8 Home Remedies to Banish Acne Scars and Discoloration for Good (Info-graphic )

Banish Acne Scars

If your blemishes leave behind discolorations or scars, you’re not alone. Acne scarring is a problem that afflicts many teens and adults. When a pimple heals, the body produces collagen to repair the damaged skin. If the body doesn’t produce the correct amount of collagen, a scar forms. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to minimize acne scarring, ranging from tea tree oil to lemon juice. Here are a few of the best natural remedies for acne scars.


If you’re dealing with leftover inflammation from your last breakout, honey is a great way to speed up the healing process. Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce the size of current acne and stimulate healthy healing.

If you decide to use honey as a topical treatment, make sure you only use raw, unprocessed honey. Honey that’s been treated may not have the necessary acne-fighting properties. Then apply a thin layer of honey to the face, and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly when you’re done.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is famous for its soothing properties, but it can also help to repair the skin. That’s because it promotes healthy collagen formation. If the body produces the correct amount of collagen during the healing process, it’s likely to result in a smaller, less noticeable scar.

To use aloe vera as a scar reduction treatment, simply apply a pure aloe vera liquid to existing scars once a day. You should see an improvement within a few weeks.

Lemon Juice

Like all citrus fruits, lemons are chock full of Vitamin C. Because Vitamin C is known to stimulate collagen production, a healthy dose of lemon juice can reduce the appearance of acne scarring.

If you want to get the most benefit out of your lemon juice, squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into a cotton ball. Swipe the cotton ball over the affected areas, and then leave the juice on the skin for ten minutes. Wash the juice off afterward. Due to its acidity, it can irritate the skin if left on too long.

Tea Tree Oil

If you’re dealing with persistent acne, you should try tea tree oil. This natural acne-fighting option has potent antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which can help get rid of existing acne and leftover acne scars.

To use tea tree oil for acne scarring, place a few drops of tea tree oil onto a cotton swab and then rub the oil into the scarred areas. Tea tree oil can be irritating to sensitive skin, so do a spot check before using it all over your face.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a well-known natural disinfectant, and it’s a popular ingredient in many acne-fighting remedies. It not only helps to get rid of existing acne, however, it can also help diminish the appearance of acne scars. It can be used as a natural exfoliator, helping the skin shed dead skin cells. This speeds up the healing process.

If you want to use apple cider vinegar for acne scarring, swipe a teaspoon-sized amount of vinegar onto the scars. Leave it on the skin for ten minutes, and then rinse.

Shea Butter

If you have acne-prone skin, you may be using a number of harsh, acne-fighting ingredients, like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. While these ingredients can help get rid of acne, they can also leave it feeling dry, dull, and irritated. Skin can’t repair itself, however, if it’s not hydrated and healthy.

Shea butter contains antioxidants and fatty acids, which can help skin repair itself. It also offers the skin a healthy dose of hydration. When skin is healthier, it is better able to heal itself. Since purchasing a raw shea butter product from your local health food store, and apply it to the skin once or twice a day.

Fresh Tomato Facial

Tomatoes have used in DIY acne treatments for years, and for good reason. The tomato can do everything from exfoliating the skin to provide it with antioxidant protection. It can also help to fade and eliminate leftover acne scars. That’s because tomatoes contain nutrients like potassium and iron, which can help to minimize scar formation.

To get the best results from your tomato skin treatment, use a blender to puree a fresh tomato. Apply the mixture to the skin, and let it sit for 20 minutes. You can also take fresh tomato slices and rub the juice into the skin.

Emu Oil

Emu oil is known to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It’s also packed with omega fatty acids, which penetrate deep into the skin to deliver much-needed nourishment.

To use emu oil to treat your leftover scars, simply rub a small amount of the oil into the scarred areas once or twice a day. This hydrating oil is beneficial to the skin, and you don’t need to worry about rinsing it off afterward. You can leave it on overnight to enhance its efficacy.

There are many natural ways to reduce post-acne scarring and pigmentation. From hydrating oils to natural extracts, these at-home remedies are a great way to help the skin heal. Your skin will be looking as good as new in no time!

8 Home Remedies to Banish Acne Scars ( Info-graphic)

Acne infographic



If you want to know more about how you can make most of the natural power, here is an infographic, 10 Fantastic Herbs to Fight Acne, brought to you by beskinhost.com.

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Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation: procedure, benefits, and risks

If you are not satisfied with the size, shape, or contour of your breasts, you may want to consider breast implant surgery. Breast augmentation, also referred to as augmentation mammoplasty or breast implant surgery, is a procedure that involves using implants to help women who want fuller, larger breasts. Whether you are unhappy with the droopiness or size of your breasts after weight loss or pregnancy, breast augmentation may help. Breast implants may also correct disproportion or asymmetry in breast size instigated by growth problems. Need for breast augmentation The following conditions may indicate that you are a potential candidate for augmentation mammoplasty: Your breasts are too small There is asymmetry among your breasts You aren’t comfortable wearing a swimsuit or bodycon dress Clothes are often too large at the bustline The shape and size of your breasts have changed after losing weight Your breasts have lost their firmness after pregnancy Breast Augmentation in Asheville, NC If you’re considering breast augmentation, the most significant decision you’ll make is who will be performing the surgery. Breast implant surgery is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery in the United States and a board-certified surgeon Dr. Marshall at Reveal Aesthetic Surgery, Ashville has perfected techniques for the best results. Breast enhancement is performed with either silicone or saline implants. Dr. Marshall evaluates personal preferences and individual factors to determine your right breast size, incision location and the placement of implants. In your one-hour consultation, Dr. Marshall will explain the pros and cons of the surgery, different types and shapes of implants. There are pluses and minuses to each, and he will take to the time to go over each required detail. How is breast augmentation performed? Usually performed with conscious sedation or general anesthesia, the following types of incisions can be employed in low-key areas of the breast to minimize visible scarring: Inframammary incision Periareolar incision Transaxillary incision Submammary incision Some breast enhancements can be performed in a slightly invasive manner, utilizing endoscopes and with small incisions made in the armpit. The procedure typically takes about two hours or less. For detailed information on breast augmentation in Asheville, NC, you may consult Dr. Marshall. Benefits and risks Breast augmentation surgery has both physical and psychological benefits, ranging from improved self-esteem and self-confidence to the adoption of healthy habits. Many women have reported that they felt healthier and confident after the surgery. If one is unsatisfied with the way the implants look, they can be changed or replaced after a certain period of time. The potential risks of breast implants include infection, bleeding, scarring, breast pain, changes in sensation of the nipple and breast, rupture of implants, contraction, etc. To achieve the desired shape and size, you might have to undergo a set of procedures. When performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon, augmentation mammoplasty is a safe surgery with long-lasting results. The best way to decide whether or not breast augmentation is right for you is to meet with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Marshall at Reveal Aesthetic Surgery, Ashville. Read Also: Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? The Top 6 Vitamins And Minerals All Women Over 40 Should Take Women Should Know About Vaginal Dryness And Its Treatment

TMS For Anxiety

TMS For Anxiety: Debunking Myths And Setting The Facts Straight

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions worldwide, affecting millions of people. While traditional treatments like therapy and medications have been effective for many, some individuals continue to struggle with anxiety symptoms. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has emerged as a promising alternative for those seeking relief. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of TMS therapy for anxiety, debunk myths surrounding its effectiveness, and present the facts that can help you make an informed decision about this innovative treatment. What Is TMS For Anxiety? So, does TMS work for anxiety? Let's start by demystifying TMS. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS, isn't some sci-fi concept; it's a real-life, non-invasive procedure that taps into the power of magnetic fields to gently nudge specific parts of your brain. Originally designed to help with depression, TMS has been under the research spotlight, and guess what? It's showing some impressive potential in the realm of anxiety treatment. So, let's keep the curiosity flowing as we explore the myths and facts surrounding this innovative therapy. Myth Vs. Fact: TMS And Anxiety Myth #1: TMS Is Only Effective For Depression One common misconception about TMS is that it's exclusively effective for treating depression. While it was initially developed and approved for depression, research and clinical experience have demonstrated its potential benefits for anxiety disorders as well. TMS works by modulating neural activity in the brain, making it a versatile tool for various mental health conditions, including anxiety. Fact: TMS Can Be Effective for Anxiety Several studies and clinical trials have shown that TMS can significantly reduce symptoms in various anxiety disorders, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). The key lies in targeting the right brain regions associated with anxiety, and TMS therapy can precisely accomplish this task. Myth #2: TMS Is Painful And Unsafe Another myth is that TMS is a painful or unsafe procedure. In reality, TMS is considered a well-tolerated and safe treatment option. During a TMS session, patients typically experience a tapping or clicking sensation on their scalp, but this discomfort is generally mild. TMS is non-invasive, meaning it doesn't require surgery or anaesthesia, and it doesn't induce seizures. Fact: TMS Is Safe and Generally Painless TMS for anxiety is performed in an outpatient setting, and most patients can resume their daily activities immediately after a session. It has a minimal risk of side effects, with the most common being mild scalp discomfort or headache, which usually subsides quickly. TMS therapy sessions are closely monitored by trained professionals to ensure safety and effectiveness. Myth #3: TMS Is A Quick Fix Some individuals may expect TMS to provide instant relief from anxiety symptoms. While TMS can be highly effective, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and results may vary from person to person. It is essential to have realistic expectations and commit to a recommended TMS anxiety treatment plan. Fact: TMS Requires a Treatment Plan TMS for anxiety typically involves a series of sessions over several weeks. The exact number of sessions and their frequency may vary based on individual needs and the severity of the anxiety disorder. Patience and consistency are essential for achieving the best results with TMS. Myth #4: TMS Is Expensive And Not Covered By Insurance Cost can be a significant concern for those considering TMS. However, many insurance plans now cover TMS therapy for various mental health conditions, including anxiety. It's crucial to check with your insurance provider to determine coverage and potential out-of-pocket expenses. Fact: TMS May Be Covered by Insurance Due to the increasing recognition of TMS as an effective treatment for mental health conditions, insurance coverage has expanded. Some patients may find that their insurance covers a substantial portion of TMS therapy for anxiety costs, making it more accessible. Myth #5: TMS Is A Last Resort Another misconception is that TMS should only be considered when all other treatment options have failed. While TMS is sometimes recommended after other treatments have been ineffective, it can also be a viable choice as a first-line treatment for anxiety disorders, especially when individuals prefer non-medication options or have concerns about potential side effects. Fact: TMS Can Be Considered at Any Stage The decision to pursue TMS for anxiety should be based on an individual's unique circumstances and preferences. It is not limited to being a last resort and can be discussed with a mental health professional at any stage of treatment planning. Myth #6: TMS Results Are Temporary Concerns about the temporary nature of TMS benefits can deter some from exploring this therapy. While individual responses may vary, many individuals experience long-lasting relief from anxiety symptoms after completing a full course of TMS treatment for anxiety. Fact: TMS Can Provide Lasting Benefits Research has shown that the positive effects of TMS on anxiety can persist for months to years after treatment. Some individuals may require maintenance sessions, but TMS has the potential to offer enduring relief from anxiety symptoms. Summing Up Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) isn't just about tackling depression; it's got a promising role in helping folks wrestling with anxiety disorders too. By shedding light on the myths surrounding TMS and getting the facts straight about its safety, effectiveness, and potential insurance coverage, we're here to arm you with the knowledge you need to make smart choices about your mental health. Now, let's be real – TMS isn't a magic wand that makes all your anxiety vanish in an instant. It's more like a steady hand guiding you toward relief. It's gentle, non-invasive, and generally well-tolerated. For many, it's a ray of hope, offering a path to managing anxiety that doesn't involve medications or complex procedures. But here's the golden rule: always lean on the expertise of a qualified mental health professional when considering TMS therapy for anxiety. They're the compass guiding you through your unique mental health journey, helping you figure out if TMS is the right fit for your needs Read Also: 10 healthy Habits to improve your health How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health Living Healthily | Six Crucial Lifestyle Tips for College Freshmen


Polydrug Use: What Happens When You Mix Cocaine with Heroin?

Cocaine and heroin are among the most potent and extensively used illicit drugs in the world with deeply addictive and destructive potential. When we think of these drugs, we usually think of individuals having either cocaine or heroin addiction, whereas in reality the practice of taking more than one substance at the same time - known as polydrug use - is on the rise. Individuals typically start polydrug use by combining substances to enhance the effects of one or both of them. A very common combination of drugs in polydrug use is cocaine and heroin and in fact, the practice has become so widespread that it now has its own street name: "speedballing." When speedballing, polydrug users take heroin to extend and enhance cocaine’s short-term effects to avoid the crashing come down, essentially by replacing it with opiate-induced euphoria. The Health Risks of Speed Balling with Cocaine and Heroin: Although the effects of speedballing are extremely pleasurable and compelling to users, it is incredibly dangerous. Both heroin and cocaine have significant health risks separately but when used in combination and injected at the same time, these risks are heightened considerably. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and depending on the US state studied, around 36.9% to 98.9% of heroin-related deaths involve other substances. There are few activities in life that have the potential to be more deadly than speedballing and yet it is now a significant issue. Young people experimenting with substances are increasingly being encouraged to participate in speedballing without being fully aware of the risks. Let’s take a look at the differences between cocaine and heroin when used on their own: Heroin: Heroin is made from an extract of the opium poppy and it has been used for hundreds of years as pain relief for significant trauma. The way heroin works are by flooding the brain with euphoria-creating dopamine so as to “trick” the mind into ignoring pain signals from other parts of the body. The euphoria created by heroin is considered the reason it is highly addictive, as it immobilizes the body in the most pleasant way so that the only thing a user can do is lay back and enjoy the feeling. One of the most common ways people develop heroin addiction is by becoming tolerant to its effects, which can happen very quickly after they start using the drug. When the euphoria they seek starts to wane when taking their usual amount of the drug, they will simply up the dose. After a very short while of this addictive behavior, the body will start to develop cravings for heroin every time the user comes down from their high. Some of the withdrawal symptoms emerging if cravings for heroin are not satisfied can be extremely unpleasant and so more of the drug is needed to make them go away. Cocaine: The kind of high cocaine creates depends on the way it’s taken, which is generally by snorting or injecting. The effects of cocaine are generally short-term, lasting around 40 minutes and they are quite opposite to those of heroin. Cocaine is a stimulant that makes users feel a rush of energy, often making them the life and soul of the party. Whereas heroin immobilizes, cocaine stimulates and while on a high from the drug, users tend to talk at a fast pace, enjoying everything around them in an animated way. Cocaine is equally as addictive as heroin although it has a very different kind of appeal. Some people become socially dependent on the drug before going on to developing an addiction, using cocaine as a prop to boost confidence. However, as with heroin, cocaine has a negative impact on the brain's function, which can introduce extra challenges for people seeking to overcome cocaine addiction in heroin and cocaine addiction treatment. The risks caused by speedballing with cocaine and heroin include the following: Whereas heroin stimulates the brain’s production of endorphins, cocaine prevents them from being reabsorbed naturally. This eventually erodes an individual’s ability to enjoy the simplest pleasures in life unless substance abuse is involved. Cocaine is the only drug with the potential to hyper-stimulate the body to the point where the user suffers a stroke. When used in combination in heroin, it is not possible to detect that this is happening and there is a risk of suffering a stroke without any warning and possible death. The effects of cocaine do not last for as long as heroin and so speedballers tend to use more cocaine to prolong their high. This is incredibly dangerous and places the individual at risk of a fatal heart attack. Heroin has a powerful effect on the central nervous system, slowing down its functions when a person is under influence including the heartbeat and breathing. If there is not enough oxygen reaching the brain because a person’s breathing has become shallow after taking heroin, there is a high risk of brain damage or death. Because cocaine is a stimulant, it reduces some of the effects of heroin if taken at the same time. This can mask the warning signs of heroin overdose which include: confusion, dizziness, slurred speech, body limpness, and unconsciousness. Cocaine and Heroin Addiction Treatment for Speed Balling: Addiction is an illness that can be treated so that individuals can move on from substance abuse and enjoy a life in sobriety. Although challenging, the path through detox, rehab, and recovery on a cocaine or heroin addiction treatment program introduces individuals to a world outside of substance use, motivating them to make the necessary changes to overcome their illness. Because of the potency of heroin and cocaine independently, people speedballing face significantly more risks from substance abuse than those abusing one type of drug. The effects on a person's personality, behavior, and psychological state can be extended with both substances which is why holistic therapies such as those offered at the best heroin and cocaine addiction treatment centers are now commonly available as a cocaine and heroin addiction treatment approach. Through learning skills such as meditation and yoga or becoming physically fit through a structured exercise regime, individuals can move on from the difficulties in their lives cause by heroin and cocaine addiction. 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