Causes of Male & Female Infertility

Published on: 02 June 2018 Last Updated on: 03 March 2022
Female Infertility

Infertility is very common than we think and. Close to 50 percent of couples all over the world experience infertility at one point in their lifetime. Infertility has become much more common in 2nd pregnancy than in the 1st one.

The main reason for this is age. As men and women age, their fertility health tends to deteriorate. Hence it is very important to understand one’s fertility health and fertility facts while you plan and postpone your parenthood goals. You don’t want to make a decision that may affect you negatively in the future.

Get Fertility Test Before Marriage:

Before Marriage

Most of us are not aware of the fertility factor nor how it is affecting us. You may blame your partner for being infertile yet the problem is with you.  One way to evaluate this is to get a fertility test done. But how many of us are so comfortable getting a fertility test done before marriage. This is something we should start thinking about. Don’t wait until you are unable to get a baby during marriage before you can decide to go for a fertility test. Understand your reproductive health from the onset so that you can start preparing in good time.

The Fertility Factor and Age:

The fertility factor varies from person to person. So there is no one size fits for. If someone is telling you that all men will be fertile until the age of 40, please do not believe that. I have seen men who are as old as 80 years making women pregnant. Your biological clock is different from the other person’s. It also depends on how well you have taken care of your health. Take good care of your health if you want to be fertile for long.

During my visit to one of the IVF centers in Mumbai, I learned that the average age of people affected by infertility is between 27 – 35 and hence it is not only a factor of age. While studying this phenomenon deeper, I found that there are multiple things involved. Let me discuss some of these factors below even though I have already mentioned some of the above.

Factors That Influence Fertility:

Factors That Influence Fertility

Habits and lifestyle are the core issues that affect the fertility of any human being. Sleeping habits, how we eat, and to a certain extent how we live. Make sure you get enough sleep at night so as not to affect the normal functionality of your body system. Straining the body too much can even affect the functionality of the reproductive system. Get enough rest and exercise your body from time to time so as to keep fit.

Most of us here are affected by the westernized phenomenon of eating fast foods or processed foods. These foods contain chemicals that can kick our fertility out. Drinking and smoking are on a rise.

Peer pressure and society are to blame. Avoid eating junk food and instead, stick to a healthy diet.

Movies show such behaviors to be cool and our generation grasp it very keenly. This kind of lifestyle is leading to an increase in obese cases and thyroid patients are on a high. Women are more prone to PCOD/PCOS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, and endometriosis due to such an unhealthy lifestyle. Female infertility treatment is something that has become one of the most searched terms on the internet.


Concluding the topic, it is very important to understand that our body is made to withstand only a certain level of exposure to toxins and after that, it starts losing its nature. Hence please do understand this and get yourself a fertility quotient test done when you feel it is essential for you to know yourself better and plan things ahead.

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Blood Circulation Exercise

Different Types Of Blood Circulation Exercise

The bloodstream continuously transports nutrients and oxygen to the vital organs including skin and brain. If there is any complication with the flow of blood, it can affect your overall health. Blood circulation exercise can make your body fitter and active than ever. When blood circulation is reduced, conditions like stroke, kidney diseases, and varicose veins may occur. Although there are plenty of super foods that can help boost your blood flow throughout your body, exercise may also prove to be a vital element. There are exercises specially meant to increase blood circulation. In this post, we have compiled a list of some of the best blood circulation exercises that don’t require you to join a gym or any equipment or even any workout clothes. These exercises can be performed at any time at the comfort of your home. The thing you have to keep in mind while performing these exercises is the reps – how many repetitions to do to get your heart rate up. Different Types Of Blood Circulation Exercise You Can Practice     There are different types of blood circulation exercise you can follow or practice to make things happen in your favor and at the right time. 1. Downward Dog: This is a warm-up exercise, and you should begin with this. It merely is a stretching exercise meant to stretch your legs and lower back. When your arms and legs start feeling the pressure, your heart will pump faster, resulting in proper blood flow. There are several different ways to get into this pose. Start on your hands and knees with your hands in front of your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips Slowly spread your fingers wide while actively pushing each finger into the floor Next, curl your toes, straighten your legs and arms while pushing your hips in the air You have come into an inverted V-shape position The objective is to keep your head between your limbs with your legs straight, back flat, and heels touching the ground Hold this position for 25-30 seconds. Do 3-5 reps Get your Halo Health new coupon codes and deals here! 2. Jumping Squats: Jumping squats is a great way to pump up your heart. This complete body workout ensures proper blood flow throughout the body. However, you have to make sure that you have no current back problems as it can worsen the condition. Stand in a straight position with your spine aligned and feet shoulder-width apart Perform a squat by slowly bending your knees and keeping your upper body straight Next, engage your core and jump up explosively. Make sure you jump at least 1 feet high When you land, lower your body back to squat position to complete one rep. You need to land as quietly as possible without misbalancing yourself or hurting your ankles. It requires control, and you will learn it over time Do at least three sets of 10 reps each 3. Plank: Now plank might be the best exercise to keep your core strong, but there is no better and challenging way to keep your blood flowing rapidly from the heart to your vital body organs. This exercise may seem simple but is probably the most difficult of all. Doing a perfect plank is easy. Lie on the floor with your back facing the ceiling Position your elbows under your shoulder while making sure that your hands are shoulder-width apart Your arms should form a 90° angle Raise your toe tips ensuring that your knees aren’t touching the floor Stretch your legs to ensure that your knees aren’t bent Maintain a straight line from the heels through the top of your head Your face should be looking down at the floor Hold this position for as much time as possible At least perform three sets 4. Pushups: Pushups may seem difficult, but if you start slowly, say 1-3 reps at a time, you can reap the many benefits of doing a proper pushup. A pushup is an excellent way to strengthen your arm and chest muscles. And in doing so, it works out your heart correctly, ensuring proper blood flow. To perform proper pushups, follow the given steps Lie in a face-down position on the floor Position your palms on the floor with your hands at shoulder-width apart Your elbows should be pointed towards your toes Straighten your knees and lift your body with your toes Adjust your posture until you attain a straight plank position with your head facing forward Next, slowly bend your elbows while keeping your body at a flat level. Moreover, your chest should come within inches of the ground Now, slowly lift yourself up by pushing the floor away from you. As you push up, breathe out The power for the push will come from your chest and shoulders working in unison Make sure that your back isn’t involved in this activity. If you feel like your back is straining, immediately stop Repeat raising and lowering your body at a steady pace. Try to do 10 reps Perform 3 sets every day to perfect the posture and exercise. 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18 Surprising Celebrities with Braces

When you think of celebrities, it's likely that glamour, beauty, and perfection are the first things that come to mind. So when we see celebrities with braces on, it's completely understandable how jarring that can be to the pre-convinced images in our head. But the fact of the matter is celebrities are people just like you and I. They put their pants on one leg at a time. They love their dogs and work for a living, just like everyone else. And sometimes they need the help of orthodontic work to perfect their famous smiles. So who are some of these stars that have lived out their oral treatment for the world to see? Let's look at 18 celebrities that have gone through the process... Some of them may just surprise you. 1. Prince Harry : Royals may be thought of as perfect and regal, but they aren't necessarily born that way. Prince Harry proved that even royalty sometimes need the help of orthodontic treatment to achieve a smile fit for a prince. 2. Emma Watson : Proving braces aren't just for muggles, Emma wore braces for several months while she was in her early teens, which was well into the filming of the Harry Potter movie series. It showed you don't need a magic wand to have the perfect smile, all you need is just a good orthodontist. 3. Gwen Stefani : The singer has never been afraid to show off her eclectic sense of style. Which was especially true in the 1990s when she sported a set of traditional braces as merely a fashion accessory. She may not have needed them to perfect her smile, but they definitely helped perfect her rocker chic look. 4. Tom Cruise : The actor was well into adulthood when he decided to get braces for the first time. At the age of 40 years old, Tom showed the world that the perfect smile isn't mission impossible, but mission accomplished. 5. Estelle : After she had already become famous, singer Estelle received braces when it was rumored her PR team advised her to do so. Though she denied that, stating she wanted to correct her smile in case she should ever win a Grammy. Either way, the results were indeed award show worthy. 6. Beyonce : The superstar singer had so much love for her fans in 2011 that she sported a set of braces in support of all those who have had to wear them. Now, how's that for dedication to her fans? Girls may run the world but it also proves this orthodontist helps a bit too. 7. Dakota Fanning : Dakota was only a child when she started her acting career, which meant growing up in the spotlight. So once she got her set of braces, they were shown off at movie premieres and every event she attended. She went through the full gamut of braces, head-gear, spacers, and retainers. But once her treatment was finished, she emerged with her movie star smile. 8. Faith Hill : Another celebrity who decided to get braces as an adult is the singer, Faith Hill. At the age of 45 years old, the country beauty admitted to having braces when she was younger but didn't keep up with wearing her retainer. This time, the second time was the charm. 9. Cindy Crawford : Even supermodels are not immune from the need to wear braces. Cindy Crawford, perhaps one of the most famous supermodels of all time, was an adult and sported her orthodontic look in a Pepsi ad during the 1990s. 10. Danny Glover : Perhaps being the king of proving braces know no age, the actor received his braces at the age of 59 years old. He can even be seen wearing his braces in the movie Shooter. It just goes to show, better late than never. 11. Faye Dunaway : But if you think 59 years old is late in life to get braces, actress Faye Dunaway has that beat. She was in her 60's when she began her treatment with traditional braces! 12. Ariel Winter : Growing up on a successful tv series meant growing up for the world to see. The actress received her braces while continuing to film the popular tv show, Modern Family. She didn't let it stop her though, her real-life braces fit in perfectly with her tv character. 13. Kendall Jenner : Another celebrity who admits to not properly wearing their retainer the first time around is Kendall Jenner. When her teeth had shifted back, she opted to wear Invisalign braces to correct the problem. With her supermodel smile, she has won a billion hearts of her fan. 14. Nicolas Cage : When he was between movie projects, Nicolas Cage decided to wear braces on his lower teeth, becoming yet another celebrity adult to sport traditional braces. 15. Chelsea Clinton : How many people can say they wore their braces in the Oval Office? Chelsea Clinton sure can. While growing up in the White House as the First Daughter, she publicly sported her traditional braces. 16. Justin Bieber : The pop singer is another one who opted to treat their smile with Invisalign braces, but he wasn't afraid to show or admit it. He even made a video in a YouTube clip to show fans, wearing the braces for about a year before his treatment was finished. 17. Drew Barrymore : Beginning her acting career during childhood as well, Drew grew up in the spotlight. It wasn't until after filming the movie E.T., at the tender age of 12, she also joined the traditional braces club. 18. Kate Middleton : For her royal wedding, Kate Middleton wanted to make sure her smile was fit for a future princess. For a short time before the ceremony, she wore invisible braces. Celebrities with Braces Can Give Us All the Good Feels : Dealing with braces can be stressful, make us feel anxious, and can be painful. But when we see one of our favorite celebrities with braces on as well, it can give a sense of comfort and be belonging that we are all in this together in some way! And doesn't that just feel good? Want to know how taking care of your oral health can impact your general health? Be sure to check out our blog post on it! Read Also : The Differences Between A Dentist And An Orthodontist Things To Pay Attention To When It Comes To Servicing Ultrasound Probe

Feet Stronger

4 Essential Ways Of How To Make Your Feet Stronger

The human feet are a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art that enables you to stand for long hours, walk for long distances, hop, skip and jump and follow the activities that your heart wants to follow. Just like a sound foundation ensures that a building stands upright forever; having strong feet ensure a longer, happier, and healthier life. However, we often tend to take our feet for granted.  Even the best of athletes focus upon building muscles legs, arms, calves, abs, and the rest of the body; but hardly anyone pays attention to the feet. We seem to forget the fact that our feet are involved in almost every activity we do. They provide us the support and balance in almost all our bodily movements. Lack of strength in our feet is therefore bound to compromise our ability to do any physical activity; be it walking, running, jump, high-intensity sporting event, or even standing! The Science Behind the Structure of the Feet Before we embark upon knowing the ways about how to ensure that your feet stronger, it is important to understand the three most important aspects that dictate how strong or weak your feet are. These are - 1.The Soles  Most of us who wear shoes all day long have very soft and tender feet soles. You would have noticed that those who spend time barefooted, have thicker soles. This makes them stronger and firmer and they are able to withstand superficial injuries as well as normal wear and tear quite easily. 2. The Joints, Muscles, And Tendrils Of The Feet  The human foot is a very complex structure. It is made of 33 joints, 26 bones, and almost 100 ligaments! They all are designed to function in a manner that the foot can take the weight of the entire body and spread it evenly to maintain balance in all types of movement. Strong feet not only help an efficient movement but also help in improving the posture. They also help in avoiding spinal injuries by efficiently maintaining our balance, thus cushioning the effect of any jerks. 3. Arches in the Feet  The arches in our feet help in an efficient rolling action, which maintains the balance during movement. Sometimes the arches are not well developed, giving rise to a situation commonly known as flat feet. When someone is flat-footed, it is difficult to maintain good rolling action which in turn leads to a lower range of action consequently lowering strength as well as speed. How to Make Your Feet Stronger Most of us are blessed with well-shaped feet that can take the rigors of our daily life and all the activities we undertake, but often we tend to neglect our feet and suffer the consequences by way of loss of strength as well as suffer from early aging symptoms. It is but natural that if the feet are weak, a person's mobility will be restricted and he will do fewer activities. This would have an adverse effect on overall health. On the other hand, if a person is active,  some of the drawbacks of being flat-footed can be overcome. Here are some of the ways of how to make your feet stronger - Exercises By consciously spending some time doing the following specific exercises is the best way to make your feet stronger – Caterpillar Type Movement – (Benefit- Strengthens the arches) Lie down on your back, draw your knees and place the feet flat on the floor about 8 inches away from each other. Then lift the arches of both the feet and simultaneously pull your toes backward toward the heels. Keep this position for a few seconds and bring back the arches and toe to their original position. Then do the reverse- arches up and heels toward the toes. Repeat this set three to five times. Windshield Wiper Movement – (Benefit- Strengthens the entire foot and improves ankle stability) In continuation with the caterpillar type movement exercise listed above, lift the toes, keeping the feet flexed while only the heels are touching the floor. Then slowly roll your feet to the ground and lift the heels keeping only your toes are on the ground. Repeat 8-10 times. Wing and Sickle Movement - (Benefit - Strengthens the ankles and promotes correct posture) Continue lying down as above and roll your feet inward along the inner edge in line with the toe, then roll outwards in line with a small finger. Do this 3-5 times. The Round Knot Movement - (Benefit - Stretches the ligaments and aids foot alignment) Sit upright on the floor and extend your legs in front. Bend the left knee towards yourself and interlace the fingertips of the right hand with the left toes. Inch them forward and backward giving the foot a stretch. Repeat 6-8 times. Then do the same with the other foot. Toughening up Your Feet There are many other ways of how to make your feet stronger. Stand More Often – Our daily life is mostly based on sitting. Be it office or home, we spend the day sitting. Consciously standing more often would help strengthen and stretch the muscles of the feet. Jogging/Walking on the Sand – If you have access to a sandy beach, try walking or running gently on the sand. This would increase the flexibility and strength in your feet and exercise the arch.     Read also: Why Jumping on Trampolines is More Beneficial than Running or Jogging? Walking Barefoot– Crazy as it may appear, walking on smooth rocks can do wonders for your feet' strength. Walking barefoot on grass is equally effective as it toughens up the feet soles and makes the feet stronger. Using Shoes With Insoles Insoles were traditionally used for making short people appear taller. These days however they are scientifically designed for multiple functions and assist in skiing, biking, golf, etc. Using best insoles for flat feet ensures not only physical comfort but also improves efficiency and performance in all your multifarious activities. Even those who suffer from other ailments like Morton’s Neuroma and plantar fasciitis can benefit by using the best insoles for flat feet and carry out all activities normally. Go On, Focus On Your Feet! If you want to enhance your control, balance, and power, it is important to start focusing on strengthening your feet. It will also make you agile with better control of movement. Following these simple tips in your daily routine can put you on the way to balanced, more powerful, and stronger feet in a matter of a few days! Read also: Get up and Workout! Things to Consider