The Relationship Between Oral Health and General Health

Published on: 15 February 2017 Last Updated on: 15 May 2021
Oral Health

Dentists have been stressing the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene habits for decades as well as the use of braces, in some cases. If you’re interested in getting a feel on braces and their average prices, click here. We are all well aware that following the proper daily routines can help to prevent conditions such as cavities, gingivitis, dental emergencies,  gum disease, and bad breath. However, were you aware that there is a very real connection between oral health and the overall state of your body? Let us take a look at this principle in a bit more detail, for what you learn may indeed be quite surprising.

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The Mouth as Your Health “Barometer”

The first thing that we need to appreciate is the notion that the mouth is a very powerful indicator of what may be happening within our bodies. Why is this the case? Many practitioners will point to the saliva that we naturally secrete minute by minute. There are numerous chemicals contained within this fluid and specific concentrations can hint that there may be metabolic imbalances that would otherwise go unnoticed. Cancer markers, specific types of proteins, and hormones such as cortisol can all be measured by taking a sample of saliva. If the levels of these and other substances are determined to be abnormal, this may very well be the symptom of a more endemic problem.

Oral Health and Inflammatory Response

Were you aware that the condition of your mouth can also hint at the presence of potentially serious conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes? Gum disease can sometimes be a precursor to such health risks. Gum disease is an inflammatory response due to poor oral hygiene and the build-up of other harmful substances within the mouth. While inflammation is one of the ways in which the body naturally protects itself, studies have found that this very same inflammation can spread to other areas; particularly to the bloodstream. Many now theorize that this can contribute to the breakdown of blood vessels and other circulatory tissues over time. As a result, certain individuals could be at a potentially higher risk of developing other serious ailments. The brain itself could even be affected (a stroke is an example here).

The Risk of Infections

Not only is the mouth intended to begin the digestion process, but it is also a very important barrier against harmful infections. Unfortunately, this biological “firewall” can often be compromised if the proper levels of hygiene are not practiced. For example, gingivitis can lead to periodontal disease and there may be instances when harmful bacteria will enter into the circulatory system. Although this might not necessarily be a problem for healthy individuals, those whose immune response is already compromised could become quite ill. And for those that are pregnant, oral health is an important part of prenatal care because poor oral health during pregnancy can affect the baby – and everyone wants a HEALTHY BABY.

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These are some of the surprising relationships between oral health and overall health. Unfortunately, millions of individuals do not practice proper habits in order to protect their mouths. This can lead to more profound problems over time. As we gain a further understanding of how multiple systems of the body are connected, it is likely that oral hygiene will have an even greater impact.

For information regarding oral health, please visit the dentist in Cardiff.

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Spirulina: The Complete Plant Based Protein Source | Health Benefits

Spirulina is one of the oldest life forms on earth known for the longest as an endurance booster. It is in fact among the most popular health supplements in today’s time considering it is one of the first plant-based foods in the human diet. Surprising right? But what actually makes this ingredient a star among the ‘complete protein’ plant-based food sources? And does it even stand up to the fame it receives? Well, here’s our effort to give you evidence around spirulina’s health benefits and the status it holds. Spirulina: The Nutrient-Dense Food Spirulina happens to be a superfood high in many nutrients. Let’s have a look at its origin? A type of cyanobacteria, originally from the family of single-celled microbes known as the blue-green algae. This is an organism that grows both in fresh and saltwater What makes it plant-based is its ability to produce energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. Lesser-Known Fact: Spirulina gained massive popularity when NASA used it as a dietary supplement for astronauts on space missions. Really cool right? It has to be its ability to regulate immune functions and its anti-inflammatory properties which take place by the release of histamine by mast cells. What about the ideal dosage? One can opt for a standard dose of 1-3g of this green superfood but this can go up to 10g per day. Here’s a look at the nutrient profile of 10g of dried spirulina powder: Protein: 5.7 g Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 22% of the RDA Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 33% of the RDA Vitamin B3 (niacin): 9% of the RDA Copper: 68% of the RDA Iron: 15-16% of the RDA Calories: 29 Carbs: 2.0g Moreover, this superfood actually includes almost some amount of every other nutrient that you need along with an optimal amount of magnesium, potassium, and manganese. Here’s a suggestion! If you are looking to skip eggs, spirulina could be a great replacement for a comparable amount of protein considering it also has all essential amino acids required by the body. Spirulina: The Powerful Antioxidant With Anti-Inflammatory Properties As we mentioned earlier, it is because of the anti-inflammatory properties that even NASA considered it as a superfood for astronauts. Here’s what you need to know! Chronic inflammation happens as oxidative damage harms our DNA and cells, resulting in diseases sometimes as lethal as cancer. The presence of antioxidants in spirulina help protect against this oxidative damage. Interesting fact: The antioxidant substance ‘phycocyanin’ happens to be the main component and gives spirulina the unique blue-green color. Health Impact Of Spirulina: A lot of people are using this superfood that can improve heart health further reducing risks of heart diseases. For those of you who aren’t aware of its powerful health benefits, studies on spirulina have shown that it lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels. It also increases “good” HDL cholesterol impacting heart health in a positive way. Let us provide scientific evidence to build your trust- Although most studies have shown favorable results mainly with a dosage of 4.5-8g per day yet, A study was conducted on 25 people who were suffering from type 2 diabetes. It was later discovered that only 2g of spirulina per day, significantly showed a reduction in the blood sugar levels. There was another study on people with high cholesterol which determined that 1 g of spirulina per day resulted in lowered triglycerides by 16.3%. Furthermore, there was a reduction in the “bad” LDL by 10.1%. In addition, research has shown that spirulina may have anti-cancer properties and is especially effective against a type of precancerous lesion of the mouth called OSMF. Spirulina May Improve Muscle Strength & Endurance: Often experience muscle fatigue when exercising? The reason is exercise-induced oxidative damage. People into fitness and athletics consume plant-based foods with antioxidants to minimize this damage. Few studies emerged showing spirulina as food for significantly reducing the fatigue time and improving muscle strength and endurance. Can Spirulina Reduce Blood Pressure? Heart attack, strokes, and chronic kidney disease are some of the serious diseases driven by high blood pressure. An optimal amount of spirulina for e.g. 4.5g-8g per day has shown to reduce blood pressure in individuals with normal levels. What might be the possible reason behind this reduction in blood pressure? Spirulina leads to an increase in the production of nitric oxide (that is otherwise massively produced by plant-based sources like beetroot which are rich in nitrates that convert to nitric oxide) leading to a lowered blood pressure. Nitric oxide is a signaling molecule that aids blood vessels to relax and dilate, positively affecting blood levels. The Final Verdict: Spirulina’s title as a superfood that is ‘nutrient-dense stands true along with the crazy health benefits it has to offer. As mentioned above, spirulina suppresses oxidation while reducing blood pressure and lowering blood sugar. It also improves blood lipids and may have anti-cancer properties. One can simply consume spirulina in tablets and powder form. There are supplements widely available and used for their amazing health benefits. If you want the goodness of spirulina along with other green vitamins then you can check out bGreen's super greens and fruits that help you bridge the daily gap in your nutrition. Read Also: Living With Diabetes – What are the Possible Complications? Why is a random blood sugar test prescribed? Top Health Benefits Of Drinking Beer According To Experts Are CBD Lotions Good For Your Skin?

Birth Injuries

3 Most Common Reasons For Birth Injuries In Florida

The term "birth injury" refers to any injury to an infant before, during, or after the delivery process. Some birth injuries are temporary and may resolve in a few days, but others are permanent and costly. The conditions that lead to birth injuries determine whether the birth injury is temporary or permanent. Undeniably babies are delicate and improper delivery may cause debilitating injuries. There is no doubt that medical malpractice is the most common reason for birth injuries, affecting the child and the mother for the rest of their lives. For this reason, a parent whose baby suffered birth injuries must take legal action against family doctors by consulting a birth trauma lawyer because most birth injuries are avoidable. Here Are Three Prime Reasons For Birth Injuries In Florida Below are the 3 most common birth injuries in Florida. 1. Improper Or Poor Technique During the delivery of a newborn baby, the actions of an obstetrical caregiver are of the essence. Poor delivery techniques can leave the baby with lifetime disabilities and even cause death in worst-case scenarios. Undoubtedly, most parents trust the decisions of their healthcare providers, especially during the child delivery stage.  In essence, parents rely on the expertise of medical professionals regardless of standard delivery or complications. Some of the improper techniques used by medical professionals include the following: The wrong use of forceps and vacuum extractors Refusing to perform C-section so that the patient does not get shoulder dystocia Failure by healthcare professionals to handle maneuvers accurately Applying unnecessary force on the part of the baby's body like the head, neck, and shoulders Mismanaging infections In most cases, midwives and family doctors are to blame for poor delivery techniques. In difficult child delivery situations, they usually seek the assistance of qualified obstetricians, but this is usually only the case for some midwives and family doctors. Even though obstetricians are experts at handling difficult birth situations, they sometimes make mistakes. Some of the injuries that are caused by improper delivery techniques include the following: Cerebral palsy Development delays Death of the baby Brachial plexus injuries Suppose you or your baby were injured due to improper techniques that family doctors or midwives applied. In that case, it only takes a birth trauma lawyer to review the circumstances under which birth injuries occurred. It is the lawyer's responsibility to assist you in identifying the midwives or family doctors who need to be brought to justice. 2. Inappropriate Use Of Equipment As previously mentioned, parents often trust doctors' hands when they enter the labor room, hoping they will deliver safely. Sometimes, deliveries are more complex than others. For instance, the baby's head may be trapped inside the birth canal, and pushing is no longer a remedy. For this reason, doctors use birth assistance tools to solve such situations. Some of these birth assistance tools include the following: Ventouses - often used in the delivery of the baby. This tool resembles a vacuum with a small cup attached to the baby's head Forceps- if a ventouse is unreliable, the doctor will use forceps Curette- this equipment is often used during gynecological procedures, but doctors use it in the delivery room if a mother has a miscarriage Surgical kit - a complete kit usually contains sterilization equipment, necessary drugs, surgical instruments, renewable supplies, and titanium scissors, among others The doctor may apply tools like forceps and vacuum extractors for complicated deliveries. This is because the baby is in an abnormal position or is too big for the mother's pelvic bones. Injuries may occur if the doctor fails to use the tools appropriately or exerts too much force when they apply the tools mentioned above. Below are the types of injuries that result from inappropriate use of equipment: Head injuries- scalp swelling and blood pooling between the skulls occur when a family doctor misuses equipment leading to severe brain damage Neck and face injuries -when delivery tools are misapplied, the baby can suffer from lacerations and broken bones, among other birth injuries Arm and shoulder injuries like clavicle fractures and brachial plexus injuries can occur if forceps and vacuum extractors are used incorrectly If your child has suffered birth injuries following the inappropriate use of equipment, like forceps and vacuum extractors, consulting a birth trauma lawyer makes perfect sense so that you can discuss a possible malpractice claim. 3. Wrong Or Lack Of Decision By The Physician Or Medical Staff In most cases, babies are delivered safely. However, there are situations where a baby could suffer injuries when a doctor or any other healthcare professional makes a wrong decision that directly or indirectly leads to physical damage to the baby or mother. Many reasons lead to birth injuries, but it can be devastating when birth injuries occur due to wrong decisions. For instance, a baby may be deprived of oxygen during birth or stay in the canal too long. The doctor can also misjudge when the mother should undergo a C-section or when an expected delivery proves challenging. All these decisions are considered medical malpractice because, in one way or another, they leave the baby or the mother with long-term complications. In worst-case scenarios, doing the wrong thing or delaying the right decision often leads to more permanent consequences like nerve damage, mental development issues, and deformities. Treating these conditions is costly and may last for a lifetime. Because some of these birth injuries are avoidable, as a parent, it would be advisable to take legal action against those involved by consulting a birth trauma lawyer if you or your child suffered as a result of a poor decision or no decision at all by a healthcare provider. Consult And Work With A Professional Birth Trauma Lawyer It is devastating to lose or see your child suffer for the rest of their life due to medical malpractice during birth. If you have a child who died or was injured at birth, it is imperative to seek justice by consulting a professional birth trauma lawyer. When a child suffers a permanent condition due to a birth injury or medical malpractice, you may be entitled to compensation for the costs associated with the care. Read Also: What Is Considered A Personal Injury? 5 Common Types Of Personal Injury Cases 7 Most Common Types Of Wrongful Death Cases


Are X-Rays Dangerous?

Typically, as a patient who needs an X-ray, you don’t have much say in the matter. It’s a necessary tool to diagnose things like broken bones or other internal issues. And refusing to allow the X-ray could have serious consequences for the state of your care. But it’s still good to know what potential risks you are facing in any procedure. What is an X-ray? An X-ray is an imaging procedure that uses electromagnetic energy to produce light rays to produce images visible to the naked eye. Basically, an X-ray allows hard matter like bone tissue to show up white in an image. And it shows softer matter like skin in shades of black or gray. This is why it is an effective tool for checking for broken bones. But this emission of energy is called radiation, and it does come with some potential risks. What are the risks of X-rays? Any medical procedure or medication is not without some type of risk, and X-rays are no exception. The potential harm from X-rays comes from the exposure to radiation. And, according to the US Food and Drug Administration, the main risk is the increased possibility of cancer. However, the risk is thought to be very small with normal exposure. In other words, receiving routine X-rays from a procedure will probably never result in any harmful side effects. But the risks, of course, could increase with continued exposure. What procedures expose you to radiation? X-rays may be used for various conditions besides just broken bones. Doctors also use them to check for things like breast tumors, blocked blood vessels, lung conditions, arthritis and infections. Dentists use them to check for tooth decay and misalignments. Several other types of procedures produce X-ray images. Radiography, for example, uses the smallest amount of radiation and is common for bones. A Computed tomography, or CT scan, produces a 3D image that can be taken in sections. CT scans are common for brain injuries or suspected tumors. And fluoroscopy is used to get real-time images of internal workings. It’s most commonly used to view heart functions. What precautions can you take to limit exposure? Because the risk of side effects for X-rays is so minimal, most patients do not require additional protection. But in some cases, a technician may place some sort of protection over certain areas. This is usually only necessary when a patient has already had cancer or has been identified as someone at risk. For example, an X-ray technician might place a lead thyroid shield over a patient’s neck to keep from exposing a thyroid to radiation. This might be done if the patient has or had thyroid cancer. Or they might place a lead apron over areas such as the ovaries or gonads if they will be conducting numerous X-rays on them. The real risk of radiation exposure is to the personnel continually performing the procedures. X-ray technicians usually perform a number of X-rays every day and are exposed to the rays for many hours. This is why they wear protective gear. Specially designed lead aprons and lead glasses are examples of some of the gear they might use on a daily basis. The X-ray rooms may also be designed with at least one wall containing lead that a technician may stand behind when he or she activates the machine. All in all, the benefits associated with X-rays far outweighs any potential risk. After all, a physician may be able to save your life by detecting a tumor. And the risk of a tumor being fatal is much greater than the risk of an adverse radiation effect.