Polydrug Use: What Happens When You Mix Cocaine with Heroin?


11 October 2018

Health & Fitness


Cocaine and heroin are among the most potent and extensively used illicit drugs in the world with deeply addictive and destructive potential. When we think of these drugs, we usually think of individuals having either cocaine or heroin addiction, whereas in reality the practice of taking more than one substance at the same time – known as polydrug use – is on the rise.

Individuals typically start polydrug use by combining substances to enhance the effects of one or both of them. A very common combination of drugs in polydrug use is cocaine and heroin and in fact, the practice has become so widespread that it now has its own street name: “speedballing.” When speedballing, polydrug users take heroin to extend and enhance cocaine’s short-term effects to avoid the crashing come down, essentially by replacing it with opiate-induced euphoria.

The Health Risks of Speed Balling with Cocaine and Heroin:

Although the effects of speedballing are extremely pleasurable and compelling to users, it is incredibly dangerous. Both heroin and cocaine have significant health risks separately but when used in combination and injected at the same time, these risks are heightened considerably. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and depending on the US state studied, around 36.9% to 98.9% of heroin-related deaths involve other substances.

There are few activities in life that have the potential to be more deadly than speedballing and yet it is now a significant issue. Young people experimenting with substances are increasingly being encouraged to participate in speedballing without being fully aware of the risks.

Let’s take a look at the differences between cocaine and heroin when used on their own:


Heroin is made from an extract of the opium poppy and it has been used for hundreds of years as pain relief for significant trauma. The way heroin works are by flooding the brain with euphoria-creating dopamine so as to “trick” the mind into ignoring pain signals from other parts of the body. The euphoria created by heroin is considered the reason it is highly addictive, as it immobilizes the body in the most pleasant way so that the only thing a user can do is lay back and enjoy the feeling.

One of the most common ways people develop heroin addiction is by becoming tolerant to its effects, which can happen very quickly after they start using the drug. When the euphoria they seek starts to wane when taking their usual amount of the drug, they will simply up the dose. After a very short while of this addictive behavior, the body will start to develop cravings for heroin every time the user comes down from their high. Some of the withdrawal symptoms emerging if cravings for heroin are not satisfied can be extremely unpleasant and so more of the drug is needed to make them go away.


The kind of high cocaine creates depends on the way it’s taken, which is generally by snorting or injecting. The effects of cocaine are generally short-term, lasting around 40 minutes and they are quite opposite to those of heroin. Cocaine is a stimulant that makes users feel a rush of energy, often making them the life and soul of the party. Whereas heroin immobilizes, cocaine stimulates and while on a high from the drug, users tend to talk at a fast pace, enjoying everything around them in an animated way.

Cocaine is equally as addictive as heroin although it has a very different kind of appeal. Some people become socially dependent on the drug before going on to developing an addiction, using cocaine as a prop to boost confidence. However, as with heroin, cocaine has a negative impact on the brain’s function, which can introduce extra challenges for people seeking to overcome cocaine addiction in heroin and cocaine addiction treatment.

The risks caused by speedballing with cocaine and heroin include the following:

  • Whereas heroin stimulates the brain’s production of endorphins, cocaine prevents them from being reabsorbed naturally. This eventually erodes an individual’s ability to enjoy the simplest pleasures in life unless substance abuse is involved.
  • Cocaine is the only drug with the potential to hyper-stimulate the body to the point where the user suffers a stroke. When used in combination in heroin, it is not possible to detect that this is happening and there is a risk of suffering a stroke without any warning and possible death.
  • The effects of cocaine do not last for as long as heroin and so speedballers tend to use more cocaine to prolong their high. This is incredibly dangerous and places the individual at risk of a fatal heart attack.
  • Heroin has a powerful effect on the central nervous system, slowing down its functions when a person is under influence including the heartbeat and breathing. If there is not enough oxygen reaching the brain because a person’s breathing has become shallow after taking heroin, there is a high risk of brain damage or death.
  • Because cocaine is a stimulant, it reduces some of the effects of heroin if taken at the same time. This can mask the warning signs of heroin overdose which include: confusion, dizziness, slurred speech, body limpness, and unconsciousness.

Cocaine and Heroin Addiction Treatment for Speed Balling:

Addiction is an illness that can be treated so that individuals can move on from substance abuse and enjoy a life in sobriety. Although challenging, the path through detox, rehab, and recovery on a cocaine or heroin addiction treatment program introduces individuals to a world outside of substance use, motivating them to make the necessary changes to overcome their illness.

Because of the potency of heroin and cocaine independently, people speedballing face significantly more risks from substance abuse than those abusing one type of drug. The effects on a person’s personality, behavior, and psychological state can be extended with both substances which is why holistic therapies such as those offered at the best heroin and cocaine addiction treatment centers are now commonly available as a cocaine and heroin addiction treatment approach. Through learning skills such as meditation and yoga or becoming physically fit through a structured exercise regime, individuals can move on from the difficulties in their lives cause by heroin and cocaine addiction.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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TMJ Disorder

What Is TMJ Disorder and How Can You Remedy This Condition

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. It’s the joint connecting your jaw to your skull. It's essential for chewing and talking, making it one of the most complicated joints in the body. TMJ disorders can happen when this joint gets misaligned or inflamed, causing pain or difficulty moving. According to Hamilton Orthodontics, if you've got a TMJ disorder, it can make eating, chewing, and talking difficult—not to mention just plain painful. Luckily, treatments are available to help relieve some of the symptoms of TMJ disorders and make everyday life a little easier. What Kind of Pain Do You Feel? TMJ is an unpleasant condition that affects the jaw joint. The temporomandibular joint is a hinge-like structure that connects the lower jaw to your skull. It helps in opening and closing your mouth and chewing food. TMJ can cause several symptoms, including pain in your face or ears, difficulty chewing, headaches, and facial tenderness. There are three types of symptoms associated with TMJ: 1.  Pain in the jaw joint, face, and muscles 2. Difficulty chewing and opening your mouth 3. Headaches and earaches How Can You Get The Remedy Of TMJ Disorder 1. Find Relief in Stretching and Yoga If you are experiencing TMJ pain, stretching and yoga are excellent ways to find relief. Stretching helps with tension, stress, and sleep quality. Yoga helps with relaxation and overall health. You might also find relief from massage therapy or a physical therapist specializing in TMJ disorders. 2. Feel Better With Improved Sleeping Habits If you're suffering from TMJ, you may find that sleeping on your side is the most comfortable position. Try sleeping with your knees slightly bent and a pillow between them. This position can help keep your neck and spine aligned while minimizing jaw pain. If you love to sleep on your back but have been diagnosed with TMJ, placing a pillow under the knees can help keep the head and neck aligned while also taking pressure off the lower back. This will also allow for better breathing during sleep. 3. Stay Away From Your Triggers One of the most effective ways to deal with TMJ is to avoid your triggers. For example, if you often clench your jaw when stressed or anxious, try taking deep breaths and relaxing your muscles instead. 4. Try To Relax Finding non-medication pain relief methods may be the best way to manage your symptoms. Consider meditation or other forms of relaxation therapy. This can help reduce stress levels and ease tension in the jaw that leads to clenching. Massaging the temples and around the ears will help reduce inflammation in those areas and improve circulation in the head region. You can perform the massage by applying firm pressure onto these areas for five minutes daily until symptoms subside. If unsure how to massage yourself, don’t do it, as this could cause more harm than good. 5. Always Seek Professional Help If you suffer from this ailment, it's vital to seek professional help and a doctor who can help you find the proper treatment for your needs. If there’s someone who can help you manage this condition, it would be your dentist. Additionals: How To Get a Better Smile Whatever Your BudgetThe CBD Health Supplements Making People Feel Good Again

calling in sick

Tips For Calling In Sick To Work

We’ve all had times when we’re under the weather and have to call in sick from your office. However, after such a tough 18 months or so due to a global pandemic, economic and political uncertainty, civil unrest, and more, many of us face more physical and mental illnesses leading to the need for time off work and calling in sick from the duty. If you worry about what consequences could arise for calling in sick or how to do so in the most appropriate manner, here are tips to follow next time you need to have that conversation with your boss. 5 Tips For Calling In Sick From Your Work Your message(s) may need to communicate urgent work information, too. You may need to let people know how to handle a time-sensitive matter or how to locate documents or other information. Giving the team the necessary data will show you respect your responsibilities and the needs of the company  Here are five tips for calling in sick from your work: 1. Know What You Can Take a Sick Day For It’s helpful if you’re clear about what you can feasibly take a sick day for within your company. Ideally, read up on your firm’s policies regarding this matter before you end up unwell. In general, though, people are advised to avoid going to work if they could be contagious. Bad migraines, flu, food poisoning, and the like are also things it’s valid to stay home for.  Also, some employers have policies regarding calling in sick family members that mean staff members can take days off if they need to be at home to look after unwell children, parents, etc. Check the HR policies for your company to see if there’s a formal policy in place around this topic.  you may go through: How to Increase the Safety of Your Employees 2. Understand the Procedure to Follow You should know how to calling in sick in a way that’s effective for your employer. Understand the procedures put in place so you can go straight to the right person and communicate the necessary things in the desired way. Some firms need employees to contact the human resources department or submit a form online, while others, especially smaller ventures, will have unwell team members call their direct supervisor or the business owner.  The contact method depends on the company and the person you need to inform about your condition. Often people expect a phone call, but some managers who are on email often and get distracted by calls prefer short email communications or even text messages. Plus, some companies also have intranet setups where you can advise if you're sick online.  If there aren’t any hard and fast rules in your company, consider how, when, and where people work and what communication method might suit best. Generally, though, a phone call tends to be your best option if you’re unsure.  3. Don’t Delay To Inform Businesses need to know ASAP that employees can’t come in. They need to redirect resources and make plans for how else tasks may get completed that day. As such, don’t delay when informing your organization of your health complaints.  Make contact as soon as you’re able, though do wait until a reasonable hour in the morning, so you don’t wake people. The more notice you give your manager and colleagues, the easier it will be for them to cope without you, and the less likely it is that they get annoyed about your absence.  You may go through: Can an Employee Claim for a Personal Injury When Working From Home? 4. Be Concise And Clear When letting people know you’re sick, be concise and clear. Don’t feel like you have to waffle on justifying your calling in sick, as excessive explanations make it seem like you’re faking the illness. Be brief and direct, and keep the language and tone of messages professional.  Provide enough details to explain you can’t come in and, if you know, how long you might be off work. Convey urgency but also keep your privacy where you want. You do not have to give your employee detailed information about what’s wrong with you.  5. Consider Paperwork  Depending on your organization’s policies, you may need to submit some documentation to your boss or an HR manager upon your return to work. Many companies require employees to obtain evidence of their calling in sick, especially when people need to take many days off in a row.  You may need to contact a health practitioner for an urgent care doctor’s note that indicates your health condition, how long you’ll be absent, and if you require any work changes (such as shorter hours or altered equipment) when you’re back. You might need to show your employer a police report if you were in a car or other type of accident or a hospital or clinic admission report for surgery.  Conclusion: None of us like feeling under the weather or having to let our supervisors know we’re unable to work. However, if you go about calling in sick in a responsible manner, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about and can concentrate on getting well, instead.  Read Also: 5 Ways to Get a Better Work-Life Balance for Remote Employees 7 Ways to Boost Employee Productivity and Create a Positive Culture Understanding How Employee Recognition Can Aid Your Consulting Firm

Digital X-Ray

Importance Of Digital X-Ray Tests In Modern Healthcare Services

In healthcare professionals' dynamic and complex world, X-rays are a basic tool, providing unparalleled insights into body structures. While healthcare revolutionized diagnostic practices, weighing both sides of their uses is important.  Thus, one of the greatest advances is the switch from analog X-ray systems to digital X-ray machines. This alteration in healthcare practice not only offers new scopes for diagnosis but also comes out with many other significances compared to conventional ones.  In this article, we will emphasize the significance of digital X-rays and make it clear why they are vital in modern healthcare services.  Importance Of Digital X-Rays Within Modern Healthcare Service Below is a list of the importance of digital X-rays within modern healthcare services.  1. Is More Accurate  Digital X-ray systems stand out because they offer rapid and accurate diagnoses. Similarly, they are significantly effective in emergency situations when the patient is suffering critically.  For example, in situations of trauma, an X-ray can quickly showcase the injury and extent of a fracture, leading to immediate treatment decisions.  On the other hand, they are valuable in detecting different health conditions, such as lung infections and dental issues, allowing appropriate and prompt medical treatment decisions.  Hence, it is the accuracy and speed that not only benefit patient care but also enhance the efficiency of medical care facilities.  2. Non-Invasive And Convenient  One of the major reasons healthcare prefers to adapt to digital X-rays is because of their non-invasive nature. Thus, this makes it a patient-friendly diagnostic choice, avoiding the risk and discomfort of invasive procedures.  Similarly, this means less discomfort and anxiety for patients, as X-rays need minimal preparation and less recovery time.  Therefore, the convenience of X-rays extends with the widespread availability in hospitals, dental offices, and clinics. This makes it a readily accessible tool that healthcare professionals can use for different medical aids.  3. Comprehensive Application  The versatility of X-rays lies in the broad range of applications across the medical discipline. They are integral to orthopedics in assessing bone injuries and lung examinations.  In addition, it is also used in dentistry for oral assessment and even in cardiology for analyzing certain heart conditions.  Furthermore, specialized x-rays procedures like XRD services offer real-time imaging, resolve complex medical treatments, and guide surgical procedures. Similarly, the portable system allows better care for those in remote communities.  Thus, this versatility makes x-rays indispensable for comprehensive patient care and capable of addressing different diagnostic requirements.  4. Provides Improved Image Quality  Digital X-rays provide pictures of higher resolutions than those made by conventional x-rays machines.  Thus, the technology enhances image processing, offering clear and precise pictures. They are of great importance while examining minor irregularities that are associated with different diseases. Hence, it increases the chance of conducting a correct diagnosis.  In addition, digital X-rays can be tweaked after capturing, thereby adjusting the brightness and contrast level. In addition, the ability to change the image enhances the optimal preparation of an image for a typical condition.  Moreover, the diagnostic system can be utilized in different disease disorders.  5. Reduced Radiation Exposure  The digital x-rays have been engineered to generate less harmful radiation than conventional X-ray machines. Hence, the ability to reduce patients' and healthcare specialists' exposure to radiation is one of the significant healthcare concerns.   Similarly, the problems with ionized radiation exposure are less, making digital x-rays safe for frequent and routine diagnostic procedures.  However, the digital x-ray equipment comes with a special dose setting where you can reduce the radiation dose. Hence, these attributes ensure that as little radiation is used to generate a diagnostic picture as possible.  6. Faster Results  A major significance of digital x-rays is their fast response time. In comparison to conventional x-rays, it requires the development of films.  Therefore, digital x-rays give immediate results that can be reviewed instantly. It becomes imperative during emergencies, leading to better decisions when dealing with a patient.  Furthermore, x-rays are easily transmitted electronically to other departments and hospitals, facilitating health workers' work. Thus, digital distribution of medical images enhances consultation, joint diagnosis process, and second opinions.  7. Enhanced Retrieval  Digital X-ray images can be stored and recorded electronically, reducing the need to store physical film and including retrieval requirements.   Rather than filling up space, the medical images are electronically archived in an orderly manner, thereby making them easily available. Thus, this is useful in the healthcare center in tracking health status alterations among patients and allows easy access and review of patient histories.  Therefore, having a convenient way of storing digital images in electronic health records further assists in achieving effective coordination of care offered by healthcare professionals.  8. In Long Run Saves Money  Although buying digital X-ray machines is usually more expensive than conventional x-rays, their lifetime cost is always lower.  Therefore, cost-effectiveness is attained by eliminating chemicals and films, lowering maintenance requirements, and boosting operational efficiency.  In addition to that, the flexibility of digital x-rays caters to greater profits within healthcare facilities.  Why Is Radiology Significant In Healthcare? Here is a list of reasons why radiology is significant in the healthcare services: Based on radiology requirements, it can offer enough guidance for treating the disease. Similarly, the radiographers who conduct therapy utilize highly complex equipment to deliver proper treatment.  Screening offers a preventive measure emphasizing catching disease early to provide effective treatment.  Similarly, detecting disease at an early stage assists in early treatment that prevents it from altering into a fatal condition. Moreover, it improves the scope of evolution and treatment of better technology.  Tracking and evaluating disease with radiology assists the patient in seeing changes that occur in their condition. This eventually assists doctors in assessing whether to continue with the current treatment and look for another alternative.  Summing Up  Digital X-ray technology heralds one of the biggest milestones within medical imaging, signifying great progress compared to traditional and old X-ray systems.  Thus, with superior image quality, faster results, lower radiation exposure than traditional films, and streamlined retrieval, it is obvious that digital X-rays are a must-have within healthcare services.  Hence, digital X-rays play a bigger part in improving patient safety and the diagnostic process.  Read Also: Are X-Rays Dangerous? When You Need To Go To A Chiropractor: Here’s What Experts Say The Upsides Of Choosing Urgent Care Facilities For Immediate Medical Attention