7 Important Reasons for Breast Reduction Surgery

Published on: 25 May 2018 Last Updated on: 29 July 2024
Breast Reduction Surgery

Are your large breasts causing you embarrassment? Do you feel like sometimes, they’re all that people see when they look at you?

Do you often wake up with constant pain and tension in your back and shoulders — and suspect that you’re dealing with back pain from breasts that are larger than average?

If so, then it’s likely that you’ve already considered getting a breast reduction for back pain and for cosmetic purposes.

But what are some of the other reasons for breast reduction surgery, and is it right for you?

7 Important Reasons for Breast Reduction Surgery

Keep on reading this post to find out — and learn how to get the body you’ve always wanted.

1. You’re Tired of Back Pain:

As you’ve likely expected, one of the most popular reasons for breast reduction surgery is due to back pain from breasts that are especially large.

In general, women whose breasts are larger than a D cup experience moderate to severe heavy breast pain on an almost daily basis. This can make it difficult to sleep, walk around or exercises for long periods of time, or just lead to general discomfort.

This is because the weight of your breasts pulls your body forward constantly — and the muscles throughout the rest of your body often aren’t strong enough to support the heavyweight of your breasts.

In some cases, this can cause not only serious back pain, but even issues with your spine. This is because, over time, your breasts will impact the curvature of your spine — making your posture even worse and giving you a hunchback look.

If back pain from large breasts is a familiar condition to you, then you’ve likely already tried several different remedies.

You’ve been fitted for “the right” bra more times than you can count. You’ve tried to lose weight, hoping that the weight loss will also trickle down to your breasts. You’ve even taken pain relievers like aspirin in order to combat the tension and pain.

However, if you’re on the hunt for a permanent solution to the agony, a breast reduction for back pain is likely your best option.

2. You’ll Avoid Skin Discoloration:

One of the worst parts of having a large breast problem?

In addition to heavy breast pain in your chest and your back, you’ve likely also noticed some serious breast discoloration. Though women with breasts of any size can develop discoloration in the breasts (especially underneath them) women with big breasts are at a higher risk.

So, what is it?

Usually, it’s actually a rash that’s formed up underneath the folds of your skin. This can happen because of heat and sweat, or simply because the skin has rubbed on the skin for too long.

For some people, the rash can be red with small bumps. Others may notice that the skin around, on, and underneath their breasts is a much darker shade than the rest of their skin tone.

In other cases, you may even start to notice that you have sores underneath your breasts, especially if you also know that you’re wearing the wrong bra size. These sores will only get worse over time.

Don’t wait until you develop scarring.

Visit the Allure Plastic Surgery website to learn more about the different options and reasons for breast reduction surgery today.

3. You Want to Switch up your Wardrobe:

Not all of the reasons for breast reduction surgery have to do with health and medical reasons or treating heavy breast pain.

Sometimes, you just want to feel like you can wear what you want to without having to worry about how the size of your breasts will impact the way the clothes fit you.

We know that you’re definitely tired of having to buy shirts in sizes that are way too big for you, just so that the top will fit over your breasts. You’re also tired of heading to the tailor (another added expense of a larger breast size) or wearing clothes that make you look larger than you really are.

When you’re ready to wear flattering and form-fitting clothing with lower necklines without wondering if people are staring, it’s time to consider getting breast reduction surgery.

Of course, your outerwear isn’t the only part of your wardrobe that you’ll be able to seriously upgrade once you’ve had the surgery.

When you’re ready to wear cuter, skimpier, and definitely sexier lingerie, having a more manageable breast size will allow you to do just that.

You can kiss full coverage bras with uncomfortable underwire goodbye. You’ll be able to buy bras and negligees in more shades than just nude, black, or white. Instead, you can embrace demi cups, fun colors, and lots of lace!

We think your partner will definitely notice and appreciate the change as well.

4. Your Breast Size Impacts your Posture:

According to leading surgeons at Polaris plastic surgery, heavier breasts put a strain on different parts of the body. This includes the shoulders, chest muscles, hips, and spinal cord. The weight definitely makes a difference and reducing the same can help your body parts to manage the load better.

Have you noticed that, no matter how hard you try to sit up straight, the larger size of your breasts makes it difficult — even painful?

This happens because the weight of your breasts actually pulls your body forward. As a result, you’ll start to slump your shoulders and roll the upper part of your back at an awkward angle.

Whether you’re sitting or standing, you’ll often feel like you have a permanent case of computer neck. This can lead to tension in your shoulders and upper back area, as well as the potential of developing a pinched nerve.

The desire to improve your posture, for both health and cosmetic benefits, is one of the most common reasons for breast reduction surgery.

5. Working out Feels Impossible:

You’d love to hit the gym with your friends, take a yoga or pilates class, or just be able to go for a run in your local park on a beautiful day.

However, your large breast problem often makes that feel next to impossible.

First of all, the heavyweight of your swinging breasts can make workouts incredibly painful, not to mention much more challenging. You’re tired of having to wear multiple sports bras — and still not seeing much of a difference.

Additionally, you may deal with embarrassment about the size of your breasts while you work out.

Finally, depending on the types of workouts that you like to do, you may end up putting excessive strain on your back because of the weight of your breasts. This is especially common for women who do exercises that require them to get into the plank position, or who do high levels of cardio that include running and jumping.

Getting a breast reduction for back pain allows you to move more freely and feel less stressed and embarrassed while working out and eating right.

6. You’ll Avoid Sagging Breasts:

One of the most annoying large breast problems that you’re tired of having to deal with?

Sagging breasts that only seem to worsen with age.

Though dropping and drooping of the breasts are normal for women of any breast size, the process certainly speeds up — and is more noticeable — in those with larger breasts.

You may even have started to see that the overall shape of your breasts has changed.

Getting a reduction can help to change that.

7. You’ll Feel More Confident:

Of course, the most important reason for breast reduction surgery is because it will help you to learn to love yourself and to feel more confident.

As a person with larger breasts, we know that you’re tired of hearing jokes about your breast size. You may even wonder whether or not people are interested in or attracted to you as a person or just the size of your breasts.

You’ve noticed that you often hunch over so that your size is less noticeable, or wear clothing that allows you to “hide” your breast size.

The truth is that no one should feel like they have to live with this.

Getting a breast reduction won’t just help to eliminate pain and improve your posture.

It can also do wonders for your confidence.

The Reasons for Breast Reduction Surgery: Wrapping Things Up:

From eliminating the possibility of skin discoloration to helping you to feel more confident about the way you look, the top reasons for breast reduction surgery go far beyond just back pain from breasts.

Want to learn more about how to get a breast reduction? Looking to deepen your understanding of what the process will entail, and what you can expect the recovery period to look like?

We can help.

Be sure to check out our website and blog for access to more articles on a wide variety of cosmetic procedures and wellness techniques.

Make this the year that you start taking your life back into your own hands.

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7 Things You Should Know About Owning a Vape

Vaping: it's the hottest trend that is rapidly spreading across the nation's youth. While once viewed as a "healthier" alternative to smoking, e-cigarettes quickly spread in popularity from those looking to quit smoking to youthful users to recreational use. Also known as "vaping," this practice is rapidly spreading. Storefronts for vape devices and e-juice are popping up everywhere making it increasingly easy for anyone to get their hands on vaping devices. Owning a Vape is not a crime but in excess quantity can create problems. Despite the widespread popularity of this practice, there is still much to be learned about vaping. We have compiled a few facts that users should know about owning a vape in the article below. Different Facts You Must Know Before Owning A Vape There are multiple ways you can own a vape before using it for your personal pleasure. Do not make your choices in grey while you want to make use of it. Owning a vape is one of the most essential facts that you need to consider at your end. 1. E-Cigarettes and Vaping Devices Do Pose Some Risk: Vaping was once viewed as a risk-free alternative to smoking, due to the reduction of second-hand smoke and a smaller amount of nicotine in e-liquids. Although this thought is mostly true, there are many adverse health complications that have yet to be addressed such as damage to the brain, heart, and lungs and the development of these organs, preterm delivery and stillbirth, and even cancer. Owning a vape will no longer a bigger problem for you. 2. Using E-Cigarettes May Not Help You Quit Smoking: This is quite a bold statement, considering this was part of the purpose of developing e-cigarettes. However, it should be noted that e-juice/e-liquids still contain nicotine, which is what makes the act of tobacco-use so addicting. Oftentimes, the use of e-cigarettes does not lead to smoking cessation. It can easily evolve into an additional method of smoking, which increases the nicotine intake for users. 3. The Risks of E-Cigarettes May Be Increased For Young People: Younger generations are extremely vulnerable to use e-cigarettes and vaping devices, which makes them more likely to suffer ill health effects from this habit. The younger the age of the individual the first time they try nicotine, the easier it is to become addicted. If you pair that with the physiology that the common young adult's brain is still developing and not able to adequately deal with the side effects of an addictive substance and you have a recipe for a lifelong addiction. 4. E-Cigarettes and Vapes are Not FDA-Approved: Despite the common belief that these items are regulated by the FDA, these devices are not approved as a smoking cessation aid. Due to the recent increase in the popularity of these items, the FDA is becoming more involved in their regulation. However, marketing restrictions are not placed on these devices, making it simple to market to the younger generation. In 2015, the FDA extended regulatory authority to CTP's over all tobacco products. This act was followed by a 2018 requirement for a nicotine "addictiveness" warning imposed on all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. 5. The Jury is Still Out on the Safety of Aerosol Inhalants: Due to a lack of information and research on e-cigarettes and vapes, little is known about the long-term effects of utilizing aerosol as an inhalant. What is a concern are the ultrafine particles, toxins, and heavy metals that are often additives in e-juice? In fact, it makes take years for reliable studies on the use of vaping devices to emerge. Some vape shops will also make and sell their own mixes or modify products. For a product that already isn't regulated by the FDA, this becomes a topic of concern. 6. The Spread of Vaping May Be Normalizing the Act of Smoking: Do you remember hearing stories of your grandmother smoking in the hospital? What about going out to eat with smoke billowing in your face as a child? To read that sentence sounds asinine to us; however, smoking used to be the cultural norm. Through labeling requirements, marketing techniques, and ongoing studies, the rate of smokers in the U.S. has been on the decline. Smoking bans are now common practice, as are cigarette taxes. Yet, the use of e-cigarettes could undo all of the progress that has been made to discourage smoking. Sleek e-cig styles, handheld devices, flavored e-juice, and low cost make these products even more desirable to the younger generation. Ease of access to these devices is also a concern. As of 2018, the FDA estimates that "3.62 million middle to high school students were users of e-cigarettes". 7. E-cigarettes Can Be Used for Other Recreational Purposes: With the rise in state-level marijuana laws, vapes are becoming used more popularly on a recreational level. E-cigarettes make it easy to smoke virtually anywhere at any time without most bystanders knowing a thing. Flavored juices easily mask the smell of any additives, which makes this practice even more desirable for recreational use. Review of the Facts: Although e-cigarettes are gaining popularity, especially in the younger generation, much more research needs to be done to determine the safety of this practice. The first step would need to be regulation of e-cigarettes and e-juices, followed by implementation and monitoring health standards, and then firmed up by recurring studies regarding the safety of vaping. This type of product is greatly marketed to youth, Ironically, this user age dynamic includes the individuals who are most likely to experience the negative effects of vaping. While each individual is responsible for their own choices, it is our duty to provide the facts to potential users so that they can weigh the benefits vs. consequences of vaping. Vape Online Gold Coast can help provide reputable information about vaping for potential users. Read Also: Is Vaping Safer Than Smoking? Vaping In The Workplace: Legal Considerations Free Yourself – How To Stop Smoking

Brain Enhancement Techniques

Easy Brain Enhancement Techniques You Didn’t Know That Actually Works

Aging is the saddest phase anyone can experience. You will have bad memory that can not only affect you but also the people living around you. There are, however, things you can do to slow down the aging process of your brain and prevent memory loss. Start practicing these inexpensive and practical tips below on how to boost your memory function and slow down brain aging. Easy Brain Enhancement Techniques You Didn't Know That Actually Works: 1. Keep Your Gut Healthy: Your gut acts like your second brain as it transmits signals that send information to your nervous system. In fact, scientists believe that abnormal brain development is connected to abnormal gut flora development and that neurons in the brain are connected to the neurons in the gut. So in short, the health of your gut affects your general brain function, your behavior, how you react to things, as well as your ability to make decisions. With this in mind, make sure that you take care of your gut by eating healthy foods and eating the right portions so that your gut is neither compromised nor overworked. You can also take advantage of fermented foods that help in brain development, and are responsible for maintaining the right balance of bacteria in the gut. 2. Sleep at Least 6 Hours a Day: Sleep is essential when it comes to rejuvenating your physical body. You can never think straight and come up with creative ideas if you’re physically tired. It is a critical part of your daily routine that helps you reset your brain. This way, you can see things from a newer and better perspective. If you’re well-rested (especially on a memory foam mattress), you’re able to come up with new solutions on the problems you are facing. It’s also a great way to improve your memory and performance. Make sure that you have at least six hours of sleep every night on an exquisite memory foam mattress. You’ll notice that you’re not groggy and are thinking clearly the next day. 3. Listen to Music: Music has a way of making you feel both entertained and energized. It helps to boost your brainpower. It has been theorized that listening to classical music makes you smarter. You get a bonus service if you listen to music while exercising because you get a boost in verbal fluency and cognitive functions. It’s also a great way of improving mental focus. Get your playlist ready at all times or keep your radio on to whatever tune that works best for you. 4. Exercise Regularly: It does not matter whether you want to lose weight or not. Exercising is a great way of keeping your physical body healthy and your brain at its optimal function. Exercising can help your body release hormones that will slow down the aging process of your brain and keep you sharp and active. Conclusion: Taking care of your brain is an essential requirement for everyone. When your brain is active and protected, your entire body will function a lot better. Read Also: 6 Ways To Promote Healthy Brain Five Benefits Of Meditation That Will Change Your Life  

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9 Magical Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

No matter whether you don’t include meat into your diet because of ethics or you just don’t tolerate it, you follow a vegetarian diet. It’s highly beneficial if handled properly – with enough protein, healthy fats, carbs, and vital vitamins. If all the rules are followed, you’ll gain at least 9 benefits. Mood Improvement A vegetarian diet is usually not rich with arachidonic acid, which is found in animal products. It was discovered that this acid and mood swings are deeply connected, so the less of it you include into your diet, the better your mood becomes. Psoriasis Treatment Psoriasis is a serious problem for many people, as it affects the skin, making it red and irritated. It was noticed that the symptoms of psoriasis improved greatly in people who gave up on meat. Diabetes Symptoms Reduction Most vegetarian diets improve the health condition of people who have been affected by diabetes. Moreover, this kind of diets reduces the possibility of being affected by the condition. Eating legumes, like black beans , will greatly help in this case. Cataract Risk Reduction There’s a strong connection between what you eat and different diseases, including cataracts. It was noticed that people who don’t include meat in their diet have a lower risk of being affected by the disease in old age. Cholesterol Level Lowering A vegetarian diet helps lower cholesterol levels, mostly because of the absence of saturated fats. However, it’s important to include unsaturated fats that are stored in nuts, seeds, and legumes. To be sure you eat organic sources of unsaturated fat, but them at organic shops like FoodToLive.com. You’ll find many products you need in your diet, along with detailed descriptions of the contents of each product. You won’t have troubles with cholesterol in case you eat organic sources of fats and vitamins. Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Vegetarians eat lots of products high in vitamins and antioxidants. It means their bodies are cleaner, and most diseases don’t affect them. Cardiovascular disease is one of those, so if you follow a vegetarian diet, you won’t get atherosclerosis and your heart will be healthier. Obesity Prevention Vegetarians not only eat better food, but they also choose it more thoroughly, which eliminates the possibility of binge eating. It most often leads to rapid weight gain and obesity. Besides, plant-based foods are usually low in calories and high in nutrients, which contributes to your slim and healthy body. Read also: Tips to Lose Weight Naturally Kidney Stones Prevention Giving up on meat and switching to fresh plant-based foods will help you maintain a healthy urine pH. This is one of the main points of kidney stones prevention, as low pH leads to their formation. Nutritional Norms Following It was proved many times that a healthy vegetarian diet meets all nutritional requirements for any person of any age or way of life. Athletes get necessary proteins, infants get vital vitamins, and elderly get all nutrients necessary to support their bodies for longer. If you still think that vegetarians have a poor diet and they are always hungry only because they excluded meat from their meals, consider this question once more after looking at all the benefits of a vegetarian diet! References: globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/9-health-benefits-of-a-vegetarian-diet/