Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Signs, Symptoms and Who Is At Risk?

Published on: 11 October 2018 Last Updated on: 04 February 2021
Alcohol Abuse

It is not uncommon to have a drink at the end of a hard day’s work or enjoy a glass of champagne at a social celebration. However, some people find it difficult to limit their alcohol intake to occasional use and they risk losing control of their drinking and developing alcohol use disorder or AUD. Fortunately, there is plenty of outpatient and inpatient alcohol abuse rehab options available across the country to help.

When a person is frequently drinking too much and too often and are no longer able to control their alcohol consumption, it can signal a bigger problem. There are two different issues caused by regularly drinking too much. One is termed alcohol abuse and the other alcoholism which is also referred to as alcohol dependency. Both conditions carry their own risks although individuals are able to recover from even the most severe forms of AUD with the right kind of inpatient or outpatient alcohol rehab.

Although both of these terms are commonly used interchangeably, there are significant differences between the two conditions. Individuals who are abusing alcohol frequently drink to excess which results in them indulging in risky behavior and exercising poor judgment. A person who has alcoholism, on the other hand, has developed a physical need to consume alcohol in order for them to feel okay.

Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are significant issues in America, with around 18 million people struggling with alcohol use according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This is why it is crucial to find a reliable alcohol and drug rehab facility. Both conditions place individuals at risk of developing serious health conditions and even certain cancers. Alcohol also heightens the symptoms of any other health issues including heart disease, circulatory problems, and osteoporosis.

What Are the Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism?

When there is a high concentration of alcohol present in a person’s bloodstream, they will exhibit the following behaviors:

  • Slurred speech and lethargy
  • Slowed reflexes
  • Decreased mobility
  • Lack of focus and difficulty concentrating
  • Poor judgment and taking unnecessary risks
  • Blackouts and loss of short-term memory
  • High levels of alcohol can cause respiratory problems, coma, and death

There are also other hazards associated with drinking to excess that place individuals at risk including:

  • Injuries caused by falls or accidents
  • Drowning
  • Fighting and brawling
  • Suicide
  • Driving under the influence

Because alcohol is a depressant and many people use it in order to de-stress or “numb” themselves from difficult situations. This often makes individuals more susceptible to becoming reliant on alcohol as a crutch to help them get through the day.

The symptoms of alcohol abuse include the following:

  • Using alcohol to relax or de-stress
  • Consistently driving under the influence of alcohol
  • Increasing problems with close personal relationships
  • Neglecting responsibilities at home or work
  • Legal problems resulting from alcohol consumption

Alcoholism is the most severe form of AUD and the symptoms include:

  • Overwhelming cravings for alcohol that can’t be controlled
  • An inability to quit drinking despite the damage it is doing to an individual’s health, career or personal relationships
  • Being deceptive about how much the individual drinks and becoming combative if challenged
  • Attempts to conceal alcohol consumption including hiding bottles in unusual places around the home or office
  • A preoccupation with consuming alcohol that makes them unreliable at home or work
  • Drinking without the knowledge of loved ones and friends
  • Being unable to get through the day without using alcohol

When someone has been abusing alcohol, they are often in denial of there being a problem. However, it is possible for others to see the warning signs and they can recognize that their loved one needs to enter an alcohol abuse rehab center. It is not unusual for people to become aggressive or defensive if challenged about how much they drink, and they are likely to take the criticism personally. If loved ones of addicts want to ensure they enter an alcohol abuse rehab center, it is worth using the services of an intervention specialist to help get them admitted.

Who Is at Risk for Alcoholism?

There are numerous factors to consider when diagnosing individuals with alcohol abuse or alcoholism and there is no stereotypical sufferer. Some people initially start drinking due to a lack of confidence in social situations, whereas others may use alcohol to help them cope with stress or other problems in their lives.

Issues with alcohol can also be genetic, although a history of alcohol abuse or alcoholism in the family does not necessarily mean all future generations will suffer. Ultimately, the exact cause of AUD is often much more obscure than it seems, which is something that is best addressed in therapy in an alcohol abuse rehab setting.

Individuals experiencing the following are more likely to deal with their problems by using alcohol:

  • Depression
  • Loneliness
  • Emotional stress
  • Boredom

When alcohol use and abuse is driven by emotional issues or in response to a traumatic event, it is often more complex to treat. This is mainly because people develop a tolerance to alcohol that makes them want to drink progressively more to get the feeling they originally enjoyed. This progressively increased intake of alcohol leads to an accumulation of toxic chemicals in the body which often has a widespread effect on the individual’s overall well-being.

Elevate uses the holistic approach to treating alcohol abuse and alcoholism that seeks to gently heal patients and set them on a path to recovery. Holistic therapies address the underlying issues driving alcohol abuse through a variety of natural techniques and practices. In order to overcome issues with alcohol, it is important to heal the person as a whole in terms of their physical, emotional, and psychological health. Holistic therapies used in alcohol abuse rehab provide patients with tools that empower them to achieve and sustain long-term recovery.

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Dangers Of DIY Pest Control

10 Hidden Dangers Of DIY Pest Control

In the never-ending battle against household pests, many homeowners are tempted by the allure of do-it-yourself (DIY) pest control methods. At first glance, these DIY solutions seem to offer a quick, easy, and economical way to manage pest problems. However, this surface-level appeal masks a variety of hidden dangers. Beyond the immediate risks associated with mishandling chemicals or traps, there are significant long-term implications to consider. Ineffective pest management can lead to recurring infestations, structural damages, and even health hazards. Professional preventive pest control is a crucial strategy for keeping our homes safe and pest-free, so if you’re considering taking matters into your own hands instead of trusting in the professionals, you must understand the risks and limitations of DIY approaches. This article will explore the ten hidden dangers of DIY pest control, highlighting why professional intervention is often safer and more practical. Misidentification Of Pests One of the most common and critical errors in DIY pest control is the misidentification of pest species. This mistake can lead to the application of ineffective treatments, wasting time and resources. For example, what eliminates an ant infestation might have no impact on termites. Misidentification also means missing out on crucial knowledge about the pest's lifecycle, behavior, and habitat, which is essential for adequate control. Moreover, using the wrong treatment can exacerbate the problem by allowing the pest population to grow unchecked, leading to a more severe infestation than was initially present. Improper Use Of Chemicals The dangers of improper chemical use in DIY pest control cannot be overstated. These chemicals can pose severe health risks, including respiratory problems, skin irritation, and potentially long-term health consequences if not handled correctly. Over-application or incorrect usage can lead to environmental contamination, affecting non-target wildlife and potentially polluting water sources. The lack of professional training in handling these substances can lead to accidents that could have been avoided with expert help. Risk Of Incomplete Eradication DIY pest control methods often result in incomplete eradication of the pest population. Without thorough elimination, surviving pests continue to breed, resulting in the infestation's resurgence. Incomplete treatment fails to address the root cause of the problem, whether it be entry points, food sources, or breeding grounds, resulting in a recurring cycle of infestation and treatment. This prolongs the problem and can lead to increased pest resistance over time, making future eradication efforts more challenging. Potential Structural Damage Certain pests, such as termites and carpenter ants, pose a significant threat to the structural integrity of homes. DIY methods may fail to fully eradicate these pests, leading to unseen damage that can compromise the stability and safety of a building. This oversight can result in costly repairs and long-term structural issues, far exceeding the costs of professional pest control services. The hidden nature of this damage often means it goes unnoticed until it becomes a major, costly problem. Safety Hazards The safety risks associated with DIY pest control are diverse and significant. Handling pesticides and other chemicals without proper knowledge or protective gear can lead to accidental exposure, posing severe health risks. Additionally, specific pest control methods, such as foggers or heat treatments, carry risks of fire or explosions if not handled correctly. These hazards include the individual performing the treatment, other residents, and neighboring properties. Legal And Regulatory Issues Pesticide use is regulated by laws that DIY practitioners might unknowingly violate. Non-compliance with these regulations can lead to legal troubles, including fines and penalties. Additionally, DIY pest control efforts can inadvertently affect neighboring properties, potentially leading to disputes or legal complications, significantly if harmful chemicals are misused or applied in a manner that violates local regulations. Ignorance Of Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a comprehensive approach to professional use that focuses on long-term prevention and minimal chemical usage. DIY methods often overlook this holistic approach, favoring immediate but short-term solutions. IPM considers the bigger ecological picture and long-term pest prevention, which DIY efforts often miss. This ignorance can lead to repeated infestations and an overreliance on chemical treatments rather than addressing underlying causes and sustainable solutions. Overreliance On Single Methods DIY pest control often relies on a single method or product, which may not be effective for all types of pests or infestations. Professional pest control, however, typically involves a combination of methods tailored to the specific pest and situation. This multifaceted approach ensures a higher success rate and more comprehensive control of the pest problem. DIY solutions, by contrast, might offer a temporary fix but fail to address the infestation in its entirety. The Stress And Time Factor Dealing with pests can be a stressful and time-consuming endeavor, especially when DIY methods fail to resolve the problem effectively. The emotional toll of facing a persistent pest problem and the effort and time required to apply DIY treatments can be overwhelming for homeowners. This stress is compounded by the uncertainty of the effectiveness of these treatments and the constant vigilance required to monitor their success. Potential For Worsening The Problem Incorrect or inadequate DIY pest control treatments can cause pests to scatter and spread, potentially worsening the infestation. In addition, pests can develop resistance to chemicals, particularly when misused or in sub-lethal doses. This resistance can make future control efforts more complex and less effective, leading to an ongoing battle against an increasingly resilient pest population. Conclusion While appealing for its perceived immediacy and cost savings, DIY pest control carries significant and multifaceted hidden dangers. From health risks to potential structural damage, legal issues, and the psychological burden of dealing with persistent pests, the complications associated with DIY methods can far outweigh their initial appeal. When considering pest control options, weigh these risks against professional pest control services' expertise, safety, and long-term effectiveness. In the realm of pest management, informed, cautious, and professional intervention is often the key to ensuring a safe, effective, and lasting solution. Read Also :  What You Should Expect From A Pest Control Visit 5 Summer Garden Maintenance Tips And Tactics You Have To Know

Investing in Dexcom G6

Investing In Dexcom G6: Financial Considerations For Caregivers

Caring for a loved one with diabetes is a significant responsibility that comes with various challenges, including managing the financial aspects of their healthcare. The Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring system offers an advanced solution for diabetes management, but caregivers need to carefully consider the associated costs. In this article, we will explore the financial considerations that caregivers should take into account when contemplating the use of the Dexcom G6 system. Understanding The Dexcom G6 System The Dexcom G6 is a revolutionary device that provides continuous glucose monitoring for individuals with diabetes. It offers real-time information about blood sugar levels, allowing for better management and timely interventions. This technology not only improves the quality of life for those with diabetes but also brings significant peace of mind to caregivers. Initial Costs And Essential Components When considering the Dexcom G6 system, caregivers need to factor in the initial costs. These costs include acquiring the transmitter, receiver, or compatible smartphone, as well as the sensors that attach to the skin to measure glucose levels. While the upfront expense might seem substantial, it's crucial to view it as an investment in better diabetes management and long-term health outcomes. Ongoing Sensor Expenses One of the ongoing costs associated with the Dexcom G6 system is the need for sensor replacement every 10 days. This regular replacement cycle ensures accurate and reliable glucose monitoring. Caregivers should be prepared for these recurring costs and budget accordingly. Insurance Coverage And Reimbursement Many insurance plans provide coverage for medical devices like the Dexcom G6 system. Caregivers should thoroughly review the loved one's insurance policy to understand the extent of coverage and the reimbursement process. Engaging in discussions with insurance providers and healthcare professionals can help clarify the financial aspect and ensure optimal coverage. Exploring Financial Assistance Programs Caregivers should be aware that there are financial assistance programs available to help manage the costs of the Dexcom G6 system. Research and inquire about organizations, foundations, and patient assistance programs that offer support to individuals with diabetes. These programs can provide much-needed relief from the financial burden. Weighing Long-Term Benefits And Short-Term Costs While the financial considerations of using the Dexcom G6 system are significant, caregivers must also evaluate the long-term benefits. Improved glucose management can lead to fewer hospitalizations, reduced complications, and enhanced overall well-being for loved ones with diabetes. Caregivers should approach the costs as an investment in long-term health outcomes. Open Communication And Financial Planning Transparent communication with healthcare providers is crucial for caregivers. Discussing financial concerns, insurance coverage, and available assistance programs can offer valuable insights and guidance. Healthcare professionals can help caregivers effectively integrate the Dexcom G6 system into their loved one's diabetes management plan while taking the financial aspect into account. Conclusion Choosing to invest in the Dexcom G6 system involves more than just considering the financial implications; it's about investing in the health and well-being of a loved one with diabetes. While the costs associated with the system are a legitimate concern, the potential benefits in terms of improved glucose management and enhanced quality of life cannot be overlooked. By carefully considering the Dexcom G6 cost and exploring financial assistance options, caregivers can make informed decisions that prioritize their loved one's health and provide peace of mind for both themselves and their loved ones. Read Also : Unhealthy And Healthy Solutions For Coping With Stress 8 Fitness Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better

medicare pros and cons

Medicare Pros and Cons: Everything You Need to Know before Enrolling

Given that more than 40 million Americans benefit from what Medicare has to offer, there are many ways for older adults to stay healthy. Those with disabilities or who might be on the edge of the income limits should know the Medicare pros and cons before enrolling. There are plenty of reasons to choose Medicare or something else, so you need to know what suits your lifestyle. Here are some of the most common pros and cons that people bring up when they're struggling with this decision. Pro: Coverage for the Uncovered: One of the reasons that Medicare is such a powerful coverage tool is that it has offered coverage to millions of people who didn't have it. With this program, elder adults are covered and protected from medical catastrophes. With only half a million seniors uninsured from year to year now, it's made it so that almost no one over 65 has to live without protection. Because Medicare is for those who need it and have little means, it helps keep more Americans protected than ever. Without it, elderly Americans would be forced to pay for medical treatment they couldn't afford. Older people tend to need the most medical care, and so it's vital that they have affordable and manageable care. Since elderly Americans are often retired, they don't have the means to keep up with rising medical costs. People with disabilities get help under Medicare to pay for the challenging costs of care. Without this aid, they would be dependant on caretakers and stuck with few options for care. Con: There Are Massive Costs to Cover It: Put all the costs of Medicare together and you'll find that it costs nearly half a trillion dollars. While this might be a hard figure to quantify, it ends up being 15 percent of all of our federal spending. It's only going to continue to grow in the future. While there are several items in the federal budget that we don't question the cost of, this is one we have to consider in a realistic sense. The costs of medical care are constantly climbing ever higher and leading to insurmountable bills for the average American. Without any intervention by the federal government, the cost of healthcare and the cost of providing programs like Medicare will take a big cut out of taxes. Without Medicare, we would have a much bigger tax base. However, we would have people who are constantly sick and in need of care, clinics that are filled to the brim, and elderly people who had no way to care for themselves. While we could do some work to ensure that the money we have is spent more wisely, for now, we can imagine this money going to education or social justice. While it could help with programs to eliminate poverty, ultimately, more than half of bankruptcies are due to high medical bills. Pro: Get More with Medicare Advantage: For people who need more medical care than the average person, there are ways to supplement Medicare. Those people who find that they're at the limits of their Medicare coverage can sign up for the Medicare Advantage plan. Enrollment in this program is constantly growing and should be a powerful way for people to cover those massive increases in medical fees. Paying for private insurance is difficult if you're in the tax bracket eligible for Medicare. It's also redundant given that so much of what's covered by the standard medical plan is wrapped up in Original Medicare. However, with the help of Medicare Advantage, there is now a place for a third component that offers what many healthcare recipients need. The way this works is that insurance companies provide benefits related to what's missing from Medicare through a contract with the government. They offer them at competitive rates that are affordable to the average Medicare recipient. People taking advantage of these plans get everything they expect from Part A and Part B of Medicare but then get more dental and vision benefits. This extension provides some of what's missing in most of the other parts of this program. Con: Bad Health Is Expensive: If you're in poor health, you have an intimate view into just how expensive healthcare is. Even if you've got great insurance, you've seen the prices that come on the bill before you get your care deducted. You could be paying double or triple what a healthy person pays every year, even with healthcare. While you need to have great healthcare, you need to do what you can to stay healthy. Talk to your doctor about preventative care. You're never too old to take action to lower your healthcare costs and your need for supplemental care. There are many free preventative care programs that come standard with most Medicare plans. However, you need to take action to make sure you follow your doctors' recommendations and stay on top of your health. Many people who incur high bills with Medicare suffer from problems that preventative medicine could assist with. Even though this program costs very little from month to month, you need to manage your costs as they'll add up on a limited budget. If you're tight on money, Medicare supplements may be out of reach. This makes it all the more vital to staying on the good side of health. Medicare Pros and Cons Are Individual: Because everyone has their own healthcare needs and requirements, Medicare pros and cons vary from person to person. You need to get to know what you need and what you might need in the future before you decide on Medicare or any other insurance policy. As more people suffer more chronic health issues, check out our guide to watch the trend. Read Also: Finding The Right Hospital Complete Pregnancy Guide For Mumma’s To Be