Top 4 Natural Combination for You to Eliminate Blackheads

Published on: 21 February 2017 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020

Having a bright glowing and flawless skin is one short way to bring you confidence when communicating with others. But let’s face it; it is a very difficult task since our skin is exposed to many pollutants, dirt, sunlight and countless other harmful factors. One common skin problem to be named is blackheads which are annoying and potentially stressful to deal with.

Many people resort to cleaning strips to pull out those annoying blackheads, but they also bear the risk of irritated or dried skin, not to mention the fact that these products are pricey and painful to remove.

In this article, we provide some natural ways you can try to get rid of blackheads. One common feature of these formulas is that they all use all-around, simple, natural and safe ingredients.

1. Egg White Mask

Egg white, also called glair gained its popularity as number one blackheads remover thanks to its ability to wipe off dirt, dead skin cells. Plus, egg white can visibly tighten your pores and whiten your skin tone.

How to use:

  • Prepare an egg white, add 1 teaspoon of honey for better moisture.
  • Apply one thin layer of egg white to your face, place a strip of tissue paper to your face.
  • Allow it to dry completely then gently peel the mask. The peeling will pull out the blackheads.
  • If you want a thicker mask, apply the second and third layer using the same method. The key point is to let it dry properly.

2. Turmeric and Mint

The benefit of turmeric to blackheads removal can be attributed to its powerful antibiotics, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can easily absorb excess oil, eliminate dead skin cells and brighten the tone; while mint can soothe the skin with its cooling effect.

How to use:

  • Make a mixture of 2 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 3 teaspoons of mint juice to create a paste.
  • Apply the mixture and keep it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing your face with water.
  • Perform twice a week for best result.

3. DIY Peel off Mask with Clay

As it turns out, those expensive peeling masks they sell out there are not hard to make. You can totally make yourself a peeling mask to get rid of blackheads with some charcoal powder and glue. This mask can sweep away all the dirt and impurities that block your pores and dry out excessive oil.

How to make:

  • Mix one tablespoon of activated charcoal powder with enough glue to make a thick yet spreadable paste.
  • Open the pores by dabbing with a warm cloth in your face about 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Apply the paste on blackhead affected areas. Let it dry completely and slowly peel off the mask.

4. Baking Soda

This versatile ingredient never fails to surprise us. The antiseptic quality not only makes it an excellent exfoliant that can sweep away all the dead skin cells and impurities that cause blackheads. It is also a great tool to neutralize the pH of the skin.

How to use:

  • Make a paste from baking soda and some water.
  • Apply the mixture on your face and let it dry for about 15 minutes before rinsing with water.
  • Perform this formula once or twice a week, you will find those ugly blackheads disappear in no time.

5. Lemon and salt

Lemon deserves a spot in this list because it can remove the deepest blackheads. The acid citric in lemon makes it a good exfoliant and brighten the skin tone by burning the topmost layer of skin cells; while salt which antibacterial properties help fight against germs and bacteria worsening the situation.

How to use:

  • Mix ½ teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of sea salt and 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Use this mixture to massage your face, and then wash with cool water.
  • It is safe to perform this action twice a week. The change you see is incredible. However, don’t forget to apply sunblock every day.

Read also:

Top 4 Natural Combination for You to Eliminate Blackheads (Infographics)



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Salmon fish

Taste the Salmon of Nutrition

Salmon fish, also known as salmoniform, is found in the Pacific and northern Atlantic oceans. These marine features are anadromous because they are born in fresh water; drift to the sea, and then gets back to fresh water for reproduction. Their appearance varies. Some have black spots on their bodies while others are silver-blue. One of the finest salmon species in the field of nutrition is the wild Alaskan Salmon. It is an exceptional choice of seafood when you compare it to typical farmed fish. It has immense health benefits to the human being. Five Alaskan salmon species kinds thrive in the water namely chum, sockeye, Chinook, coho, and pink. You can identify the sockeye salmon with its dark red color on the body. Its tail does not have coloration, but its head becomes bright green in color. You can differentiate male sockeyes from females because they have a long Skype and pronounced shoulders. You can see them with a gum line and a white mouth. You can distinguish Chum salmon by the calico bands that are green, yellow, or dark purple on each body side. They have a white gum line and a white mouth. The white tip on the chum’s anal, large pupil and forked tail distinguishes them from the others. Read also: 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health The coho salmon is also known as the silver salmon. The color that covers its body is dark reddish or maroon, and it includes the tail and head. They possess blackish or dark gray mouth with a whitish gum line. The Chinook or king salmon possesses a black mouth with a black gum line. Black spots are covering the lobes of their back and tail. The Pink salmon is the smallest among the other salmons. You can identify them by the large and ovular spots that are on their lobes, tail, and backs. They possess a white mouth and a black gum line. People term the wild Alaskan salmon as the hallmark of nutrition. Putting it in your diet once or twice per week will increase your lifespan and reduce the risk of contracting a cardiovascular disease. It is rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. When you add it to your daily budget, it will help you fight depression, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis. Read also: Top 7 Superfoods For Healthy Skin And Hair Researchers associate omega-3 with a lower risk of contracting high blood pressure, cardiovascular ailments, arrhythmia, and high blood cholesterol. It also acts as a rich source of phosphorus, selenium, and magnesium. These minerals are good for the health of bones, cellular tissue health, and DNA. A single serving of the Alaskan salmon will give you the highly recommended allowance of vitamins B12 and B6 that are essential for metabolizing proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. They are necessary for synthesizing the nervous system and hormones of the body. Research shows that eating this fish frequently will increase your life expectancy by more than two years and reduce your risk exposure to heart diseases. The rate at which coronary diseases reduce with eating fish reduces by more than forty percent. Read also: Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit  

Red Wine

The Best Red Wine that Suits Your Taste

For a casual wine drinker, wine is usually categorized as white wine, rose wine, blush wine and of course red wine. The supermarket sells many choices for each; we have Vin de table or the cheap but classic wine ranging to the most expensive amounting to thousands of dollars per bottle. Truth be told, most people read the labels but can’t understand it. We know that it is red wine or white wine but we have a little amount of knowledge about the types of wine grapes they use, and that is the most important thing. This is because the wine grape used in manufacturing, predicts and give off the taste, texture, and smell of the wine itself. Well yes, it can be generalized that white wine is mostly this, and red wine is mainly that, and the list goes on. But, if we try to understand and know the wine grape used in production then, it will be easier for us to choose the perfect wine from shelf to shelf. So read on and let’s have a glimpse of which type of wine will mostly tickle your taste buds. The Best Red Wine that Suits Your Taste: Cabernet Sauvignon: If you’re familiar with Currant and black cherries, then Cabernet Sauvignon radically tastes like this. Sometimes, upon drinking you can also taste that green olive and bell pepper feel that adds up to the wholeness of the wine. This is the trademark of Napa Valley and is also considered the primary component of Bordeaux. This wine is grown all over the globe, but only a few can achieve to produce the best Cabernet Sauvignon wine due to many factors like climate, soil component, and of course processing. Thus, each continent has its style of this wine, some tend to have that darker shade, and some have that strong aroma. Cabernet Franc: If you’re more into violets and blueberry, this is the type of red wine grape for you. This is considered the cousin of Cabernet Sauvignon and this is one of the significant classifications of the Bordeaux wine. Compared to its cousin, this gives off that earthy taste, and you can tell it from its aroma, emitting a scent of freshly roasted coffee. Of course, this wine grape is also grown all over the globe. It only varies in the number of tannin contents because of the different climate and topographical conditions during its growth. Also, since additives are combined with this red wine, it can result in a minty, and pungent taste. Pinot Noir: If the flavor of cola, root beer, plum, pale cherry, tomato leaf, and blackberry combined excites your palate, then this is what you are looking for. Pinot Noir is also the significant components of champagne and other sparkly wine during production. For connoisseurs, this red wine is a delicacy. And since it is a delicacy, Pinot Noir requires demanding supervision from winemakers since this type is fragile and prone to weedy flavors if not taken care of properly. It is usually grown in single-vineyard wine in Oregon and California. Merlot: If you like the taste of watermelons, strawberry or plum, then this is your best choice. Merlot is like the middleman of all these types as it doesn’t have that strong feature in its taste, and aroma. It is the purest red wine and the epitome of “Vin de table.” Merlot is best produced in Washington and most preferred red wine during the 1990s,  but due to oversupply, over pricing, production of poor and bland quality, it lost its reputation. Malbec: If you’re into sour and spicy impression, then Malbec is for you. This type of red wine isn’t that known in the globe, but it has been the pride and glory of Argentina. Malbec is usually aged in oak barrels that add to its flavor over time. Gamay: If you prefer a fruity, somewhat sweet taste, then look for this wine grape. It usually tastes like raspberry, fresh cherries, and strawberry. Gamay gives off that slight fizz and has the aroma of bananas. Gamay is best consumed when still young if you want to experience that bright, and tangy flavor. Sangiovese: If you are fond of the scent and taste of tobacco leaf, and pie cherry, the search is over since Sangiovese is for you. This type is the main grape in Tuscany and has also been the main component of other well-known wines. Sangiovese is quite acidic compared, but lighter in color when compared to other wine grapes. In Italy, Sangiovese is usually mixed with Cabernet Sauvignon to level off with the later, thus creating the “Super Tuscany.” Besides Italy, Sangiovese is best produced in Walla Walla Valley in Washington, but elsewhere this type is undistinguished and considered dull. Not all supermarkets and local stores are retailers of a vast variety of red wine, so not all stores can satisfy those parched palates. To achieve the greatest experience with red wine, there are online wine merchants who can offer you tons of choices. Sokolin Red Wine is there to help you browse through tons of options coming from all over the globe. When it comes to wine, you can never settle for whatever is in stock. Read Also: Things To Do To Enjoy Yourself In Melbourne The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Non-Alcoholic Spirits


What Spoon To Use For Caviar?

When preparing starters, salads, and other dishes using delicacies, it is necessary to remember the taste qualities and the rules of serving and etiquette. The rules of the caviar club state that it is crucial to choose the right spoon so as not to spoil the taste of the exquisite dish. It is necessary to take into account the material of the tableware. For example, metal items have a characteristic flavor that spoils the delicacy. Bester Caviar experts will recommend the best caviar spoon material, considering all the features. Why avoid using a metal spoon to eat caviar? It is better to refuse such utensils because they will interfere with the taste of caviar. Especially when it comes to a device made of one material. There are often spoons with a high concentration of the following metals: nickel; silver; bronze; aluminum. All of them are not suitable for specialty products. For example, cookware made of alloys will not affect the taste. However, there are more suitable materials for such products. The main problem with caviar metal spoons is oxidation. As a result, there is a change in the structure of the product on a chemical level. A delicacy is a very sensitive ingredient. Such transformations will have a negative impact not only on the taste but also on the structure. That is why tasters never use silverware. Types of Caviar Spoons to Use Even the most expensive silverware is not suitable for tasting. Furthermore, using such utensils when serving delicacies is considered a violation of etiquette. Therefore, it is better to opt for appropriate kitchen utensils: The turtle shell is an exclusive material that is considered very scarce. It cannot be bought in a regular cookware store. In many countries, the sale of such items is considered a violation of the law. However, such utensils were used by monarchs in the organization of receptions. Many manufacturers make analogs, creating with the help of plastic and biomaterials something similar to a tortoise shell; bullhorn is another option, inspired by the traditions of past times. It was very often used for serving the festive table, on which many delicacies appeared. The material has a discreet color has maximum durability. It is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and is considered an excellent analog of mother-of-pearl utensils; wood is a less popular option for aesthetic reasons. Wood makes the delicacies visually cheaper but does not affect their taste. Such products quickly absorb moisture. The wood is stained beforehand. Before serving the dish, it is better to oil the cutlery in caviar oil; glass – the aesthetics of this material has always attracted the attention of gourmets with its smoothness and fragility. The structure is excessively delicate, which is more of a disadvantage than an advantage. Many people are deterred from this option by the transparency of the glass; Gold is the only metal that is used when serving delicacies. This serving will allow the host to emphasize his status. Caviar will color the spoon’s surface green, indicating the original origin of the precious metal. However, there are other options. A. Mother-of-pearl Such kitchen utensils appear on the table in movies and TV shows when a table with caviar appears in the scene. It is an original material that combines two opposites – organic and inorganic. Pearl spoon caviar is made from clam shells.  The creation of a vivid contrast is another unique feature. The spoon shimmers when the grainy delicacy appears on it. Despite its smoothness, the product is characterized by maximum durability and reliability. Such cutlery will not affect the taste of the treat. B. Plastic This option may seem too cheap to many people, especially in the context of serving with caviar. However, disposable plastic spoons are used quite often, not only in everyday life but also in expensive restaurants. First, plastic utensils are very cheap, and it is possible to give each visitor a separate spoon. After use, they are disposed of, which is quite hygienic. Secondly, plastic in no way affects the taste of the delicacy. Conclusion Caviar dishes are interesting not only for their gastronomic properties. The popularity of this delicacy testifies to the continuity of generations and respect for traditions. But, of course, everyone wants to plunge into luxury. The exquisite dish will help, but only if the table is laid correctly. Unfortunately, metal cutlery demonstrates bad taste when serving a delicacy. Read Also: Tools to Turn Unruly Seafood Into Dinner What dressings Are Good For Vegans – Mimi’s Laphet 5 Best Vegetables You Should Try Growing In Your Garden