Career Development Plan: What Is It And How To Create One?


23 October 2024

Job & Career

Career Development Plan

A career development plan is essential to create specific and measurable goals for your career.

However, creating a career roadmap can take time for a beginner and requires significant work. Even so, by creating one, you can better understand where you want to take your career forward. 

In this article, you will learn about career development plans in general and how to create one. Apart from that, this article will also explain the benefits of creating such a plan.

Finally, you will learn how to create such a plan according to the demands of your career outcomes. Hence, to learn more, read on to the end of the article. 

Career Development Plan: A General Overview

Career Development Plan: A General Overview

If you are reading this article, it is evident that you have certain career aspirations. Perhaps you want to rise the corporate ladder, or you are looking for ways to change industries. On the other hand, you might want to work for a business giant. 

No matter what your career target is, a career development plan will give you a roadmap on which to focus. Basically, it is a document that consists of a description of your goals and your pathway. For instance, it includes descriptions of how to achieve a particular skill, prepare for a job, reach out to a recruiter on LinkedIn, etc. 

How Does A Career Development Plan Work? 

How Does A Career Development Plan Work

Generally, career development plans vary depending on your chosen career and what you need to go forward with. However, there are some things common in every plan. These include summary statements, short-term goals, long-term goals, current skills, developing skills, conceptual skills, resources, etc. 

Here is a general outline of a career development plan: 

​​Starting Point ​Your current point in your career. 
Destination ​The point up to which you want to go in your career. 
Gap ​Hurdles/Obstacles you must overcome to reach your Career Destination. 
Route ​Steps to take if you want to close the gap between your Starting Point and Destination.​ 

Basically, it would help if you had a personalized plan for yourself. This will help you identify specific goals for your career that you can achieve. Then, you need to design and implement the right strategies to achieve your career goals. 

Benefits Of Having A Career Development Plan

Benefits of Having a Career Development Plan

The following are the major advantages of a career development plan you will benefit from: 

A. Getting A Future Roadmap 

Once you start creating your plan, you will have your end goals in mind. Hence, you will end up finding out how to achieve your goals. However, you will make random career decisions if you do not have a plan. This will take you further from your career goal. 

B. Skill Gap Identification 

You must definitely have some strengths that will help you in your career. However, it would help if you had some weaknesses as well. In this case, with the help of a career development plan, you can turn them into opportunities.  

Basically, the plan will help you to fill gaps in your career. Thereby, you can become a strong employee for your organization and gain new skills.

For instance, if you are strong in coding, you can start developing your oral communication networking skills. For example, being good at soft skills can help you in interview prep

C. Motivation 

If you are happy with your plan, you can motivate yourself daily to push towards your goals and work harder. On the other hand, if you lack such a plan, you will not have a plan to focus on, and you can easily give up in no time. Here, you must understand that motivation is key no matter what type of goals you have. 

Steps To Create A Career Development Plan 

Steps to Create a Career Development Plan

When you are about to create a career development plan, you are the one who is in complete control. Hence, you can choose how you want to proceed with the plan. Since you are using the plan per your unique needs, you must decide what you want to include or remove. 

The following are the steps you must follow if you want to create your career development plan effectively: 

1. Have A Good Idea Of Your Current Situation 

Firstly, you must determine where you stand in your career at the current moment. Hence, it would help if you determine answers to these aspects: 

  • Previous experiences (employment and learning) 
  • What do you enjoy? 
  • Your likes and dislikes. 
  • What is your life’s calling or aim? 
  • Do you like to work independently or in a group? 
  • Things that motivate or excite you the most. 

In this case, you must consider your current situation or employment position. Then, you must compare it with your past experiences, education, strengths, skills, desires, and values. As a result, this will serve as the basis of your future career potential. 

2. What Are Your Goals? 

The next step to consider when you are creating your career development plan is what your career goal is. Basically, it is what you want to accomplish with the plan. This will give you a sense of purpose and direction.  

Additionally, when you break down your goals into smaller objectives, it will be easier for you to accomplish them. Moreover, ensure your goals follow the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) framework. 

Furthermore, it would help if you also break down your goals into long-term and short-term goals. Here, long-term goals are the ones that you will achieve in the next five to ten years. On the other hand, short-term goals are the ones that you can achieve in one or two years or a few months. 

3. Determine Your Current Skills 

You know what skills you have or what you are good at. Hence, once you determine your current skills, you can find out what skills you lack but are important if you want to achieve your goals.  

How do you find out which skills to develop? – Read job postings that you want to achieve and those that are dependent on your current position. Here, you can find out the skills that those job positions need. This way, you can develop your skills and prepare for those positions. 

For example, say you are a marketing manager and good at search engine optimization. However, you know that you have to be strong in content marketing. Hence, you can look for skills a content marketer needs to develop. Thereby, you can learn those skills accordingly to make a career leap. 

4. Gather Your Resources 

You can take advantage of many resources if you want to achieve your career goals. Understand that you do not need to meet your career goals alone.  

For instance, you can start by determining whether your current employer offers a career development program. Moreover, you can explore various opportunities to meet mentors from your field. For instance, many companies/organizations offer mentorship programs for their employees. 

Apart from that, you can also consider participating in career development classes or workshops. In such cases, you must not be afraid to ask questions since you learn from other experts. 

5. Start Working 

No matter how many plans you make, you must be willing to put in the work to make progress toward your goals. On the other hand, consider involving your supervisors and managers in checking in with them daily. Here, you can ask them to share their perspectives as well. 

Hence, as you start working towards your goals, seek guidance. Moreover, do not shy away from trying something new along the way. 

6. Track Your Progress 

Working on your career goals and focusing on professional development are difficult. Hence, you need to keep track of your milestones. Once you keep track of your milestones, you can achieve them one by one.  

Furthermore, celebrate once you achieve a milestone. This will motivate you from time to time and keep you going. You do not need to go too hard on yourself. Understand that you can develop your career and have fun simultaneously. 

7. Revisit Your Plan 

Refrain from expecting your plan to be foolproof. Hence, you must make your plan flexible enough to adapt to new situations. For instance, as your circumstances change, your goals might evolve. Hence, in such situations, you must modify your career plan. Additionally, review your plan every four months and revise it as needed. 

Creating Your Plan: The Way Forward 

When you create your career development plan, it will be unique to you. However, no one can deny that some career goals are difficult to meet. Hence, you must stay disciplined and persistent no matter how good your plan is.  

The best way to achieve such goals is to break down the goals into smaller objectives. Once you accomplish each objective, try to reward yourself. This will keep you excited in the long run. 

Do you have more suggestions on creating a plan for a successful career? Please share your ideas and opinions in the comments section below. 

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A passionate writer and an avid reader, Soumava is academically inclined and loves writing on topics requiring deep research. Having 3+ years of experience, Soumava also loves writing blogs in other domains, including digital marketing, business, technology, travel, and sports.

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Onboarding Process

Tips to Improve the Onboarding Process at Your Company

Your company’s onboarding process is the start of a new working relationship between you and your employee.  Whether or not your new employee succeeds and feels a part of your team can depend somewhat on this process.  The onboarding process is the way your employee can see how business is conducted at your company.  It is also an opportunity for you to get to know your new hire and have your working relationship off to a good start. Start Slow: While it is entirely natural to want to have your new employee working as soon as possible, it is best to allow your new hire to warm up to the environment.  Give the new employee breathing room.  Take the process one step at a time to avoid the beginning of employment being completely overwhelming. Have a Plan: Have a documented onboarding and training plan even if you only have a few employees or small business.  Be clear about your expectations.  You can make updates to the program as needed. As your company grows, you will be able to determine if portions of your plan need tweaking.  Make the necessary changes as needed, but keep it in writing, clear, and concise. Conduct Training for the Onboarding Process: Train the employees who will be conducting the onboarding.  They need to have critical points for explaining expectations and other processes.  If possible, keep one person in charge of the onboarding process. Do Something to Make Your Employees Feel Welcome: Let your new employees know that you feel fortunate to have them with your company.  Encourage them to give their input on individual decisions.  A welcome email or a company mug will go a long way to let your new hire feel wanted in the company. Make Your New Hire Feel at Ease: Take steps to ease any anxiety or uneasiness your new employees might have.  Ask your other employees to give them a warm greeting.  Introduce your new employee to everyone on your team.  Personalize the experience as much as possible.  Give your new employee a company roster so other employees can be easily contacted.  Have your employee's workstation set up, and, encourage your other employees to introduce themselves. Make the Experience Interactive: Gamification works great with human resources and new hires.  This will keep your new employee engaged during onboarding.  LinkedIn, Bazaarvoice, and Rackspace is excellent for utilizing gamification and bringing new employees up to speed on company culture. Help them to Be Clear about How to be Successful: Help your new hire to understand your company’s goals.  Let them see their own key performance indicators.  Give them an overview of the promotion process and the resources provided to help them. Familiarize them with The Target System: Security procedures and features should be introduced to your new employee right away.  Provide them with the domain name and IP as well any other information they might need to access files needed or the online workplace.  Answer any system questions or concerns your new hire might have.  Provide adequate training for your system. Conclusion: If you implement an excellent onboarding system, your employees will trust you, feel comfortable with you, and they will do an excellent job for your company, which, in turn, will be helpful to you. Read Also: Employee Monitoring Linked To Business Growth What Does Business Law State About Monitoring Employees?

Non-Physician Career Opportunities

Top Non-Physician Career Opportunities in the Healthcare Sector in 2021

Healthcare is a field that stretches to every region and sector. Gone are the days when only surgeons and physicians claim the spots of significant career paths in this domain. Previously, when anyone would think of a successful vocation, doctors would instantly come to mind. The amount of work and commitment that the jobs mentioned above require is astounding. Years and years of critical studies, practical learning, and research enable individuals to set foot in this particular field. However, now with the depth in healthcare, the number of career opportunities has multiplied tenfold. You can strive towards your desire to work for society in this area and avoid an immensely challenging process. All you need is commitment and dedication, and you will have innumerable opportunities at your doorstep. Here is a list of a few of the non-physician career openings in the healthcare field in 2021. 1. Paramedic: They are mainly on the front line and provide support in situations that need immediate medical attention. From transporting patients to hospitals to treating them with instant care, these people manage and see it all. The kind of experience and requirements that are essential for a paramedic depends on the prospective position. An initial and critical prerequisite in paramedical science helps individuals get employed as graduate paramedics or qualified. It could be a degree or even a diploma depending on the career path a paramedic is willing to pursue. A convincing reason why this field is rapidly on the rise is due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The entire world has been requiring urgent medical care, and only paramedics can come through and help in such situations.  2. Clinical Administrator: A clinical administrator is one of the most illustrious careers in healthcare. A crucial medical criterion like a master in healthcare leadership is the ground basis for it. It mainly includes guiding and providing professional leadership to medical staff and ensuring compliance with all essential medical standards. Being in the administration can give you a competitive edge. It helps you fully understand the operations and management of the entire system. Through the ultimate handling of risk management, you can train yourself to work in critical conditions. It can be very beneficial if you decide to switch jobs. The opportunity to grow further as clinical administrators are vast and can eventually lead to directorial positions in facilities. 3. Veterinarian: We live in a dehumanizing society. In a time like this, opting for a selfless profession is truly rare. Working for the welfare of the people is not sufficient, as working for animals is equally important. A career that has been gaining immense popularity in healthcare is a veterinarian. Most of them work in the private sector and ensure that our furry friends' health remains in optimal conditions. Additionally, other sectors also require this profession, such as rural veterinary work, under government agencies' supervision. With many people interested in animal adoption, the need for a vet has also increased rapidly over the years. However, becoming a certified vet is not easy. One has to go through rigorous training and experience to fulfill the basic requirements. 4. Occupational Therapist: One of the tremendous things about occupational therapists is that they have several career options and a satisfying salary. It makes them one of the top professions in the healthcare sector. They work in normal settings or on fields with their patients. With degrees like masters in social work online, there is ample room to work in different locations and explore the prospects. It equips a person to indulge in social work while developing the community and serving various sectors. Furthermore, they help people to recover from undesirable living conditions and improve their living standards. Between 2018 and 2028, the occupational therapists' field will grow by a whopping eighteen percent. For instance, occupational therapists help patients that have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Thus, with an aging population, this field is bound to flourish. 5. Pharmacist: The job of a pharmacist is far more critical than we can imagine. They not only allot prescription medicines to patients but also carry vast knowledge about medical drugs. They regulate and monitor the use of safe and effective medications that circulate in the market. Every medical facility that has a hospital or clinic requires a qualified pharmacist inside the premises. Apart from this, they perform a crucial role in giving vaccinations and managing health and wellness inspections. Pharmacists are the ones who are authorized to verify the instructions passed down directly by the doctor, reading medications and other procedures. They not only prescribe medicines and monitor their flow but also research and develop new drugs. Furthermore, they work alongside vaccine researchers to develop vaccinations and immunizations against deadly viruses Conclusion: In today’s era, the healthcare field is rapidly gaining immense recognition and popularity. And for all the right reasons. Without the research and drastic developments in this field, we would not be able to tackle the pandemic and lose millions of lives, as was the case during the Spanish flu epidemic. However, due to healthcare professionals' diligent work and efforts worldwide, we could stand our ground and reduce the virus's fast spread. Among these healthcare professionals are many non-physician workers without whom the sector could not flourish properly. We have shared some of these positions above; however, there are many others out there. Nonetheless, all of them contribute directly or indirectly to the development and growth of communities. Read Also: B.Sc. Agriculture- An emerging career option in India Finding Your Dream Career: 5 Useful Tips for you to Research about a Company Before You Apply Tips to Explain with Your Web Designer for Starting the Job


How To Impress A Recruiter If You Are Still A Student

Most human resources managers are looking for people with at least two years of working experience. It may frustrate student and fresh grad when they are applying for entry jobs. These days a lot of young people apply for unpaid internships in order to get some experience that they can add to their CVs. This system doesn’t care much about people in their 20s who have to pay bills and student loans. On top of that, there is no guarantee that an internship will provide you with valuable experience. And, that after completing it, you will get a real contract with all the perks. When you apply for a job, you should expect to learn everything from scratch anyway. So, why do you need to pay for your experience? You have the chance to find an entry-level job without years of experience and actually get paid for it. That’s how you can impress the HR manager during the first job interview in your life: Write A Powerful CV Your customized resume can help you stand out from the crowd. Usually, a recruiter has thousands of them in the email box. According to James Cook University Online, HR managers spend only seven seconds reviewing an individual resume. Don’t waste the time of your potential boss and make your CV look as professional as possible. One page of your resume should contain all the information: a summary on the top, highlights, accomplishments, experience, and education. If you send a digital copy of your CV, attach your cover letter and the link to your LinkedIn profile. Do this even if it is not required since it will show the HR manager that you are a very diligent and hard-working person. It is recommended to write a personalized cover letter - use the company name and describe yourself as a perfect candidate depending on the requirements. Indeed, writing a personalized cover letter and modifying your CV every time you are applying for a job might take a lot of time. On the other hand, this practice will give you a better chance to get a response from your potential employer. Students get lost when it comes to the ‘work experience’ section. You can include your summer/Saturday jobs, volunteering experience, school and university projects, work shadowing, and work placements. Feel free to treat your extra-curricular activities like jobs. If you don’t have any volunteering experience, maximize your education and list relevant skills and strengths. Also, you can ask your professor to give you a reference in case you are applying for a job that is somehow related to your degree. Before applying for a job, take care of your online presence. Delete party pictures and silly selfies since there is a high chance that your recruiter will do a little bit of online digging. Use your social media accounts to your benefit. For instance, you can show off some of your skills on a portfolio website, Instagram or Facebook. The most important rule is to keep it professional. Apply For The Right Job: Applying for a position related to your studies will increase your chances to get a job. If you find a job ad that sounds interesting, but you have no idea what the company is dealing with, don’t bother and keep looking for something that can match your qualifications. Do Your Research: You should prepare before going for a job interview. Learn more about the company and find people on LinkedIn who are already working there. That’s how you can get an insight into a job you will be doing. Most probably, the HR manager will ask you what you know about their company. It is the way they check how interested you are in this job. Besides telling your potential employer the basic facts that you will learn from the company website and social media channels, make sure to compliment a company. Behave Appropriately: If you really want to get that job, you should take the whole hiring process seriously. Learn the basic interview etiquette: Show on time and dress appropriately. Style your hair and don’t use strong perfume. Let the interviewer lead the conversation and don’t interrupt. You will have the chance to ask all your questions at the end of the meeting. Sit properly and use your body language to communicate better with HR. For instance, avoid crossing your arms and staring at the floor when you answer the question. The bottom line: Every student and fresh grad can get a well-paid job. To increase your chances of getting a job during or after college, write a powerful CV and cover letter. Also, make sure you have a positive online presence; delete photos and posts that paint you in a bad light. Apply to the job that is relevant to your qualifications and skills. Before going for your first interview, research a company and prepare to answer the most common job interview questions. The right attitude and behavior will help you find a job faster. Read Also: Is Polyester Stretchy? – Its Materials & Properties [Detailed Explanation] Top 6 Different Types Of Scarves Names And Its Benefits How to Thicken Chili – Tried and Tested