CBG vs. CBN: Navigating The Lesser-Known Cannabinoids

Published on: 11 March 2024 Last Updated on: 21 March 2024

While cannabis usage and exploration are evolving, the shadow of its most popular cannabinoid pair, THC and CBD, may finally be lifting on two newbies to this magical family tree within the flower we all know and love Cannabigerol (CG) and Cannabinol (CBN).

With the preponderance of experience from the familiar fun of THC-induced highs to the meditative balm of CBD’s therapeutic benefits, these less-well-known cannabinoid compounds may come as a surprise – and cannabis connoisseurs may just find them to be a treat for the CBD-toned brain. And as one who’s dipped a toe into all things cannabis-related personally and professionally, I’d like to share some insights into these so-called minor cannabinoids, but in a major, professional, and trusted way.

Hail to the unknown and underappreciated! Enter CBG and CBN, stage left Research, personal experience, and murmurs of the ganja community are about to collide for your entertainment and perhaps enlightenment about these two oft-overlooked members of the cannabis clan.

What Are CBG and CBN?

To get the lowdown, it’s a good idea to figure out exactly what CBG and CBN are. CBG, or cannabigerol, is sometimes referred to as the ‘mother of all cannabinoids’ because, in its acidic CBGA form, it’s the precursor molecule of several other cannabinoids.

Non-psychoactive, it’s believed to have a number of potentially beneficial therapeutic actions. The other compound is CBN or cannabinol, which results when THC ages and breaks down. It’s mildly psychoactive but nowhere near as much as cannabis itself.

The Unique Promise of CBG

The Unique Promise of CBG

CBG first came onto my radar when I was researching botanical solutions to gut ailments. Word on the street was that the cannabinoid could potentially provide immense relief – an assertion ostensibly supported by CBG’s reported anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

In my case, I found some of that buzz to be spot-on. Soon after adding this cannabinoid to my routine, I took note of some discernible improvements with respect to my digestive comfort. I didn’t experience transformative results right out of the gates but, over time with continued use, those uncomfortable days grew less frequently.

Studies also indicate that CBG might have neuroprotective, anticancer, and antibacterial effects. CBG might be the ultimate versatile cannabinoid for physical relief and preventative health benefits.

The Calming Effects of CBN

The first time I used CBN was to help a friend sleep better. She’d tried meditation and melatonin without much luck. Both made her light and scatterbrained and though she could manage her insomnia with the sheer force of will, she was curious to try another approach. I was curious, too, and decided to experiment alongside her.

My own sleep patterns were never great, even on nights when I could turn off the TV (and the iPad) in time to hit the sheets by midnight. Alongside her, I found CBN to be a relaxing sleep aid.

I wouldn’t call it a ‘sleeping pill’ as it doesn’t put you down for the night quite the same way that sort of remedy does. But there are lots of nights when I need a nudge toward rest, times when my mind is filled with deadlines and to-dos. On those occasions, a CBN-infused tincture has become an excellent tool for inducing a Guitar-Strum-Country-And-Western brain noodle.

CBN is also being tested as a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotectant (a compound with the ability to reduce cell death associated with stroke, traumatic brain injury, and neurodegenerative disorders). Human trials are just beginning, but the outlook appears encouraging. 

Personal Experience: A Balancing Act

world of CBG vs CBN

My experience trying to understand the world of CBG vs CBN has been confusing, enlightening, and, above all, very informative. I have learnt that, while both cannabinoids can supplement our lives, they have to be used at the right time to work for specific needs.

CBG has become my ally during the day, a cannabinoid that makes me feel slightly better than usual but does not have any psychoactive effects. CBN will stay in my nighttime routine, not as a substitute for sleeping pills but as a way to create a more prone state.

Pros and Cons

Pros – CBG:

  • Potential digestive aid and anti-inflammatory.
  • Non-intoxicating, making it suitable for daytime use.
  • Versatile benefits span from neuroprotection to antibacterial effects.

Pros – CBN:

  • Promotes relaxation and may improve sleep quality.
  • Mildly psychoactive, offering a gentle experience.
  • Potential pain reliever and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cons – CBG:

Low availability and more expensive due to lower yields from cannabis plant. 

Research is still emerging, making definitive conclusions about its efficacy premature.

Cons – CBN:

Effects can vary greatly among individuals; not everyone may experience significant sleep benefits.

Because it’s apparently derived from the degradation of THC, its legal status can be unclear in some places.

Final Thoughts

This journey of discovery into CBG and CBN has both amazed me and taught me a lot. My experiences have generally been good ones, but reactions can differ – start small and work up from there, to be sure.

While the research is still emerging, it’s possible that CBG and to some extent, CBN can transcend their minor cannabinoid status and join the ranks of CBD and THC. For cannabis connoisseurs and curious neophytes alike, this new frontier means looking deeper than ever into the increasingly multilayered beauty and therapeutic promise of the plant. Cheers to good science and many more cannabinoids on the horizon.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Essential Things You Need To Know About DMT

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a hallucinogenic compound used in traditional shamanic rituals throughout the ages. It is also known as the “spirit molecule” because it can alter one’s consciousness and bring a person into a spiritual state. You can take it orally by ingesting ayahuasca brew for long-lasting effects. DMT is a Schedule III drug under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. This means possessing or selling DMT in Canada is illegal without an exemption from Health Canada. The Canadian government only permits its use as an ayahuasca brew for qualified ayahuasca churches. What Are The Effects Of DMT? DMT is a psychedelic drug found in the human body, plants, and animals. It has a reputation for being incredibly powerful and intense. However, you must be aware that there are different types of DMT experiences. If you know what to expect when taking it, you can make your experience more comfortable. The first thing to remember if you’re taking DMT for recreation is it will likely be in the form of ayahuasca, a brew made from Psychotria Viridis and Banisteriopsis Caapi. Ayahuasca contains DMT along with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). The latter allows your body to process the DMT to increase its intensity and prolong the duration of its pharmacological effects. How Does DMT Work? Dimethyltryptamine is the derivative of tryptamine. This makes it similar to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, appetite, and sleep cycles in humans. DMT acts on brain receptors that usually bind to serotonin—specifically the serotonin 5-ht2a receptor. These are found throughout the brain but are concentrated in memory, thinking, and learning areas. Now, this is where DMT gets interesting. The effects of DMT are highly dependent on settings and expectations. Your experience will vary depending on the dose and how you take it. You can take it through injection, snorting, or smoking. If you inject it through your muscles or vein, you’ll experience faster effects than taking it orally. You can also experience immediate results if you smoke DMT. Then again, you might need to wait longer for its impacts to reach their peak. When you consume it in ayahuasca, expect the effects to peak within two to three hours. If you take it orally, you need to combine it with MAOI for the substance to break down. What Are Its Possible Side Effects? The side effects of DMT are similar to those of other psychedelics, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and magic mushrooms. The most common DMT side effect is a feeling of being on the verge of passing out, known as “coming up.” This can be unnerving for first-time users, but it’s an entirely normal part of the experience that often passes quickly. Other side effects can include: AgitationChest tightnessDepersonalizationDistorted sense of timeDizzinessElevated blood pressureIncreased heart ratePupil dilationVivid hallucinations Consult With Your Doctor Before Taking DMT Aside from ensuring that you can take DMT legally, you also need to be sure to take it safely. The experience of taking DMT can be extraordinary and confusing. You might feel like you’ve traveled to another dimension and met aliens trying to communicate with you. If that doesn’t happen, your perception will likely change dramatically during the experience. This is why you need to speak with your doctor about how it will affect your body and mind. Read Also: How To Sleep Better If You Suffer From Digestive Problems11 Effective Ways To Improve Testosterone Levels In Your Body5 Biggest Challenges in The Nursing Field Aspirants Should Know


5 Ways To Get Healthier In The New Year

Every year, millions of Americans swear to themselves they are going to be healthier in the new year. In keeping with this tradition a “New Year's Resolution” is promised and they began to become excited about the new changes about to happen in their lives. Sadly, by February 14th, 80% of these new promises are abandoned and people return to their old habits and old life. If you are someone who has made a New Year’s Resolution this year, then you must first understand that nothing will change unless you are ready to make a change. It doesn’t matter how big the promise you made to yourself is, if you’re not dedicated and consistent, nothing will happen. However, this year is different. For once, you’re not going to be merely a statistic. You are going to advance your promise and build on a new life and a new you. If you are ready to take on the challenge, more than likely, you have committed to becoming healthier in some form or fashion this year. If this is true, you will need a jumpstart on your progress to get your body back on track. Here are five ways you can use to get healthier in the new year and become that person you’ve always wanted to be. 5 Ways To Get Healthier In The New Year: #1- Eat The Right Foods The very first thing you have probably noticed about your New Year’s Resolution in being more healthy is that the foods you used to eat no longer apply to you. When you begin to understand that the majority of your health and how you feel originates from the foods you eat, you begin to realize that there are a lot of options you have been including that shouldn’t be there. First and foremost, you need to do an account of your cupboard and refrigerator. Throw out all of the processed foods, foods with high sugar and high-fat content. Throw out the sodas and minimalize your caffeine intake. Remember, everything you put into your body is going to be converted into something. It will either be converted to fat or metabolized into energy and picking the right fuel for your body is essential. Make sure to include foods that have leafy greens and other vegetables, legumes, nuts, and foods that are high in protein and still lean. Some of the best foods that fit these criteria are fish like salmon. Each of these options is going to help your body get back on track and allow you to get the most out of every meal you eat. One of the biggest failures in a diet plan is that plenty of people know they need to diet, but they fail to plan it out. Don’t forget about planning. This is where you consider all of your meal options for the week. Eventually, time will get away from you at some point during the week and you will be tempted to drive through a fast-food restaurant. Proper planning can help you avoid this catastrophe. Get the right foods by thinking smartly. #2 - Do A Detox Some people have learned that one of the best ways to get your body back on track to being more healthy is by doing a detox regime. If you have eaten processed foods, high fat, plenty of sugar, or anything negative like this, a detox will help your body flush out all of these unwanted materials so you can start fresh. There are many kinds of detox programs that you can try. Take some time to learn about each one so you can be educated enough to pick the one that is correct for your body. Look at the testimonies of every customer to determine which program would be the most beneficial for you. When you’re looking for a detox, try to stay as organic and natural as you can. Don’t consume anything that has chemicals or harsh substances in it because the purpose is to get these unwanted materials out of your body, not put more in. #3 - Try Herbal Health For Once When you begin to realize that organic and natural solutions are the best route to take for brand new health this year you start to understand that plants can provide the most benefit for your body. When you think of health and wellness, you should think of wholeness. If your body looks great but your mental state is suffering, you’re not healthier. Since your mind is part of your body, don’t forget to include this important muscle in your routine. Herbal remedies are the best option for your mind as it responds better to botanical solutions. For instance, pure natural CBD oils are some of the best remedies you can use to provide homeostasis for both your mind and your body. It has been said that CBD oil can help with cognitive function, provide a feeling of balance, helps with pain and inflammation, aids in PTSD and depression, and much more. Your mind is an important aspect of your health and many people disregard this aspect of their wellness. Herbal health is an important aspect of overall wholeness because it includes every aspect of your life - your mind and your body and that’s important. #4 - Get A Healthy Gut Did you know that the gut microbiome plays a very important role in your overall health? That is why you must always consider gut health when you are adopting new routines in your daily diet. The gut is a crucial system of the body because it helps your system break down food and metabolize energy. This is only a small portion of what the gut is responsible for, however, at times people can have problems with their gut which can lead to bigger issues later. Issues like yeast overgrowth are a common problem that occurs. It is imperative to manage issues like yeast overgrowth and maintain harmony within the digestive system. When it comes to gastrointestinal health in the twenty-first century, many people are becoming more educated about how to use preventive measures to keep a healthy gut. They understand the symptoms of GI conditions and can monitor these changes periodically. However, one of the most important parts of this process is to include a functional medicine doctor like a chiropractor into your monthly routine to ensure gut health. Symptoms of poor gut health could be constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and much more. If you feel like you have one or more of these conditions in your gut, it is important to consult your primary functional medicine practitioner to develop an ongoing process to keep these symptoms at bay. Just because you have some or all of these ailments doesn’t mean your body cannot be healthier in the new year. It just means you need to be more proactive with your body in order to ensure better gut health. When your gut is happy, your entire body functions properly and the way it should. #5 - Drink More Water One of the most commonly known facts about health is how we should all be drinking more water. Make sure you’re getting your eight cups every day. Everyone already knows this, however, it is one of the easiest things to forget about. You can become consumed by exercise and diet and forget some of the simplest things for your health. Essentially, water is needed to carry oxygen throughout the body. It helps with a massive amount of wellness-related items in your body and when you decline your body of this much-needed asset, you suffer the consequences. Make sure you are getting your daily amount of water every day, and make sure this water is filtered goodness, not that town stuff that is full of fluoride. Be Who You Know You Can Be If you are considering a healthier in the new year, then you probably already know how difficult it can be to make these changes happen. The one thing you should focus on is small goals and meeting those goals every week in order to be healthier in the new year. So many people push themselves to lose 100 pounds in the first month, and then they fail so they give up. Aim small, miss small and that is the key to changing your lifestyle so you can be who you know you can be in your life. You must get healthier in the new year with the above tips. Read Also: Why City Living is the Healthiest it’s Ever Been How to Stay Healthy and Fit Despite a Hectic Schedule

Newborn Baby Care

8 Newborn Baby Care Tips for First-Time Parents

The experience of being a first-time parent can be exciting and overwhelming in equal measures. Despite the advice you get from family and friends during your prenatal period, parenting and especially baby care may still be challenging. Newborn Baby Care can make things easier for you. For instance, you may have questions on how to bond with your baby, what to do when the baby cries and you have no idea what it wants, giving your baby a pacifier, breastfeeding, and so forth. To help you navigate through some of these unique mother-to-child scenarios, below are 8 tips to start you off.  Additionally, you can also check SellFormula.com's baby feeding guide for more info. Here are 8 Newborn Baby Care Tips for First-Time Parents: 1. Prioritize Breast Milk: Breast milk is far more superior to baby formula. It contains antibodies that lower the risk of bacterial and viral infections as well as allergies. Also, breast milk digests easier thereby enhancing the bioavailability of the necessary nutritional components. Working mothers can express breast milk which is then stored, warmed, and fed to their baby in their absence. It is recommended that you feed your baby exclusively on breast milk for the first 6 months. Newborn baby care can make things easier for you. 2. Maintain a Warm Environment: Before the baby’s natural thermoregulatory mechanism kicks on, ensure the immediate environment is warm and cozy enough. You can use a thermostat to set specific temperature ranges at least for the first few weeks. Newborn baby care can make things easier for you. Do not overdress the baby especially on warm or hot days. This can lead to overheating and the development of rashes and heat illnesses. 3. Bathing Your Newborn: Real baths do not begin until the umbilical cord stump has fallen off. Even then, bathing should be monitored to avoid heat loss during and after a bath. Ensure the water is at the right temperature and make the baths short. Sponge bathing is also recommended for newborns. When you live in colder areas, make the bathroom warm enough before the bathing process begins. Exposing your baby to extreme cold may lead to hypothermia. 4. Change Diapers Frequently: If you have never taken care of babies before, diaper changing may seem like a nightmare. On average, you will do diaper changes every two to three hours, but this frequency will drop as the baby approaches 12 months. Getting the best changing table pad can make the process easy and comfortable. Look for a table that is sturdy, preferably with guard rails and ample storage drawers or shelves. 5. Personal Hygiene When Handling the Baby: Babies are sensitive and it is in your best interest that you maintain proper personal hygiene. Immediately before and after interacting with the baby, wash your hands with an antiseptic solution. As much as you can, minimize the baby’s contact with strangers at least for the first few months. Clothes can be contaminated with allergens or microbes hence the need to watch out for their cleanliness. 6. Do Not Interrupt Sleeping Sessions: First-time parents often get concerned about the length of their baby’s sleep. On average, expect newborns to sleep for up to 18 hours a day. However, babies are different and some will be more active compared to others. Do not wake them up in the middle of their sleeping cycles because doing so interferes with their natural activity patterns. When you see your baby sleeping for shorter hours, contact your pediatrician and check for any anomalies. 7. Watch Out for Signs of Neonatal Jaundice: Newborn babies are susceptible to physiological jaundice. For full-term babies, this tends to disappear within 10 days, but for preterm babies, it may extend for a few more days. In case your baby develops jaundice that persists, it could be the pathological type and this requires immediate medical attention. Look out for the yellowing of the skin and sclera (whites of the eyes). Don’t opt for phototherapy unless advised by or done under the care of a pediatrician. 8. Make the Crib Comfortable: It is not uncommon for babies to sleep on you and immediately you transfer them to their cribs, they wake up. The major cause for this is insufficient warmth and comfort in the crib. The best way to counter this trend is to prewarm the crib and gently slip the baby in between the warm blanket folds. New In addition, locate the crib away from drafty windows, fans, and air vents. This helps in ensuring a regular indoor environment. There are other tips out there you can include in your checklist. However, the above should set you on the right path to nurturing your bundle of joy. It is important you spend as much time with the baby as possible so that you can bond and create a familiar atmosphere. Read Also: How to Get Your Baby Started on Solid Foods Causes Of Male & Female Infertility Golden Pregnancy Care Tips For All Expectant Women