10 Reasons to Stop Drinking Alcohol Today

Published on: 13 May 2018 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Stop drinking problem sign. Prevention and cure alcohol addiction problem concept.

With alcoholism becoming more and more present in our society, the chances that you or someone you know struggles with alcoholism is increasing rapidly.

The good news is nowadays the stigma of having an alcohol problem is almost gone, and there are more resources than ever to help overcome.

If you or the person who is struggling is still on the fence about whether or not the alcohol is a real problem, we’ve compiled a list of reasons to stop drinking once and for all.

Quitting drinking can be tough, but the benefits and quality of life change that quitting can bring is more than worth it.

Let’s talk about that.

Quitting Drinking and You

Society seems to be overrun with drinking; in fact, it seems like the only way we know how to socialize. Modern society is a mess of people hiding their insecurities and fears thought of unhealthy outlets or masks.

More often than not, that mask consists of a few drinks.

Have you ever heard someone say they feel “more like themselves” when they’re drinking? That is the sort of thing we are talking about here.

The great thing is, once you’ve stopped drinking, you start to regain a sense of self. You gain confidence that you may not have even known that you had because you would just drink your problems away instead of working on them.

Even in a superficial sense, quitting drinking makes your skin clear up, you lose weight, you gain more energy. You even have time for more hobbies.

Also, do you realize how much money you save when you quit drinking? Drinking is so expensive, now that you aren’t spending all your money on 15 dollar drinks, you can actually save up for big life things.

Speaking of big life things, your sex and love life can improve significantly

Reasons to Stop Drinking for Others

When you are in a relationship, there can be a lot of stress caused by a drinking problem. Even if you are single, it is likely that your family members are affected.

When you quit drinking, you can take accountability for your actions.

As unpleasant as that may sound, taking accountability actually helps you pave a new road into healthy, honest relationships. Quitting drinking can actually help you develop a greater sense of self-awareness that you didn’t even know you had.

Once you develop greater self-awareness, you can help others find themselves as well. You can become an empathetic, kind person.

If you are in a relationship that is stressed under the strain of a drinking problem, a big reason to stop drinking would be to stop hurting the person you are choosing to spend your life with.

Although it may seem like you are only hurting yourself, the people who love and care about you also suffer when you struggle with drinking.

When you stop drinking, they can feel at ease knowing that you are safe and no longer hurting yourself.

Support Systems for Quitting Drinking

When you stop drinking, you may suddenly realize that you have less in common with the people you used to hang out with, especially if all they do is drink.

The good news is, in quitting drinking, you can discover a whole new group of friends who also don’t drink.

Those people tend to be better listeners, less selfish, and more empathetic to the struggles of someone who is trying to stay sober.

Now just because you got sober doesn’t mean life suddenly gets easy. You may find that you are struggling with getting your life back on track sober. The most important thing is that you stick to your guns and don’t drink, no matter what.

If you find that you are having a hard time, it may be beneficial to set up a system to hold yourself accountable.

You can set up a person to check in with every day, or as needed if you’re scared you may drink.

You can also set up a testing system with a buddy. As silly as it may sound, it can really help you walk the line when you are feeling particularly likely to drink. Remember, when you feel you may drink, you have to have bumpers set up in the way between you and the booze.

If you want to get home alcohol tests or learn more about how they work, you can check it out here.

No matter what happens in life, you don’t have to drink. The key is to make sure you have a good network that can double as a safety net when needed.

Life After Quitting

Once you get past the initial difficulty of quitting drinking, life gets brighter and better than it ever could have been before.

There are countless reasons to stop drinking, but it’s important to find the reasons that work for you. Make sure you are ready to commit, and that you have your reasons at the forefront of your mind- you’ll need them when you get tempted to drink.

It’s important to use your newfound free time and extra cash responsibly. You worked really hard to get to the place you are at in life, you deserve to treat yourself. Pick up a new hobby, go out with some new friends, explore the world.

You can go anywhere and do anything sober, provided you keep smart feet that take you where you need to go if you feel you are at risk of drinking.

It may take a little while, but like a baby deer learning how to walk, you will gain a new sense of self and self-confidence that you hadn’t known before. Your life will become fantastic.

For more information or any questions, be sure to check us out here.

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Enhancing Nursing Education

Enhancing Nursing Education: A Detailed Guide To Performing Head-To-Toe Assessments With Goreact

A cornerstone of nursing education, the head to toe assessment, often presents a steep learning curve for nursing students. It's not just about memorizing a checklist. To perform a thorough evaluation, they must integrate observation, patient communication, hands-on examination, and clinical reasoning. Enter GoReact, the innovative video-based platform that enhances the learning experience by allowing real-time feedback, collaboration, and reflection. With GoReact, mastering the head-to-toe assessment is no longer an uphill battle but an engaging journey. 1. Making The Most Of Simulation Simulation scenarios are invaluable in nursing education. They offer the safe space students need to develop clinical skills. By recording simulation sessions with GoReact, educators can provide feedback in real-time. They can pause the recording at critical moments to discuss what was done correctly, what needs improvement, and why. But the benefits don't stop there. GoReact's video recording feature allows students to revisit these simulations as often as needed, fostering self-reflection and reinforcing learning. 2. Engaging Through Peer Review The value of peer review in education is well-documented, and GoReact takes this practice to another level. Students can view and comment on each other's head-to-toe assessment videos, encouraging collaboration and constructive criticism. This not only solidifies their understanding of the process but also fosters a supportive learning community. 3. Refining Communication Skills An effective head-to-toe assessment goes beyond just examining the patient—it involves effective communication. With GoReact, educators can focus feedback on students' communication skills, from their initial approach to the patient to the clarity of their explanations during the assessment. GoReact's time-stamped feedback means this advice is specific and targeted, giving students clear directions on how to improve. 4. Perfecting Techniques With GoReact's capability for slow-motion playback and moment-specific comments, mastering the subtleties of examination techniques becomes easier. Whether it's the correct use of a stethoscope or the proper palpation technique, educators can provide detailed, specific guidance that students can refer back to, promoting repetition and, ultimately, mastery. 5. Encouraging Clinical Reasoning GoReact videos can become more complex as students progress, integrating findings that require analysis and decision-making. Educators can pose questions directly in the video comments, asking students to interpret results or predict possible diagnoses. This encourages the development of clinical reasoning, an essential skill in nursing practice. 6. Fostering Professionalism Finally, GoReact videos provide a platform for teaching and evaluating professionalism. Educators can provide feedback on students' demeanor, respect for patient privacy, and use of appropriate terminology. These aspects of professionalism are often considered the "soft skills" of nursing, but they are essential for a successful nurse-patient relationship. Try GoReact Today In conclusion, GoReact is more than just a video-based learning platform; it's a game-changer in nursing education. Its multi-dimensional features empower students to engage actively in their learning process, enhance their practical skills, and develop the professional qualities that will set them apart in their nursing careers. More importantly, by enabling a seamless blend of real-time feedback, self-reflection, and peer collaboration, GoReact is redefining how we approach nursing education. With GoReact, the daunting task of mastering the head-to-toe assessment is transformed into an enriching journey of skill development and continuous learning. So let's embrace this innovation and revolutionize our teaching strategies, helping our students not just learn but excel in their nursing practice. Read Also: Health Tips For Hard Working Men 3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy Health Tips For Hard Working Men

Good Night’s Sleep

3 Health Advantages of Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is critical to us, and it has a vital impact on our quality of lives. It is much more than just resting at night and feeling full of energy the next day. Getting enough shut-eye at night has a significant impact on our existence, and if we are deprived of sleep, we often can’t function properly. The lack of sleep can have an adverse effect on our health and well-being.Good Night’s Sleep can make you feel comfortable and agile. The main mistake that many people make is that they often underestimate the importance of sleep. They simply choose to stay awake till late at night watching TV and surfing the web instead of focusing on getting enough shut-eye. Going to bed on time and getting a recommended number of hours of rest is more important than many people think. You shouldn’t sacrifice sleep to get other things done as your health can suffer sooner or later as a result. However, many people have troubles falling asleep in the evening. Many factors contribute to this, and the primary factor is stress. It can be quite difficult to relax and drift off to dreamland at night if you are dealing with a lot of stress. In these situations, it would be the best idea to try meditation or to do some fun activities that will relax you in the evening. Another factor that contributes to sleep deprivation is improper sleeping surface. Many people sleep on old and uncomfortable mattresses that lack support. If you want to get a night of quality rest, you should consider replacing your old mattress with a new one. Luckily, unbiased reviews sites such as realmattressreviews.com can help you find the right mattress and pillows for your bedroom. Comfortable and supportive sleeping surfaces will increase your chances of getting a good night’s sleep that you deserve. Some of the leading health advantages that you can expect to get from sleeping enough on a regular basis include: Your Immune System Will Improve: We all know that the key to fighting infections and diseases is the properly functioning immune system. When we get enough sleep at night, protein molecules that strengthen our immune system are produced. As a result, we are able to fight diseases and infections better. On the other hand, when we lack rest, we are more prone to getting sick as our bodies are not able to fight back. If you want to enjoy the improved functioning of your immune system you should focus on getting enough shut-eye at night. Your Heart Will Become Healthier: Cardiovascular problems are very widespread, and they affect people of all ages, especially seniors. These issues need to be taken seriously as they can have severe consequences. The major contributing factor to these problems is high blood pressure. When you don’t get enough rest at night, the production of stress hormones is affected, and as a result, blood pressure tends to rise because your heart needs to work harder. On the other hand, when you are well-rested, blood pressure levels are kept under control, and your chances of having cardiovascular issues are decreased. You Will Be Able to Control Your Weight Better: If you struggle losing extra pounds, you should focus on sleeping enough at night. Sleep is vital to achieving the desired weight loss goals. Not only it can help us keep our weight under control but it can also help lose weight at a faster pace. When we don’t get enough sleep, we are more likely to consume unhealthy foods, eat more than we should, and less likely to exercise. Of course, you already know that these things contribute to weight gain. On the other hand, when you sleep enough, you are more likely to eat healthily and engage in physical activity, which will help keep your weight under control. Read Also: Why Is Sleeping Well So Important For Job Performance? Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits