Is Surgical Treatment the Best Option to Treat Essential Tremor?

Published on: 21 January 2020 Last Updated on: 26 February 2020

Going through life with a problematic condition such as essential tremor can be vastly different depending on the individual. For example, essential tremor is more commonly seen in individuals forty and older, but there are situations of those who suffer from the condition at a young age. That said, the symptoms of essential tremor tend to get more severe with age, which means that the method of treating a young individual might be different from the treatment of an elderly sufferer.

There is also an issue in the fact that essential tremor often is not taken as seriously as conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. It can often result in those who suffer from the condition to feel embarrassed, opting to hide and ignore it instead of seeking treatment.

Is Surgical Treatment the Best Option to Treat Essential Tremor?

When the symptoms get worse

tremor symptoms

It can be extremely disheartening when the symptoms start to get worse, as it can be as debilitating as any other severe tremor. It can make basic tasks challenging, and it can prevent people from performing their work or their hobbies. It might be so severe that certain individuals can no longer dress or eat by themselves. It is no wonder why some people would prefer searching for treatment – especially if the prescribed medications do not deal with their symptoms.

How relaxation may help

It is common knowledge that anxiety and agitation can make the symptoms of essential tremor much worse. Unfortunately, it results in a cycle where the individual is stressed about by their tremors, which results in the symptoms getting worse. That said, understanding that anxiety is a common means that you can work toward keeping yourself calm and relaxed to help your symptoms.

Treatment options

For those who are having trouble with medications prescribed for essential tremor, surgical treatment might be an option for relieving tremor. There are new treatment options such as focused ultrasound, for those who have not responded well to medication. Consulting with a physician is important for understanding the options for treating essential tremor.

The final verdict:

While it might be somewhat vague, the final verdict will depend on the individual. Each individual, together with their physician, should evaluate the treatment for their individual situation. For those who have tried medications and relaxation but have found little relief, perhaps surgery could be considered.

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Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Signs, Symptoms and Who Is At Risk?

It is not uncommon to have a drink at the end of a hard day’s work or enjoy a glass of champagne at a social celebration. However, some people find it difficult to limit their alcohol intake to occasional use and they risk losing control of their drinking and developing alcohol use disorder or AUD. Fortunately, there is plenty of outpatient and inpatient alcohol abuse rehab options available across the country to help. When a person is frequently drinking too much and too often and are no longer able to control their alcohol consumption, it can signal a bigger problem. There are two different issues caused by regularly drinking too much. One is termed alcohol abuse and the other alcoholism which is also referred to as alcohol dependency. Both conditions carry their own risks although individuals are able to recover from even the most severe forms of AUD with the right kind of inpatient or outpatient alcohol rehab. Although both of these terms are commonly used interchangeably, there are significant differences between the two conditions. Individuals who are abusing alcohol frequently drink to excess which results in them indulging in risky behavior and exercising poor judgment. A person who has alcoholism, on the other hand, has developed a physical need to consume alcohol in order for them to feel okay. Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are significant issues in America, with around 18 million people struggling with alcohol use according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This is why it is crucial to find a reliable alcohol and drug rehab facility. Both conditions place individuals at risk of developing serious health conditions and even certain cancers. Alcohol also heightens the symptoms of any other health issues including heart disease, circulatory problems, and osteoporosis. What Are the Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism? When there is a high concentration of alcohol present in a person’s bloodstream, they will exhibit the following behaviors: Slurred speech and lethargy Slowed reflexes Decreased mobility Lack of focus and difficulty concentrating Poor judgment and taking unnecessary risks Blackouts and loss of short-term memory High levels of alcohol can cause respiratory problems, coma, and death There are also other hazards associated with drinking to excess that place individuals at risk including: Injuries caused by falls or accidents Drowning Fighting and brawling Suicide Driving under the influence Because alcohol is a depressant and many people use it in order to de-stress or “numb” themselves from difficult situations. This often makes individuals more susceptible to becoming reliant on alcohol as a crutch to help them get through the day. The symptoms of alcohol abuse include the following: Using alcohol to relax or de-stress Consistently driving under the influence of alcohol Increasing problems with close personal relationships Neglecting responsibilities at home or work Legal problems resulting from alcohol consumption Alcoholism is the most severe form of AUD and the symptoms include: Overwhelming cravings for alcohol that can’t be controlled An inability to quit drinking despite the damage it is doing to an individual’s health, career or personal relationships Being deceptive about how much the individual drinks and becoming combative if challenged Attempts to conceal alcohol consumption including hiding bottles in unusual places around the home or office A preoccupation with consuming alcohol that makes them unreliable at home or work Drinking without the knowledge of loved ones and friends Being unable to get through the day without using alcohol When someone has been abusing alcohol, they are often in denial of there being a problem. However, it is possible for others to see the warning signs and they can recognize that their loved one needs to enter an alcohol abuse rehab center. It is not unusual for people to become aggressive or defensive if challenged about how much they drink, and they are likely to take the criticism personally. If loved ones of addicts want to ensure they enter an alcohol abuse rehab center, it is worth using the services of an intervention specialist to help get them admitted. Who Is at Risk for Alcoholism? There are numerous factors to consider when diagnosing individuals with alcohol abuse or alcoholism and there is no stereotypical sufferer. Some people initially start drinking due to a lack of confidence in social situations, whereas others may use alcohol to help them cope with stress or other problems in their lives. Issues with alcohol can also be genetic, although a history of alcohol abuse or alcoholism in the family does not necessarily mean all future generations will suffer. Ultimately, the exact cause of AUD is often much more obscure than it seems, which is something that is best addressed in therapy in an alcohol abuse rehab setting. Individuals experiencing the following are more likely to deal with their problems by using alcohol: Depression Loneliness Emotional stress Boredom When alcohol use and abuse is driven by emotional issues or in response to a traumatic event, it is often more complex to treat. This is mainly because people develop a tolerance to alcohol that makes them want to drink progressively more to get the feeling they originally enjoyed. This progressively increased intake of alcohol leads to an accumulation of toxic chemicals in the body which often has a widespread effect on the individual's overall well-being. Elevate uses the holistic approach to treating alcohol abuse and alcoholism that seeks to gently heal patients and set them on a path to recovery. Holistic therapies address the underlying issues driving alcohol abuse through a variety of natural techniques and practices. In order to overcome issues with alcohol, it is important to heal the person as a whole in terms of their physical, emotional, and psychological health. Holistic therapies used in alcohol abuse rehab provide patients with tools that empower them to achieve and sustain long-term recovery. Read Also: How 12-Step Works As Addiction Recovery Support Addiction Treatment: 11 Tips To Find The Best Rehabilitation Center

Suitable Compensation

Staking Claim To Receive Suitable Compensation

A large number of individuals are lulled into a sense of security, expecting to remain safe always. However, accidents and incidents do happen and it is virtually impossible to prevent them. This could be due to the negligence of others or oversight in a place of work that leads to personal injury to individuals. The nature of injuries differ from incident to incident, and for those who are in major accidents or incidents that cause debilitating and life-altering injuries, it is necessary to have the right lawyer to help claim and receive adequate compensation. Injuries can keep individuals away from gainful employment during the period of recovery : Certain injuries may require a lengthy period of recovery and recuperation during which time it may not be possible for the injured individual to take up employment. This may result in possible loss of pay and additionally, may stall the career of the affected party. For instance, the injury may have occurred at a time when the victim was just about to take up a position that would have scripted great professional success. The injury and subsequent loss of employment may have put paid to career prospects temporarily. A need to budget the manner in which the settlement amount is spent : A problem that has been seen among plaintiffs is the tendency to spend the settlement amount in a short period of time. This is a practice that has been witnessed by San Diego Personal Injury Attorneys and it needs to be avoided, by using the amount judiciously.  One of the reasons for the prudent expenditure of settlement amount is the lack of clear idea about the exact date on which the individual will be able to rejoin duties or find suitable employment after the period of hospitalization or recovery. While individuals may have a fair idea of the period, it may be difficult to accurately predict the date of employment and subsequent earnings. This may very well leave the individual in a situation where he or she has exhausted the amount, with nothing to take care of needs. Choose lawyers with specialization in personal injury practice areas : Lawyers specialize in various practice areas and if you happen to find yourself in an incident or accident, where it becomes necessary to move the courts for compensation, you need to find a lawyer with the right experience and specialization. This will help in proving your case in the best manner possible, present evidence, and seek fair and adequate compensation. Without the right presentation, the strongest case may falter in a court of law, and this makes it all the more important to employ the services of a competent personal injury lawyer with a specialist practice. Public-spirited lawyers and attorneys who fight for social causes will be a better option, because of the additional motivation to fight for the rights of victims. While this is not necessarily mandatory, it does help in receiving the assistance of lawyers who stand up for a cause.


CBG vs. CBN: Navigating The Lesser-Known Cannabinoids

While cannabis usage and exploration are evolving, the shadow of its most popular cannabinoid pair, THC and CBD, may finally be lifting on two newbies to this magical family tree within the flower we all know and love Cannabigerol (CG) and Cannabinol (CBN). With the preponderance of experience from the familiar fun of THC-induced highs to the meditative balm of CBD’s therapeutic benefits, these less-well-known cannabinoid compounds may come as a surprise – and cannabis connoisseurs may just find them to be a treat for the CBD-toned brain. And as one who’s dipped a toe into all things cannabis-related personally and professionally, I’d like to share some insights into these so-called minor cannabinoids, but in a major, professional, and trusted way. Hail to the unknown and underappreciated! Enter CBG and CBN, stage left Research, personal experience, and murmurs of the ganja community are about to collide for your entertainment and perhaps enlightenment about these two oft-overlooked members of the cannabis clan. What Are CBG and CBN? To get the lowdown, it’s a good idea to figure out exactly what CBG and CBN are. CBG, or cannabigerol, is sometimes referred to as the ‘mother of all cannabinoids’ because, in its acidic CBGA form, it’s the precursor molecule of several other cannabinoids. Non-psychoactive, it’s believed to have a number of potentially beneficial therapeutic actions. The other compound is CBN or cannabinol, which results when THC ages and breaks down. It’s mildly psychoactive but nowhere near as much as cannabis itself. The Unique Promise of CBG CBG first came onto my radar when I was researching botanical solutions to gut ailments. Word on the street was that the cannabinoid could potentially provide immense relief – an assertion ostensibly supported by CBG’s reported anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In my case, I found some of that buzz to be spot-on. Soon after adding this cannabinoid to my routine, I took note of some discernible improvements with respect to my digestive comfort. I didn’t experience transformative results right out of the gates but, over time with continued use, those uncomfortable days grew less frequently. Studies also indicate that CBG might have neuroprotective, anticancer, and antibacterial effects. CBG might be the ultimate versatile cannabinoid for physical relief and preventative health benefits. The Calming Effects of CBN The first time I used CBN was to help a friend sleep better. She’d tried meditation and melatonin without much luck. Both made her light and scatterbrained and though she could manage her insomnia with the sheer force of will, she was curious to try another approach. I was curious, too, and decided to experiment alongside her. My own sleep patterns were never great, even on nights when I could turn off the TV (and the iPad) in time to hit the sheets by midnight. Alongside her, I found CBN to be a relaxing sleep aid. I wouldn’t call it a ‘sleeping pill’ as it doesn’t put you down for the night quite the same way that sort of remedy does. But there are lots of nights when I need a nudge toward rest, times when my mind is filled with deadlines and to-dos. On those occasions, a CBN-infused tincture has become an excellent tool for inducing a Guitar-Strum-Country-And-Western brain noodle. CBN is also being tested as a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotectant (a compound with the ability to reduce cell death associated with stroke, traumatic brain injury, and neurodegenerative disorders). Human trials are just beginning, but the outlook appears encouraging.  Personal Experience: A Balancing Act My experience trying to understand the world of CBG vs CBN has been confusing, enlightening, and, above all, very informative. I have learnt that, while both cannabinoids can supplement our lives, they have to be used at the right time to work for specific needs. CBG has become my ally during the day, a cannabinoid that makes me feel slightly better than usual but does not have any psychoactive effects. CBN will stay in my nighttime routine, not as a substitute for sleeping pills but as a way to create a more prone state. Pros and Cons Pros - CBG: Potential digestive aid and anti-inflammatory. Non-intoxicating, making it suitable for daytime use. Versatile benefits span from neuroprotection to antibacterial effects. Pros - CBN: Promotes relaxation and may improve sleep quality. Mildly psychoactive, offering a gentle experience. Potential pain reliever and anti-inflammatory properties. Cons - CBG: Low availability and more expensive due to lower yields from cannabis plant.  Research is still emerging, making definitive conclusions about its efficacy premature. Cons - CBN: Effects can vary greatly among individuals; not everyone may experience significant sleep benefits. Because it’s apparently derived from the degradation of THC, its legal status can be unclear in some places. Final Thoughts This journey of discovery into CBG and CBN has both amazed me and taught me a lot. My experiences have generally been good ones, but reactions can differ – start small and work up from there, to be sure. While the research is still emerging, it’s possible that CBG and to some extent, CBN can transcend their minor cannabinoid status and join the ranks of CBD and THC. For cannabis connoisseurs and curious neophytes alike, this new frontier means looking deeper than ever into the increasingly multilayered beauty and therapeutic promise of the plant. Cheers to good science and many more cannabinoids on the horizon. Read Also: How Does CBD Affect Your Drug Tests? How CBD Oil Capsules Are Changing People’s Lives What is Cannabis Oil and how does CBD Oil Work?