that you will not have to wait for half a day for the checkup. In the vicinity of your home, the doctor will show up and immediately do the checkup without any delays. It can save you so much more time than you would have ever imagined. 2. Keeps Things Personalized Sometimes the patients need a little more personalized touch by the doctors. It makes the patent feel more connected and gives them hope for a better diagnosis and recovery pattern. That you can achieve if you call the doctor home. In the comfort of your home, you get the feeling of a more initialed relationship with the doctor. Each individual can get a customized treatment that way. When a doctor comes to your house, they can get a thorough idea of your lifestyle, which makes it easier for them to treat the patient in a much more suitable manner. 3. Best For The Elderly Calling a home doctor is the best option for elderly family members that you have at home. With selections like a home doctor, Sydney, you can get access to the best kind of medical care for them without actually having to step a foot out of the house. Older people are more receptive to germs and illnesses as they have a weaker immune system. Trying to protect them from it while taking them to the hospital is very overwhelming. By scheduling their visits at home from a doctor, you can protect them from the environment, which can keep them safer and healthier from any kind of issue. 4. Less Stressful Let’s face it; a trip to the doctors’ can be very stressful in more ways than one. Apart from the hassle of getting an appointment, transportation to the office can also be a massive cause for concern. You might need to take a day or two in advance to set up your visits to the doctor’s office. However, if you schedule a doctor’s appointment at home, then things can be remarkably stress-free. You do not need to take extra time to see around your schedule and check where you can fit it in. You can just set it up at the time that is convenient for you. No need to take extra time planning the trip but rather just be at home at the time the doctor gets the schedule to visit. 5. You Can Get A Detailed Diagnosis If you are into the process of getting a more detailed and thorough diagnosis, then calling the doctor at home is your safe bet. This way, the session is just between the two of you without anyone else in the queue. It gives the doctor the ability to concentrate solely on you and thus give you the exact diagnosis that you need. The result of this will provide a higher quality of medical treatment that can help you get batter much faster than the traditional method. This way, you connect with the doctor that can help you fight the illness more effectively. 6. Extremely Convenient If you are feeling unwell or might have a sick child, then the last thing that you want to do is go down to the doctor’s office. The opportunity of calling the doctor at home makes it so much more convenient. For instance, if you a disabled family member at home, then taking them to the doctor’s office can put quite some strain on them. That is where calling the doctor at home can work like magic. They can come in with the necessary medical equipment and deal with the patient in the most operational manner. Trust me; nothing can be more appropriate than this. 7. Saves You Money Trips to the doctor’s office can be costly. Apart from the regular fees, you might need to deal with some additional costs, like getting a taxi to the clinic. When you call a doctor at home for your visits, you can save money. You might only need to pay the regular fees for the tour, which is not that high. That saves money on the additional costs that may have to arise. By doing it, you can save time, money, and even hospital resources that may come in handy for someone else. 8. Accepts Health Insurances The great news is that even if you call a doctor home to visit, you can still be applicable to use your health insurance. Yes, you read that right; home visits by doctors cover under the health insurance policy. That makes it super easy to do it. If the health insurance is also including a home visit, then why not avail it? Make sure you so take advantage of it, as it truly is beneficial for you. Conclusion All these advantages of calling a doctor at home for a visit are quite high. You can skip the traditional method of going to the doctor’s office and instead focus on things that suit you. Having being treated in the comfort of your own home can help you get back on your feet much faster than any other thing. Read Also: Symptoms and Treatments for Shingles 10 Tips for Saving on Prescription Drug Costs Have You Heard of Upcoding? 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3 Things to Know About Long-Term VOC Exposure

Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, are one of the leading causes of air pollution. They pose an immediate environmental risk to the average individual. VOCs can be both natural and manufactured. They are dangerous because of their volatility, which means the toxins evaporate into the air at room temperature. VOCs are released into the indoor air that we breathe and can cause exposure. Beyond the danger of their short- and long-term effects, VOCs are particularly hazardous because most of the time, you cannot see or smell them. Learn the following about long-term exposure to VOCs and how you can reduce your risk. You Can Be Exposed Through Everyday Activity: Individuals can be exposed to VOCs in a variety of ways. Smoking cigarettes or being in the presence of secondhand smoke, using common household cleaners, working with commercial building and crafting chemicals, or using products that contain formaldehyde or benzene all increase your exposure to VOCs. There are two ways to be exposed to VOCs. First, you can become exposed by inhaling air that contains volatile compounds. In addition, you can become exposed when your skin comes into contact with products that contain and release VOCs. Formaldehyde is one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution via VOCs because of the significant amount of residential, commercial, and personal products that contain it. Long-Term Exposure Can Cause Serious Issues: The danger of VOC exposure varies depending on the amount of VOCs in the air, the length of time you have been exposed, and how often you are exposed to it. Short-range exposure can garner a variety of symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, irritation to the eyes, and memory issues. Being exposed to VOCs for longer periods can induce more serious symptoms. They can include consistent eyes, nose, and throat irritation; nausea; loss of coordination; prolonged periods of fatigue; damage to your liver, kidneys, and central nervous system; and in some cases, even cancer. It's Possible to Reduce Your Risk: To limit your risk of VOC exposure, it is advised to reduce the amount of time you spend breathing in air that contains VOCs. Likewise, limit the time you spend using chemicals that contain and release VOCs, such as household cleaners or commercial crafting supplies. Whenever possible, buy and use naturally sourced cleaning supplies, cosmetics, or other personal items. Taking measures to improve air quality can also help to reduce symptoms and any long-term damage. The installation of features such as air-cleaning ventilation systems can improve your air quality. These systems help take out the air that contains VOCs inside your home and replace it with preconditioned fresh air. Volatile organic compounds are an immediate threat and can cause harmful long-term symptoms. However, there are ways you can protect your health. Start by limiting your exposure to air that contains VOCs. In addition, install ventilation systems to replace contaminated air inside your home. It doesn't take a lot to make a difference, but it can save you from some serious health concerns in the long run. Read Also: Are X-Rays Dangerous? American Healthcare And Its Woes Can Vaping Really Help You Kick Your Smoking Habit? As The Years Go By: Top 3 Challenges Faced By The Aging Population


Essential Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

The advantages of coconut oil are on everyone's tongue. It is a special blessing from God as it has many benefits. It has uncountable uses, some people use coconut for better hair growth, few people apply it on the skin for moisturizing purpose, some of them add them in scented candles for aromatherapy and last but not least few people add coconut oil in their smoothies and diet to enjoy its magnificent health benefits. Coconut Oil Kills Bacteria : Coconut oil is anti-microbial oil that fights against bacteria, viruses or micro-organisms. Coconut oil has saturated fat that contains lauric acid as fatty acids which are known for their ability to fight against bacteria. If you add coconut oil to your diet, it combines with enzymes to form monoglyceride which enhances the property of coconut oil to kill bacteria such as Candida Albicans or Staphylococcus Aureus. Coconut oil Promotes Heart Health : The saturated fat in coconut oil increases the number of High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) is good cholesterol responsible to carry fat lipids to the liver so that they can be removed. These fat lipids are low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol that can build in your arteries and can lead you to experience high blood pressure issues. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol fights against low-density lipoproteins cholesterol which reduces your chances of experiencing cardiovascular diseases. Coconut oil Improves digestive system : Do you know that coconut oil can help you improve your digestive system? Coconut oil makes your gut flora healthy by fighting against bad bacteria and maintains a healthy environment. Coconut oil also fights against bacteria that cause a decrease in stomach acids which helps indigestion. Tip: By adding omega fatty acids while taking coconut oil in your diet will enhance the result. Coconut Oil and Weight loss: Eating coconut oil can play an effective role in helping you to lose weight. Coconut oil improves your immune system because the chain of lauric acid in the coconut oil fights against bacteria and creates a hostile environment. Coconut oil also contains energy creating abilities and it naturally reduces your appetite that further aids in maintaining blood sugar level. In addition to this, the caprylic acid in coconut oil also helps in improving thyroid function, contributes to burning fat and controls heart rate. Due to its antimicrobial properties, it also helps in avoiding or treating stomach ulcer. Type ii Diabetes : As discussed prior that coconut oil helps in regulating blood sugar level. Similarly, coconut oil reduces the risk of diabetes type two. When your body stops accepting insulin and energy from glucose. Coconut oil promotes the production of insulin in cells which provides continuous energy by preventing insulin resistance. Coconut Oil Helps In Preventing Alzheimer Disease : Our liver is responsible to produce ketones which provide energy to our brain. The energy source for brain cells is derived from glucose by the help of insulin that is produced by the brain itself. People experiencing form Alzheimer brain loses their ability to produce insulin. However, the Medium-chain triglycerides MCT's in coconut oil increases the production of ketones by the liver which provides energy to the brain to improve its function. In addition to this, if you have a weak memory, the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil will also improve your recalling power as the brain cells get stronger. Coconut Oil for Anti-aging : Coconut oil is antimicrobial oil that promotes the level of antioxidants in the body which further aids into the slower aging process as it reduces oxidative stress on the liver and promotes better liver function. Healthier liver leads to a healthier body and skin. Prevent Osteoporosis By Using Coconut Oil : Free radicals and oxidative stress are two causes of osteoporosis. Many people use coconut oil as a natural remedy for osteoporosis because it promotes absorption of calcium by gut flora which saves them from loss of bone structure and increases bone volume. Coconut Oil for Hormone Imbalance : To balance hormones, one should reduce the intake of sugar and grain and load up on healthy fats. Therefore, the saturated fats in coconut oil have a positive effect on estrogen levels. It can be one of the best fats that can be taken during menopause. Hope this evidence would help you to make a wise decision of taking coconut oil in your diet. Read Also : 8 Home Gym Systems You’ll Want To Try Out All That You Must Know About Prenatal Vitamins Choosing A Diet Based On Your Personality Type