The Selfie Culture: Should we be worried?

Published on: 09 May 2016 Last Updated on: 26 July 2024
The Selfie Culture: Should we be worried?

Selfie trend is spreading everywhere in teenagers and teenagers. If you visit Facebook or Instagrams you can see many selfies posted by teens. It is very rare that you scroll on Facebook or any social media site, and you do not find any selfie posted by teenagers. Research shows that 91% of teenagers daily post their selfies on Facebook. Selfie has become a harmless habit of teens. Selfie is not dangerous in actual, but it could be harmful in many ways. Parents should ask their children to avoid this habit of always taking selfies. Inform them about the risks they can face.

Selfies and Self-Esteem

Many teenagers think that before the trend of selfies they were extremely camera-shy. But now they feel confident while taking selfies as well as in normal life they are confident, but this is just the thought of teens. In actual, the craze of taking selfies is a reason for the development of poor self-esteem. A survey has been made which shows that 65% of teenagers think that selfies are a way of increasing self-confidence, 40% of them believe that social media is a good way to share pictures with others in this way, they can show their beauty to others while 53% believe that if their photos are posted by someone else, it makes them feel bad.

On the other hand, American plastic surgeons declared that more patients are visiting them for surgery because they think their face does not look good while taking selfies. They are not happy with their pictures on social media sites. There is a story of a UK teen which shows you how bad is selfie habit? He left the school and stayed at home for six months and spends 10 or more hours in selfie-taking. In the end, he attempted suicide due to over craze of a selfie. Now you can understand how selfies hurt teen’s self-esteem.

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Selfies and Your Online Reputation

As some activities on the internet or social media sites can be dangerous for your children and selfie is one of them. Teens post and share their selfies on Facebook or any social site with their friends. This can have a harmful impact on their reputation if their friends give bad comments on their selfies it may also hurt their relationships. Teens focus on online reputation more than the real world, if someone hurt their reputation they may get emotional and can take wrong steps. So, sharing selfie can be very harmful.

Selfie Safety Tips:

Parents should discuss with their children that too much enthusiasm for selfie-taking is not okay. Also, the comments of people on their pictures should not be related to their reputation. Make sure that your child is using all the security settings in their social accounts. Explain to them that they should take care of their personal things and do not share selfies with strangers or person to whom they cannot believe. Only post those selfies on social media on which they feel comfortable.

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The Reliable Shortcut Keys in Maximizing Serum

Most people probably believe that parties would never be complete without music.  They have a point. Music helps create the right atmosphere for people to let loose. Creating a fun party atmosphere can be challenging at times. This is the reason why DJs are hired since they are experts in creating a more vibrant environment during parties. In doing so, they have been getting help from synthesizers, such as the Serum synth plug-ins. As a Serum user, have you already maximized your unit? Do you know that there are several ways to optimize your synth? Here is a rundown of some of the most important shortcut keys that may excite you, and it does not matter whether you are a professional DJ or not: Modulation Depth. If you want to change the depth of your Serum’s modulation, you can hold the “Alt” button then click-and-drag the knob. This will help you in improving the modulation depth easier and faster. Parameter Assignment. Assigning an LFO or envelope to a parameter can be done more quickly by dragging the modulation source button then dropping it into a specific parameter. Getting Help. If you have some difficulties setting up your Serum, you can quickly get help by hovering your mouse over a parameter. Doing so will give you a dialogue box that describes how it works. Oscillator Replication. Copying an oscillator from one point to another manually can be tiring. To avoid this, you may copy A to B and vice versa through the Menu button. This can be found on your selected preset, particularly on the right portion. In the meantime, you can put more oomph to your Serum synth’s appearance by incorporating skins. These serum skins are available in different designs that you can choose according to your preference. Here is how you can install it: Download your selected serum skins in.ZIP folder then extract it. Open Serum’s latest version in the DAW. Choose the “Show Serum Presets Folder” in the dropdown menu then look for the “Skins” folder. Locate the unzipped folder of the downloaded serum skins. Transfer it to the “Skins” folder by dragging. Go back to Serum and click on the “Rescan folders on disk” in the dropdown menu. On the top left portion of your Serum, locate the Serum logo, click on it. Click “Skins” then choose the skin you want to use. This is how easy it is to install the serum skins. To know more about this product, you can look for a reliable provider near your area. According to IBIS World, the musical instrument industry has been steadily growing at 1.2 percent from 2014 until 2018. The report further revealed that the sale of musical instruments recorded total revenue of $6 billion in 2018. The business research group noted that amid the projected continuous increase, the industry might need to contend with the stiff import competition. Read Also: Demystifying The Common GDPR Myths Bedtime Beauty Routine: Secrets And Tips 5 Essential Hair Care Products To Combat Frizz And Humidity

Well-Groomed Nails

The Profound Impact Of Well-Groomed Nails On Confidence

In the intricate landscape of personal presentation, the significance of meticulous grooming extends far beyond fashionable attire and well-coiffed hair. Often overlooked, the condition of one's nails can be a subtle yet instrumental factor in shaping one's confidence. Today, we will delve into the multifaceted dimensions of how maintaining polished ProNails can influence self-assurance, leaving an indelible mark on both personal and professional spheres. 1. The Essence of Attention to Detail In professional environments, success often hinges on navigating complex tasks with precision and accuracy. Attention to detail is a prized quality, and polished nails serve as a visual representation of this meticulousness.  Maintaining well-groomed nails showcases a commitment to refining the finer points of personal presentation. Just as a well-constructed report or a flawlessly executed project garners appreciation, the meticulousness displayed through polished nails communicates a sense of discipline and thoroughness. 2. Professionalism as a Building Block for Confidence Professionalism encompasses a spectrum of attributes, and one of its fundamental elements is the commitment to presenting oneself in a manner befitting the work environment. Polished nails contribute significantly to an individual's overall professional image, acting as a silent marker of reliability and seriousness.  Colleagues and superiors, consciously or subconsciously, interpret well-manicured nails as a signal that an individual values their role and takes their responsibilities seriously, thereby instilling confidence in their professional capabilities. 3. Communication and the Confidence Quotient Effective communication extends beyond the spoken word. It encompasses body language, posture, and personal presentation. Polished nails become a subtle yet powerful component of non-verbal communication.  When engaged in professional interactions, the confidence emanating from well-groomed nails can influence how others perceive the speaker. This non-verbal confidence can complement and enhance verbal communication, making the overall message more impactful and convincing. 4. Aesthetic Confidence and Social Dynamics Beyond the professional realm, aesthetic confidence is pivotal in shaping personal interactions and relationships. A well-maintained set of nails contributes to an individual's overall aesthetic appeal, fostering a positive self-image.  This self-assurance can translate into increased comfort and confidence in social settings. Feeling good about one's appearance, down to the smallest details like nail grooming, can cascade social dynamics, leading to more meaningful and confident interactions. 5. Self-Care as a Catalyst for Confidence Maintaining polished nails goes beyond surface-level aesthetics; it is a form of self-care that influences mental and emotional well-being. It sends a message to oneself that personal grooming is a priority.  This commitment to self-care becomes a source of confidence as individuals recognize and appreciate their efforts to prioritize their well-being. Carving out time for self-care becomes a powerful confidence-building tool in a world where stress and demands are omnipresent. 6. Cultural and Industry Standards in Grooming Different cultures and industries have distinct grooming standards, and adherence to these standards often reflects professionalism. In certain sectors, well-maintained nails are not just a personal choice but a prerequisite.  Understanding and aligning with these standards ensures that one is perceived as fitting within the industry norms and instills confidence as individuals know they are presenting themselves in a manner consistent with their professional environment. 7. The Empowerment of Routine Routine has a transformative power in shaping habits and instilling a sense of discipline. Maintaining polished nails becomes a routine that transcends the cosmetic realm. It becomes a daily affirmation of one's commitment to personal grooming and self-discipline.  The empowerment derived from adhering to such routines extends beyond the immediate task, influencing other aspects of life. This sense of control and organization becomes a bedrock for confidence, contributing to an overall positive mindset. 8. Perceived Competence and Its Psychological Impact The psychological impact of perceived competence is a fascinating aspect of human interaction. Studies consistently show that individuals who are perceived as competent tend to be more successful in various parts of their lives. Polished nails, as a component of an overall well-groomed appearance, contribute to this perception of competence.  The confidence from being perceived as competent creates a positive feedback loop, reinforcing an individual's self-belief and resilience in the face of challenges. This heightened confidence becomes a driving force for both personal and professional success. 9. Professional Growth and Career Advancement In the dynamic landscape of professional growth, where competition for career advancement is intense, every detail matters. Well-groomed nails, as a part of an individual's overall presentation, can significantly influence perceptions of competence and commitment.  The professional world often values individuals who pay attention to their presentation, viewing it as indicative of a broader dedication to excellence. Colleagues and superiors may consciously or subconsciously associate the discipline required for maintaining polished nails with qualities such as attention to detail, reliability, and a commitment to professionalism. This association becomes particularly relevant when individuals are considered for promotions or new opportunities. Decision-makers may unconsciously lean towards candidates who consistently project a polished image, believing these individuals will likely bring the same level of dedication and professionalism to their roles.  Consequently, those who consistently display a commitment to grooming, including maintaining polished nails, may be better positioned for career advancement. The confidence derived from such professional recognition becomes a driving force for continued success, reinforcing the belief that personal presentation is not merely superficial but a strategic element in one's career trajectory. 10. Time Management and Personal Efficiency Maintaining polished nails is not just a reflection of grooming practices; it also underscores effective time management and personal efficiency. The individual who can allocate time for self-care amidst a busy schedule showcases a commendable balance between personal and professional responsibilities.  This demonstration of effective time management contributes to a sense of accomplishment and control over one's life, further enhancing confidence. As individuals efficiently manage their time, they are better positioned to navigate challenges with poise and self-assurance. Conclusion The attention to detail, professionalism, and self-care associated with well-maintained nails contribute to a positive self-image and enhanced confidence. In a world where first impressions and non-verbal cues hold substantial weight, investing time in grooming, including nail care, is an investment in personal and professional success. Whether in corporate meetings, social gatherings, or daily interactions, the confidence gained from polished nails can make a lasting impression on those around us, shaping perceptions and opening doors to new opportunities. Read Also: Polish Your Creativity: A Colorful Journey into Self-Care With Nail Polish Amazing Beauty Tips For Women Of All Ages How Long Do Gel Nails Last?

Sheer Mineral Sunscreen

5 Benefits That Come With Sheer Mineral Sunscreen For Face

Sun protection as a topic never really goes away, as it’s an ever-present paradigm that needs to be paid attention to all year round. People have used sunscreen since its invention back in the mid-1930s (yes, it’s only been around for that long) as the damage that UV rays can cause has become more and more known. Fast forward to the present day and one of the most popular choices now is sheer mineral sunscreen for the face. So, what’s the reason for its popularity? Why have millions of people turned away from traditional chemical-based sunscreen brands? That’s what we analyze here for you now. Sit back as we take you through 5 of the major benefits the product offers. List Of 5 Benefits That Come With Sheer Mineral Sunscreen For Face: 1 - Sheer Mineral Sunscreen For Face Works Instantly Chemical sunscreen has to be absorbed into the skin to work. Why does that matter? Well, this process takes time and until it’s happened, you’re not protected. So, even if you’ve just slapped a load of it on, it can be up to ½ an hour until you’re properly protected against the sun. Mineral sunscreen, on the other hand, works the instant it goes on, as it provides protection from the surface of the skin - not from within it. So, no annoying delays for you getting out into the sun. 2 - The Skin Benefits from Mineral Sunscreen Ingredients The main active ingredient in mineral sunscreen is zinc oxide, which is actually really good for the skin. So, rather than working despite the ingredients, the effect is enhanced. Want some evidence that it’s good for your skin? You can find it in acne treatments, nappy rash ointments, and other skin care formulations. It wouldn’t be in there otherwise! 3 - Broad Spectrum UV Protection is Provided Do a little research into UV protection and you’ll discover that effective sunscreen needs to be able to deal with both UVA and UVB rays equally. When you use chemical brands, you don’t always get this, but when the hero that is zinc oxide is around, that’s not a problem, as its naturally-occurring formula is really efficient at blocking out both types of sun radiation. 4 - It’s Better For Your Body Believe it or not, if you choose to avoid sheer mineral sunscreen for your face in favor of absorbed chemical sunscreens, the chemicals are able to find their way into your bloodstream. Studies have shown that these synthetic compounds also find their way into urine and breast milk - obviously not something you want as a new mother! No such problems for mineral sunscreen, however, as it never enters the body. 5 - It’s More Planet Friendly If you Google the words sunscreen and coral reefs together, you’ll find hundreds of articles telling you about how chemical sun protection is having a devastating effect on our marine wildlife. Thousands of tons of the stuff make its way into the oceans and it’s literally suffocating our coral reefs. However, being a naturally occurring compound, zinc oxide is harmless and those who use it help in their own small way to prevent this from happening. All Evidence Points Towards Sheer Mineral Sunscreen For Face The truth is that there are many, many reasons to consider using mineral sunscreen over chemical brands and here we’ve only been through 5 of them. We’ve only scratched the surface here and it’s already patently obvious what the right choice is. What you do is up to you, but with compelling factors like these to consider, it’s hard to argue against it. Read Also: 7 Tips for People with Hypersensitive Skin Is the 10 Step Korean Skincare Routine Worth the Hype? 7 Anti-Aging Tricks and Tips to Get Youthful Skin Like A Teen