10 Reasons to Stop Drinking Alcohol Today

Published on: 13 May 2018 Last Updated on: 03 September 2024
Stop drinking problem sign. Prevention and cure alcohol addiction problem concept.

With alcoholism becoming more and more present in our society, the chances that you or someone you know struggles with alcoholism is increasing rapidly.

The good news is nowadays the stigma of having an alcohol problem is almost gone, and there are more resources than ever to help overcome.

If you or the person who is struggling is still on the fence about whether or not the alcohol is a real problem, we’ve compiled a list of reasons to stop drinking once and for all.

Quitting drinking can be tough, but the benefits and quality of life change that quitting can bring is more than worth it.

Let’s talk about that.

Quitting Drinking and You

Society seems to be overrun with drinking; in fact, it seems like the only way we know how to socialize. Modern society is a mess of people hiding their insecurities and fears thought of unhealthy outlets or masks.

More often than not, that mask consists of a few drinks.

Have you ever heard someone say they feel “more like themselves” when they’re drinking? That is the sort of thing we are talking about here.

The great thing is, once you’ve stopped drinking, you start to regain a sense of self. You gain confidence that you may not have even known that you had because you would just drink your problems away instead of working on them.

Even in a superficial sense, quitting drinking makes your skin clear up, you lose weight, you gain more energy. You even have time for more hobbies.

Also, do you realize how much money you save when you quit drinking? Drinking is so expensive, now that you aren’t spending all your money on 15 dollar drinks, you can actually save up for big life things.

Speaking of big life things, your sex and love life can improve significantly

Reasons to Stop Drinking for Others

When you are in a relationship, there can be a lot of stress caused by a drinking problem. Even if you are single, it is likely that your family members are affected.

When you quit drinking, you can take accountability for your actions.

As unpleasant as that may sound, taking accountability actually helps you pave a new road into healthy, honest relationships. Quitting drinking can actually help you develop a greater sense of self-awareness that you didn’t even know you had.

Once you develop greater self-awareness, you can help others find themselves as well. You can become an empathetic, kind person.

If you are in a relationship that is stressed under the strain of a drinking problem, a big reason to stop drinking would be to stop hurting the person you are choosing to spend your life with.

Although it may seem like you are only hurting yourself, the people who love and care about you also suffer when you struggle with drinking.

When you stop drinking, they can feel at ease knowing that you are safe and no longer hurting yourself.

Support Systems for Quitting Drinking

When you stop drinking, you may suddenly realize that you have less in common with the people you used to hang out with, especially if all they do is drink.

The good news is, in quitting drinking, you can discover a whole new group of friends who also don’t drink.

Those people tend to be better listeners, less selfish, and more empathetic to the struggles of someone who is trying to stay sober.

Now just because you got sober doesn’t mean life suddenly gets easy. You may find that you are struggling with getting your life back on track sober. The most important thing is that you stick to your guns and don’t drink, no matter what.

If you find that you are having a hard time, it may be beneficial to set up a system to hold yourself accountable.

You can set up a person to check in with every day, or as needed if you’re scared you may drink.

You can also set up a testing system with a buddy. As silly as it may sound, it can really help you walk the line when you are feeling particularly likely to drink. Remember, when you feel you may drink, you have to have bumpers set up in the way between you and the booze.

If you want to get home alcohol tests or learn more about how they work, you can check it out here.

No matter what happens in life, you don’t have to drink. The key is to make sure you have a good network that can double as a safety net when needed.

Life After Quitting

Once you get past the initial difficulty of quitting drinking, life gets brighter and better than it ever could have been before.

There are countless reasons to stop drinking, but it’s important to find the reasons that work for you. Make sure you are ready to commit, and that you have your reasons at the forefront of your mind- you’ll need them when you get tempted to drink.

It’s important to use your newfound free time and extra cash responsibly. You worked really hard to get to the place you are at in life, you deserve to treat yourself. Pick up a new hobby, go out with some new friends, explore the world.

You can go anywhere and do anything sober, provided you keep smart feet that take you where you need to go if you feel you are at risk of drinking.

It may take a little while, but like a baby deer learning how to walk, you will gain a new sense of self and self-confidence that you hadn’t known before. Your life will become fantastic.

For more information or any questions, be sure to check us out here.

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Medical Malpractice

Common Types and Causes of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is when you sustain an injury because of an error made by the medical professional. It occurs when a professional does not follow the standard of care that needs to be provided to the patient. This carelessness can be caused by medical professionals in several ways as discussed below. In recent years awareness around issues of medical malpractice has spread among communities. People know that institutions, pharma companies and doctors can on occasions prioritize economic and business interests. This is why a growing body of trained personal injury attorneys have come forward to help individuals and families with regards to medical malpractice claims and settlements. If you would like to get in touch with a medical malpractice attorney for your lawsuit, please follow this link. Common Types and Causes of Medical Malpractice: Misdiagnosis Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis is one of the most common types of malpractice in the medical profession. It means failure to identify the illness correctly or on time which has severe outcomes for the patient. The most commonly misdiagnosed diseases include cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Surgical Error Surgeons are most likely accused of malpractice as a probability of malpractice is more than other procedures. Surgeons often make minor mistakes which could prove to be fatal for the patient, for example, puncturing an organ, operating on the wrong side, leaving a surgical instrument in the body, etc. Mistakes could also occur aftercare as well if the patient’s condition is not observed. Infections Hospitals are filled with people carrying different diseases and germs so it is necessary for medical professionals. Negligence in providing proper health care could result in a lawsuit for medical professionals or the institution. You should be informed of the risks you could be exposed to else you have got a lawsuit claim against the medical professionals for malpractice. Anesthesia Anesthesia mistakes are rare but are more dangerous than surgical errors as even a minor miscalculation could lead to permanent injury, severe brain damage or even death. Anesthesia-related errors include injecting too much anesthesia, failing to monitor the patient’s condition or using defective equipment. Medication errors They are the most common type of medical malpractice and can occur in many ways. An error could be made in the prescribed drug by the doctor, prescribing drugs that could cause a reaction, wrong medication to the wrong patient or recommending improper dosage to the patient. If there is an error in the medication chain, from doctor to pharmacist; the patient will be the one who will suffer. Pregnancy / Childbirth Issues in childbirth either with the mother or with the child are very common which are mostly caused by the professional’s negligence. Major types of malpractice during childbirth include excessive bleeding, unusually long labor, negligence in surgery; while performing a cesarean delivery, nerve injury to the baby during labor, etc. These issues expose the mother and the child to several risks. These are the few common types of medical malpractice however there could be many more ways a medical professional can commit an error. You need to be informed of what is being done to you or to a loved one. If unfortunately, you are a victim of medical malpractice, you need to contact a medical malpractice attorney in Miami, FL as soon as possible. The medical professionals and their insurance representatives could coerce you to not file a lawsuit or settle at a very low amount. Read Also:  Home Decor is an Art Itself - Things To Know Make Sure Your Product Hits the Market As Soon As Possible

Invisalign Dentist

Embark On Your Smile Journey With An Invisalign Dentist In Reading

If you are looking to embark on your smile journey and reside in Reading, seeking an Invisalign dentist in this vibrant town might be the key to uncovering the smile of your dreams. An Invisalign dentist in Reading is poised to guide you on a transformative dental journey that will leave you with a smile that exudes beauty and confidence. So, prepare to bid farewell to self-consciousness and welcome a future filled with a captivating smile as you venture into the world of Invisalign dentistry in Reading. The Benefits of Choosing Invisalign Treatment If you are considering orthodontic treatment and reside in Reading, the benefits of choosing Invisalign are numerous. One of the most significant advantages of Invisalign is its discreet nature. Unlike traditional braces that use metal wires and brackets, Invisalign aligners are clear and virtually invisible. Another benefit of Invisalign treatment is the level of comfort it provides. The aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth, ensuring a snug and tailored fit. This means there are no metal wires or brackets to irritate your mouth, reducing the discomfort often associated with traditional braces. In addition, Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing you to easily take them out for eating, brushing, and flossing. Choosing an Invisalign dentist in Reading means you can expect high expertise and professionalism. From the initial consultation to fitting the aligners and ongoing monitoring, you can be confident that you are in capable hands. So why wait? Invisalign Journey Embarking on your Invisalign journey with an experienced Invisalign dentist in Reading can be an exciting and transformative experience. The first step in your smile journey will involve a comprehensive consultation with your dentist to assess your orthodontic needs and determine if Invisalign is the proper treatment. During this initial visit, your dentist will take digital scans or impressions of your teeth, which will be used to create a personalized treatment plan. Once your treatment plan is finalized, you will receive a series of custom-made aligners designed to gradually and gently move your teeth into their desired position. These invisible aligners can be removed for eating, drinking, and oral hygiene maintenance. You will be required to wear each set of aligners for about two weeks until it is time to move on to the next set. Throughout your Invisalign journey, regular check-up appointments will be scheduled with your dentist to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments. With patience and commitment, your smile journey with Invisalign can lead to the beautifully straightened and confident smile you have always desired. Maintaining Your New Smile After Invisalign One of the keys to maintaining your new smile is practicing good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice daily, floss daily, and rinse with mouthwash to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are also essential to detect any issues early on and to keep your teeth in optimal condition. Another critical aspect of maintaining your new smile is wearing your retainer as directed by your Invisalign dentist. Retainers help keep your teeth in their new positions and prevent them from returning to their previous alignment. Your dentist will provide detailed instructions on how often and for how long you should wear your retainer to ensure the best results. It is crucial to follow these instructions diligently to preserve the progress made during your Invisalign treatment. In addition to good oral hygiene and wearing your retainer, it is crucial to be mindful of the foods and habits that may impact your new smile. Avoid sticky or hard foods that can damage your teeth or aligners. Additionally, refrain from smoking or excessive consumption of staining substances such as coffee and red wine, as they can discolor your teeth. Read Also: Is It Healthier To Have Dentures? E-Cigarettes: How They Effect On Your Oral Health The Relationship Between Oral Health and General Health

Hospice Chaplains

Journeying With The Dying: How Hospice Chaplains Facilitate End-Of-Life Spiritual Transitions

When individuals approach the twilight of their lives, they often confront a whirlwind of emotions—fear, regret, hope, acceptance, and more. This intense period termed the end-of-life phase, sees many grappling with existential questions and seeking answers to life's most profound mysteries. This search for clarity and solace is where the spiritual dimension of human existence comes to the forefront. Many turn to spirituality as a source of comfort, a beacon of hope, and a framework for making sense of their experiences. It's within this complex tapestry of emotions and spiritual quests that hospice chaplains, representing the realm of hospice chaplaincy, emerge as pivotal figures. These professionals dedicate themselves to guiding individuals through this intricate journey, helping them find spiritual serenity amidst the tumultuous currents of approaching mortality. The subsequent sections delve deeper into understanding the multifaceted role of these spiritual caregivers. The Integral Role of a Hospice Chaplain Defining the Role in Greater Detail: Hospice chaplains stand at the crossroads of spirituality and caregiving. They aren't just religious figures; they are trained professionals skilled in offering spiritual support tailored to the unique needs of each individual. Their role goes beyond mere ritualistic practices. They act as confidants, counselors, and guides, providing a listening ear, heartfelt advice, and spiritual interventions tailored to the individual's beliefs and wishes. Whether helping patients find peace with their life's journey, facilitating forgiveness and reconciliation, or simply being present during moments of deep reflection, hospice chaplains are there to ensure that the spiritual dimension of end-of-life care is addressed with the utmost sensitivity and respect. The Spectrum of Interfaith Approaches: One of the most remarkable aspects of hospice chaplaincy is its inclusiveness. Recognizing the diverse tapestry of beliefs and spiritual outlooks in our globalized world, hospice chaplains are trained to cater to various religious and spiritual traditions. Whether a person identifies with a major world religion, a lesser-known spiritual path, or even if they consider themselves secular or agnostic, chaplains are there to provide support. This approach ensures that every individual, irrespective of their belief system, has access to spiritual care that resonates with them. By adopting such an inclusive approach, hospice chaplains affirm the idea that every end-of-life journey is unique and every individual's spiritual needs deserve to be met with understanding, respect, and personalized care. The end-of-life journey is a deeply personal and transformative phase. While medical professionals focus on alleviating physical pain and discomfort, hospice chaplains address the soul's yearnings, questions, and quest for peace. By offering tailored spiritual interventions and an inclusive approach that honors diverse beliefs, they ensure that individuals and their families find the spiritual solace they seek during these poignant moments. Delving Deeper: Spiritual Needs, Interventions, and Family Impact in the End-of-Life Journey Spiritual Needs at the End of Life Seeking Meaning and Purpose: The imminence of death often prompts deep introspection. Many individuals reflect upon their life's journey, trying to discern its purpose. These reflections might encompass personal achievements, missed opportunities, unfulfilled dreams, and significant life events. In such times, spiritual guidance assists individuals in navigating these contemplations, helping them find peace with their life narrative, celebrating accomplishments, and making peace with regrets. Reconciliation: Estrangements and unresolved conflicts become especially poignant during the end-of-life phase. Many individuals desire to reconnect, apologize, or seek forgiveness from loved ones. The urge to mend relationships, settle old disputes, or express unspoken feelings becomes vital. The spiritual guide aids in facilitating these reconciliations, offering counsel, and, if necessary, acting as a mediator. Fear and Hope: The mystery of what comes after death is a source of both trepidation and anticipation. The fear of the unknown contrasts starkly with hopes or beliefs of an afterlife, reincarnation, or spiritual continuation. By addressing these concerns, chaplains help balance these emotions, emphasizing the transformative nature of death in various spiritual traditions. Cultural and Traditional Rites: Every culture and religion has rituals that honor the dying and the deceased. Whether it's a specific prayer, a song, a way, or even silence, these rites are paramount for the person passing and their family. Respecting and facilitating these practices is crucial to providing a sense of closure, continuity, and respect for the individual's spiritual and cultural identity. Interventions by Hospice Chaplains Active Listening: One of the most profound gifts a chaplain can offer is the gift of presence—simply being there, offering a listening ear. By actively listening, they provide a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to voice their deepest feelings, concerns, and reflections, guided.  Meditations and Prayers: Tailoring spiritual practices to individual needs, chaplains might guide patients through meditations or prayers that align with their beliefs. These sessions can instill a sense of calm, acceptance, and connection with the divine or the universe. Scripture Readings: For those who find solace in religious texts, chaplains can read passages that resonate with the patient's current emotions or questions. Scriptures, whether from the Bible, Quran, Torah, Bhagavad Gita, or other religious texts, can offer comfort, guidance, and a sense of continuity. Ritual Facilitation: Be it sacraments, candle lighting, or even non-religious rituals like listening to a specific song or watching a sunset, chaplains assist in organizing and facilitating these rites, ensuring the  Grief Support: The dying process isn't just about the individual; it encompasses the family and loved ones. Chaplains extend their support to these grieving souls, offering a shoulder to lean on, words of comfort, and guidance through their emotional journey. The Impact on Families Emotional Anchoring: In the tumultuous sea of emotions, chaplains act as an anchor for families. Their calm presence and experience in navigating such situations provide a stabilizing effect, helping families cope more effectively. Guidance through Rituals: Families often seek direction in performing end-of-life rituals correctly and meaningfully. Chaplains offer insights, respect cultural nuances, and sometimes even take the lead in ensuring these rites are conducted reverently. After-death Support: The journey doesn't end with the passing of a loved one. Grief, memories, and the void left behind are real and profound. Chaplains continue to support families, providing bereavement counseling, helping them process their loss, and guiding them toward healing and acceptance. The spiritual dimensions of the end-of-life journey are intricate, deeply personal, and encompass more than just the dying individual. Hospice chaplains, with their nuanced understanding, play an instrumental role in ensuring that this journey, for both the individual and their families, is navigated with dignity, respect, and profound compassion. Continuous Education and Self-care Training: The importance of ongoing training for chaplains to stay updated on best practices and religious rites. Self-care Rituals: Chaplains must cultivate personal rituals or practices to manage their well-being. Peer Support: Engaging with fellow chaplains or professionals to discuss challenges and share experiences. Conclusion The journey towards the end of life is deeply personal, and the spiritual terrain can be complex. Hospice chaplains, with their expertise and compassion, play an indispensable role in facilitating spiritual transitions during this phase. Their ability to address the deep-seated spiritual needs of the dying and their families ensures that the end-of-life journey is one of meaning, reconciliation, and peace. Read Also: Navigating Healthcare: Exploring The Harvest Tech Achievers ETF Seven Stages To Creating A Patient-Friendly Healthcare App The Future Of Healthcare: Adapting To An Aging Society