Folic Acid Deficiency Symptoms: Supplement the Deficiency Before It’s Too Late

Published on: 29 November 2017 Last Updated on: 02 March 2020
Folic Acid Deficiency Symptoms

The human body needs to continuously take supplements in order to function optimally as not all vitamins and minerals are taken in recommended daily amounts. One such very important vitamin is folate or vitamin B9 or folic acid. In order to prevent further complications brought about by the lack of certain vitamins, it is wise to be proactive and identify folic acid deficiency symptoms at early onset.

Folic acid vs. folate

Both folic acid and folate are forms of the water-soluble vitamin B. Folate, otherwise known as vitamin B9, naturally occurs in foods, while folic acid is the synthetic folate compound that is used in vitamin supplements because of its increased stability.

Folate has been named after “folium,” Latin for “leaves,” because they were first isolated from spinach. Also, folate is the generic term used for both the naturally occurring folate that is found in foods and the synthetic form, folic acid.

The vitamin B complex nutrients are needed by the body in small amounts in order to function and stay healthy. In fact, according to recent medical journals, folate is involved in a number of intracellular reactions as a cofactor.

Deficiency potential

Research has found that the potential for folate deficiency is high or very common. In fact, it can be a serious problem if left untreated. In a 2006 USDA analysis of obtained data, most people in the US obtained adequate amounts of vitamin B9. But there is still a risk for some groups obtaining insufficient amounts.

Because folic acid is water-soluble, excess amounts of the vitamin in the body is excreted via human urine. This means that the human body needs a constant supply of this vitamin because the body cannot store it. And the recommended daily dose of folate is 0.4mg/d, which has been established for 20 years.

Read More:  Zinc Deficiency

Uses of vitamin B9 in the body

Vitamin B9 is vital for synthesis and repair of DNA and RNA, the body’s genetic material. These vitamins also aid in the rapid cell division and growth and are important in the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

But folate is particularly important for pregnant women to avoid major birth defects in the baby’s brain or spines, such as neural tube defects, including Spina Bifida and anencephaly. Combined with vitamin B12, it controls the blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine, which is associated with certain chronic conditions such as heart disease.

Folate is also used to prevent eye disease age-related macular degeneration (AMD), to reduce signs of aging, to treat sleep problems, depression, AIDS, and inherited disease called Fragile-X syndrome. It is also used for age-related hearing loss, Alzheimer’s disease, and memory loss.

Folic acid deficiency symptoms

It is widely known that prevention is better than cure. So in order to avoid any further complication due to the lack of vitamin B9 in the body, here are the most common folic acid deficiency symptoms to watch out for, however subtle they may


  • Poor immune function, which includes frequently getting sick
  • Chronic fatigue/low energy; also include chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Poor digestion, including bloating, IBS, and constipation
  • Early appearance of gray hair
  • Pale skin
  • Mouth sores and tender, swollen tongue
  • Developmental problems during pregnancy and infancy, consisting of stunted growth
  • Mood change often, such as irritability
  • Anemia (severe cases)

Causes of folic acid deficiency

  • Diet. One of the most common causes is poor diet. Folate naturally occurs in a wide array of foods, and among its richest sources include dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, asparagus, and broccoli), beef liver and kidney, yeast, and beans. Among other sources are eggs, beet, milk and other dairy products, and whole wheat bread.
  • Eating overcooked fruits and vegetables. Folate is easily destroyed by heat.
  • Diseases such as severe kidney problems requiring dialysis, certain types of cancers, celiac disease, and Crohn’s disease affect the absorption of the vitamin in the GI tract
  • Too much alcohol consumption increases folate excretion via the urine
  • During pregnancy, a lot of folic acids are used up by the growing baby
  • Side effects of medication, which includes phenytoin (Dilantin), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, methotrexate, and sulfasalazine


There are exams and tests taken to confirm folate deficiency in an individual. One of these is a blood test, to check the number of red blood cells and whether the body has enough vitamin B9. This is most common among pregnant women during their prenatal check-ups. But the most common procedure is the doctor checking the patient’s history and current health condition.

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Polydrug Use: What Happens When You Mix Cocaine with Heroin?

Cocaine and heroin are among the most potent and extensively used illicit drugs in the world with deeply addictive and destructive potential. When we think of these drugs, we usually think of individuals having either cocaine or heroin addiction, whereas in reality the practice of taking more than one substance at the same time - known as polydrug use - is on the rise. Individuals typically start polydrug use by combining substances to enhance the effects of one or both of them. A very common combination of drugs in polydrug use is cocaine and heroin and in fact, the practice has become so widespread that it now has its own street name: "speedballing." When speedballing, polydrug users take heroin to extend and enhance cocaine’s short-term effects to avoid the crashing come down, essentially by replacing it with opiate-induced euphoria. The Health Risks of Speed Balling with Cocaine and Heroin: Although the effects of speedballing are extremely pleasurable and compelling to users, it is incredibly dangerous. Both heroin and cocaine have significant health risks separately but when used in combination and injected at the same time, these risks are heightened considerably. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and depending on the US state studied, around 36.9% to 98.9% of heroin-related deaths involve other substances. There are few activities in life that have the potential to be more deadly than speedballing and yet it is now a significant issue. Young people experimenting with substances are increasingly being encouraged to participate in speedballing without being fully aware of the risks. Let’s take a look at the differences between cocaine and heroin when used on their own: Heroin: Heroin is made from an extract of the opium poppy and it has been used for hundreds of years as pain relief for significant trauma. The way heroin works are by flooding the brain with euphoria-creating dopamine so as to “trick” the mind into ignoring pain signals from other parts of the body. The euphoria created by heroin is considered the reason it is highly addictive, as it immobilizes the body in the most pleasant way so that the only thing a user can do is lay back and enjoy the feeling. One of the most common ways people develop heroin addiction is by becoming tolerant to its effects, which can happen very quickly after they start using the drug. When the euphoria they seek starts to wane when taking their usual amount of the drug, they will simply up the dose. After a very short while of this addictive behavior, the body will start to develop cravings for heroin every time the user comes down from their high. Some of the withdrawal symptoms emerging if cravings for heroin are not satisfied can be extremely unpleasant and so more of the drug is needed to make them go away. Cocaine: The kind of high cocaine creates depends on the way it’s taken, which is generally by snorting or injecting. The effects of cocaine are generally short-term, lasting around 40 minutes and they are quite opposite to those of heroin. Cocaine is a stimulant that makes users feel a rush of energy, often making them the life and soul of the party. Whereas heroin immobilizes, cocaine stimulates and while on a high from the drug, users tend to talk at a fast pace, enjoying everything around them in an animated way. Cocaine is equally as addictive as heroin although it has a very different kind of appeal. Some people become socially dependent on the drug before going on to developing an addiction, using cocaine as a prop to boost confidence. However, as with heroin, cocaine has a negative impact on the brain's function, which can introduce extra challenges for people seeking to overcome cocaine addiction in heroin and cocaine addiction treatment. The risks caused by speedballing with cocaine and heroin include the following: Whereas heroin stimulates the brain’s production of endorphins, cocaine prevents them from being reabsorbed naturally. This eventually erodes an individual’s ability to enjoy the simplest pleasures in life unless substance abuse is involved. Cocaine is the only drug with the potential to hyper-stimulate the body to the point where the user suffers a stroke. When used in combination in heroin, it is not possible to detect that this is happening and there is a risk of suffering a stroke without any warning and possible death. The effects of cocaine do not last for as long as heroin and so speedballers tend to use more cocaine to prolong their high. This is incredibly dangerous and places the individual at risk of a fatal heart attack. Heroin has a powerful effect on the central nervous system, slowing down its functions when a person is under influence including the heartbeat and breathing. If there is not enough oxygen reaching the brain because a person’s breathing has become shallow after taking heroin, there is a high risk of brain damage or death. Because cocaine is a stimulant, it reduces some of the effects of heroin if taken at the same time. This can mask the warning signs of heroin overdose which include: confusion, dizziness, slurred speech, body limpness, and unconsciousness. Cocaine and Heroin Addiction Treatment for Speed Balling: Addiction is an illness that can be treated so that individuals can move on from substance abuse and enjoy a life in sobriety. Although challenging, the path through detox, rehab, and recovery on a cocaine or heroin addiction treatment program introduces individuals to a world outside of substance use, motivating them to make the necessary changes to overcome their illness. Because of the potency of heroin and cocaine independently, people speedballing face significantly more risks from substance abuse than those abusing one type of drug. The effects on a person's personality, behavior, and psychological state can be extended with both substances which is why holistic therapies such as those offered at the best heroin and cocaine addiction treatment centers are now commonly available as a cocaine and heroin addiction treatment approach. Through learning skills such as meditation and yoga or becoming physically fit through a structured exercise regime, individuals can move on from the difficulties in their lives cause by heroin and cocaine addiction. 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Why Going To The Dentist Is A Must

Going to a dentist is rarely a fun way to spend your time. Starting from taking time off work and ending with keeping your mouth open for too long, the visit can be downright unpleasant. How important is going to the dentist anyway? Maybe biannual visits are overrated. Can you get away with visiting that doctor once a year or whenever a tooth bothers you? Unfortunately, skipping a dentist appointment can lead to unfortunate consequences. Let’s find out why. Why Going To The Dentist Is A Must: 1. Saving Your Teeth: The teeth are prone to a significant number of damaging factors throughout our lives. Starting from solid foods and ending with bad habits, such as smoking. Even if we take great care of our teeth, brushing, flossing, and washing them after each meal, tooth decay can start anyway whenever our immune system is weakened by a cold. Catching tooth decay at its early stages is possible only when you visit a dentist. According to the experts from Bajars & Bajars, a dental clinic in San Diego, when you see the black spots on the tooth or feel it aching, most likely it’s too late. You may have to go through an unpleasant procedure of a root canal. If you catch the problem early enough, you may end up getting a simple filling. 2. Enjoying A White Smile: How important is a perfect smile for you? White teeth are a sign of good health. They make you more attractive to others. And we aren’t just talking about romantic encounters. A white smile can help you get your dream job, get assistance from a passerby, get your point though, and much more. No matter how well you brush your teeth, you can’t get all the plaque out. During biannual dentist visits, your doctor removes the plaque, helping your teeth stay clean and white until the next appointment. 3. Checking Your Gums: Your oral health doesn’t stop with your teeth. Gums are prone to many diseases, which can lead to painful and costly manipulations. By checking your gums in a dentist’s chair on a regular basis, you are taking care of your health and getting peace of mind. Your mouth is constantly under attack by food and drinks. Small scratches and cuts can lead to unfortunate problems. A dentist can discover them early when the treatment is still quick and simple. 4. Getting Advice: A dentist can give you proper advice about gum and teeth care. More often than not, simply brushing and flossing your teeth is not enough to maintain excellent oral health. Each mouth needs a special approach, and the care techniques may change with time. By visiting a dentist once every 6 months, you can get the care advice, which is suitable for your mouth at the time. 5. Saving Money: By caring for your mouth timely, you save yourself from paying substantial amounts of money for tooth care. What starts with a minor cavity, which can be easily filled, can turn into a tooth extraction and implant. The longer you can keep your teeth intact, the more money you’ll save. 6. Maintaining Your Digestive Health: The condition of your teeth directly affects your digestive system. If for some reason, you can’t chew properly, you may be faced with numerous problems in the GI tract. Teeth infections caused by decay also influence the rest of your organism. By going to the dentist once every six months, you can prevent problems, which don’t even seem related to teeth. Going to a dentist is a must for anyone, who wants to save time and money while enjoying a great appearance and excellent health. Read Also: 5 Dental Hygiene Tips For A Healthier Smile 6 Ways To Relieve From Tooth Pain And Sensitivity Naturally

Dental Problems

5 Ways To Prevent Severe Dental Problems

Have you ever rush to the dentist in an emergency? Is a sudden toothache trouble you? If yes, then you should focus more on oral hygiene or should visit the dentist regularly to prevent you from dental problems. The alarming dental problems which may turn into a serious issue with time are bad breath, tooth sensation, and tooth cavities. The urgent problems which need an immediate visit to the dentist are swelling in gums, loose teeth, fractured jaw, tissue injury or facial pain and severe pain in the mouth. Here is the list of some urgent dental problems and ways to tackle them: Loose Tooth: The loose tooth is an urgent dental issue, if you are suffering from a loose tooth or if your tooth is out of alignment, then you should call the dentist immediately to book the appointment. In the meantime, you should try to put back the tooth at its place with your finger forcing it. You should avoid moving your teeth with tongue, do not eat anything hard until you visit your dentist. You emergency visit to the dentist and precautionary steps may save your teeth from falling, as a doctor can splint it with adjacent teeth. A toothache is some Of the Dental Problems: A toothache is not something to take lightly; it may be a symptom of serious tooth decay or any other urgent dental problem. To know the exact reason behind your tooth pain, call your dentist immediately to book an appointment for a checkup. Tissue Injury Or Facial Pain: Any kind of injury inside mouth such as a tear of cheeks, lips, tongues is considered to be tissue injury. The tissues of the mouth are soft and delicate and when they get injured it is very painful. These get injured by an accidental bite on cheeks, if you fall, due to some infection. It is better to call the dentist immediately if you have severe pain due to tissue injury and book appointment for you. In meantime rinse your mouth with warm salt water to get some relief from pain. Swelling Of Gum: It is a serious dental problem, which causes tooth pain and bleeding through gums. If your gums are in pain and are swollen then, book an appointment with a dentist immediately. The doctor may apply for some medicine on gums to give you relief from pain and also will prescribe you medicines. Below are the other dental issues which need your concern: Bad Breath: Bad breath causes due to poor oral hygiene or due to tartar deposition on your teeth. You should visit your dentist for a checkup, to get rid of plaque or yellow teeth which in turn also improve your breath. Teeth whitening are a type of cosmetic dentistry done by the dentist to remove plaque from teeth and to give you confident smile. Sensitivity For Cold And Hot: If you feel sensation while eating ice cream or drinking hot coffee then, your teeth need a visit to the dentist. Sensation occurs when enamel of our teeth gets thinner and it affects the tooth as well as roots of the teeth. Get this treated on time before it leads to any serious problem. Tooth Cavities: Regular dentist checkup can help you to identify cavities and can get treated on time. The sooner you take care of your teeth; you can save them from getting decay. The dentist will protect the tooth from preventing further exposure to substances which may increase the cavity. Many dental issues can be minimized by adopting good oral hygiene and by visiting the dentist regularly. Your teeth are an important part of your personality and also support you in eating, so take care of your teeth properly. Read Also: What You Need To Know About Dental Implant Surgery? 5 Dental Hygiene Tips For A Healthier Smile