Why You Should Encourage Your Kid To Learn Coding

Published on: 03 September 2022 Last Updated on: 19 February 2025
Learn Coding

Computers are everywhere. They’re in our pockets, on our home desks, and at our offices.

They’re also in our TVs, microwaves, washing machines, thermostats, cars, airplanes, and just about every other piece of modern technology. So how do programmers communicate with these electronic machines? Through coding, of course.

In basic terms, learning to code is learning to communicate with computers using a special set of instructions within a unique framework of rules to give machines specific tasks.

What Is Coding?

Coding is the process of writing instructions for computers and other devices to perform specific tasks. Coding is also known as programming, software development, or computer science. Coding can be done in different languages, such as Python, Java, and JavaScript, with different syntax, rules, and features. Coding languages are translated into binary code, which is a sequence of 0s and 1s that computers can understand and execute.

Coding is used for creating various applications, such as websites, games, mobile apps, software, and artificial intelligence. Codin g can also be used for data analysis, automation, simulation, and research. Coding is a skill that can be learned by anyone interested in computers and technology. Coding can also be a creative and fun activity, allowing people to express their ideas and solve problems.

Coding has many benefits, such as improving logical thinking, enhancing creativity, increasing career opportunities, and contributing to society. Coding is also a constantly evolving field, as new technologies and innovations emerge. Coding can help people to adapt to the changing world and to create solutions for the future.

5 Prime Reasons To Encourage Your Kids To Learn Coding

Learn Coding encouragement

More parents are enrolling their kids in the best weekly coding sessions for the following reasons:

1. Coding Can Unlock Career Paths

Learning how to code at an early age can help a child understand whether a career path in programming is for them. It can also make it easier to learn more advanced concepts later when studying artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and other modern IT applications.

2. Programmers Earn Well

As you probably know, programmers are in-demand. Experienced programmers have high job security and can quickly shift between employers too. Programmers also earn well. In 2020, the median salary for a computer programmer was 89,190 USD. The best-paid 25 percent made nearly $120,000 that year.

3. It’s an Increasingly Digital World

As mentioned earlier, the world is growing more reliant on computers. Nowadays, digital literacy is a significant asset. Even if your child doesn’t choose a career path that involves coding, learning how to code can help them understand, appreciate, and navigate the world around them.

A computer background can also be helpful in other career paths—for example, professionals in the financial industry leverage artificial intelligence to gain valuable insights from data.

4. Coding Shapes the Mind

Coding can help shape a developing mind in some exciting ways. The skills that young programmers learn through coding can also help them in other aspects of life.

5. Coding Can Be Fun!

If your child takes to coding, then they’ll undoubtedly enjoy it. An entertaining and thought-provoking activity is excellent for any growing person’s mental health.

So how do you know if your kid is ready to learn to code?

Coding fun
To End Up: Children who display a deep interest in computers and devices at an early age, enjoy strategic games, and have an analytical mind may have an aptitude for coding. You’ll never know until you give them a chance!


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Secrets to the Perfect Bedroom Light

Gorgeous atmosphere in a home is essential, and nowhere more so than in your bedroom. Seeing how this is a place where we go when we want to rest or be romantic, the setting needs to reflect the mood. Now, this can be done in several ways, mostly by using eye soothing colors and cozy furniture, but for the overall atmosphere, tending to the lighting the right way is a must. Here are a few secrets for a perfect bedroom light. Read also: A Rundown of the Basic Led Lighting Natural Light: The first thing you need to consider when it comes to your bedroom is having a good natural light source. However, this is a slippery slope. If the bedroom faces your backyard, you could easily replace an entire wall with folding glass system and maximize the amount of natural light. On the other hand, if your bedroom is on the ground floor and facing the street, this is the last thing you want to do for both security and privacy reasons. Finally, there is nothing more beautiful than being woken up by sunlight gleaming through your window. However, when this happens at 5 AM on a Sunday, you might want to consider getting quality blinders. For an extra touch, you can always add curtains that will match the rest of your interior. Spice it Up: Apart from being a place where you rest, the bedroom is also a romantic hotspot. This is why it needs to have a lighting system to match. Dimming your lights can do the trick, but truth be told, there are many, more interesting solutions you could resort to. Some of them are DIY, like homemade lanterns and lamps, while others are of more traditional. Using candles to enhance the bedroom atmosphere is the oldest trick in the book. However, the choice of these candles matters as well. If you are planning a special evening, you might want to go with something more daring like a heart- or flower-shaped candles. Color-wise any shade of red will do, but you can also go with purple, white or even black. Candles also come in different scents so going with cherry, vanilla or strawberry may spice up the atmosphere. Lighting System: No matter how romantic or sexy it may feel, using candles and natural light won’t be enough on its own. You will need an artificial lighting system as well. There are several interesting solutions. While a lot of people go for luxurious chandeliers in their bedroom, others see this as a bit over the top. Some think that there is nothing more elegant, tasteful and efficient than using LED downlights. Apart from looking good, these fixtures also save energy, to a great extent, especially on the annual level, making them quite convenient, both visually and practically. A bedside nightlight for the nighttime reading sessions is also essential. As you can see, the bedroom light is not to be taken lightly. In fact, if done correctly, it can bring numerous benefits to both your health and your love life. There are only a few principles you have to follow and few rules to abide by. The first one is that you should use natural light for as much as you can, not only to be frugality but for the soothing effects it has on one’s psyche. The second one, light bulbs are not the only artificial light source and they are definitely not the most romantic one. Finally, saving some more on your power bill by switching to LED is never a bad idea. Read More:  Seven Simple Ways For Achieving Cozy Bedroom Environment: For Perfectly Night Sleep 5 Perfect Ways To Create Size Illusion In Room With Home Accessories How To Make Your Home Look Like A Splendid Hotel?

Skilled Workers

Why Skilled Workers Will Own the Future

Unemployment is something that most people try to avoid. To facilitate these people have tended to avoid industries that appear to be, at best, uncertain. The result has become a lack of skilled workers. This is becoming obvious in certain industries, such as manufacturing. Because this has been a volatile industry young people have not been interested in learning the skills. However, the older workers are now retiring and a huge gap in the skill set is starting to become exposed. This means that skilled workers will be able to dictate their own terms as the need for them will be much greater than the number of them available. This may cause some businesses to struggle which is why it is essential they take steps today to rectify the issue. This is one reason why skilled workers, like those you can hire at the Brix Projects are increasingly in demand. There are several other reasons why skilled workers will own the future: Lack Of Retention : For many years firms have been taking on employees with little experience and training them while offering a low wage. This has helped the companies to be competitive and profitable. However, once the employees are fully trained they are likely to move on to another firm where their pay package is greater. In fact, there has been a large number of skilled workers who have taken their skill set out of the country altogether. This simply shrinks the pool of available talent making it very difficult for a company to get the right skilled staff. The consequence is that the employment market moves to favor the employee as opposed to the firm. Training : While some firms are happy to take on inexperienced workers and train them, this is not true of all firms. Add to this the flexibility of the market which ensures that many are not completing their training. The result is a lack of investment in developing skilled workers and an ever-increasing gap in the workforce. This is a gap that cannot easily be filled! Flexibility : More and more firms are relying on specialist contractors to handle specific jobs. This is in a bid to drive costs down and be more efficient. However, as fewer people training in skilled trades, it will become harder to locate someone when you need them. The result could be an interruption to your business when you really don’t need one. The only solution will be to use a skilled tradesperson; regardless of the cost. This is the real crux of the matter. The lack of skilled workers means that they will be able to charge what they wish for their services. But, this is certain to have a knock-on effect on other companies and their profitability. The ones who survive will be those that start to prepare today; training and encouraging more young people into skilled careers is the only way to resolve this issue in the long term. Read Also : Ways To Take The Employee Appreciation To Next Level In Your Company People Management Tips From A Successful UK SME


Perfect Resume Samples for Every Job

Your resume is the most important element in your application portfolio. You could have an impressive education. You may have a solid work history and volunteering experience. But, if your resume doesn’t showcase these features, you may be passed over. Worse, the person who gets the position may not have your skills or your sense of responsibility. Why would they choose him to interview over you? Many templates will help you design a resume online. What’s more, there are plenty of people who are willing to help you design and write your resume. These people will twist words until they do not resemble the truth, but they are not lies. Here is an example. There was a warehouse worker who put away stock and did cycle-counts. During the lunch break, he would answer telephone calls putting them on hold before his superior could take over. His resume read, “Assisted the operations manager in maintaining a multi-million dollar inventory” and “Served as backup for the parts manager when he was unavailable.” While these statements are not necessarily lies, they are not exactly truthful either. We are not suggesting that you bend the truth in your resume like this person did but we are suggesting that a properly worded resume gets you in the running. Who do you have to impress? If you are invited over for an interview, you will probably have to go through several layers of management to secure the position. You will have to impress each of these people. But, there is something you need to keep in mind. Most department heads have administrative assistants. Often, these assistants are tasked with screening the cover letters and resumes that come in. The assistant typically has one criterion to look for. He or she will look for these criteria and give the management team their opinion of the top 10. This means that you want your resume to showcase all your strengths. But the wording must be simple and easy to understand. If you write, “Personally designed an automated system allowing real-time delivery of HVAC equipment on commercial job sites, giving our clients a 10% increase of their ROI”  The assistant will think, “Okay, whatever.” But, if you write. “I designed a program that saved our customers time on their jobs and gave them a higher return on their investment.” The bell goes off, and you make the cut. You have to impress people in a way that be understandable both to a CEO and a receptionist. Save your gift of gab for the interview. Resume Content: Your resume tells the reader who you are. The resume is the document that lists your education, experience, and achievements. It allows you to show where you went the extra mile. By using clear language, you are sending a message that you do not need to muddy the waters with your impressive vocabulary. You have the background, skills, and knowledge to bring to the table. All resumes offer an equal opportunity to show who you are. Your goal is to write it in a professional manner that emphasizes your qualities and grabs the reader's attention. The format you choose is your tool to reach that goal. You can look for resumes that appeal to you online. Be selective of the website you use, as you do not want a cookie-cutter resume. Look for a quality sample resume, and you will be at the head of the pack from step one. What your resume needs to include? When you find a resume sample that you like, you will start filling it with your personal data. Of course, that includes your name, address, and contact information. After that, you can write a brief summary of what you do and what you aspire to do in the future. This lets the reader make a first impression about you. You will go on to add your education and any specialized training you may have completed. Do not stretch the truth here. These things are easily verified online. Next is your work history. Write down where you worked, what your achievements are and how you advanced your career within the company (if relevant). You do not have to explain why you left unless the employer specifically asks. If they do, be careful not to disrespect or criticize the company you left. If you left because you did not get a promotion, you can say that you want to work for a company that offers more opportunities for career growth. Finally, you may be asked for references. Do not list references on your resume. Instead, send your resume with “References available upon requests.” Conclusion: Use a high-quality resume format. Be straightforward and honest. Bonus tip: If you are applying for a job offered by your current company’s competitor, do not hint that you are willing to give them insider tips. You have to show respect for the industry and be professional. That will take you much further in the business world. Read More:  5 Common Resume Mistakes You Should Avoid. How to Write an Effective Resume that Get Noticed? Tips on Building Your Resume for a Website Design Company.