Ultimate Guide to Interview Prep Mastering the Essentials


19 August 2024

Job & Career

interview prep

We have either been in the same spot a few times, or this is your first interview prep. No matter how often you straighten your tie, prepare yourself with your best answers, and finest smiles, chronic nervousness is common.

But why do we get nervous before an interview?

Even after understanding all the questions, why do our tongues get tied, and we can be at a loss for words?

Or do we?

Is there a possibility of this ever happening, or are we overthinking it?

The biggest reason behind pre-interview anxiety can originate from the myths and mysteries of a job interview. So, that is precisely what we are going to do today. Debunk these myths and give you the reality of a job interview.

Plus, this blog post will also focus on giving you curated advice for interviews to ace any, and most importantly, how to get rid of the anxiety psychologically.

Interview #Myths (…and the Truth)

Interview #Myths (...and the Truth)

As you prepare for your interview, here is some good news.

You do not have to perfect.

Do not worry; no recruiter is looking for a robot. We must already combat enough AI to take our jobs!

Authenticity will always trump any robotic response.

So, let’s give you a few more good news!

Myth #1 – You Should Have All the Answers

Undoubtedly one of the biggest myths of job interviews is having all the answers. There is a misconception that your incapability to answer a particular question directly indicates your incompetency.


That is simply not the case. In fact, sometimes interviewers ask you bizarre questions to test your practicality or even your creativity. 

Basically, there might not be a correct answer! They are just trying to understand how imaginative you are.

However, you might not have an answer to the question, which is all right. It is even okay to politely decline to respond politely. This shows integrity, as you do not wish to waste their time or your own. Plus, it shows your acceptance of your shortcomings and enthusiasm for learning more.

Myth #2 – Interviewer Holds All the Power

Myth #2 – Interviewer Holds All the Power

Since you are the one wanting the job, it is common to misconstrue a power dynamic. Many get nervous because they believe the interviewer holds all the power. 

You might also place the interviewer on a pedestal, thinking they might know a lot and are probably judging all the questions.


Interview prep is always a two-way street. While the recruiter judges your capabilities, you are also assessing whether the job is right for you.

Plus, their thought of hierarchy can make you more nervous. 

If you have confidence in your capability and know you will be suitable for the job, then treat your recruiter as your equal. The conversation can go much smoother from that point on.

Additionally, you are also allowed to have unique interview questions to ask your employer. It is not a one-way communication.

Myth #3 – You Have to Wear a Suit

Myth #3 – You Have to Wear a Suit

This is an age-old belief that what you wear will heavily influence your first impression on your interviewers. 

However, the myth is about wearing a suit and always having a tie around your neck.


Not that it will hurt if you wear one, it is not a necessity. Dressing yourself up in formals and looking presentable doesn’t always end with a suit. 

You can look presentable with a simple button-up & trousers.

For ease of understanding, we will pinpoint the ones who are not dressed up. 

  • Un-ironed cloths
  • Denim
  • Clothes that do not fit you
  • Hats
  • Ripped or distressed pants
  • Pants with too many revealing pockets
  • Revealing clothes
  • Too many accessories
  • A face full of bright makeup &
  • Open-toed shoes (unless they are strappy heels but prefer closed-toed pumps) or sports shoes.

If you have a pressed shirt and trousers that fit with closed-toed shoes, you should be ready.

Myth #4 – Your Resume Is the Only Game Changer

Myth #4 – Your Resume Is the Only Game Changer

You will find many prints and place their resume in a new folder for their interview prep. They might even present their resume to the interviewer before allowing themselves to sit (…and without even being asked).


They rang up for an interview upon perusing your resume. Therefore, they want to avoid sitting and reading through your resume.

So, presenting your resume before presenting yourself is not a game.

More than your academic or professional achievements, they are here to assess your personal skills. Believe it or not, other candidates might have the same resume.

This is not to demotivate your professional capabilities but to understand that it has already created the impression it could. 

The rest now depends on how you present yourself. Plus, this is an opportunity for you to make yourself stand out.

Myth #5 – You Should Have a Firm Handshake

Myth #5 – You Should Have a Firm Handshake

The things people overthink before an interview prep can charge anyone’s curiosity meter. One of them is having a firm handshake.

Many believe that a firm handshake can telepathically transfer one’s strong will and professional excellence to one’s interviewer.


Again, a good handshake is a sign of a confident personality. However, correlation is not causation.

That is, someone with a slightly weaker one isn’t automatically wrong for the job. Shaking hands with the person who escorted you to your interview and your interviewers is a sign of respect.

Your interviewers will consider you as a polite being (…irrespective of the firmness of your hand). Plus, there are other factors to assess you, so rest assured they are not overthinking your handshake.

Also Read: Red flags of a job interview: 8 reasons to turn down an offer

Things To Remember While You Interview Prep – Advice for Interview

Things To Remember While You Interview Prep – Advice for Interview

While preparing to be your best self in your interviewer’s eyes, do not forget this last-minute advice for an interview.

Check The Job Description: Before you sit before answering the questions, remember to go through the job descriptions a few times. 

It doesn’t matter if you can’t answer one question, but you should know what job you are interviewed from. Plus, offering you a different job role other than the one in the description is also a major red flag you should look out for.

Research The Company: Do not give your interviewers the impression that this is just another interview. Show them that you want the job and start having personal communication about the company. 

Knowing that you know about the company creates a steady impression.

Non-Verbal Communication: 70% of communication in your job interview is non-verbal. When you start your job interview prep, do so in front of a mirror. 

Finding your best presentation posture, a pleasant smile, and firm eye contact. The entirety of you should be communicating with your recruiters. Especially if you are in a video interview, your non-verbal communication skills will be scrutinized more.

Keep In Mind the Timing: You should always be early enough for your interview. This was the interviewer’s understanding of the candidate’s conceptual skills. nature, heavily influencing your acceptance rate. 

Make it a habit to be 10 minutes before the assigned time for your corporate interviews.

Interview Doesn’t End After You Leave: Always send a thank you mail expressing your gratitude. 

You can also give a better reply to a question asked during the interview. This will show your enthusiasm towards the job, and the fact that you are carrying your research forward even after the interview.

Bizarre Interview Questions (…and Their Answers)

Bizarre Interview Questions (...and Their Answers)

Interview prep is indeed a serious matter. However, sometimes, interviewees can even ask bizarre questions to cut the tension and add some witty humor.

The wittier your answers to these bizarre interview questions are your recruiters will be impressed.

Here are some of the common questions whose answers you should prepare.

1. “What’s The Color of Money?”

A company once asked their financial candidates this question. This can either be a trick question or a question to test someone’s creativity & knowledge.

While the obvious answer would be green, one candidate answered “it depends on the country. While US dollar is green, Japanese Yen could come in blue, green, and purple based on the currency amount.”

Can you guess who was hired?

Yes, the one with a worldly knowledge about currencies from all over the world. Now, that is someone with a keen interest in finance.

2. “If you were shipwrecked on an island with no food, water, or internet connection, what is that one thing you would like to have.”

Now, this is a question that has no right or wrong answer. The recruiter is just trying to assess your problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.

One candidate answered “a kindle” which seemed like a dreamy answer. While another candidate said “a boat” which was quite logical.

The candidate who got the job said a hammer & a knife. Truly, you will need two important tools to fashion any tool out of whatever’s left.

This was the interviewer’s understanding of the candidate’s’ conceptual skills.

3. “If you could fly or be invisible, what superpower would you choose?”

This is another interview question that recruiters use to break the ice. Through this superpower question, they are just trying to determine whether you are a spotlight person, or someone more willing to work behind the scenes.

Oddly, many choose flying over being invincible. However, for candidates who choose invincibility, recruiters can get an idea about their introversion or extroversion nature.

Therefore, when preparing for an interview, remember to choose these items wisely.

The End of Every Interview Prep

No matter how your interview was, always end it with a good note. Remember to shake their hands and express your gratitude for their time.

Do not rush the recruiters for a reply. Try waiting for 48 hours, and then send them an email asking for the result.

Your interview prep doesn’t end after the interview. A follow-up can always be a game-changer!

Hopefully, this blog post was able to calm you down. If you have more words of wisdom for our audience, please add them in the comment section below.

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Deepanwita is a seasoned practitioner of ‘jumping the ship’. She started out her journey with literature and now holds a double graduation degree, one of which is in psychology. As a result, she is now using this skill to help confused job seekers to pick a direction. Given her academic background, her writing is laden with analytical analogies and deep research. As one of Content Rally’s most regular contributors, readers can find a sense of confidence in her writing.

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Personal Career Development

8 Useful Tips for Personal Career Development

Technological advances are opening up more opportunities for professional development. No matter how old you are, it is important to not stop learning and instead of finding a new way to sharpen your skills. Keep reading to learn some useful tips from professionals in how to take advantage of available resources and achieve your goals in the career path 1. Be flexible in your career path: When making a plan for your future, always be flexible in your thinking. In fact, modern society allows us to explore various jobs during their lifetime. This means you don’t have to follow a single position but can make a switch to other areas. Just make sure to go for a field that you can find many opportunities to develop and find happiness when working. 2. Be ready to work with different people: Most of us often choose to work with those who have the same points of view. However, having someone who thinks and do differently can be useful in helping you develop and improve your capability. Being exposed to oppositions can be a great chance to stay out of your comfort zone and learn new things in your corporate life. 3. Make use of social media: These days, technology is an indispensable part of our life. Thus, you should make use of available resources for your development plan. Make sure you are consistent in these platforms to build your reputation with a unique personality. Try to open your social network and make a lot of friends. Be nice and helpful to everyone and potential clients or jobs will come to you anytime. 4. Have a mentor: Finding a mentor is probably one of the most effective ways to ensure you are on the right career path. With a lot of experience, he or she can teach you valuable lessons in both personal and professional life to grow. You can ask colleagues or friends to choose the right one. Another benefit is that a mentor can give you another perspective on every aspect to help broaden your horizon. 5. Enjoy your leisure time: Do not only focus on your professional career. Instead, it is better to spend your time on social activities and your hobbies. This will help you develop many essential skills which can be useful for your work. For example, participating in charity work can be a good way to develop your leadership skill. In some cases, if your passion is important enough, it can turn into your full-time job. After all, everybody wants to do something they like and make a living from it. 6. Step out of the comfort zone: One of the best things to develop yourself is to step out of your comfort zone and try to learn a new thing each year. Since the greatest growth will be the result of fear or discomfort, it is a good idea to make you feel stressed about what you do. For example, if you are afraid of digital tasks, then include them as a part of your plan to develop technical skills. You will be soon surprised at the benefits of this approach in your personal and professional life. 7. Consider online work: Virtual tasks are very flexible. This makes them a great option for those people who also want to be flexible in their schedule such as travelers or parents who cannot go to the office every day. So if you are in these situations, it is better to consider work because it will open up many opportunities to develop yourself as well as earn a lot of money right at the comfort of your home. Many people are not willing to take these positions because they want a stable salary. However, many freelancers can get a fixed contract with some companies. The key is doing research. 8. Find a person to complement each other: Another way to improve your capability is to find someone in your company who has opposite personality traits and try to be a perfect couple in work. Try to support and give him or her what you have so that both can grow together. As a result, when your boss is promoted, your chance will also be better. A typical example is the combination of an extrovert and an introvert. In this case, the synergy is powerful to ensure good cooperation between the two. Constant learning is the key to career development no matter which point you are in your life. Set your personal goal and try to learn new things each year. You will be amazed at the results. If you are looking for a high-quality writing service for academic or business purposes, Essays Match is an authentic writing service to choose. With many talented writers and experts, we can guarantee to deliver the highest-quality essays for your projects. Read Also: Fast-Track Your Career: 7 Things You Should Know About Executive Coaching Seeking A Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers To Check Out You Need To Know The Pros And Cons Of A New Career In Real Estate 10 Easy Ways For Students To Improve Their Writing Skills

Is Photography A Good Career Path

Is Photography A Good Career Path?

Is photography a good career path in 2021?  How many jobs are available in the photography industry?  What are the best paying jobs in photography?  There are many routes you can go if you are thinking about pursuing your career in the photography industry. You can get into photography in both traditional and non-traditional ways. Many start their own photography business while others get a degree in photography and then start taking photography classes. There are many individuals who believe that photography is just a way to make money and nothing else. However, you should not put this into your thoughts. Photography is an art and a passion for many. And to become a successful photographer, you need to have detailed knowledge about modern photography as well as traditional photography.  Is Photography A Good Career Path In 2021? The answer to this question is an absolute Yes. This is one of the fastest emerging career choices among millennials not only in the United States but all over the world.  Some basic skills required to become a photographer include observation power, natural instinct, intelligence, a great degree of discipline, curious and perceptive mind. The photographer must have the talent to intermingle the details with the imaginative ability to capture a great picture in the camera. Images play a vital role in our lives because they give us the ability to imagine things better.  Besides, photography is truly a rewarding career because there are endless opportunities available, and at the same time, you can get high pay as a professional photographer. But according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook for photographers is a -4% decline through 2029. What Do Photographers Do? Photographers use their composition skills, creativity, and technical expertise to create and preserve images that tell a story or record an event. To reduce your time and effort, we have listed the important work of photographers. Archive and manage imagery  Maintain a digital portfolio to analyze the work Use photo-enhancing software Improve the subject’s appearance with artificial and natural light Capture subjects in commercial-quality photographs Use several lighting equipment and photographic techniques Plan and analyze the composition of photographs Market and advertise services to attract clients. How Many Jobs Are Available In The Photography Industry? In California alone, you will find more than five thousand jobs available in the photography industry. According to our research, the number of people employed as photographers has been increasing at a rate of less than one percent from 2018 to 2019. As of 2021, there are more than 2.5 lakhs people employed in the photography sector. Now, let’s discuss the top photography career paths or best paying jobs in the photography industry in 2021. i). Scientific Photographer A scientific photographer takes the art of photography and implements it in industrial, medical, research, and academic disciplines. They possess extra knowledge in areas such as chemistry, biology, medicine, or engineering that assist them in photographing scientific events. ii). Freelance Photographer Freelancing has been the most common career choice among photographers. Freelance photographers must-have business management skills in order to do photography freelancing in weddings, scientific, advertising, fashion, etc.  iii). Fashion Photographer A fashion photographer is one of the best areas in the photography industry. The bulk of fashion photography is carried out in several places around the globe. This industry is high in demand, and it is undoubtedly going to hold your attention for a while. iv). Advertising Photographer As an advertising photographer, you can offer freelance services in one or more industries. They are connected with the photographic departments of photographic studios and advertising agencies. Besides, you might be tasked with taking photos that can help to sell a specific service or a product. v). Wedding Photographer A wedding photographer can be an amazing choice for you in the long run. The demand for a wedding photographer is high, and the number is certainly going to increase in the future. At weddings, naturally occurring interactions happen, and you need to capture those beauties. vi). Commercial Photographer Commercial or Industrial photographers take pictures of the interiors and exterior of factories, merchandise, and machinery indoors and outdoors. These can be utilized for advertising, selling, annual reports, and company brochures. vii). Lifestyle Photographer Lifestyle photography is also one of the best careers in the photography industry. The job opportunities in lifestyle photography will mostly be self-created. You can grow your portfolio in this sector and become more established.  How To Become A Photographer? Anyone with a camera can be a photographer! However, in order to become a professional photographer, you need to know how to operate your camera’s frames so that your subject is highlighted professionally.  Now, let’s discuss the effective steps to become a photographer.  a). Find A Passion For Photography Many photographers create a love for their art and craft as teenagers. It doesn’t matter what type of photographs you take; you must have a passion for capturing an image that reveals its core.  To become a photographer, cinematography and film should be an early passion. These are expressive forms of photography.  b). Academic Training You must seek out formal training once you’ve established that you are driven to be a photographer. In this training, you will understand the importance of discipline in your art form. Moreover, you will learn how to print and manipulate your photographs, the properties of light, the technical aspects of your camera, etc.  c). Internship You need to work as an intern to gain the maximum experience required to become a professional photographer. You can do an internship with a commercial photographer who spends the entire day shooting products for catalogs.  d). Career Paths Once you have built your experiential learning and formal training, you can look out into the professional world. After understanding the key elements of the photography world, you can start your own startup.  On the other hand, you can work as an employee for a marketing firm, magazine, and newspaper.  The Final Thoughts Is Photography A Good Career Path in 2021? A Photograph explains emotions and contains the humanity of the moment. There are potential career paths in the Photography industry, and you can become a well-known Photographer if you are truly determined to be. 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what do consumer services jobs pay 

What Do Consumer Services Jobs Pay? A Detailed Salary Breakdown

Is consumer service jobs a good career path or not? , you have landed in the right place If you have the same question. Firstly, consumer services are only one of the preferred areas where people try to start their careers. However, we must take a look at it and explore the opportunities that it has to offer. This particular sector has a lot to offer, which can help you achieve career growth while earning the utmost potential for a great future. Consumer service jobs play a vital role in an excellent economy. It also helps provide all kinds of necessary services for individuals while providing significant support to most industries. Besides, consumer services play a significant role in the overall GDP or gross domestic product. Moreover, employment opportunities for millions of people. In this blog, we will discuss consumer services and what consumer services jobs pay. I will also provide examples of consumer service jobs that can help you grow in your career. The concept of consumer service jobs Consumer services are known for some activities designed to meet the personal needs of consumers. There are industries such as retail, hospitality, finance, education, telecommunications, etc., which are highly focused on consumer services. Consumer services put their focus on providing better convenience as well as supporting all the daily activities. These experts use human resources, technology, and computers to assist all the customers. The primary aim of all consumer services is to meet two things: the needs and expectations of the consumers. Various industries provide services that are beyond the customer's abilities. In the following few sections, I will discuss a few examples of consumer services industries along with the top 7 consumer services jobs. Examples of consumer services industries The consumer services industries are vast in numbers. They include the services provided by various hotel companies, personal insurance, education, healthcare, recreation, catering, home maintenance, etc. Here, I have provided some of the examples: Education Education is a service that provides help to students of all ages, backgrounds, and academic levels. The primary aim is straightforward: to meet learning needs. Mainly, an educator prefers using many teaching methods like lectures, storytelling, and experiments, which help the students learn. As a result, students can benefit a lot from education. They start to develop new talent, gain a lot of knowledge, improve their communication, and learn to think critically. If you are looking for a consumer service job in the education sector, here are some examples: School teacher: For elementary level High school teacher College professor  Adjunct Professor Legal In the legal industry, consumer service includes helping anyone who needs legal assistance. The legal service providers typically help others by assisting in court.  Moreover, this may include representing a person in court or helping an individual while dealing with police authority. In the following, I have listed a few legal services careers for great future opportunities: Lawyer Public defender Police officer Detective Paralegal service providers  Medical Medical services comprise anything that is related to the healthcare sector. In general, the healthcare services are segregated into four parts: Diagnosis and treatments Disease prevention Health promotion Rehabilitation. Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers are responsible for providing medical services to patients. The professionals who work in the healthcare industry are: Pediatrician Nurse Emergency medical technician Surgeon General Physician Psychiatrist Technology Information technology or IT falls under the consumer service jobs. As an expert in the technology industry, individuals may provide all kinds of technology-related resources. The IT specialist mainly provides services such as developing, designing, maintaining, and supporting various web applications. Moreover, they work on different computer networks, help you troubleshoot systems, and install computer programs. The technology services include: Software developers IT consultants Network engineers Technology service managers Restaurant Restaurants are known as the most common ground for consumer service jobs. Furthermore, this industry offers many services that ensure better loyalty and satisfaction. The services mainly include food, drinks, and dining experiences. The primary aim of the service providers is to maintain a clean ambiance to increase customer engagement further. In the following, I am going to provide some of the positions that are considered consumer jobs in the restaurant industry:  Sous Chef Sommelier Chef de partie Dining server Executive chef  Restaurant manager Top 7 consumer service jobs and how much do they pay Consumer service jobs seek great people skills. If you are good at that, then consumer service jobs are the one for you. As I have mentioned before, you will find consumer service jobs in almost every industry, such as healthcare, retail, etc. The field has high-paying jobs with a lot of future opportunities. Moreover, as a consumer service provider, you will cater to customers and focus on improving customer satisfaction. Now, you might be wondering what consumer services jobs pay and how much they pay. Here are some of the best roles you can pursue if you want a career in consumer services. Receptionist Firstly, as a receptionist, you will be the first contact person for the visitors and customers of your workplace. Average salary: $47,431 per annum Responsibilities: Greeting all the guests in a polite and friendly manner Providing guiding visitors to the right person or a department.  Making schedules  Keeping the records updated Managing all kinds of administrative tasks  Answering essential phone calls and connecting them to the correct department.  Client service manager Second, a client service manager provides services as the first contact for a business client. They focus on maintaining a good relationship with both existing and new clients. Average salary: $69,411 per annum Responsibilities: Understanding the needs and expectations of consumers. Providing better customers and guiding the clients  Managing client relationship Onboarding clients and collecting feedback. Checking if the clients are satisfied with the services or not. Front desk manager A front desk manager is responsible for managing every front desk operation as well as staff at a business. Average salary: $52,507 per annum  Responsibilities: Managing reservations and bookings Coordinating with different departmental staff Addressing customer complaints and managing them Answering phone calls and emails.  Making schedules for employees. Help desk analyst When you are working as a help desk analyst or a technical support representative, you become an essential part of the IT team of an organization. Average salary: $48,771 per annum  Responsibilities: Providing technical assistance Resolving all kinds of system-related issues Addressing and resolving technical issues over emails and phone calls Performing maintenance for the back end. Troubleshooting issues related to hardware and software Flight attendant As a flight attendant, your primary focus will be to ensure the safety and comfort of all the passengers while traveling by air. Average salary: $39,448 per annum Responsibilities: Greeting all the airline passengers during boarding Performing a proper safety check to ensure passengers’ safe journey Keeping the passengers educated about the emergency and safety protocols Helping all the passengers find their designated seats Addressing customer queries and resolving issues  Even planner The event planner job role falls under the hospitality industry. As an event planner, you are supposed to execute events like corporate parties, events, weddings, etc. Average salary: $47,052 per annum Responsibilities: Understanding the needs and wants of clients Finding suitable venues and booking places. Keeping a good partnership with vendors to organize events. Managing both budgets and timelines.  Managing logistics related to catering, entertainment, and decor. Patient Coordinator Lastly, the patient coordinators are responsible for overseeing patient care and related services, communicating with patients, managing patient appointments, and lastly, ensuring proper care. Average salary: $50,000 Responsibilities:  Making schedules for patients based on the availability of doctors Handling the process of insurance verification Addressing patient queries during billing Managing patient records. Wrapping it up! In conclusion, the blog has explored different kinds of high-paying customer service jobs. From the client service desk to the patient service coordinator, we discussed each role along with the average salary for each role. This blog will help you stay informed about consumer service jobs and what consumer services jobs pay. If you want to learn more about consumer service roles, please let us know in the comment section.  Happy job hunting! Read Also: How Many Jobs Are Available In Consumer Services? What Is a Remote Job? Everything You Need to Know