Have You Heard of Upcoding? It’s a Big Part of Medical Fraud

Published on: 19 November 2016 Last Updated on: 17 August 2019

What does the term “medical fraud” conjure up in your mind? Do you picture a questionable-looking character going door to door, soliciting personal information of Medicare beneficiaries? Maybe you see a fake doctor administering tests to unsuspecting patients in a dingy medical facility.

Sure, these exaggerated caricatures aren’t out of the realm of possibility, but it’s often the case that fraud in the healthcare industry is much subtler, to the point that it can occur to almost anyone without their knowledge. It even happens in the sleekest looking medical facilities, and it can be perpetrated by professionals that one would seldom suspect of being a fraudster.

One of the most “subtle” and common forms of medical fraud has a name that belies its simplicity. It’s called upcoding, and while that might sound like a boring, complicated system, it’s quite easy for a medical professional to do.

Upcoding is the practice of billing for services other than those provided. It some cases, it’s essentially just overbilling, and it’s one of the easiest ways for a provider to earn a little extra money without risking being noticed by the authorities or by patients.

Before we look at just how prevalent this practice is, it’s important to understand that virtually every medical service has a code to which it is associated. These codes are very specific, and a provider lists the code of the service they provided their patient either to the patient themselves or to the insurance company that will pay for the service.

When a doctor is guilty of upcoding, it means that they provided a different code than the one representing the service that was provided. While some forms of upcoding are blatant, and could easily be spotted by someone who simply took the time to notice, others are so slight that they would go undetected unless someone was paying close attention.

For example:  You see your doctor for a checkup. You schedule your appointment, sit patiently in the waiting room, see your doctor for about 10 minutes, pay your co-pay and you go home. Meanwhile, your doctor has billed you for pretty much exactly what transpired during your visit, with one major exception. Instead of billing you for the 10 minutes he spent with you, he bills you for a much longer period of time. You likely never looked at your bill, and it would be difficult for an insurance provider to say that he didn’t spend that extra 20 minutes in your presence.

These face-to-face interactions are some of the easiest for a doctor’s office to “fudge” the numbers ever so slightly in a way that is difficult for anyone to dispute. When time or, more specifically, face-to-face interactions are the services being billed for, it leaves a much larger margin for error or, in this case, for fraud.

In addition to face-to-face time, upcoding can also occur when services billed are simply inflated versions of the service provided, whether that be a test or a treatment of a patient. In these cases, even some of the most medically savvy or attention-detailed patients might not catch the fact that they paid for something that doesn’t reflect what they received.

Upcoding is so common, in part, because it is so easy to do without getting caught. Investigators are always on the lookout for upcoding as one of the first signs of a fraudulent medical provider. For the aforementioned reasons, it’s not always easy to discover upcoding without the cooperation of someone who is familiar with the services and billing practices of a facility. This is one of the reasons that whistle blowers are so important to the process, and it’s also one of the reasons that whistle blowers are often employees of the company or facility that has committed fraud.

And that’s the simple story of one the grossest and most widespread forms of medical fraud in the United States. While we don’t know exactly how much money is taken from programs like Medicare because of upcoding, investigators suspect that it is very significant and it is common.

So, pay attention the next time you look at your medical bill. The chances are good that your facility was completely justified in the amount that you were charged, but there is also a slight chance that there is something there that is just a little off – and that slight difference might be part of a larger system that defrauds patients and costs taxpayers vast sums of money.

Bert Louthian is a whistleblower attorney in South Carolina who focuses on helping those who have been wronged, or who have witnessed wrongdoing to come forward to report fraud. He can be reached by calling or visiting his website –thewhistleblowerlawyer.com

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Making donations to charities

Transparency And Accountability: Tracking Donations With Precision

Making donations to charities is a great way to give back to the community and support causes that are important to us. But as a donor, it can be hard to know whether your donation will truly make an impact. With charity credit card processing, you can now donate with confidence and transparency, knowing that every penny of your contribution will reach the intended cause. The essential part of this process involves tracking donations with precision so that you can be sure your contribution makes its mark. Here’s what you need to know about how this technology works and why it matters for donors everywhere: Benefits Of Tracking Donations With Precision Tracking donations with precision can have numerous benefits for both donors and organizations. By accurately monitoring donations, organizations are able to ensure that the funds are being allocated towards their intended purpose. This can help build trust and transparency with donors, who want to know that their contributions are being used effectively. Additionally, precise tracking can provide organizations with important data about donation patterns, which can inform future fundraising strategies and help identify areas where donors may be more willing to contribute. With the help of precise tracking, organizations can maximize the impact of donations and ultimately improve their ability to make a positive difference in the world. Security Features For Accurate Donation Recording Ensuring accurate donation recording is crucial for any nonprofit organization's success. Implementing security features can help prevent human error and fraudulent activity. Using encryption and access controls can restrict access to sensitive information, while digital signatures can authenticate transactions. Another helpful feature is the ability to track donations in real time, allowing organizations to quickly identify and address any discrepancies. With these security measures in place, donors can rest assured that their contributions are being accurately recorded and used for their intended purpose. Streamlining Data Management For Donors In today's digital age, keeping track of data can feel like an overwhelming task for donors. However, with the emergence of new technologies, streamlining data management has become easier than ever before. By leveraging powerful online tools, donors can keep track of their contributions, monitor updates on their favourite causes, and stay informed about the overall impact they are making. Moreover, streamlined data management ensures that organizations can more effectively allocate resources where they are needed most, ultimately leading to a bigger and more positive impact on the world. Through efficient data management, donors can feel confident that their contributions are being put to the best possible use, making it easier than ever to give back and make a difference. Analyzing Data For Better Decision-Making Data is everywhere we look. Business decisions, public policy, and even personal choices are often made based on data. However, without proper interpretation and analysis, data can do more harm than good. Analyzing data for better decision-making involves using various tools and techniques to turn raw numbers into actionable insights. This process allows decision-makers to make evidence-based choices with confidence, knowing that they have considered all available information. With proper data analysis, businesses can identify trends and forecast future performance, governments can make informed policy decisions, and individuals can make better choices in their daily lives. By embracing the power of data analysis, we can all be more informed and effective decision-makers. Technology Solutions For Improved Donation Records And Reporting In today's world, technology is advancing at a remarkable pace, transforming various industries in the process. One area that could significantly benefit from technological advancements is the management of donation records and reporting. Without the proper systems in place, keeping track of donations and reporting on them can be a tedious and time-consuming task. However, with the implementation of technology solutions such as centralized databases, mobile donation tracking, and automated reporting tools, organizations can streamline their processes, making it easier to keep accurate records and generate comprehensive reports. These solutions not only help save time but also provide transparency and accountability, which are crucial in the world of donations. With technology on our side, we can pave the way for a more efficient and effective donation system. With the advent of innovative technology and modern payment systems, transparency in charity credit card processing has become easier and more secure than ever before. This new level of trustworthy donation registration provides invaluable information that can be used to make informed decisions about how to focus resources most effectively. Furthermore, tracking donations with precision creates an optimal experience for donors, clarifying any confusion on their part regarding what happened to their hard-earned money. By leveraging modern solutions, organizations can ensure data accuracy while streamlining processes like donor management, thereby saving time and effort. All in all, introducing cutting-edge technology offers a variety of benefits when it comes to charity credit card processing, from increased transparency, precision, and security to improved data analysis and reporting. Tracking Accountability And Transparency Using The Blockchain Blockchain technology can easily bypass the central system and connect to each and every individual in the circle. As per the technology, the records are made in the decentralized ledger. It means the records, once made, become immutable and are updated across a network of computers. Hence, transparency is already achieved.  Previously, the donors needed a mechanism or technology to understand whether or not their contribution had reached the right channel for which it was intended. But with the Blockchain, the entire system has become much clearer.  The Cryptocurrency donation may be easily cashed to the fiat currency. It enables the donors to understand how much money is used to create the blockchain-based fundraising box. Now that transparency and due accountability are present within the system, it provides the required confidence to the stakeholders to offer more and more charity.  Bringing The Discussion To A Close The need for the use of technology is felt as the donors are not sure that their investment is reaching the right channels. Previously, the systems of computers were all centralized, creating room for manipulations with the numbers.  But later on, with the use of technology like blockchain, accountability and transparency is achieved easily, paving the way towards more charity.  Read Also: Top 5 Businesses Hiring Skip Bins For Their Use Importance Of Environmental Protection Dangers Of Chemical Spills On Humans, Buildings, And Environment

May 21 Horoscopes

The Meaning Behind Today’s May 21 Horoscopes

People born on May 21 are usually associated with harmony and generosity. They are polite and use nice words when they address others. Their abilities are diverse, which makes them excellent in a variety of situations. Whether in a work setting or a social one, people born on May 21 can excel in a wide range of fields. Listed below are some characteristics of those born under this sign. Read on to learn about what this day holds for you. Gemini A Gemini born on May 21 has an intense desire to succeed and often views the world on an epic scale. While this trait can make them seem ruthless or dictatorial to others, Geminis are also very generous and will go out of their way to make sure everyone they come in contact with feels special. They have a natural flair for chatting with other people and have a knack for making people laugh. Despite their tendency to be ruthless, Geminis born on May 21 are also very ambitious and often end up investing in things that have meaning for them. Those born under this zodiac sign are prone to making the right decisions at the right time. They are also more adaptable and can understand the big picture better than those born under other signs. Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini, is also said to be a sign of creativity and adaptation. Gemini's love of travel and communication makes them good candidates for careers in the travel and tourism industry. Virgo In today's Virgo may 21 horoscopes, we'll look at how to make the most of this day for the signs of Virgo. A large debt or expense may trigger stress. Mars can inspire Virgo to take bold risks, such as raising rates, collecting overdue payments, or seeking partial loan forgiveness. Virgos may also find love and connection through spirituality. However, it's best to tread lightly - this sign is prone to possessiveness and jealousy. Virgo's ruling planet is the Moon. That's why we'll get a lot of inspiration from Virgo's May 21 horoscopes. This air sign will have a lot of opportunities for love. However, you should try to stick to your routine. In addition, you should try playing the lottery on your lucky dates and days! Virgo may also have luck in a love-making relationship or in the world of business. Taurus Today is a good day to meet an influential person. You might perform well in your job and expect a promotion. You may settle a dispute about inherited property today. Geminis may be busy with their children, or they may be planning higher education to pursue a new career path. In this case, you should try to find ways to let out your pent-up energy. A friend may be just the person you need to release your pent-up energy. Your health today is good, but you should avoid bad habits. The Taurus horoscope for May 21 recommends following a healthy routine and exercise. This way, you'll have a better time than you would otherwise. Your Taurus will thank you. But he will also be jealous and not appreciate those who show signs of weakness. You can help your Taurus partner's health today by getting them out for a walk or running. Aquarius If you're an Aquarius, there's a good chance you're feeling very passionate right now. But you should think twice before you express yourself or speak your mind. Try to explain your feelings in a simple way, and if a heated situation arises, you should try to walk away from it. Take a deep breath, and try to work things out instead of reacting in a fiery manner. There are a few things to consider about the Aquarius May 21 horoscope. First, the Sun is about to move into Gemini, which will bring positive energy flying around. Librans, Aries, and Capricorns should try to broaden their horizons, and Geminis should think about sharing and learning more. The sun will be retrograde until June 21. You may also want to listen to your inner guidance. Today's horoscopes The zodiac signs have unique traits and characteristics and it is important to know them so that you can plan your day accordingly. For example, Aquarians will enjoy their work today as they will be rewarded for their hard work and may gain social respect. However, overworking their mind may make them tired and prevent them from attending family events. Pisces may visit a religious place to find inner peace. Moreover, the color cyan will be beneficial to them. For a businessman, this day is excellent for financial gains. Leo will get positive news from the family. He may even plan to start a new profession. However, he should be careful about his financial commitments. He should avoid getting into heated arguments and spending unnecessary money. He may also need to stay away from junk food. However, he will experience a good love life. Moon in Aquarius The full moon of Aries falls in the fifth house of fun and pleasure, so you can expect to be inspired to celebrate and party. You may find yourself reuniting with your inner child, exploring new things, and making new memories. A new financial opportunity will appear that seems like a big step forward. Your financial future could be determined by a new mortgage, business investment, or venture with your spouse. The full moon on Tuesday represents an energetic high. It's a good time to expand your horizons, get out and mingle, and listen to the work of others. However, if you're a dogmatist, this lunation could confuse you and cause you to question yourself. In this case, make room for understanding. Aquarians should be open to new romantic relationships or explore old ones. Sun in Gemini If the Sun is in Gemini on May 21, you have a wonderful opportunity to be the center of attention for everyone. This air sign is always on the go and is often associated with learning, sharing, and fun. Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, oversees all of these areas, as well as communication, transportation, and technology. Because of these attributes, Gemini people are often highly social and like to mingle. If the Sun is in Gemini, the zodiac sign that is most impacted by this alignment will be Aries. Those born under this sign are likely to enjoy open and sunny love life. People born under Pisces, on the other hand, will likely find compromising and compromise difficult. For love matches, remember that the numbers 3 and 8 represent kindness, creativity, and the Karmic relationship between material comforts and spirituality. For astrological compatibility, you may also look for colors that represent psychic powers. In astrology, the colors purple and orange are associated with psychic strength and positive fortune. Besides the sun and moon, the planets Jupiter and Venus rule the day. Moon in Virgo The full moon in Sagittarius on May 21 will affect your home, family, and inner feelings. You may feel stressed about debt or large expenses. Mars in your horoscope on June 18 will motivate you to take bold risks, such as raising rates, getting partial loan forgiveness, or earning a windfall. While you may feel discouraged by the unknowns, keep moving forward. This full moon represents an energy high, and Virgos should make plans that will make them feel happy and fulfilled. If you are single, this Moon will encourage you to be social, listen to other viewpoints, and explore your talents. If you are a dogmatist, however, this full moon could throw you off track. Try to make space for new ideas and perspectives. You will be surprised by how useful they are. Agate gemstone The Agate gemstone can be very auspicious for people born under Gemini, who are often highly mental and sometimes hyperactive. Hence, it is said to help the Gemini to improve their courage. Agate is a grounding stone that also stimulates the intellect and sharpens the vision. The gem is also said to dispel negative energy. Geminis like gifts that help them realize their dreams. Virgo people are very practical and meticulous. They are also perfectionists and seek to be surrounded by good things. Carnelian, the gemstone for the Virgo sign, helps Virgos to become more practical and analytical. Agate is also said to improve Leo's ability to accomplish their goals. It is a very powerful motivator and attracts wealth to the wearer. Mercury in Gemini If your chart features the ruler Mercury, you may find this aspect confusing. Mercury retrograde affects your relationships with your loved ones, and you may find yourself disorientated and confused on May 21st. On the other hand, this aspect can bring clarity and favorable lighting to your finances. As a sign of wisdom and receptivity, Gemini people are encouraged to bring more generativity into their lives. Jupiter and Mars in Aries are joining forces in a fertile time for Gemini and Aries. Although Mercury is still retrograde until June 3, this transit will give you a reminder to focus on your relationships. Spend time caring for your inner self, especially your relationships with your siblings. You may feel tempted to avoid addressing these issues or to numb them with escapism. However, the astrological signs agree that nurturing your inner self is essential to enhancing your emotional well-being. Additionals Understanding New Age Spirituality5 Key Signs of Genuine Kundali Software

Funeral Director

How To Choose A Funeral Director?

Choosing a funeral director is not a shopping task that any sensible person would enjoy undertaking. But choosing the right professional for the occasion will help save time, money, and stress when emotions are already running high. There are many things to look for in a good funeral director on the market. Your research plays an important part in this regard. Here are some tips to consider when choosing a reputable funeral director in town. The fee charged by the funeral service should cover all the standard features of a contemporary funeral.  Besides, there are additional extras that you could request depending on your needs and budget. The service should usually include the coffin, the hearse, and the service itself. It may also include the collection, preparation, and transportation of the deceased. But the cost involved in embalming the body isn't included in the fee. Here are some other things that you need to check with the funeral director. The cost involved in arranging a funeral procession The cost of religious officials Do they offer payment plans or do you need to pay upfront? Whether you get a basic coffin or an eco-friendly coffin for the cost of the package Finding the right price that matches your needs and budget is important when choosing a good funeral director. In fact, the average funeral cost is almost double compared to the amount you had to pay 5-7 years ago. Since more than 75% of the funerals in the country are cremations, the option might be more cost-effective than a burial. Most clients go with word of mouth and recommendations from someone they trust while there are some who prefer to shop around when choosing a good funeral service in town. No matter what method you use to find a reputable service provider, you should make sure to perform the necessary research involved in choosing the best candidate for the process. That will help save both your time and money. The best thing is to look for a funeral director service with a membership of a trade organization such as the AFDA - Australian Funeral Directors Association.  A professional director will be in touch with the client before the funeral as well as on the day of the funeral. They should offer support and reassurance while dealing with the necessary paperwork. They should see that all the wishes of the client and the deceased are carried out according to the plan. The client may not be in a position to pay attention to every detail of the process considering the emotional state he or she is in. That is why it is important to choose a professional and experienced funeral director service at all times. Such a service is in a better position to deal with all the intricacies of the situation. The aforementioned article provides information on what you should look for when choosing a reliable funeral director in town. Read Also: Amid The Grief, Pick The Right Funeral Home Questions To Ask A Psychologist Before Hiring One Send Flowers To Congratulate Your Dear Ones On Their Achievements