How to Remove Acne Scars Naturally

Published on: 05 April 2016 Last Updated on: 18 April 2020

These days, more and more people become interested in natural acne scar treatment. It has become a clear fact that acne scars especially the big one can create unpleasing experiences because they can ruin someone’s physical appearance.

Greasy skin that is often found in people with acne scars also creates a problem. People with acne scars usually must conceal the scars with a certain cosmetic product so that their face will look flawless. This effort actually does not solve the problem.


If the cosmetic is removed, the scars can be easily seen. To have acne scars free skin, you need to know how to remove acne scars effectively. In this case, natural treatment can become your consideration.

What is the natural treatment? Referring to its name, natural acne scar treatment that is also known as the home remedy is an acne scar treatment that is made or uses natural ingredients. In this case, natural ingredients include fruits, leaves, and seeds. Because these natural ingredients can be found easily in almost all households, they can become a perfect emergency solution for acne, pimples, and acne scars.

Why to Choose Natural Treatment

There are 3 reasons why many people choose natural treatment. The first reason is availability. Ingredients for natural treatments can be found easily in almost all households. You do not need to leave your home to get an acne scars treatment because the ingredients are available in your kitchen. The second reason is a comfort.

If you can find the treatment in your kitchen, you can surely apply the treatment at your most convenient time. Anytime you want to remove acne scars, you can take the ingredients in your kitchen and then apply them on your scars.

Then, the third reason is economical. The cost to buy it is lower than the cost to buy over the counter medication because you usually buy them for cooking purpose in a bulk amount. Further, the last reason is to avoid harmful side effects.

Products made of chemicals are reported to have side effects. Their side effects can promote health risks. Because natural treatment has no side effect, it is surely a perfect solution.

Is Natural Acne Scar Treatment is Right for You?

Before you apply the natural treatment on your puberty Scars, it is better for you to know whether natural acne scar treatment is right for you. Visit sites like to get reviews on products to help you on your journey to find a natural acne treatment that works. This is important to consider because the knowledge will avoid you from wasting your money, energy, and time.

Basically, removing acne scars naturally will only work on light, superficial, and new scars. Home remedies work on the superficial skin; they are not able to go deep down the skin. Even, they usually work slowly.

This means that if you want to remove your acne scars fast, you should not use home remedies. Patience is the key to success when taking home remedies. Actually, if your acne scars are old and deeper, you will need a more complicated treatment.

In this case, chemical peel and laser treatment can become a solution. Because it works by naturally exfoliating and renewing your skin, it is certainly a solution for superficial acne scars problems. Also, it can help to remove blackhead and whitehead.

Ingredients to Remove Acne Scars Naturally

The followings are natural ingredients that are powerful in removing acne scars naturally

1. Lemon

To use lemon as natural medicine, you should mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with 2 teaspoons of Vitamin E well. In this case, to get vitamin E, you can pop a capsule. After the mixture is made, apply it on your acne scars. Next, massage your face gently for about 30 seconds. Then, apply your normal moisturizer.

Basically, lemon works in two powerful ways. It can bleach skin, resulting in lighter skin. It can help to rebuild collagen because it is high in vitamin C. Vitamin E has a ton of antioxidants that are able to protect your delicate skin.

The combination of lemon and vitamin E will result in lighter yet delicate skin. 30 seconds massage is intended to break down damaged scar tissues and stimulate the growth of new skin. To get the best result, you should avoid sun rays while wearing this natural acne scar treatment. You should also use this treatment once a day.

2. Papaya

To use papaya as a homemade treatment, you should take 1 ripe papaya. Remove a bit of the flesh and mash it. Apply it to the scar (You should have previously wash the face cleanly) and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then, remove it with warm water.

Papaya is an effective natural skin exfoliator because it contains natural enzyme papain. This natural enzyme is often used as a meat tenderizer. However, because papaya is powerful, you should not leave it too long. You can use this treatment once a day.

3. Egg whites

To use egg whites as a natural acne scar treatment, you should take 3 egg whites and a small bowl. Whip the 3 egg whites in the bowl until they become fluffy and white. You had better use your fingers to spread the mixture onto your skin gently.

You need to apply a double layer on the affected area to give it a stronger effect. Let the egg whites dry on your skin. Rinse away the dried egg whites with warm water. For the best result, you need to use this treatment 2 to 3 times a week.

4. Aloe Vera

To use Aloe Vera as your homemade treatment, you had better use fresh Aloe Vera. Even though there are many over the counter products containing Aloe Vera, those products are not as effective as fresh Aloe Vera. There are incredible health benefits of Aloe Vera juice to our health, body, and skin.

In this case, you need to take fresh Aloe Vera leaf that usually can be bought at your local grocery. Then, peel of the green part and take the gel-like part. Apply it on your car gently and rub it several times. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it with warm water. Aloe Vera can soothe inflamed skin, boost the immune system and regenerate damaged tissues.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Spot Patches

Overnight Spot Patches: What They Can And Can’t Do For Acne

Literally, thousands of people get relief from the healing and supportive qualities offered by overnight spot patches. Containing a gentle compound known as hydrocolloid, these little circles of protection not only stop you from picking your pimples but also draw out the toxins inside. However, before you buy any cosmetics-related products, it’s first important to know what they do and what they don’t. This is something that absolutely applies to spot patches, as many people expressing disappointment in the achieved results are not using them properly, as they tend not to know what they do precisely. What CAN Overnight Spot Patches Do? A little like their larger cousin - the blister bandage - acne patches comprise of small stickers with a gummy back that sits right over the zit in question. By providing a protective barrier, the spot is kept clean, while also drawing out pus, dirt, bacteria, and anything else nasty lurking in your pores. Picking is one of the worst things you can do to a zit and patches like these stop it in its tracks - which is very beneficial, as it’s easily done without knowing and it’s something that can undo all your hard work. Used on pimples and other spots that have essentially risen and broken the skin’s surface, they’re usually applied at bedtime (hence the name), meaning you wake up to the somewhat pleasing task of taking them off and seeing what they’ve drawn out. Prior to application, it’s essential that your skin’s surface is totally dry, as you might otherwise find it hard to affix your overnight spot patches to your skin. Should you be trying to treat a freshly-picked spot that’s oozing liquid, you should cleanse it before any patch is applied. Used in this way, acne patches CAN provide vital protection for your spots and help you overcome them. What CAN’T Overnight Acne Patches Do? Well, firstly they can’t make your acne worse, as they’re designed to bring down inflammation. The only negative experience you might have is one of disappointment that you didn’t the intended results, but this is invariable because, again, they’ve been used incorrectly i.e. before the spot has properly erupted. This is the crux of what spot patches can’t do, as they’re created to deal with open or nearly open zits, rather than papules and cysts that are well below the skin’s surface. Truthfully, if they’re applied over deep lesions or active bumps, they’re not going to do a great deal. They’re not going to completely clear your pores either, as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid products are the tools of choice when it comes to that particular task. Related Resource: What You Need to Know About Caring for Your Skin as You Get Older: Your Guide Use Overnight Spot Patches For Their Correct Purpose Why wouldn’t you wear wellington boots to play soccer? That’s right because that’s not what they’re designed for! So, when using zit patches, the same thing applies - they’re for a very specific purpose for a very specific kind of spot. You can’t expect they’re going to do anything else or you will be left disappointed in what they do. Use the product for its intended purpose in the way described and you can’t help but calm down your zit, but if you’re expecting anything else other than a calmer spot with less gunk inside afterward, you’re not going to be happy. Read Also: Are CBD Lotions Good For Your Skin?Is the 10 Step Korean Skincare Routine Worth the Hype?5 Most Exciting Facial Treatments For Smooth & Gorgeous Skin

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Outdated PR Tactics You Should Avoid

If you spend even just a short time working in the PR industry, you will understand right away that one of the greatest challenges you will face as a professional is figuring out how to keep up with the latest trends. You must quickly understand not just the newest trends, but how to properly utilize them to your client’s advantage as well. If you aren’t able to pull that off, then you’ll be stuck playing a perpetual game of catch-up against competitors that will do everything in their power not to fall behind. A potentially even greater threat to your mortality in the PR industry is failing to avoid outdated PR tactics. Nothing is worse than making your client appear out of touch and that’s why Nancy at Behrman make a conscious effort to always stay on top of the PR trends and steer clear of the ones that have fallen out of popular use, such as the ones listed below. Relying on Conventional Press Releases Is a Thing of the Past: An article posted on Forbes states that “the age of the standard press release is no more,” and that’s a hard point to contest. While it can be argued that press releases are handy guides that members of the media can use to sort through the details of a huge corporate announcement, the reality is that all that info that can be contained inside a press release can be disseminated in other, more effective ways. Instead of using a conventional press release, companies can do something more exciting like releasing a teaser trailer for a new product or perhaps attempt to generate interest through their apps. With so many communication channels available to companies, asking them to talk to their prospective customers using a press release will only work to undersell whatever it is that they are planning to offer. Your goal as a PR professional, whether you’re working for Nancy at Behrman or any other firm, is to generate excitement for your client, and a conventional press release just isn’t designed to do that anymore. Offering Too Much Information can Backfire: Due in part to companies having so many ways to communicate with their customers these days, there is a temptation to just make every bit of content available to them 24/7. This may have seemed like a good idea in the not-so-distant past when companies were still busy trying to show prospective customers that they could get the hang of using all the new media, but now, it’s a practice best avoided. As Axia pointed out, posting everything online can lead to the release of “unstructured, random content,” and that’s exactly what you want your client to avoid. Aside from your client minimizing the impact their content releases could have by doing things that way, they also risk losing the interest of their potential customers. Releasing content online is obviously something a company must do, but serving bite-size pieces of interesting information is a better move than dumping everything right away, as the people at Nancy and Behrman can tell you. By creating a little mystery, you are giving people more reasons to remain interested in your client as opposed to the other companies that may be offering something similar. Mastering public relations is a tough ask for anyone, though figuring out what not to do for your clients is an important first step. There are many other techniques that can keep customers interested in a particular client, and the folks at Nancy and Behrman know how to utilize them well. Read Also: 8 Expert Ways To Build Your Personal Brand On Twitter! Steps for Improving Your Instagram Strategy

Organic Haircare Products

Understanding Certifications In Organic Haircare Products: Ensuring Transparency And Quality

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