9 Tips for Staying Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy

Published on: 15 July 2016 Last Updated on: 23 April 2024
Staying Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy

Are you a mom-to-be, eager to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the next nine months to help your baby to develop healthy and strong? Maybe you are sick of hearing all those people’s opinions around you about your health and decided to look patiently for the best tips on how to stay fit during the pregnancy week by week? Well, you are lucky because we are here, and we are bringing the 9 tips for staying fit during pregnancy, and we are ready to share them with you!

Why is exercise so important during pregnancy, you ask?

As we know, the doctors recommend for all of us to include exercise in our daily life. This is because of the many beneficial effects that exercising has. But, exercising is especially important and recommended to women during pregnancy.

By exercising during your pregnancy, you will not only stay in a fit shape, but you will also help decrease the risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension. Studies done have confirmed the importance of exercising in preventing gestational diabetes. You can choose from a variety of recommended activities, e.g. yoga, walking, jogging, swimming, Pilates, stationary cycling, etc. Also, exercising is commonly used in back pain treatment during pregnancy. However, you need to avoid activities like ice hockey, football, basketball, some yoga poses, etc. It is essential to get informed by your doctor about the activity that you are interested in taking up before you start exercising. The doctor will decide if the chosen activity will be beneficial regarding your condition, and also he or she will inform you about the dosage and the time you are allowed to spend exercising daily.

What are the 9 tips that we want to share with you?

1. Check-in with your doctor first – Your doctor will recommend the proper activity for you to take up, as well as, share advice with you about the allowed dose and time that you can spend exercising.

2. Choose the right food for your diet to stay energized during exercising – Your diet is just as important as exercising to stay fit during pregnancy. Make sure you include the recommended amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fiber in your everyday diet. With the right diet, you will decrease the risk of overweight, and you will still have enough energy to exercise through the day.

3. Drink enough water – Do not forget to drink the recommended amount of water for the day – at least 8 glasses of water. The water will keep you hydrated and that way you will decrease the risk of dehydration which can harm you and your baby.

4. Avoid sugar and junk carbs – Sugar and carbs will add weight too quickly, while at the same time they will increase the risk of diabetes. Avoid all processed sugar, e.g. pasta, white bread, and breakfast cereal and replace the source of sugar with a healthy amount of fruit to get the needed levels of sugar that your body needs.

5. Choose the right activity for you – Choose the activity which seems interesting as well as comfortable for you to do. Your doctor can recommend different groups where you can go and exercise while you share your experiences of the pregnancy with other moms!

6. Get a good night sleep – By sleeping, you will help your muscles to recover more quickly after a good exercise. Make sure you have enough rest every day and do not push yourself too far when it comes to exercising. Light exercises are more than enough for you to do through the day.

7. Stop weighing yourself – During pregnancy, your body weight will increase no matter how much you exercise. That means that your body is changing, and your baby is growing and developing. With a healthy diet and the right amount of exercise, you will be able to gain weight and remain healthy and strong.

8. Choose the right training clothing – Always remember to dress light during exercising. Many layers of clothes will cause excessive sweating that can lead to dehydration.

9. Warm-up! – Always remember to warm up first before exercising. The warm-up will prepare your muscles and joints for the exercise that will follow. If you skip the warm-up, you increase the risk of pulling a muscle and inflammation.

In conclusion, because of the importance of exercising, the soon you start, the better. Exercising can be a fun and beneficial experience that you can spend doing with your partner or your friends in a newfound group for future moms. Just remember that yours and your baby’s safety should be the most important thing on your mind. We hope that with our tips, we will help you to choose the right activity that can find its place in your everyday routine.

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Is Vaping Safer Than Smoking?

Vaping is a relatively new concept which gained popularity over a decade ago. Some people have given up smoking entirely and replaced it with vaping, and some use it as a means of quitting smoking for good. Despite its newfound popularity, not a lot of people are aware of it or the difference to smoking. There are many unanswered questions such as how safe it is compared to smoking tobacco or cigarettes. The good thing is, there are on-going studies about its chemical content and if it's a safer alternative to smoking. The difference in chemical content: Smoking is harmful to the lungs. Vaping is no exemption and, in fact, comes with health implications as well. Although it’s not as bad as when smoking cigarettes, knowing the chemicals in it will help you make a better decision to try it or not. Cigarettes and tobacco. Tobacco is an essential component of cigarettes. Smoking involves the process of burning tobacco leaves, which then releases thousands of chemicals that go into your body. One should be alarmed to know that 20 or more of these chemicals are potent carcinogens. This includes nicotine, which is an addictive chemical giving you that urge to smoke another stick. Hydrogen cyanide, lead, formaldehyde, ammonia, and arsenic are also some of the dangerous chemicals you introduce to your body when you smoke. Vaping eliminates the process of burning tobacco leaves, which in turn, reduces the harmless chemicals to which you subject your body. Studies show that there are only a handful of chemicals involved in vaping compared to smoking cigarettes. Cyclops e juice was found to contain the least amount of harmful chemicals amongst all other producers of e-cigarettes. This includes nicotine, acetaldehyde, propylene glycol, and nitrosamines, while the rest are chemicals added to give flavor to the vapor. Vaping and quitting smoking: Cigarettes can be addictive, and despite the health implications, smokers find it hard to break the habit. Quitting is a difficult challenge because once your body’s addicted to nicotine, there’s almost no turning back and stopping will take a lot of willpower to achieve. This is where vaping plays a role. Smokers find it easier to overcome their cigarette addiction by replacing it with e-cigarettes, which are available from an online vape store on the web. Some claim they managed to overcome their nicotine cravings by vaping, or at least reduce it by half.  Cancer Research UK conducted a study and compared cigarette smokers and vape smokers and found lower toxins and carcinogens with the latter population sample. They also suggested people should give up cigarettes entirely and swap over to e-cigarettes if you want an easier way of giving up your addiction. Healthy living is a personal choice, and if you’ve been smoking for years, it’s understandable how much of a struggle it is to quit. Giving up cigarettes is a big step, and you’ll need all the help you can get to make it possible. From nicotine patches to vaping, all you need to do is find an effective method to break the bad habit. Read Also: Vaping: More Than Just A Fad Make A Mark: The Vape Brand For Your Lifestyle Can Vaping Really Help You Kick Your Smoking Habit?


Get Help With Your Addiction In Boulder

Addiction doesn’t just affect you. Addiction can affect your friends, family, and everyone else around you. Addiction can make it difficult for bystanders to be around you. You may find that you’re pushing the people you love away even if that’s not your goal. If you’re afraid of how addiction is hurting you and those you care about, then consider this a sign that you should reach out for help. Places like the Addiction Center of America or the Sunshine Behavioral Health in Boulder are great resources for you to explore. If you want to know how you can seek help for your addiction, then keep reading. Know that you have a problem Admitting to addiction can be really difficult for someone to do. It’s a brave thing to look within yourself and understand that you are a human being with flaws and are coping with a debilitating disease. No one wants to admit that they’re sick. But understanding that you suffer from substance abuse disorder can help you overcome your addiction. It’s the first step you take when you want to regain control over your life. See the signs within yourself If you suspect you have a problem with addiction, there are lots of resources to look at that will give you insights into the signs of substance abuse. You can’t admit that you have a problem if you aren’t aware of all the signs of alcohol or drug addiction. Some of the signs are You’re choosing drugs or alcohol over activities you used to love to do. These can include hobbies, social gatherings, or work events. You’re not taking care of yourself because you’re too high or drunk to You’re missing work due to substance abuse Your friends and family members have expressed concern over your symptoms You’re hiding things from those you love so they don’t see you using. You can’t stop using Talk to your friends or family about your addiction Opening up to those you trust most will help you air your concerns. While it may be embarrassing to talk about at first, expressing your desire to get help will give them notice too. They’ll be able to give you moral support by offering you encouragement or accompanying you to your program. It might make you feel better to clear the air and talk about your problem openly. Friends and loved ones can also hold you accountable for your actions. They can help monitor your journey to sobriety and offer an outside perspective you can’t see. You’ll grow closer during this process and hopefully come out stronger than ever. If you need help talking about addiction with your loved ones, click here. You might find it helpful to understand the best practices for starting the conversation. Reach out to your doctor Calling your doctor to talk about your addiction is another great way to find help here in Boulder. Your doctor will have the medical knowledge and resources to get you treatment as soon as possible. They’ll be able to get the ball rolling to heal your addiction. They’ll be able to assess whether or not you need inpatient care or detox. Detoxing from drugs and alcohol can be extremely dangerous when not under doctor supervision so please don’t try it alone. Call your doctor for help. If you don’t have a doctor, here are some quick tips for you to follow to find one. Know your options A lot of people think rehab centers demonize the disease or will get you in trouble. That’s not true at all. A rehab center practices confidentiality, so you don’t have to be afraid of others knowing about your addiction if you don’t want them to. And they have a lot of different treatment options for you to choose from. Some will give you the option of outpatient treatment. This isn’t always a good option for everyone but if it is for you, then you’ll be allowed to freely leave the center whenever you wish. This gives the patients the most control over their lives and allows for them to continue living normally while they seek treatment. There are also inpatient options, which a lot of doctors recommend if you’ve been addicted to something for a while or need to detox. This will ensure that you are safe and can’t go out and do drugs or alcohol too soon after treatment. While you aren’t allowed to leave on your own, this does allow you to shock your body out of its addictive patterns. It’s a very effective method for becoming sober. You can also seek therapy, go to group sessions, and practice religious exploration to combat your addiction. The most important thing to remember when choosing from your wide range of options is to pick something that is best for you. Understand how you can afford treatment Unfortunately, it’s true that drug or alcohol treatment centers can be extremely expensive. If you don’t have a plan in place before you enter one, you might find that you can’t even afford to continue. You need to know what options are available to you when it comes to paying for treatment. Most rehab centers, including the ones in Boulder, will take insurance to pay for treatment and most insurance companies provide plans that cover some or all of the cost of addiction treatment. If you don’t have insurance, government health has plans that cover some of the cost of treatment as well. In the event that you’re still finding it hard to come up with the pay, then don’t lose hope. Many rehab centers are flexible and will work with you to find a payment plan that works for your budget. There are also private and government-funded charities that will help cover the cost. There’s a lot you can do before you give up. Don’t give up! Addiction can be difficult to manage and everyone will have some sort of setback in the process. Just don’t give up! No matter the circumstances, you still deserve to be treated for your drug addiction and you still deserve to have a normal life. Research, talk to friends and family, and seek help. You’re not alone on this journey and there are thousands of people out there who have had success beating their addiction. Read Also: How To Live Stress-Free Planning a Family Vacation as the Kids Grow Up Make Your Vacation Less Stressful With the Following Tricks

Effective Marijuana Detox

7 Guidelines for an Effective Marijuana Detox

Marijuana is the drug of choice in case of post-operation pain. There is a common belief that it is not an addictive drug, but this is not the ultimate truth. It is estimated that around 9% of the people around the world using pot will eventually become addicted to it, while approximately 25-50% are those who used to smoke on daily basis. Marijuana detox: Detoxification is the method used to remove the harmful amount of the substance that is accumulated in the body. Detox from drugs like marijuana is required for the people who are trying to quit the use of the drug but in vain. This is helpful for those who are suffering from marijuana use disorders, or who are trying to clear the THC from their systems, or the mothers who are desperate to protect their children’s health. Many people trying to get a reputable job but they are failed due to addiction, need help to get rid of this habit. Many people who use marijuana in combination with many other drugs like heroin, cocaine, etc. can get an advantage out of marijuana detox due to chances of higher risks during multiple-drug withdrawal. Guidelines for an effective marijuana detox- The initial stages of marijuana withdrawal can be severe during the detoxification. Following are the seven guidelines for an effective marijuana detox: Realize the reason for detox: Firstly when you trying to quit smoking pot on your own, do you find it difficult to do so? Do you start having cravings whenever you are depressed? Do you munch on junk foods often due to smoking pot? Make a list of all of these questions arising in your mind when it becomes difficult for you to continue your detox process. Healthy eating: Start eating lean meat, fruits, pulses, and vegetables instead of sugar and alcohol. Replace your regular meals with foods with high fiber and water content like broccoli, cucumber, beetroot, etc. that helps you to remove as many toxic substances from your system as possible. Workout: When the detox eliminating the excessive amount of the drug from your body, you will feel lightweight and more energetic but no channel is there for you to utilize this energy. For this purpose, the regular workout is the best way out to keep you physically fit and active. The THC accumulated in the body will move out of your system gradually as you start burning your fat. Stay Hydrated: As marijuana will eliminate from the body through urination or perspiration so you need to take plenty of fluids. You can add such substances in your water that will boost up the detox action like lemon, cucumber, ginger, cinnamon, etc. Start Supplements: If you have started the detox process, then vitamins in form of supplements help raise the rate of flushing the drug out of the body. Niacin, Vitamin B3 is commonly used to trigger the elimination of the toxins as it is used to dilate the blood vessels by increasing the histamine level. So one tablet once a day is enough to increase the detox process. Find a Detox Partner: When you register in a detox clinic then there will be many others who are in the same boat. They will act as a support system for you to stay focus on your goal and helps you to achieve it. Go Easy On Yourself: Detoxification is a slow and steady process so you can’t get rid of the drug overnight. You need to be relaxed and have the patience to go through the whole procedure and just avoid such things that trigger the cravings for the drug so you continue to refrain from drug use. Read Also: What’s It Like In A Drug Recovery Center? What You Need To Know About Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life