5 Reasons Why It’s Not Too Late to Get Help

Published on: 05 June 2018 Last Updated on: 24 July 2024
drugs alcohol

There are points in our life where we feel nothing can get better, that we’ve exhausted our options, and we’re just stuck. But the truth is, the only way we stay stuck is if we believe that’s all we can be. Getting help may seem impossible or not even worth our time, but seeking it out is taking a step forward and actually taking the initiative to live a life we deserve.

Many addicts exist in an eternal state of hopeless and despair. You’ve been under the influence of drugs and alcohol for so long – what makes you think there’s the possibility of change? Honestly, we are the ones who prevent ourselves from changing or seeking help, no matter who many times we try to make excuses or convince ourselves otherwise.

No matter who you are, where you come from, how old you are, or what your circumstances are, these are five reasons to convince you why it’s not too late to get help:

1. You control your actions – not substances, a person, or even anything in the outside world:

Outside elements can definitely influence your choices, but at the end of the day, you ultimately make the choice itself. Think of it this way: you have the power to do anything you want in life – anything. That’s an incredible concept. Trust yourself to make the best choices even if they scare and embarrass you, or even trigger self-consciousness and insecurity.

2. Resources are always readily available:

Resources, such as helplines, rehab centers, and support groups, are always readily available to help you; what’s more, new treatments are expanding and being utilized constantly! There are even organizations specifically created to guide you towards achieving goals and living a fulfilling life. Subsequently, your friends and family are also people who can support you. They’re a genuine support system who believes in you and will encourage you to keep moving forward – especially, in those moments of weakness.

3. You can always start over if things don’t work out the first time:

Don’t focus on feeling your adversities need to be overcome within a certain amount of time. There are no perfect moments to start helping yourself. You decide when that moment will happen. There have been so many instances where an addict suffered relapses after long periods of sobriety and felt like a failure who took one hundred steps back. But despite the fact, they realized that giving up was always worse than the actual failure itself. Drugs and alcohol are the only substances. Your personal situation is only a situation. It doesn’t define who you are – your actions do. Lastly, lessons are never painless because they equip you with better emotional tools and strategies to handle the same events in a more mature and understanding way.

4. Life does get better:

Tomorrow, the next day, and the future, in general, is always uncertain. While that may sound like an intimidating concept at first, it can actually be a catalyst for taking the initiative to help yourself. The world is full of possibilities, some of which you will never experience unless you have the courage to discover them. You can expect the world to open up when you allow yourself to stop being dictated by fear and doubt.

5. You have more strength than you think:

We are always stronger than we give ourselves credit for. Strength comes from our will to be strong in the first place. You always end up surprising yourself when you take the leap to surpass mental and emotional boundaries. The moment you overcome one obstacle, it turns into two, then three, and so on. Emotional resilience becomes a never-ending domino effect when we face fears despite being afraid over and over again.

All may seem hopeless in the world, but that doesn’t mean that’s the truth. You always have the ability to change your life and get the help you need. Turning your life around will take hard work, and the path may not always be clear, but remember – you get to choose how this life will be lived. You have the power to make it whatever you want it to be, and you can do it.

You really can.

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As the Years Go By: Top 3 Challenges Faced by the Aging Population

The baby boomers were born in an era of wealth and opportunity. The embers of the Second World War were cooling, the national employment rate was high as Europe set about rebuilding, driving demand through the roof. But those days have gone. Now, as the baby boomers are retiring, they face tough challenges, caused by a fluttering economy and deteriorating health. These are the fiercest challenges currently facing the aging population. Long-Term Care As the aging population comes up against age-related illnesses and diseases, many are entering long-term care facilities. This long-term care throws up a host of financial and logistical challenges. Firstly, the aging population are having to consider this care in their saving plans for their retirement. The average couple now has to spend around $275,000 on healthcare. This will have to come from somewhere, be it insurance plans, retirement funds, or personal savings. Additionally, the number of baby boomers requiring long term care will slowly overtake the supply of care facilities. On a macro-level, the government will need to take measures to ensure there are adequate long-term care facilities with trained staff to offer a high-level of round-the-clock care. Asset Protection As we approach old age, one of the single biggest concerns is how to protect our assets. As mentioned, healthcare can be a real drain on finances. Couple this with the cost of probate and inheritance tax, and a sizeable portion of our assets will be taken away from our children. Baby boomers can take steps to protect their assets at any stage of their life. It doesn’t have to happen in retirement. ProtectYourAssetsGA.com offers information on how you can protect your assets in the probate courts and ensure you best interests are protected. Being Able to Afford Retirement Although baby boomers were the most prosperous generation in history, rising living costs and inflation has left many with insufficient savings to maintain their standard of living into retirement. Nearly 50% of all Americans over the age of 50 have $25,000 or less saved for retirement. This means many will be forced to work past the age of 65. Only 23% of baby boomers believed they had enough saved for their retirement. With social security falling and federal safety nets being dismantled, many Americans now face the difficult question of how they will support themselves when they are no longer able to work. Working longer is one option, but many jobs are unsuitable for someone entering their 70s. They may be physically demanding or, as automation increases, require new technical skills that may not be easily learnt in aging citizens. These challenges will drastically alter the way Americans think about aging in the next generations. As millennials grow up watching their parents grapple with these challenges, perhaps they will develop solutions. Either way, the national workforce and healthcare industries are on the cusp of major changes as the population ages. These woes and problems are not going away. We are just going to have to learn to deal with them as a nation.

Eating Versus Exercise

Eating Versus Exercise With Your No Contract London Gym Membership

You have decided that you want to lose weight. The question is whether you need to address your diet or your exercise, and which of the two will have the most profound effect on helping you achieve your goals? Should you keep a food diary, eat “cleaner” or is it simply the case that you need to use your no-contract London gym membership a little bit more often? Here we try to give you an answer, and hopefully, by the end of the article, you’ll realise what work needs to be done, and where your focus should be. So if you’re looking to make a change, but are unsure in which direction to head off, then read on. Easy Formula: They say that the secret to losing weight is easy – you should all eat less and do more. Simple right? But if it were that easy, you would all eat less and do more! This is just a sweeping statement that doesn’t address the nuances of everyday reality – so, what about the real question, what is more important, eating or exercise? You will already know that you are meant to exercise moderately every day and of course that you should make every effort to eat a little healthier – less sugar, less saturated fat, and fewer calories. But again, it is very easy to say this, and very difficult for you to do it! Calories: They say that a pound of fat is “worth” about 2500 calories. So, if you want to lose that pound you need to become calorie deficient. If you are looking to lose around a pound a week, then by becoming calorie deficient by 500 or so calories a day will mean that you are 3500 calories down by the end of the week. If you do this, then you should lose that pound, and maybe a little more. But how do you get deficient in calories? Starvation isn’t the answer as it poses a real health risk. Think instead of that figure of 500 calories. Now think how long you’d need to be on a treadmill in order to burn those 500 calories, it’s a long time right! Then work out how to cut 500 calories from your diet, losing the biscuit with your tea maybe, or drinking less alcohol. Now doesn’t that seem easier to do than sweating on a treadmill for an hour or so?! Time: You need to think about the time that you engage in various activities. If you utilise your no-contract London gym membership 3 times a week for 2 hours a time, that’s 6 hours. However, that leaves 162 more hours when you are not training. Of course, those 6 hours are very important for improving your stamina, strength, toning, and muscularity, but it is clearly a very small percentage of your week. The impact that remaining 162 hours will have is clearly going to be greater. Now, of course, it is true that you do not have to be in the gym in order to exercise, and that you can do so at any time in the week, but the likelihood is that the real efforts will be confined to the gym, and anything else will just be a bonus. Increasing activity will help, if you use the stairs instead of the lift, walk an extra bus stop or better still take your dog out more, then you’ll get some benefit. But if you then spoil all of this through poor food choices, you’ll not only become disheartened, you’ll likely give up and then you’ll still have the poor diet, but with no exercise at all! That’s a real recipe for disaster. 80/20 They say that in terms of weight loss that there is an 80/20 split between diet and exercise with diet being the greater part. That doesn’t mean that your exercise should be ignored, or that it is simply unimportant, it isn’t, but it just puts it into perspective. Diet alone may not lose you as much weight as you’d want, nor will exercise alone be able to battle your poor food choices. What works is a combination of both. You do need to keep an honest food diary, take selfies of your body-shape and measurements, but you also do need to work up a sweat at the gym, push yourself and your body to new heights and work hard. You probably already knew the answer in the back of your mind, and it will not be easy. It will, however, be more than worth it, so make those changes today! Read Also: Lose Weight: What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight? What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym?


How Supplements Complement Your Daily Routine

There was a time when humanity could ingest every nutrient the body and mind required to function with peak performance. Health supplements, like Phytage Nerve Control Supplement, can be beneficial for you or may just be an unnecessary additive. Unfortunately, as technological advances moved societies from "hunter/gatherers" to the complexities of modern civilization, "progress" came with a cost. As a result, today's "average" citizen does not receive optimal nutrition from the primarily processed foods consumed. Even fresh produce grown in mega-agricultural farms does not contain maximum nutrients as the soils become depleted after successive plantings. In addition, many of the traditional soil reconditioners and weed and insect control farmers use to maximize crop output can be harmful. The detrimental effects only became apparent when there were adverse findings in consumers far down the production trail. There are routine news alerts about "organic" vegetable recalls due to toxic chemicals or infective contaminants like DDT, E. coli, or other chemicals or pathogens. Creatures Of Habit From the time we are infants learning to potty train, the concept of routine becomes ingrained. Throughout the educational system, instructors teach and enforce a rigid routine. People then carry those routine structures into their professional and personal life. Those that fail to conform or develop healthy routines often end up in institutions that force stricter rules and regulations, jails and psychiatric units, for example. The good news is that as creatures of free will, we can choose to change our routines to maximize health and well-being. We can eliminate behaviors that are counter-productive in the long run and add things to our habits that can enhance life experiences. Transcendentalists There was a movement in the mid-twentieth century that sought to reconnect consciousness to living the moment. It was a meditative approach to changing the routine. One of the teachings involved "rewriting your script." It purported that most people kept replaying a "script" or narrative they had ingrained into their lives. The movement sought to "reprogram" the negative messages that led to recurrent, predictable, less-than-optimal outcomes. Instead, it gave the individual control over what the recurrent patterns of thought and emotions had established. It gave hope for a different path and different outcomes. The process worked for many of those who put proper effort into it. However, considering how long people had programmed the negative input, many did not realize how long it would take to reprogram. Modern generations have become accustomed to "immediate gratification." Adding supplements to an augmented diet is a much simpler and easier practice to incorporate into a daily routine, and the results are more quickly evident. Due Diligence Some common complaints about supplements may have their roots in an underlying medical condition. Therefore, if you are not getting the results you expected or are experiencing unforeseen side effects, you may wish to have a medical professional evaluate you. Thyroid dysfunction, for example, can influence how supplements affect your body. Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormones) is a common condition that a medical professional can evaluate with a simple blood test. It can cause fatigue, weight gain, and depression. Therefore, screening for easily treated common conditions before adding supplements to your daily routine would be prudent. Another consideration is vitamin B12 deficiency. Most lay people do not realize that vitamin B12 requires an enzyme called intrinsic factor, produced by the gastrointestinal tract, to absorb B12. Often, B12 deficiency is not the last of B12 in the diet but a lack of intrinsic factor for absorption. Consequently, taking oral B12 will never improve serum B12 levels. Only B12 injections or sublingual (absorption through the blood vessels under the tongue) can resolve most cases of B12 deficiency. No One Pill Fixes All The first step in using supplements to complement your daily routine is deciding what you want to enhance or change. Of course, several things overlap, for example, energy and memory, but finding the correct supplements to address a specific issue is fundamental. The second step is understanding the dynamics behind a perceived deficiency. For example, excessive daytime sleepiness may be the result of inadequate rest during sleep. Taking natural stimulants to remain alert during the day may further interrupt healthy sleep patterns compounding the problem. A natural substance to enhance REM sleep may be the solution to obtaining more daytime alertness. Incorporating Supplements Into Your Daily Routine The easiest way to link a daily supplement to your daily routine is by attaching it to another daily habit, for example, when taking other prescribed medications. For example, adding a supplement to the morning medication is the easiest method to incorporate the supplement. If you do not currently take routine medications, attach the behavior to another everyday function, like brushing your teeth. Keep the supplement close to your toothbrush, and let the toothbrush serve as a visual cue. After several "reminders," the supplement use becomes ingrained. It becomes an automatic part of your new routine. Self  Reinforcement It has become commonplace for many to develop a sense of self-worth through external input. Unsolicited opinions from anyone in the environment subtly affects feelings of self-worth. And, many times there are hidden agendas in what views others offer. They may only sometimes be in your best interest. It is why a regular check-in with yourself is necessary to maintain emotional balance. When a self-preserving or reassuring behavior is applied routinely, it serves as a mental "pat on the back." It allows your internal compass a chance to realign. Fortifying a sense of self-worth through self-care is another means supplements complement your daily routine. The exact mechanism that reinforces your self-concept as combing your hair or wearing clean clothes that have become routine, adding supplements to feel your best, complements your daily routine. Be Your Best You How supplements complement your daily routine is multifaceted. It complements your health and well-being in addition to improving your self-esteem. Scientists have researched and well-documented the mind-body link. Feeling better physically and improving self-awareness and confidence are only a few of the benefits of supplementation. So, when is the best time to start supplements? Before you begin to exhibit symptoms that might necessitate them. Right now is the best time to consider supplements to complement your daily routine. Maintaining homeostasis is significantly preferable to treating the effects of stress, poor diet, and processed foods. Read Also: How To Stay Healthy And Fit Despite A Hectic Schedule A Little On The Side…Or Not? Your Guide To Supplemental Insurance What Are Virtual Reality Workouts And How Will They Affect Exercise?