Top 7 Superfoods for Healthy Skin and Hair

Published on: 17 February 2017 Last Updated on: 29 July 2024

In order to know what foods to consume for healthy skin and hair, it is necessary to know what nutrients are needed, and what foods contain these nutrients. For healthy hair and skin, there is a significant amount of overlap between the two. For healthy hair, the primary ingredients are Protein, Iron, Vitamin C, Omega 3, Vitamin A, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin E, and Biotin. For healthy skin, the main nutrients are Antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Beta Carotene, CoQ10, Biotin, Vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Below is a list of the top 7 superfoods for healthy skin and hair.

Read also: Top 5 Foods For Healthier And Thicker Hair

Aronia berries

Aronia berries, or chokeberries, are packed with antioxidants. They have more polyphenols than either blueberries or acai berries. They help reduce inflammation, decrease wrinkles and increase circulation. They have three times more antioxidants than blueberries. Safe to say, Aronia berries have more antioxidants than any other food substance pound for pound. And antioxidants are necessary for the hair, skin and much besides. The number one factor in decreasing wrinkles is the number of antioxidants consumed in the diet, and chokeberries are the best antioxidant food available.

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Almonds are one of the best sources of Vitamin E, as well as being great for cognitive function. Almond oil is particularly effective for the skin and hair. Just a handful of almonds is enough to cover Vitamin E needs for the day. Almonds are also rich in flavonoids and help to ward off damage from free radicals which can result in wrinkles and aging.


Protein is essential for better hair growth and texture. Eggs are one of the best sources of protein and the protein in eggs of a special quality that is good for hair growth. Eggs are also a prime source of Omega 3 which is essential for healthy skin. Fatty acids such as Omega 3 are amazing skin moisturizers. Eggs contain biotin and B complex vitamins which are vital for a number of key physiological functions as well as healthy skin and hair.


Like eggs, avocados are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential for healthy skin. Avocados also contain more potassium than a banana and had large amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E. It also contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, oleic acid and moderate amounts of protein. Mixing avocado, honey, and egg yolks can result in excellent hair and body wash.


Salmon contains abundant amounts of both protein and Omega 3, possibly the two most important ingredients in terms of healthy hair and skin. Omega 3 fatty acids are vitally important in keeping a hydrated scalp and Vitamin D helps prevent hair breakage. Salmon also contains abundant amounts of B12, Iron and Vitamin D, all essential for healthy hair. Wild salmon is best; however, it is becoming increasingly rare to get this type of salmon as more fish are being farmed.


Spinach is probably one of the healthiest foods in the world, perhaps second only to Kale as a nutritional powerhouse. Spinach has massive quantities of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene, all essential to skin health. Beta-carotene is the precursor to Vitamin A and is needed for the skin to retain moisture. Even better is that these three work together to protect the skin. Spinach also contains good amounts of Vitamin K, Iron, Folate, Thiamin, and Protein, making it one of the best foods for healthy skin and hair.

Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers are one of the best sources of Vitamin C available and have more Vitamin C than Oranges. Vitamin C is essential for boosting collagen, which is vital for healthy hair and skin. Vitamin C deficiencies result in dry and brittle skin and hair. All types of bell pepper have similar nutrient profiles and all are full of the master antioxidant, Vitamin C, in a very indigestible form.

There are many more foods which are great for healthy skin and hair. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the foods have sufficient quantities of protein, iron, antioxidants, fatty acids, and B-complex vitamins.

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Eating Disorder

Teenage Eating Disorder Treatment FAQ

Eating disorders are serious mental health conditions that affect people of all ages, genders, and races. However, they typically develop in early adolescence. Families searching for the best eating disorder treatment centers should take great care to understand the different types of eating disorders and the treatment options available. At Clementine, we specialize in teenage eating disorders treatment, offering patients access to care in a comfortable, safe and home-like setting. Keep reading to learn more about common eating disorders and eating disorder recovery options. What is an eating disorder? Eating disorders are very serious mental health conditions that include both medical and psychiatric aspects. The most well-known eating disorders include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. However, people can develop other types of eating disorders, including binge eating disorder and eating disorder not otherwise specified. People who have an eating disorder are typically obsessed with food, their body shape, weight and body image. If left untreated, eating disorders can quickly become very serious and even life-threatening. Who can develop an eating disorder? People of all genders and nearly any age can develop an eating disorder. Research has shown children as young as five or six years of age can develop an eating disorder. While it is true females are more commonly diagnosed than males and individuals typically show signs of an eating disorder in adolescence, many people develop eating disorders later in adulthood. Current studies suggest up to seven percent of women in the United States have had bulimia nervosa at some point in their lives. Anorexia nervosa is the third most common chronic illness among teen girls and binge eating disorder affects anywhere from 0.7 percent to 4 percent of the general population. It is important to remember eating disorder treatment is available. Can people be cured with eating disorder treatment? Many people with eating disorders can achieve recovery. Early intervention and finding the right eating disorder treatment centers to fit an individual's needs are extremely important when seeking professional help. It is also important to keep in mind patients who have been through an eating disorder recovery program may continue to seek counseling to support and protect their recovery for months or years after leaving treatment. The chance of relapse greatly diminishes when teens have access to aftercare and a strong support system at home. If a loved one is intentionally vomiting after meals but only some of the time, should parents be worried? Yes. Anytime someone feels the need to purge after a meal, whether that means fasting, self-induced vomiting or laxative use,  they are likely dealing with underlying psychological issues surrounding food, their body shape, and weight. While this does not necessarily mean they have a diagnosable eating disorder, it is important for loved ones to express concern. What is the difference between overeating and binge eating? Many people will overeat every now and then. However, those with binge eating disorder feel out of control during the binge episode. They typically eat large amounts of food in a very short amount of time, even, at times when they are not physically hungry. The binge eating episodes can also be accompanied by feelings of shame, guilt, anxiety, and disgust. Contact Clementine Eating Disorder Treatment Centers Today: At Clementine eating disorder treatment centers, we focus on providing adolescents with the tools they need to enjoy a successful eating disorder recovery. We understand teenage eating disorders treatment should be approached from both a medical, psychiatric, therapeutic and nutritional perspectives to ensure young people can properly navigate the challenges of life after completing treatment. Read Also: 4 Reasons Why Food Handling Training Is Important Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit


Are You Wondering About The Risk Factors For Depression?

Many people tend to think of depression as a temporary phase where someone is sad, and this makes many think that you need to get out of that emotional state. However, the illness is much more than that, as it is the result of changes in the chemistry of the brain. Like all other conditions that can develop in your body, there are risk factors that raise the chances of you getting the illness, although it is possible you can develop it without the risk factors being present. However, it should be kept in mind that your risk of developing the illness is higher when there are more risk factors, so you need to ask your doctor about reducing these factors. The risk can be related to a combination of various circumstances such as environmental, psychological, and genetic ones.  The NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) estimates that almost 16 million Americans have experienced a major episode of depression. Different Reasons Of Sleep Dis-orders & Depression Are As Follows:-  In this article, you will get the complete information of the depression and sleep disorder reasons that can bother you later on. Risk factors: Biochemical risks: The beginning of depression occurs when certain neurotransmitters in the brain are off balance. Neurotransmitters are certain chemicals that the brain produces, and they assist the brain to communicate with other organs in your body. They also assist the brain to carry out certain physiological functions such as breathing. When these neurotransmitters are at low levels, the person is more vulnerable to depression, particularly certain neurotransmitters – dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Genetic factors: When you have someone in your family who is suffering from the illness, there is a higher chance you will develop it as well. However, it can also develop when there is no family history of the illness, and this is why it is termed as a combination of life events and genetic reasons. Sleep disorders: There is a reason why your body needs sleep, as it is able to reduce the buildup of cortisol in the body, a stress hormone that is good for short periods but causes stress to the body when it stays for long periods. Because of this, it is not surprising to find that people who struggle with sleep disorders will also tend to develop depression, especially those who suffer from insomnia – leading to bouts of low moods. Suffering from chronic illnesses: Because these conditions will cause you stress and pain, they can also take a heavy toll on your mental health. These include chronic pain, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, heart diseases, stroke, thyroid disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Social risks: Abuse: When a person goes through any form of abuse, whether as a child, teen or adult, they have a major risk of developing the condition, and also developing other mental illnesses as well. This abuse can range from emotional, physical, verbal or sexual abuse. Gender factors: Men are generally less at risk of developing depression compared to women, but this might be because there are more women who are open to seeking treatment for their symptoms compared to men. Some people also believe that the illness is due to changes in hormone levels throughout the person’s life. In fact, women are vulnerable to developing the illness when they are pregnant and also after childbirth (postpartum depression), in addition to developing it during menopause. The lack of a strong support system: When a person spends a lot of time in isolation, and they have very few support systems or friends, it can be a common source of depression. It is important to note that this is not the same as introversion, and is more described as a feeling of loneliness or extreme changes in a person relating to their moods and emotions. The occurrence of major events: This is among the most common reasons for developing depression, mainly relating to stressful or sad events. These include losing a job, divorce or breaking off a relationship, retirement from a job, moving to a new place, and death of a close loved one. If a major event has occurred in your life and you have experienced sadness for more than two months without getting better, then it is best to see your doctor so that you can go through tests for depression. Substance abuse risk factors: Abuse of drugs and alcohol: For many people who are struggling with substance abuse, it is mainly tied to mental health disorders, including depression. This is also known as dual diagnosis, and there are various rehab facilities that can help a person struggling with it, such as Colorado substance abuse treatment centers. It is also important to note that drug abuse leads to significant changes in the brain, which in turn increase your risk of developing depression. Many people who have developed depression symptoms also tend to self-medicate as well, which increases their symptoms and overall risk. The use of certain medication: There are some medicines that raise the risk of developing depressive symptoms as a side effect, and they include blood pressure medication, steroids, prescription painkillers, sleeping pills, and sedatives. Other factors: Psychological reasons: There are some psychological factors that will increase the risk of developing depressive symptoms. For instance, if you have low self-esteem, this makes you view your world through a pessimistic outlook, and raises your risk of depression. It will also leave you with an overwhelming feeling of stress and sadness. There is also the case of perfectionism increasing your risk, as you do not see things going the way you want them. It also makes you very sensitive to errors, rejection, and losses, which increases your risk of developing the condition. In addition, if you are suffering from another mental illness, such as chronic anxiety disorder, as well as avoidant and borderline personality disorders, your risk of getting depression is significantly higher. Low socioeconomic status: You may not think much about it, but it is a major risk factor for the development of the disease. It may be due to cultural reasons, social status, stressful environments, and so on. Final thoughts: If you know someone struggling with the illness or you are struggling with it, it is very important to seek medical help. The illness is not well understood, as it is a complex medical condition. The good news is that is easy to treat and manage. 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stop drinking

Good Reasons to Stop Drinking in your 40’s

There is no better time to quit alcohol than when you hit midlife. When you reach your 40’s, there is a feeling of urgency to evaluate how well you have been doing with the different aspects of your life. Your body is also sending signals that you can’t ignore. You could have arrived at this decision to quit drinking due to health reasons. You may have decided to stop because it is affecting your mental health and family life. Here are some specific explanations to encourage you to live sober. 1. No more morning breath Admit it, you’ve done it more times than you think. You get hammered, you fall asleep on the couch, and you wake up with bad breath. You forgot to brush your teeth last night! You forgot to take a shower, and now you absolutely stink. This is worse if you wake up with someone wonderful beside you. Alcohol makes your breath foul because it encourages the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth and gums. The smell gets worse when the bacteria come into contact with certain foods such as cheese, onions, and garlic. 2. You won’t miss the hangovers  This is self-explanatory. 3. Your memory will improve, and so will your concentration One of the biggest reasons people drink alcohol is because they loosen up after a tipple. Alcohol is a sedative, and indeed, it does momentarily make you feel less anxious. Once you’ve decided to quit, one of the things you will miss the most would be a scene like this: You get home, put down your things, open the fridge, and get a drink. You will have to re-learn how to relax if you skip the alcohol. When you depend on alcohol to relax, the brain’s neurochemistry changes in such a way that you become forgetful.  However, after you quit and go through the initial stages of withdrawal, your brain will be able to adapt. Some people remark that when they stop drinking, a haze lifts. Suddenly, there is no mental fog. 4. You sleep better A lot of people depend on alcohol to lull themselves to sleep. Because alcohol has a sedative effect, we mistakenly think that it is a sleep aid. Wrong! Alcohol may help you fall asleep, but it will disrupt your sleep. According to health experts, when you drink alcohol before sleeping some of these things might happen: You wake up several times in the middle of the night You don’t feel refreshed—you don’t have “deep sleep”, instead it is as if you are awake while trying to sleep (“shallow sleep”) You wake up too early and can’t fall back to sleep Unfortunately, when you quit drinking, your insomnia may get a bit worse until your body adapts. Walking around in the middle of the night is a common complaint among people who are in withdrawal. But trust the system—you may begin to see improvements in as few as three days (or nights). 5. Weight loss Why do you lose weight when you quit? Because when you quit alcohol, you also quit the snacks and nibbles that go with the drinks. Alcohol messes up the metabolism of food in your body. When there is alcohol present, the body prioritizes its digestion before any other substance. This leads to a slower burn of fats and an accumulation of fats that weren’t burned in your buttocks (or gut). 6. You avoid cancer When you are in midlife, you worry about diseases such as cancer. We are not young and spry anymore, some of our bad habits seem to be catching up with us. We may even have friends who are in cancer treatment. Consider this: In a new study published recently in the American Journal of Public Health, people who drink more than three servings of alcoholic beverages have a higher chance of getting cancer. Particularly, they were affected by breast cancer, skin cancer, and ovarian cancer. Be forewarned. 7. Alcohol is not (really) good for the heart  The American Heart Association does not recommend people to start drinking because “it is good for the heart.” Early studies have linked the consumption of wine to good cholesterol levels, but these studies are not definitive. If you are using “good heart health” as an excuse not to get sober, it’s now time to drop it. 8. Better skin Dermatologists warn that alcohol’s dehydrating effects are to blame for acne and increased wrinkle production. Quitting gives your skin a chance to rehydrate. As moisture is the best friend of glowing skin, drink lots of water when you start abstaining so that your skin will heal better. Expect to see results in about a month. 9. Avoiding liver disease If you began drinking in your teens and you are still drinking now, you are at risk of liver disease. The facts are scary. According to the American Accreditation HealthCare Commission, men aged between 40 to 50 who identify themselves as “regular drinkers” are most at risk. 10. A mid-life reevaluation  We are all familiar with the term “midlife crisis”. Perhaps it is better to look at it as a sort of life evaluation. If you start to depend less on alcohol and more on your inner strength to go about life’s challenges, some surprising truths may emerge. Your goal at this stage of life is to answer the questions, “How am I doing so far in this lifetime?” “Are there things I want to change?” Forty (and above) seems to be a good time to start having more satisfying relationships and meaning in life. When you quit alcohol, sometimes you face the truth that you have been using it to dull your pains and disappointments, particularly with certain loved ones. Sober living sometimes leads us to make dramatic changes in our relationships—in the long run, it is good for our emotional and mental health. It is crucial to follow through the intention to live sober. Having the right support is vital if you are going to change the way you live for good. Being sober will affect how you connect with friends and family members. It will also mean you need to change the assumptions you have about yourself. You are never too old to learn new things, they say. Now go ahead and prove it. Read Also: 10 Reasons To Stop Drinking Alcohol Today 3 Alcohol Prevention Tips To Kick Your Old Drinking Habits To The Curb How To Quit Alcohol: Consider Non-Alcoholic Drinks