5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health

Published on: 16 February 2017 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
Mental Health

Want to improve your brain power? Fuel your brain, with enough protein to improve its performance. Here, I shall be discussing 5 food types that could help in improving your mental health.

Read also: Top 5 Foods For Healthier And Thicker Hair

Opting for Lean Protein

The most important inclusion to the diet chart is food items that are rich sources of lean protein. Protein is probably one of the most abundant substances present in the body, next only to carbohydrate. The food that we consume is broken down to substances for creating neurotransmitters and different other chemicals. These chemicals and neurotransmitters help the nervous system and provide power to the brain for communicating in an effective manner. Tryptophan, a certain kind of amino acid influences the mood by the effective production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin helps in fighting depression. Some of the common sources of lean protein are eggs, beans, chicken, turkey, and fish. Consuming these food items in suitable amount helps in keeping the serotonin level balanced. Complex carbs are also important to include in the diet. They help in facilitating the tryptophan entry into the brain. This helps in reducing the anxiety and depression, thus, improving cognitive functioning.

Include Fish in the Diet

Fish, especially the sea-based ones are high sources of protein and are low in terms of saturated fats. Sea-based fish like trout, anchovies, herring, salmon, prawn, sardines, and sablefish are also high sources of omega-3 fatty acid. Seafood or sea-based fish are an exclusive part of protein families and must be consumed at least twice in a week. Remember, the composition of our brain is largely based on fat. Our body is incapable of manufacturing those essential fatty acids in a large volume. Therefore, we must depend on diets that are rich in lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids that would help in our brainpower prowess.  Omega-3 fatty acid also helps in boosting memory and developing the learning power of the brain.

Read also: 9 Magical Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet

Soy and Tofu

Soy and Tofu (Non-GMO based) are said to be excellent sources of lean protein with low-fat content. They could be the best alternative to red meat. Enjoy a meatless diet with soy and tofu to get essential protein, without affecting your health.

Focusing on Dairy Products

Certain dairy products like, yogurt, milk, and cheese are high sources of protein. However, they are not sources of lean protein. Rather, they are sources of healthy proteins, with fat content. Therefore, you must avoid flavored milk and low-fat yogurts due to their inclusion of added sugar. Also, it is advisable to avoid processed cheese because of the presence of non-dairy ingredients.

Beans and Peas

Finally, include beans and peas into the diet. Both these vegetables are said to be high sources of protein and fiber. Include them in the salads, stews, soups, and other vegetable dish preparation. It would not only help in boosting your protein intake but also help in preventing the chances of cancerous cell growth factor.

Try to avoid processed carbs and replace them, with high-quality protein-based food into your diet. It would also prevent the chances of brain stroke and heart diseases while improving your mental agility and power.

Read More:

  1. Healthy Protein Alternatives For Grandpa And Grandma
  2. Taste The Salmon Of Nutrition
  3. Interesting Facts About Celery And Deadheading Petunias

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Functional Medicine Doctor

How Can A Dallas Functional Medicine Doctor Help You?

If you are suffering from medical conditions and are given an opinion to seek out the services of a functional medicine doctor you might be wondering how can a functional medicine doctor help you? You need to understand the scope and practices of a Dallas functional medicine doctor to understand the help and relief you will get from a functional doctor. What is functional medicine? Functional Medicine focuses on the root causes of the ailment, using a specific approach and by allowing both the patient and the doctor to form a therapeutic partnership and work together. Unlike conventional medicines, functional medicine is a new treatment plan to treat patients with health issues. Instead of the standard medical treatment, this approach focuses on the treatment of the patient as a whole rather than focusing on a few symptoms. Thus this system of medicine is best described as medicine by cause and not by symptoms. How Can a Functional Medicine Doctor help You? A functional medicine doctor spends time with you. Together the doctor will sit with you and study your medical symptoms. However, unlike conventional doctors, the functional doctors will go beyond the normal diagnosis and will also look at your eating style, your exercise and living routines, and your lifestyle. The doctor will try to learn about you to better understand the root causes of your disease. If you are more exposed to toxins and other unhealthy habits the doctor will work on such causes to offer you treatment plans that go beyond normal medicines but works on your overall lifestyle. The doctor will also look into your overall health and body function and check your genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environmental influences before starting with a treatment plan. A functional medicine doctor can help you with many health-related issues. These include patients suffering from diabetes, blood pressure issues, and heart complications. People who have psychiatric and neurological issues can get personalized treatment from functional medicine doctors as these doctors are specialist in dealing with patients who suffer from depressions, attention disorder, and anxiety and stress. Other common problems such as digestive disorders and issues with bowel movements, ulcers, chronic diseases, and acid reflux issues are also in the domain of functional medicine doctors where they treat the patients individually focusing on all root causes with a proper treatment plan. There are other numerous types of treatment options such as treatment of autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, and celiac illness. People who have skin problems such as ongoing acne and eczema may also find functional medicine a better and long-term treatment solution that would help in healing the root causes of the condition and make sure the chances of skin disorders in future is also minimized. A Dallas functional medicines doctor objective is to bring your life to a normal routine and eliminate the factors that bring toxins and illness to your life. The doctor will design a personalized plan for you that includes: A complete check of your diet, and exercise and lifestyle and bring in all the necessary changes in your routine that are vital for your road of recovery. Looking out for factors that bring stress into your life and looking out for ways to eliminate the stress and bring peace to your life. Working out for detoxification options that work for the treatment of the patient. Looking for prescription drugs options that include the different types of botanical and nutritional medicines. Functional medicine doctors will sit with you and work as your partner to figure out all the reasons for the imbalances in your life that are harming your health and are the root causes of your sickness. By working on your core issues the functional practitioner makes sure that you bring changes in your life to treat the disease and prevent the health problems from occurring again. The doctors will help patients to understand that they have the power to make changes in their life and lead a healthy life as a reality. When a functional doctor works with your through the sitting sessions and appointments he learns all about you from head-to-toe, and have a complete understanding about your health and reasons of the health complications. Having a complete picture of your health conditions enable function doctors to go beyond the normal treatment plans and advise on treatment options that are not only suitable to help with the treatment but they are also preventive measure to make sure such health issues are eliminated for future occurrences as well. Read Also: What Doctor Says About Snoring 5 Things You Should Do To Reduce Stress


Get Help With Your Addiction In Boulder

Addiction doesn’t just affect you. Addiction can affect your friends, family, and everyone else around you. Addiction can make it difficult for bystanders to be around you. You may find that you’re pushing the people you love away even if that’s not your goal. If you’re afraid of how addiction is hurting you and those you care about, then consider this a sign that you should reach out for help. Places like the Addiction Center of America or the Sunshine Behavioral Health in Boulder are great resources for you to explore. If you want to know how you can seek help for your addiction, then keep reading. Know that you have a problem Admitting to addiction can be really difficult for someone to do. It’s a brave thing to look within yourself and understand that you are a human being with flaws and are coping with a debilitating disease. No one wants to admit that they’re sick. But understanding that you suffer from substance abuse disorder can help you overcome your addiction. It’s the first step you take when you want to regain control over your life. See the signs within yourself If you suspect you have a problem with addiction, there are lots of resources to look at that will give you insights into the signs of substance abuse. You can’t admit that you have a problem if you aren’t aware of all the signs of alcohol or drug addiction. Some of the signs are You’re choosing drugs or alcohol over activities you used to love to do. These can include hobbies, social gatherings, or work events. You’re not taking care of yourself because you’re too high or drunk to You’re missing work due to substance abuse Your friends and family members have expressed concern over your symptoms You’re hiding things from those you love so they don’t see you using. You can’t stop using Talk to your friends or family about your addiction Opening up to those you trust most will help you air your concerns. While it may be embarrassing to talk about at first, expressing your desire to get help will give them notice too. They’ll be able to give you moral support by offering you encouragement or accompanying you to your program. It might make you feel better to clear the air and talk about your problem openly. Friends and loved ones can also hold you accountable for your actions. They can help monitor your journey to sobriety and offer an outside perspective you can’t see. You’ll grow closer during this process and hopefully come out stronger than ever. If you need help talking about addiction with your loved ones, click here. You might find it helpful to understand the best practices for starting the conversation. Reach out to your doctor Calling your doctor to talk about your addiction is another great way to find help here in Boulder. Your doctor will have the medical knowledge and resources to get you treatment as soon as possible. They’ll be able to get the ball rolling to heal your addiction. They’ll be able to assess whether or not you need inpatient care or detox. Detoxing from drugs and alcohol can be extremely dangerous when not under doctor supervision so please don’t try it alone. Call your doctor for help. If you don’t have a doctor, here are some quick tips for you to follow to find one. Know your options A lot of people think rehab centers demonize the disease or will get you in trouble. That’s not true at all. A rehab center practices confidentiality, so you don’t have to be afraid of others knowing about your addiction if you don’t want them to. And they have a lot of different treatment options for you to choose from. Some will give you the option of outpatient treatment. This isn’t always a good option for everyone but if it is for you, then you’ll be allowed to freely leave the center whenever you wish. This gives the patients the most control over their lives and allows for them to continue living normally while they seek treatment. There are also inpatient options, which a lot of doctors recommend if you’ve been addicted to something for a while or need to detox. This will ensure that you are safe and can’t go out and do drugs or alcohol too soon after treatment. While you aren’t allowed to leave on your own, this does allow you to shock your body out of its addictive patterns. It’s a very effective method for becoming sober. You can also seek therapy, go to group sessions, and practice religious exploration to combat your addiction. The most important thing to remember when choosing from your wide range of options is to pick something that is best for you. Understand how you can afford treatment Unfortunately, it’s true that drug or alcohol treatment centers can be extremely expensive. If you don’t have a plan in place before you enter one, you might find that you can’t even afford to continue. You need to know what options are available to you when it comes to paying for treatment. Most rehab centers, including the ones in Boulder, will take insurance to pay for treatment and most insurance companies provide plans that cover some or all of the cost of addiction treatment. If you don’t have insurance, government health has plans that cover some of the cost of treatment as well. In the event that you’re still finding it hard to come up with the pay, then don’t lose hope. Many rehab centers are flexible and will work with you to find a payment plan that works for your budget. There are also private and government-funded charities that will help cover the cost. There’s a lot you can do before you give up. Don’t give up! Addiction can be difficult to manage and everyone will have some sort of setback in the process. Just don’t give up! No matter the circumstances, you still deserve to be treated for your drug addiction and you still deserve to have a normal life. Research, talk to friends and family, and seek help. You’re not alone on this journey and there are thousands of people out there who have had success beating their addiction. Read Also: How To Live Stress-Free Planning a Family Vacation as the Kids Grow Up Make Your Vacation Less Stressful With the Following Tricks

Health Issues

Men’s Health Issues: What are the Biggest Concerns in 2021?

If you are a man that loves taking care of their cars, gadgets, and hobbies more than you take care of yourself, you are not alone. According to leading medical professionals, the average man suffers from- Lack of awareness, information, and education on health issues Has unhealthy daily work habits that are long and arduous Questionable personal lifestyle tastes and preferences Doctors are also of the opinion that a man is more likely to smoke tobacco and drink alcohol. Additionally, they are far more prone to making dubious decisions and avoid the doctor as much as possible. This is why most men tend to stare at a serious health complication the first time. They keep ignoring the signs and symptoms for a very long time before they seek medical consultation. In this article, we are going to look at the top health concerns for men in 2021. Additionally, we will also shed light on some reasons why men avoid taking care of their health and seeing a medical professional. If you wish to know more, there are numerous great resources available, such as this article. List of 5 Major Health Concerns and Issues for Men in 2021 1. Respiratory Illnesses including Lung Cancer- An innocent cough that starts getting more common, frequent, and repetitive can be your body telling you to stop smoking and see a doctor. What starts as an innocent respiratory concern can quickly spiral into COPD, Lung Cancers, and Bronchitis. According to medical experts, everyone should try to give up smoking. People who have been smoking for more than a decade should get CT scans done once every six months. Smoking is bad for your health and affects your lungs in the worst manner possible. 2. Heart Diseases, Blockages, and Strokes- One of the major causes of heart illnesses in men is poor lifestyle choices. As men, we think that we are tough to live on fast food, drink every other night, and smoke a pack of cigarettes every day. All this can slowly start eating away at your heart health. If data is to believe, one in three adult American males suffers from some form of heart disease. Many mistake pains emanating from the chest as being because of gas build-up or stretched muscles and ligaments in the shoulder. If you are someone that has been asked by their cardiologist to take heart medications, you know that this is not the easiest thing to do. You need to keep taking the medicines throughout your life. Taking so many pills might be difficult especially as far as swallowing is concerned. You can take help from a medication swallowing gel that can help you take the prescribed medications as has been suggested by your doctor. 3. Mental Health Issues- Anxiety, Stresses, and Depression- According to studies, six million American males over the age of 18 suffer from mental health problems. Within this six million, a sizable section also develops suicidal thoughts. Being taboo, men are less likely than women to come up and take help for their mental health. They keep suppressing anxiety, stresses, and worries up until the point that it becomes so pent up that suicide starts looking like the only option. Most experts and help advocacy groups are running strong campaigns to help men with mental issues discuss and talk about it. 4. Development of Type 2 Diabetes- Most doctors agree that diabetes is a lifestyle illness. They say that it is the cumulative result of several factors. This includes- smoking, drinking, less sleep, overthinking, an unhealthy reliance on junk food, and so on. All these together can lead to rising blood sugar levels. Doctors say that rising sugar levels can cause damage to other organs of the body. For example, they can affect kidney functions, heart complications, lower sexual libido, etc. This is why maintaining blood sugar levels with regular monitoring, medicines, and insulin is recommended. 5. Sexual Diseases and Illnesses- If data is to be believed, men account for 76% of all HIV-AIDS cases in America. A gay man who has sex with other men is less likely to use contraceptives as compared to gay women. Additionally, men also have a higher rate of contracting STDs than women. In the last few years, reports also suggest that sexual illnesses like erectile dysfunction and low sperm count are affecting a lot of men. This is partly because of poor mental health and partly because of the fallout of a disease like Diabetes. There is a growing demand for male enhancement supplements in the industry. A lot of men have been able to overcome emotional and psychological issues after they have been able to increase the size of their penises. This non-surgical procedure such as the use of Proextender has also prevented dangers that are routinely associated with such surgeries. Why do most Men Avoid Taking Care of their Health and Seeing a Doctor? In this section, we will try to list down some of the major reasons why men avoid seeing a doctor- One of the major reasons men avoid going to the doctor is ‘fear’. They fear that if they check in with a doctor, they might hear some bad news or outcome. Women are better at hearing bad news and then taking constructive steps towards addressing it. A lot of doctors have also pointed to something known as the ‘superhero syndrome’. Men want to always think of themselves as being the strongest. Illnesses and diseases are often termed as weaknesses and no one wants to appear weak. Lastly, men do not like being vulnerable. When it comes to illnesses, they do not want to feel they need someone to take care of themselves, give them medicines and feed them throughout the day. Vulnerability is something that no man wants to feel. Then there are taboo topics like poor sexual health or mental health complications. Men do not want to exhibit weakness that is truly termed as being patriarchal. This prohibits them from talking about these issues and ultimately leads to poor effects. The Final Word A lot of doctors have gone on record to say that even when men come in for a diagnosis, they are likely to hide or withhold crucial pieces of information. They always want to give the impression that everything is alright and that they do not need any extra medical attention. All these faulty sentiments and feelings are responsible for illnesses breeding themselves in their body to dangerous levels. This leads to major crashes and life-threatening situations. In this article, we have tried to list down some of the major health issues men suffer from in 2021. If you would want us to elaborate on any of the points in the article, let us know in the comments section below. Read Also: Surprisingly Unknown Effects of Sleep Loss Dalhousie, a perfect place to unplug the anxiety of rat race of modern cities Are You Wondering About The Risk Factors For Depression?