Tips For Calling In Sick To Work

Published on: 02 August 2021 Last Updated on: 04 August 2021
calling in sick

We’ve all had times when we’re under the weather and have to call in sick from your office. However, after such a tough 18 months or so due to a global pandemic, economic and political uncertainty, civil unrest, and more, many of us face more physical and mental illnesses leading to the need for time off work and calling in sick from the duty.

If you worry about what consequences could arise for calling in sick or how to do so in the most appropriate manner, here are tips to follow next time you need to have that conversation with your boss.

5 Tips For Calling In Sick From Your Work

Your message(s) may need to communicate urgent work information, too. You may need to let people know how to handle a time-sensitive matter or how to locate documents or other information. Giving the team the necessary data will show you respect your responsibilities and the needs of the company 

Here are five tips for calling in sick from your work:

1. Know What You Can Take a Sick Day For

1.Know What You Can Take a Sick Day For

It’s helpful if you’re clear about what you can feasibly take a sick day for within your company. Ideally, read up on your firm’s policies regarding this matter before you end up unwell. In general, though, people are advised to avoid going to work if they could be contagious. Bad migraines, flu, food poisoning, and the like are also things it’s valid to stay home for. 

Also, some employers have policies regarding calling in sick family members that mean staff members can take days off if they need to be at home to look after unwell children, parents, etc. Check the HR policies for your company to see if there’s a formal policy in place around this topic. 

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2. Understand the Procedure to Follow

2.Understand the Procedure to Follow

You should know how to calling in sick in a way that’s effective for your employer. Understand the procedures put in place so you can go straight to the right person and communicate the necessary things in the desired way.

Some firms need employees to contact the human resources department or submit a form online, while others, especially smaller ventures, will have unwell team members call their direct supervisor or the business owner. 

The contact method depends on the company and the person you need to inform about your condition. Often people expect a phone call, but some managers who are on email often and get distracted by calls prefer short email communications or even text messages. Plus, some companies also have intranet setups where you can advise if you’re sick online. 

If there aren’t any hard and fast rules in your company, consider how, when, and where people work and what communication method might suit best. Generally, though, a phone call tends to be your best option if you’re unsure. 

3. Don’t Delay To Inform

3.Don’t Delay To Inform

Businesses need to know ASAP that employees can’t come in. They need to redirect resources and make plans for how else tasks may get completed that day. As such, don’t delay when informing your organization of your health complaints. 

Make contact as soon as you’re able, though do wait until a reasonable hour in the morning, so you don’t wake people. The more notice you give your manager and colleagues, the easier it will be for them to cope without you, and the less likely it is that they get annoyed about your absence. 

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4. Be Concise And Clear

When letting people know you’re sick, be concise and clear. Don’t feel like you have to waffle on justifying your calling in sick, as excessive explanations make it seem like you’re faking the illness. Be brief and direct, and keep the language and tone of messages professional. 

Provide enough details to explain you can’t come in and, if you know, how long you might be off work. Convey urgency but also keep your privacy where you want. You do not have to give your employee detailed information about what’s wrong with you. 

5. Consider Paperwork 

Depending on your organization’s policies, you may need to submit some documentation to your boss or an HR manager upon your return to work. Many companies require employees to obtain evidence of their calling in sick, especially when people need to take many days off in a row. 

You may need to contact a health practitioner for an urgent care doctor’s note that indicates your health condition, how long you’ll be absent, and if you require any work changes (such as shorter hours or altered equipment) when you’re back. You might need to show your employer a police report if you were in a car or other type of accident or a hospital or clinic admission report for surgery. 


None of us like feeling under the weather or having to let our supervisors know we’re unable to work. However, if you go about calling in sick in a responsible manner, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about and can concentrate on getting well, instead. 

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Health Care Practice

Key Marketing Tips To Gain More Customers For Your Health Care Practice

When you have a healthcare practice, gaining customers can be quite the conundrum. Unlike other brands that offer services and products for a specific niche, your health care practice may have such a huge target market that zeroing in to appeal to a crowd can be tricky. This might be the reason why it can also be such a challenging thing to create a fully-executable marketing strategy for your practice. This doesn't mean it's impossible, though. Sometimes you just need the right kind of push. In fact, today's insights for the digital marketing scene make it quite the budding yet challenging field to penetrate for generally all kinds of practices. For instance, Google users actually use the search engine to conduct 100-billion searches every month. Considering that a whopping 81-percent of consumers do rely on research before making their purchases, that's a whole lot of ground to cover with just Google alone. In fact, 72-percent of consumers who searched locally tend to visit stores within five miles, and given 28-percent of searches pertain to purchases in nearby locations, banking on proper marketing can really get you to places with the right strategy. Marketing For Your Health Care Practice: Where To Start :   When you have a bit of a conundrum in terms of your healthcare practice, it might be important to first understand where exactly you're coming from. In the below tips, you may finally be able to zero in on where you're lacking, and finding the appropriate strategies for you to cope with such a problem. Institutions such as Studio 56 can actually help you solve your marketing woes, but it's best you approach these groups after trying these out first: . Make sure you find your voice: When people think of marketing, they normally think it's just a process of getting people "into" your services or products. The reality of the fact is, marketing really also involves a lot of social relations. Marketing taps into the human aspect of sales, which means if you want to get more sales, your healthcare practice needs to be more "human." Your offering to provide health care to your customers might be a good plus, but you've got to offer them something more than other health services aren't providing. Before you provide offers or deals, this has to start with the personality of your brand. What's your brand like? Is it formal and authoritative? Is it caring and motherly? Is it concerned and friendly? There are various voices for you to choose from. . Make sure your marketing is consistent with your branding: When you think of a brand, one of the best ways to see it visually is to create a logo. When you start your marketing efforts, make sure you apply what you see in your logo in both a literal and metaphorical sense. Apply elements from the logo such as the iconography, typography, colors, and shapes, and apply them to your materials so you can be recognized. Likewise, make sure your logo reflects on the personal values you want your customers to feel. Red, for example, implies passion, yellow implies excitement, green implies nature and health, and others. . Make sure your website is built for both desktop and mobile devices: If you have a healthcare practice, you've got to have your own website. This will be a primary backbone of your presence in the digital space. When you have someone designing your site for you, make sure it's accessible by both desktop and mobile devices, so anyone can look into your website even when you're on the go. . Make sure you understand that speed is key: Regardless of where your customers are in the consumer process, speed is important. For instance, you've only got seven (7) seconds of room in order for visitors to get a gist of what your practice is offering for them - you need to make those seconds count. Every time your customer sees a marketing material, make sure your brand's message is explained clearly and properly. When leads subscribe to your email, don't leave them hanging and make sure you respond to their queries. When a customer inquires about a sale, make sure to keep them as updated as possible. Any seconds lost is a chance for the competition to steal your customers. . Make sure availing your service and product is easy to do: What turns off people is the fact that there are too many options for them to choose from. Remember Hick's Law, where the time it takes for someone to decide is proportional to the number of choices they have. In terms of marketing, this can be a bad sign as long decisions might make people avail of simpler services instead. When you offer a product or a service, make sure you offer them in ways that make them easy to access. Make sure forms are easy to fill out, payments are easy to do, shipping won't be much of a hassle, and even wish lists are easy to create. . Make sure you always have a structure built for assessment, reporting, evaluation: One of the most important yet overlooked elements in building a good marketing strategy is the lack of a means of efficient assessment, reporting, and evaluation. Try to make sure there's always an option for both members of your team and customers to provide feedback about their experience. Mesh this with your actual statistics on your various marketing campaigns in order to get a good look at your performance in the marketing field in general. This pretty much enables you to get a bird's eye view of what's working and what's not, and be able to make the proper adjustments. The Bottomline: Marketing For Your Health Care Practice Takes Strategy : Having a healthcare practice to call your own can be quite something to be proud of - after all, you're doing a lot to be able to help other people with their various needs. However, just waiting for patients to come up your door isn't exactly the best marketing strategy you should follow to get your returns. If the above is any indication, key marketing tips to gain more customers for your healthcare practice involves planning, execution, exposure, and sustainability. If you've ever wanted to make sure your healthcare practice gets the right kind of patients it needs, your marketing needs to be spot on as well. Read Also : 7 Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil How Can Stress During Studies Affect The Health Of Your Children? 7 Signs Which Indicate That You Need To See A Vein Specialist Right Now

Heart Disease

Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease

Stress and anxiety have become serious problems that people are facing in modern times. Researchers have proved this that anxiety has the connection between heart disease and many other health issues. This issue has become prevalent enough that should raise an alarm and make all of us think of efficient ways to keep anxiety under control. In this article, we are going to talk about the effects of anxiety on heart disease and why you need to do all you can to stay relaxed and avoid stressful situations. Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease: Heart and general health monitoring apps: It’s strange to consider that applications that are meant to help people keep track of their health could actually be more harm than good. According to many physicians, apps could lead to unnecessary anxiety and there is plenty of evidence to back this up. The evidence comes in the form of the close relation between anxiety and heart disease. When people are constantly checking their apps and seeing heart rate spikes, their anxiety levels are going to rise. If they are monitoring their heart rate and other vitals all day long, they are going to start worrying about things that they would normally not even notice. This alone is a serious problem. The use of various health apps is a good idea in some ways. But it proves to be problematic for those who suffer from anxiety. No application should ever diagnose any kind of heart disease or potential issue (in fact none of them are actually capable of true and accurate diagnosis!). But many of these apps do attempt that and they even warn users of possible serious conditions. The best way for apps to be effective and avoid raising alarms or making assumptions is for them to be strictly used for heart rate monitoring, but even them, they can cause unnecessary anxiety. Studies that link anxiety and depression to heart disease: Washington University conducted studies that shed light on the connection between heart disease and patients that experienced anxiety and stress. It was determined that the number of patients who experienced anxiety is more likely to suffer from other heart-related conditions as well. While these studies are not conclusive, they do raise concerns. It has been widely documented that people who suffer from stress and anxiety are going to deal with health issues more often. Experts believe that untreated blood pressure is a factor: Leading cardiologist Simon Stertzer has previously discussed how high blood pressure is one of the factors that contribute to heart disease. This is definitely something that many heart patients worry about and their concerns are justified. The heart is a very complex organ and everything that happens in our bodies affects it in one way or another. Poorly treated blood pressure problems are often going to lead to heart disease, but blood pressure problems have also been linked to anxiety, so there is an obvious concern and anxiety seems to be right in the middle of the problem. Critical factors that predict the risk of heart disease: Heart disease continues to be a very common topic of discussion for many reasons. This a huge health concern all over the world, but it also continues to be a mystery in many ways. Fortunately, more discoveries are being made all the time and other treatment options are also available. This article from Digital Authority Partners covers some of the most important and critical factors that predict heart disease (with a very cool infographic!). This includes age, social and economic factors, lifestyle factors and environmental pollution. It’s important to note that stress and anxiety are always considered lifestyle factors. It seems like people are learning to live with stress and anxiety now and that is a very bad thing. Most people admit that they feel anxiety and stress all the time, but they have learned to live with those feelings. They feel that they have this problem under control but their anxiety is causing all kinds of health issues. Learning to relax is going to be essential to fight anxiety. The main causes of anxiety: There are many causes of anxiety in modern times. Some of the most common and relevant include drugs, alcohol, caffeine, thyroid hormone problems, and certain medications. Then you also have the stress of life, with everyone being so competitive and time management being such a big deal, people are more stressed out than ever before. This is often going to lead to anxiety. Keeping your body healthy with a good diet and exercise is always going to be an important thing to consider. If you feel your dietary habits are bad and you are living a sedentary life, you might want to make some changes as soon as possible. How to get rid of anxiety: Anxiety can be very difficult to handle for some people. The problem can be so serious that they require medication just to function properly. If you feel like you are experiencing anxiety, you might want to look for ways to start dealing with it naturally. Practice breathing exercises: This is a great way to relax and to lower your anxiety levels. You could learn this by practicing yoga. There are many benefits to Yoga, but lowering anxiety is your priority in this case. Exercise often: Being active and exercising outdoors is always a great way to get rid of stress and anxiety. A large number of individuals claim that their anxiety levels are much lower after they workout. Get rid of junk food and sugars: It seems almost unavoidable to eat food that is bad for us sometimes, but the more you avoid sugars and general junk food, the better your body is going to perform. Anxiety and stress are also linked to bad dietary habits. Final thoughts: The more we learn about anxiety, the easier it becomes for us to figure out how to deal with this problem. Knowing that your heart is greatly affected by anxiety should be a warning sign that everyone needs to keep in mind. This knowledge can help prevent serious issues with heart-related problems. Read Also: Art Activities For Stress Relief How Martial Art Can Help You Stay Fit And Healthy Ways To Emotionally Deal With Chronic Illness

Sensitive Teeth

How To Help Sensitive Teeth After Whitening?

A brighter, whiter smile can boost your confidence and self-esteem. And teeth whitening treatment is the best way to get that Hollywood glam smile. But teeth whitening treatments often come at a cost- sensitivity. Sensitive teeth are a common side effect usually seen with over-the-counter bleaching treatments. Such kits are easy to use and can whiten your smile within a few minutes. But they tend to make your teeth sensitive to hot, cold, or even acidic foods. So we asked Dr. Ernesto Carmona, a cosmetic dentist from Austin, Tx on how to deal with sensitive teeth after a teeth whitening procedure. And here’s everything you need to do if your teeth have turned sensitive after a whitening procedure. What Causes Teeth Sensitivity After Teeth Whitening Teeth whitening procedures use a special bleaching agent like hydrogen peroxide to lighten your teeth' color. These kits are available in the form of strips or rinses that penetrate the enamel to whiten it. But peroxide can also weaken your enamel layer and reveal the inner dentin layer of the tooth. Dentin has a lot of nerve endings that get stimulated by hot and cold temperatures resulting in instant pain sensation. Sometimes, even foods that are acidic or have high amounts of sugar can result in dentin sensitivity. How To Reduce Teeth Sensitivity After Whitening Procedure The first thing you need to do is read the instructions and after-care tips on the teeth whitening kit. It is always recommended to use the kit for the stipulated period to minimize contact with the harsh chemicals present in bleaches. You must also avoid any further treatments to avoid worsening symptoms. If you have experienced sensitivity after a professional teeth whitening procedure at your dentist's office, or the symptoms have worsened after a home whitening kit, call them up to schedule a check-up and seek medical care. Teeth sensitivity after whitening procedures usually goes away within a few weeks. Your dentist can suggest desensitizing products like rinses and toothpaste to help you out during the period. You can even try OTC toothpaste with high-fluoride content to protect your teeth from sensitivity. And avoid eating or drinking food that is too hot, cold, and acidic. Dr. Carmona also recommends using a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle pressure until the issue is resolved. Tips To Avoid Sensitive Teeth You can reduce sensitivity by keeping your mouth hydrated and avoiding foods that trigger sensitivity. But most importantly, avoid brushing too hard or using a harsh toothbrush; this will only irritate the sensitive enamel even more. If you still experience discomfort after following these instructions, consult with your dentist about other options that may help. A professional teeth whitening procedure performed by a dentist is always safer as they use the right products and techniques to protect your enamel. So you can visit Dr. Ernesto Carmona for more advice on how to get whiter teeth. He will suggest the best treatment to get whiter teeth safely and reduce sensitivity. So, if you live in Austin, the teeth whitening cost by Dr. Carmona can be found out by consulting him at his clinic Austin Prosthodontics. So call up his clinic or visit his website today to schedule your appointment. Read Also: Is It Healthier To Have Dentures? Do I Have To Pay Out Of Pocket For Wisdom Teeth Removal? 5 Little Changes That Can Make Your Teeth-Brushing More EffectiveDental Implants Teeth Whitening in Reasonable Price in a Professional Dental Centre