Yoga For Pregnant Women

Published on: 24 October 2017 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021
Pegnency yoga

You’re expecting? Congratulations! Well, it is the most welcoming yet challenging period in a woman’s life. Practice prenatal yoga to deal with changing body and mood swings.

Pregnancy is the most pleasing time in a woman’s life. For years, a woman dreams about this day to embrace the pleasure of being a mother. When finally the day arrives, it brings along a lot of challenges, especially for the first time mothers to be. During this period, woman battles with morning sickness, mood swings at varying levels, deal with cramps, fatigue and much more.

Due to the various body and emotional changes a woman undergoes during the gestation period, many perceive it as a complication. If you are going through the same and looking for ways to relax, de-stress and stay fit during this life-changing journey, then consider practicing prenatal yoga. The practice of yoga asanas and breathing techniques provides relief from backache, eases morning sickness and much more, ensuring a better gestation period and hassle-free delivery.

The aim of yoga is to lessen the labor pains, help the mother bring the unborn child into the world with minimal complications and, to ensure the wellbeing of the mother and the baby both. In addition to this, it provides numerous physical and mental benefits to the mother, like increasing the endurance and strength of muscles required for natural childbirth, improving the balance as body undergoes rapid changes, helping you to focus on your  breathing that can  be applied during labor pain, developing maternal bond with the child and so many wonderful benefits.  A pregnant woman undergoes several body changes. Yoga can be the ideal way to keep the mom-to-be in shape. Those beginners who do not follow a regular yoga regime are advised not to rush into the practice without medical consent.

Keeping in mind all the precautions and health considerations, here is a list of yoga asanas for the mothers-to-be:

1. Butterfly or baddha konasana:

Sit straight on the floor and stretch your legs fully. Bend your knees and try to bring your feet as close as possible. Join them in namaste position. Keep the hands-on thighs and knees. Take deep breaths. Upon exhalation, press the thighs and knees towards the floor by pressing the elbows over the knees. Hold the pose for as long as you are comfortable. Strengthen pelvis and inner thighs.

2. Mountain Pose or Tadasana:

Stand with feet hip distance apart. Keep your spine upright and arms resting by either side. Now, stretch your arms overhead to join them in Namaskar Mudra. Tilt your head backward and fix your gaze at the fingertips. Keep breathing in and out. Hold the pose for few seconds. Strengthens spine and relieves back pain.

3. Cat Pose or Marjariasana:

Come onto your fours with knees under your hips and hands under the shoulders. Take a deep breath, lift your chin up and slightly push back your head. Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Exhale and bring your chin close to your chest. Relax your hips and hold the pose for 10 seconds. Slowly release the pose. It improves blood circulation level in the body.

Triangle Pose or Trikonasana:

Stand with a straight back on the yoga mat. Spread your feet wide about 3-4 feet. Make sure the toes of both the feet are parallel to each other and heels are aligned. Lift your hands up with palms facing downwards. Align them with your shoulders. Bend towards your left side. At the same time, lift your right hand up towards the sky. Turn your head to the left and fix your gaze on the fingertips of the right hand. Hold the pose for 10-20 seconds. The pose improves hip flexibility and eases pregnancy-related digestive issues.

Child Pose or Balasana:

Kneel on your fours. Keep your knees wide apart about 3-4 feet. Rest your hips on your heels. On an exhalation, bend forward draping your torso between your thighs. Tuck your chin close to your chest and forehead on the ground. Keep your arms extended. Remain in the pose for 5-6 slow breaths. It provides relief from nausea and stress.

Corpse Pose or Savasana:

Lie down on your back on the floor. Rest your hands by your side and keep your eyes closed. Relax your body and mind. Release all your tensions and think about the life growing inside you. Stand up and cover your face with your hands. Take ten breaths and massage your face. It relaxes your whole body.

Practice prenatal yoga to be at your healthiest during your pregnancy period.

Read More :

  1. Follow These 5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat
  2. 9 Tips For Staying Fit And Healthy During Pregnancy
  3. What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym?
  4. Why Jumping On Trampolines Is More Beneficial Than Running Or Jogging?
  5. Bed Time Yoga To Sleep Well

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Great Skin

11 Foods You Must Incorporate Into Your Diet for Great Skin

Acne affects up to a whopping 50 million Americans every year. That's already bad news, but the list of skin problems doesn't end there. There's also atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and yes, aging skin. The good news is, you can prevent or at least minimize your risks for such problems. One of these is through using the best skin care products in the market. Another is through seeking the help of skin care experts. At the end of the day though, having great skin has a lot to do with your own personal skin care regimen. That, and loading up on foods proven helpful for skin health. The good news is, Mother Nature has given us access to so many of these foods. We've rounded up 11 of the best foods that can give you that younger, healthier skin you've always wanted. 1. Avocado: Great news, since almost all of us love avocados. We love it so much that the average American eats about seven pounds of it a year! But what's even better aside from its rich and creamy flavor is that it's loaded with great things for the skin. Vitamin A -- check. Vitamin D -- check. Vitamin E-check. All that and more, avocados can give you and your skin. It's more of a question of what it doesn't, really. It's particularly rich in Vitamin E that helps with hydration and overall skin nutrition. It's rich in fats and phytonutrients, giving the fruit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Researchers have also found avocado oil to have collagen-increasing properties. Another study even found it to have potent antimicrobial effects! We can go on and on about avocado's benefits for the skin, but you get the gist. Plenty more reason to gobble up guacamole! 2. Berries: Who doesn't love strawberry or blueberry cheesecake? Here's another great reason to love these fruits: their skin protecting benefits! Plus, there are plenty of other choices, all of which are lip-smacking. There are the goji, blackberry, and raspberry variants. These fruits may be small, but they pack a punch when it comes to dealing with free radicals. They contain loads of antioxidants, helping kill toxic elements that damage cells. They also supply you with a good dose of Vitamin C to boost your skin's collagen levels. Note though that the darker their color, the better they are for your health (and your skin). But helping reduce signs of skin aging (like wrinkles) isn't berries' only benefit. Their ellagic acid content may also have sun-damage protecting features. A separate study even found they may even boost heart health and brain power! Either way, all those are some berry awesome news, don't you think? 3. Broccoli: For the longest time, Broccoli has been a superpower food. After all, its many health benefits are all scientifically-proven. It can help with detoxification, deal with inflammations, and boost Vitamin D levels. What makes it particularly amazing for the skin is its glucoraphanin content. This phytochemical helps repair skin damage and improve overall skin health. It also helps prevent UV damage that can wreak havoc to your skin. When the body converts this into sulforaphane, it can even act as a preventive agent for cancers! That includes skin cancer, as well as breast, colon, and stomach cancers among many others. So, do what your mom told you. Eat your vegetables, particularly these amazing green florets. Speaking of which, here are a few tips to have your kids eat veggies too. 4. Dark Chocolate: Need more reason to indulge in dark chocolate? Well, how about scientific evidence that they're great for your skin? In one study, participants consumed high flavanol cocoa for six to 12 weeks. They reported an increase in their skin's moisturization level. They also said their skin felt thicker, smoother, and all in all, healthier. A separate study also supports other findings on dark cocoa's skin protective properties. The keyword here is dark, so make sure you know your chocolates. It's best you stick to the dark kind that contains at least 70% cocoa. 5. Fatty Fish: What if we told you there's a way on how to have better skin while also boosting heart health? You can also add lower blood pressure to that list. What we're referring to is loading up on fatty fish! There's the rich, buttery, and great-tasting salmon for starters. For meal variation, you can go with herring and mackerel too. Either way, these fishes contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. They may sound quite unhealthy, but it's exactly the opposite. For instance, you need these fatty acids for the health of your skin. They're especially helpful for keeping your skin hydrated and supple. If you don't eat enough of these fats, your skin may end up becoming dry and scaly. Also, omega-3 fats can help with acne management. These fatty acids help minimize inflammation after all. As such, they make a great addition to the list of must-have ingredients for the best diet for acne. Pro Tip: If you have serious breakouts, consider professional skin care services. Check out MyBotoxLA for services such as facials and skin care treatments. 6. Green Tea: Knowing about the many skin benefits of green tea is one way to drink less soda. Unlike soda that's linked to so many health conditions, green tea is far healthier. For starters, this tea boasts high amounts of catechins. It's one of the plant's primary health-beneficial compounds. Studies like this have shown them to have powerful antioxidant functions. As you know by now, antioxidants protect your skin against damage from UV exposure. The sun's UV rays are notorious for premature skin aging, so drinking green tea may help prevent that. Here's another reason: It can help moisturize your skin! In a three-month study, women who drank green tea reported skin health improvements. These include better skin hydration, less roughness, and greater elasticity. A friendly reminder though: You may want to think twice about splashing some milk in your tea. Granted, further studies have yet to answer the question, "Is dairy bad for your skin?". But existing research found that dairy products may further irritate acne. 7. Kale: Kale is much like broccoli, although it's a relatively new addition to superfoods. It delivers pretty much the same benefits, including helping the body's collagen synthesis. That's many thanks to the high Vitamin C content of the vegetable. Plus, a cup of this contains the same amount of absorbable calcium you'll get with one cup of cow milk. That makes it a much better source for calcium, especially if you're worried about dairy and acne. 8. Nuts: We're not saying you should go nuts every time you eat walnuts or almonds. Even only a handful of them can already bring benefits from their high Vitamin E content. They also contain selenium, another powerful antioxidant. All these, plus their zinc and omega-3 fatty content, make nuts a great skin health booster. These nutrients help keep your skin taut and tight by raising collagen levels. Plus, they're great sources of fiber, helping improve bowel movement. 9. Tofu: Have you ever wondered how women from Southeast Asia (like the Japanese), have amazing skin? Well, it may have something to do with their love of tofu, or soy, in general. First off, tofu's rich in calcium, Vitamin E, and protein (for skin cell production and regeneration). It also contains soy isoflavones, which have shown to increase collagen fibers. Another study also reported that isoflavones may reduce skin wrinkling and discoloration. So, consider adding tofu to your diet. It may give you back that youthful, glowing skin you've had in your younger years. 10. Tomatoes: Who doesn't want clearer skin? Almost all, if not everyone wants glowing, smooth skin, and eating more tomatoes may help. One reason is that of these red fruits' lycopene content. You may have heard of this compound's potential cancer-fighting properties. But lycopene has other skin benefits too, thanks to its antioxidant properties. That includes boosting the skin's protection against the sun's damaging UV rays. Furthermore, it helps minimize damage due to UV exposure. Researchers have also found tomatoes to help with skin cell replacement. 11. Watercress: Watercress' leaves may be smaller than your usual greens, but it's packed with skin benefits. It's vitamin-rich, starting with a high Vitamin A content. It also contains three types of Vitamin B, as well as Vitamins C, E, and K. Those vitamins alone make it a great source for antioxidants that help protect the skin. Researchers also say that watercress consumption may even reduce cancer risks. Combining a Healthy Diet with Proper Skin Care for Great Skin: These are only 11 of the superfoods you should stock up on to have great skin. But, they're some of the best ones that you should incorporate in your healthy meals ASAP. Don't forget that personal hygiene and proper skin care also affect skin health! So, be sure you combine all three for that glorious looking skin. Of course, it also doesn't hurt to visit skin care specialists from time to time. Want more insider info on health, fitness, and food? Then make sure you pay our blog's Lifestyle section a visit! Read Also: Foods To Eat On A Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet 10 Foods For Vibrant, Glowing And Younger Skin

Digital X-Ray

Importance Of Digital X-Ray Tests In Modern Healthcare Services

In healthcare professionals' dynamic and complex world, X-rays are a basic tool, providing unparalleled insights into body structures. While healthcare revolutionized diagnostic practices, weighing both sides of their uses is important.  Thus, one of the greatest advances is the switch from analog X-ray systems to digital X-ray machines. This alteration in healthcare practice not only offers new scopes for diagnosis but also comes out with many other significances compared to conventional ones.  In this article, we will emphasize the significance of digital X-rays and make it clear why they are vital in modern healthcare services.  Importance Of Digital X-Rays Within Modern Healthcare Service Below is a list of the importance of digital X-rays within modern healthcare services.  1. Is More Accurate  Digital X-ray systems stand out because they offer rapid and accurate diagnoses. Similarly, they are significantly effective in emergency situations when the patient is suffering critically.  For example, in situations of trauma, an X-ray can quickly showcase the injury and extent of a fracture, leading to immediate treatment decisions.  On the other hand, they are valuable in detecting different health conditions, such as lung infections and dental issues, allowing appropriate and prompt medical treatment decisions.  Hence, it is the accuracy and speed that not only benefit patient care but also enhance the efficiency of medical care facilities.  2. Non-Invasive And Convenient  One of the major reasons healthcare prefers to adapt to digital X-rays is because of their non-invasive nature. Thus, this makes it a patient-friendly diagnostic choice, avoiding the risk and discomfort of invasive procedures.  Similarly, this means less discomfort and anxiety for patients, as X-rays need minimal preparation and less recovery time.  Therefore, the convenience of X-rays extends with the widespread availability in hospitals, dental offices, and clinics. This makes it a readily accessible tool that healthcare professionals can use for different medical aids.  3. Comprehensive Application  The versatility of X-rays lies in the broad range of applications across the medical discipline. They are integral to orthopedics in assessing bone injuries and lung examinations.  In addition, it is also used in dentistry for oral assessment and even in cardiology for analyzing certain heart conditions.  Furthermore, specialized x-rays procedures like XRD services offer real-time imaging, resolve complex medical treatments, and guide surgical procedures. Similarly, the portable system allows better care for those in remote communities.  Thus, this versatility makes x-rays indispensable for comprehensive patient care and capable of addressing different diagnostic requirements.  4. Provides Improved Image Quality  Digital X-rays provide pictures of higher resolutions than those made by conventional x-rays machines.  Thus, the technology enhances image processing, offering clear and precise pictures. They are of great importance while examining minor irregularities that are associated with different diseases. Hence, it increases the chance of conducting a correct diagnosis.  In addition, digital X-rays can be tweaked after capturing, thereby adjusting the brightness and contrast level. In addition, the ability to change the image enhances the optimal preparation of an image for a typical condition.  Moreover, the diagnostic system can be utilized in different disease disorders.  5. Reduced Radiation Exposure  The digital x-rays have been engineered to generate less harmful radiation than conventional X-ray machines. Hence, the ability to reduce patients' and healthcare specialists' exposure to radiation is one of the significant healthcare concerns.   Similarly, the problems with ionized radiation exposure are less, making digital x-rays safe for frequent and routine diagnostic procedures.  However, the digital x-ray equipment comes with a special dose setting where you can reduce the radiation dose. Hence, these attributes ensure that as little radiation is used to generate a diagnostic picture as possible.  6. Faster Results  A major significance of digital x-rays is their fast response time. In comparison to conventional x-rays, it requires the development of films.  Therefore, digital x-rays give immediate results that can be reviewed instantly. It becomes imperative during emergencies, leading to better decisions when dealing with a patient.  Furthermore, x-rays are easily transmitted electronically to other departments and hospitals, facilitating health workers' work. Thus, digital distribution of medical images enhances consultation, joint diagnosis process, and second opinions.  7. Enhanced Retrieval  Digital X-ray images can be stored and recorded electronically, reducing the need to store physical film and including retrieval requirements.   Rather than filling up space, the medical images are electronically archived in an orderly manner, thereby making them easily available. Thus, this is useful in the healthcare center in tracking health status alterations among patients and allows easy access and review of patient histories.  Therefore, having a convenient way of storing digital images in electronic health records further assists in achieving effective coordination of care offered by healthcare professionals.  8. In Long Run Saves Money  Although buying digital X-ray machines is usually more expensive than conventional x-rays, their lifetime cost is always lower.  Therefore, cost-effectiveness is attained by eliminating chemicals and films, lowering maintenance requirements, and boosting operational efficiency.  In addition to that, the flexibility of digital x-rays caters to greater profits within healthcare facilities.  Why Is Radiology Significant In Healthcare? Here is a list of reasons why radiology is significant in the healthcare services: Based on radiology requirements, it can offer enough guidance for treating the disease. Similarly, the radiographers who conduct therapy utilize highly complex equipment to deliver proper treatment.  Screening offers a preventive measure emphasizing catching disease early to provide effective treatment.  Similarly, detecting disease at an early stage assists in early treatment that prevents it from altering into a fatal condition. Moreover, it improves the scope of evolution and treatment of better technology.  Tracking and evaluating disease with radiology assists the patient in seeing changes that occur in their condition. This eventually assists doctors in assessing whether to continue with the current treatment and look for another alternative.  Summing Up  Digital X-ray technology heralds one of the biggest milestones within medical imaging, signifying great progress compared to traditional and old X-ray systems.  Thus, with superior image quality, faster results, lower radiation exposure than traditional films, and streamlined retrieval, it is obvious that digital X-rays are a must-have within healthcare services.  Hence, digital X-rays play a bigger part in improving patient safety and the diagnostic process.  Read Also: Are X-Rays Dangerous? When You Need To Go To A Chiropractor: Here’s What Experts Say The Upsides Of Choosing Urgent Care Facilities For Immediate Medical Attention


What Is Thinspo? | Impact On Physical And Mental Health

You're wrong if you believe being as slim as possible is the healthiest thing you can do. Such perceptions have led many anonymous online personas to share thinspo content promoting eating disorders like anorexia. Over the past few years, this type of content got consumed by kids and teenagers, leading to a surge in cases of anorexia. This race to attain the ideal body type - which is slimmer than my bones - is unhealthy. Learn more about this online phenomenon by reading this post till the end. What Is Thinspo Meaning? Image Source Anorexic "Thinspo" images and videos are a risky internet fad that supports anorexia. Such content encourages those with anorexia nervosa to maintain unhealthy routines or take on other destructive behaviors. This material may exacerbate the symptoms of eating disorders and harm a person's mental health, particularly their feeling of self-worth. What Are The Pro Ana And Pro Mia Websites? Image Source Anorexia and bulimia are accepted on websites that are pro-ana and pro-mia. Whether the attempts are overt or covert, their main objective is to unite and encourage like-minded individuals to validate their fights. Regrettably, most participants depend on posting and accepting thinspo content to stay committed to their problems rather than promoting recovery services. Although many website administrators and social media sites try to stop triggering remarks, sometimes their good intentions fall short. Unfortunately, all it takes to begin a new male thinspo craze is a new hashtag, website, or inspirational saying. As an illustration, once Instagram forbade "thinspiration" content, people started doing it more. In other words, as moderation increases, people become more inventive with their wordplay. Will Thinspo Content Be Harmful To You? Image Source Not all material that fits the definition of "thinspo" is explicitly or even purposefully inciting self-destructive behaviors. According to a 2019 report, some content producers who are battling eating disorders don't always bring up unhealthy eating habits or actively urge others to do so. However, the nature of their work, in which people are battling eating disorders, may draw attention to their thin bodies. People at risk for developing anorexia nervosa may observe and want to distance themselves. This raises the issue of whether people must thwart someone with an eating disorder from displaying one‘s body on the internet if that content may be thought to put other vulnerable people at risk. This highlights the conversation regarding what ought to be completed about this kind of material and raises the issue of whether people should prevent them from encouraging others to live unhealthy lifestyles. It's more evident that web admins should remove anything openly promoting self-destructive conduct, something many platforms purport to accomplish. Even still, there is frequent information that supports eating disorders on several well-known websites. Before And After Thinspo Effects On Mental Health Image Source Thinspo diet plans can harm people's mental health, especially susceptible populations like young girls. Many children fall into this perilous rabbit hole, which may significantly change how they view their idealised body type. Although this content doesn't often induce eating problems, research has shown that it may instead encourage them. It can also be more challenging for someone to recognize that they have a severe mental health issue, which might postpone receiving treatment. Individuals who suffer from eating disorders frequently engage in websites where other individuals with eating disorders promote disordered behavior and normalize harmful habits, creating an "echo chamber" for themselves. Also, those who struggle with eating disorders frequently adopt a competitive perspective, contrasting their bodies to those of others and striving to "outdo" them regarding calorie consumption and weight objectives. How To Reduce Risks Of Thinspo Content And Anorexia? Image Source Being conscious of yourself is crucial while attempting to lower your risk of anorexia. Recognize when you start to feel nervous about eating or have negative thoughts about your physique. Read only books on healthy eating supported by research, and pay attention to what medical professionals say is the ideal weight limit for a person with your body type. Speak with a mental health professional before you desire to adopt eating patterns different from what health professionals recommend or set weight goals below this range. It has been seen that the body positively lowers a person's chance of eating disorders, including anorexia. Many people, particularly women, are exposed to unrealistic body images through media like social networks and movies, which can harm their sense of self. Content that aims to dispel people's misconceptions about what a typical, healthy body looks like can lower a person's risk of developing an eating disorder. It's essential to "tend one's own garden" in this digital world by watching the stuff you're consuming. The more diverse the algorithms used to select the information you receive will provide similar content, the more of a particular type of content a person will typically consume. Therefore, it's best to be more conscious of what content you consume from the internet. Try your best to avoid content that makes you feel bad or simply not like it at all. In addition, distance yourself from content that requests you to harm yourself and do dangerous things. How To Get Help If I Suffer From Anorexia? Image Source The first important and most challenging step in the rehabilitation process is seeking treatment for anorexia. Recognizing your eating issue, be it anorexia or other disorders, is necessary before getting help from a mental health expert. The intensity of your symptoms will typically determine where you should start looking for treatment. If you're uncertain, contact a helpline for eating disorder treatment or talk to your doctor about your alternatives. Anorexia can be treated as a mental health issue, regardless of the approach used. Anorexics who get the right help and instruction can recover and lead fulfilling lives. The most important thing is to start the therapy process. Final Verdict: Is Thinspo Healthy? No, thinspo, or “thinspiration” is not healthy. Such online content promotes the picture of the ideal body type being super slim. However, if you look closely, this “ideal body type” is a bit too slim in an unhealthy way. Yet today's "woke" teenagers are now becoming entangled in this quagmire and developing anorexia nervosa. Read Also: 6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Psychedelic Therapy for Mental Health Conditions The Future Of Healthcare: Adapting To An Aging Society